export function getPhrases() { return { app: { header: { content: 'Contents', workflow: 'Workflow', media: 'Media', quickAdd: 'Quick add', }, app: { errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration', configErrors: 'Config Errors', checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.', loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...', waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...', }, notFoundPage: { header: 'Not Found', }, }, collection: { sidebar: { collections: 'Collections', searchAll: 'Search all', }, collectionTop: { viewAs: 'View as', newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}', }, entries: { loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries', cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries', longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes', }, }, editor: { editorControlPane: { widget: { required: '%{fieldLabel} is required.', regexPattern: "%{fieldLabel} didn't match the pattern: %{pattern}.", processing: '%{fieldLabel} is processing.', range: '%{fieldLabel} must be between %{minValue} and %{maxValue}.', min: '%{fieldLabel} must be at least %{minValue}.', max: '%{fieldLabel} must be %{maxValue} or less.', }, }, editor: { onLeavePage: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?', onUpdatingWithUnsavedChanges: 'You have unsaved changes, please save before updating status.', onPublishingNotReady: 'Please update status to "Ready" before publishing.', onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: 'You have unsaved changes, please save before publishing.', onPublishing: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?', onDeleteWithUnsavedChanges: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?', onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?', onDeleteUnpublishedChangesWithUnsavedChanges: 'This will delete all unpublished changes to this entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session. Do you still want to delete?', onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: 'All unpublished changes to this entry will be deleted. Do you still want to delete?', loadingEntry: 'Loading entry...', confirmLoadBackup: 'A local backup was recovered for this entry, would you like to use it?', }, editorToolbar: { publishing: 'Publishing...', publish: 'Publish', published: 'Published', publishAndCreateNew: 'Publish and create new', deleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Delete unpublished changes', deleteUnpublishedEntry: 'Delete unpublished entry', deletePublishedEntry: 'Delete published entry', deleteEntry: 'Delete entry', saving: 'Saving...', save: 'Save', deleting: 'Deleting...', updating: 'Updating...', setStatus: 'Set status', backCollection: ' Writing in %{collectionLabel} collection', unsavedChanges: 'Unsaved Changes', changesSaved: 'Changes saved', draft: 'Draft', inReview: 'In review', ready: 'Ready', publishNow: 'Publish now', deployPreviewPendingButtonLabel: 'Check for Preview', deployPreviewButtonLabel: 'View Preview', deployButtonLabel: 'View Live', }, editorWidgets: { unknownControl: { noControl: "No control for widget '%{widget}'.", }, unknownPreview: { noPreview: "No preview for widget '%{widget}'.", }, }, }, mediaLibrary: { mediaLibrary: { onDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete selected media?', }, mediaLibraryModal: { loading: 'Loading...', noResults: 'No results.', noAssetsFound: 'No assets found.', noImagesFound: 'No images found.', private: 'Private ', images: 'Images', mediaAssets: 'Media assets', search: 'Search...', uploading: 'Uploading...', uploadNew: 'Upload new', deleting: 'Deleting...', deleteSelected: 'Delete selected', chooseSelected: 'Choose selected', }, }, ui: { errorBoundary: { title: 'Error', details: "There's been an error - please ", reportIt: 'report it.', }, settingsDropdown: { logOut: 'Log Out', }, toast: { onFailToLoadEntries: 'Failed to load entry: %{details}', onFailToLoadDeployPreview: 'Failed to load preview: %{details}', onFailToPersist: 'Failed to persist entry: %{details}', onFailToDelete: 'Failed to delete entry: %{details}', onFailToUpdateStatus: 'Failed to update status: %{details}', missingRequiredField: "Oops, you've missed a required field. Please complete before saving.", entrySaved: 'Entry saved', entryPublished: 'Entry published', onFailToPublishEntry: 'Failed to publish: %{details}', entryUpdated: 'Entry status updated', onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Unpublished changes deleted', onFailToAuth: '%{details}', }, }, workflow: { workflow: { loading: 'Loading Editorial Workflow Entries', workflowHeading: 'Editorial Workflow', newPost: 'New Post', description: '%{smart_count} entry waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. |||| %{smart_count} entries waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. ', }, workflowCard: { lastChange: '%{date} by %{author}', deleteChanges: 'Delete changes', deleteNewEntry: 'Delete new entry', publishChanges: 'Publish changes', publishNewEntry: 'Publish new entry', }, workflowList: { onDeleteEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?', onPublishingNotReadyEntry: 'Only items with a "Ready" status can be published. Please drag the card to the "Ready" column to enable publishing.', onPublishEntry: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?', draftHeader: 'Drafts', inReviewHeader: 'In Review', readyHeader: 'Ready', currentEntries: '%{smart_count} entry |||| %{smart_count} entries', }, }, }; }