import { filter, flow, fromPairs, map } from 'lodash/fp'; import minimatch from 'minimatch'; // // Pointer file parsing const splitIntoLines = str => str.split('\n'); const splitIntoWords = str => str.split(/\s+/g); const isNonEmptyString = str => str !== ''; const withoutEmptyLines = flow([map(str => str.trim()), filter(isNonEmptyString)]); export const parsePointerFile = flow([ splitIntoLines, withoutEmptyLines, map(splitIntoWords), fromPairs, ({ size, oid, }) => ({ size: parseInt(size), sha: oid.split(':')[1],, }), ]); export const createPointerFile = ({ size, sha }) => `\ version oid sha256:${sha} size ${size} `; // // .gitattributes file parsing const removeGitAttributesCommentsFromLine = line => line.split('#')[0]; const parseGitPatternAttribute = attributeString => { // There are three kinds of attribute settings: // - a key=val pair sets an attribute to a specific value // - a key without a value and a leading hyphen sets an attribute to false // - a key without a value and no leading hyphen sets an attribute // to true if (attributeString.includes('=')) { return attributeString.split('='); } if (attributeString.startsWith('-')) { return [attributeString.slice(1), false]; } return [attributeString, true]; }; const parseGitPatternAttributes = flow([map(parseGitPatternAttribute), fromPairs]); const parseGitAttributesPatternLine = flow([ splitIntoWords, ([pattern, ...attributes]) => [pattern, parseGitPatternAttributes(attributes)], ]); const parseGitAttributesFileToPatternAttributePairs = flow([ splitIntoLines, map(removeGitAttributesCommentsFromLine), withoutEmptyLines, map(parseGitAttributesPatternLine), ]); export const getLargeMediaPatternsFromGitAttributesFile = flow([ parseGitAttributesFileToPatternAttributePairs, filter( // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars ([pattern, attributes]) => attributes.filter === 'lfs' && attributes.diff === 'lfs' && attributes.merge === 'lfs', ), map(([pattern]) => pattern), ]); export const matchPath = ({ patterns }, path) => patterns.some(pattern => minimatch(path, pattern, { matchBase: true })); // // API interactions const defaultContentHeaders = { Accept: 'application/vnd.git-lfs+json', ['Content-Type']: 'application/vnd.git-lfs+json', }; const resourceExists = async ({ rootURL, makeAuthorizedRequest }, { sha, size }) => { const response = await makeAuthorizedRequest({ url: `${rootURL}/verify`, method: 'POST', headers: defaultContentHeaders, body: JSON.stringify({ oid: sha, size }), }); if (response.ok) { return true; } if (response.status === 404) { return false; } // TODO: what kind of error to throw here? APIError doesn't seem // to fit }; const getDownloadURL = ({ rootURL, transformImages: t, makeAuthorizedRequest }, { sha }) => makeAuthorizedRequest( `${rootURL}/origin/${sha}${ t && Object.keys(t).length > 0 ? `?nf_resize=${t.nf_resize}&w=${t.w}&h=${t.h}` : '' }`, ) .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res))) .then(res => res.blob()) .then(blob => URL.createObjectURL(blob)) .catch(err => console.error(err) || Promise.resolve('')); const getResourceDownloadURLArgs = (clientConfig, objects) => { return Promise.resolve({ sha }) => [sha, { sha }])); }; const getResourceDownloadURLs = (clientConfig, objects) => getResourceDownloadURLArgs(clientConfig, objects) .then(map(downloadURLArg => getDownloadURL(downloadURLArg))) .then(Promise.all.bind(Promise)); const uploadOperation = objects => ({ operation: 'upload', transfers: ['basic'], objects:{ sha, }) => ({, oid: sha })), }); const getResourceUploadURLs = async ({ rootURL, makeAuthorizedRequest }, objects) => { const response = await makeAuthorizedRequest({ url: `${rootURL}/objects/batch`, method: 'POST', headers: defaultContentHeaders, body: JSON.stringify(uploadOperation(objects)), }); return (await response.json()) => { if (object.error) { throw new Error(object.error.message); } return object.actions.upload.href; }); }; const uploadBlob = (clientConfig, uploadURL, blob) => fetch(uploadURL, { method: 'PUT', body: blob, }); const uploadResource = async (clientConfig, { sha, size }, resource) => { const existingFile = await resourceExists(clientConfig, { sha, size }); if (existingFile) { return sha; } const [uploadURL] = await getResourceUploadURLs(clientConfig, [{ sha, size }]); await uploadBlob(clientConfig, uploadURL, resource); return sha; }; // // Create Large Media client const configureFn = (config, fn) => (...args) => fn(config, ...args); const clientFns = { resourceExists, getResourceUploadURLs, getResourceDownloadURLs, getResourceDownloadURLArgs, getDownloadURL, uploadResource, matchPath, }; export const getClient = clientConfig => { return flow([ Object.keys, map(key => [key, configureFn(clientConfig, clientFns[key])]), fromPairs, configuredFns => ({ ...configuredFns, patterns: clientConfig.patterns, enabled: clientConfig.enabled, }), ])(clientFns); };