import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client'; import { InMemoryCache, defaultDataIdFromObject, IntrospectionFragmentMatcher, } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'; import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http'; import { setContext } from 'apollo-link-context'; import { APIError, readFile, localForage, DEFAULT_PR_BODY, branchFromContentKey, CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX, throwOnConflictingBranches, } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { trim, trimStart } from 'lodash'; import introspectionQueryResultData from './fragmentTypes'; import API, { API_NAME, PullRequestState, MOCK_PULL_REQUEST } from './API'; import * as queries from './queries'; import * as mutations from './mutations'; import type { Config, BlobArgs } from './API'; import type { NormalizedCacheObject } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory'; import type { QueryOptions, MutationOptions, OperationVariables } from 'apollo-client'; import type { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'; import type { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest'; const NO_CACHE = 'no-cache'; const CACHE_FIRST = 'cache-first'; const fragmentMatcher = new IntrospectionFragmentMatcher({ introspectionQueryResultData, }); interface TreeEntry { object?: { entries: TreeEntry[]; }; type: 'blob' | 'tree'; name: string; sha: string; blob?: { size: number; }; } interface TreeFile { path: string; id: string; size: number; type: string; name: string; } type GraphQLPullRequest = { id: string; baseRefName: string; baseRefOid: string; body: string; headRefName: string; headRefOid: string; number: number; state: string; title: string; mergedAt: string | null; labels: { nodes: { name: string }[] }; repository: { id: string; isFork: boolean; }; }; function transformPullRequest(pr: GraphQLPullRequest) { return {, labels: pr.labels.nodes, head: { ref: pr.headRefName, sha: pr.headRefOid, repo: { fork: pr.repository.isFork } }, base: { ref: pr.baseRefName, sha: pr.baseRefOid }, }; } type Error = GraphQLError & { type: string }; export default class GraphQLAPI extends API { client: ApolloClient; constructor(config: Config) { super(config); this.client = this.getApolloClient(); } getApolloClient() { const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => { return { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', ...headers, authorization: this.token ? `token ${this.token}` : '', }, }; }); const httpLink = createHttpLink({ uri: `${this.apiRoot}/graphql` }); return new ApolloClient({ link: authLink.concat(httpLink), cache: new InMemoryCache({ fragmentMatcher }), defaultOptions: { watchQuery: { fetchPolicy: NO_CACHE, errorPolicy: 'ignore', }, query: { fetchPolicy: NO_CACHE, errorPolicy: 'all', }, }, }); } reset() { return this.client.resetStore(); } async getRepository(owner: string, name: string) { const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.repository, variables: { owner, name }, fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST, // repository id doesn't change }); return data.repository; } query(options: QueryOptions) { return this.client.query(options).catch(error => { throw new APIError(error.message, 500, 'GitHub'); }); } async mutate(options: MutationOptions) { try { const result = await this.client.mutate(options); return result; } catch (error) { const errors = error.graphQLErrors; if (Array.isArray(errors) && errors.some(e => e.message === 'Ref cannot be created.')) { const refName = options?.variables?.createRefInput?.name || ''; const branchName = trimStart(refName, 'refs/heads/'); if (branchName) { await throwOnConflictingBranches(branchName, name => this.getBranch(name), API_NAME); } } else if ( Array.isArray(errors) && errors.some(e => new RegExp( `A ref named "refs/heads/${CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX}/.+?" already exists in the repository.`, ).test(e.message), ) ) { const refName = options?.variables?.createRefInput?.name || ''; const sha = options?.variables?.createRefInput?.oid || ''; const branchName = trimStart(refName, 'refs/heads/'); if (branchName && branchName.startsWith(`${CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX}/`) && sha) { try { // this can happen if the branch wasn't deleted when the PR was merged // we backup the existing branch just in case an re-run the mutation await this.backupBranch(branchName); await this.deleteBranch(branchName); const result = await this.client.mutate(options); return result; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } } throw new APIError(error.message, 500, 'GitHub'); } } async hasWriteAccess() { const { repoOwner: owner, repoName: name } = this; try { const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.repoPermission, variables: { owner, name }, fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST, // we can assume permission doesn't change often }); // const { viewerPermission } = data.repository; return ['ADMIN', 'MAINTAIN', 'WRITE'].includes(viewerPermission); } catch (error) { console.error('Problem fetching repo data from GitHub'); throw error; } } async user() { const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.user, fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST, // we can assume user details don't change often }); return data.viewer; } async retrieveBlobObject(owner: string, name: string, expression: string, options = {}) { const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.blob, variables: { owner, name, expression }, ...options, }); // if (data.repository.object) { const { is_binary: isBinary, text } = data.repository.object; return { isNull: false, isBinary, text }; } else { return { isNull: true }; } } getOwnerAndNameFromRepoUrl(repoURL: string) { let { repoOwner: owner, repoName: name } = this; if (repoURL === this.originRepoURL) { ({ originRepoOwner: owner, originRepoName: name } = this); } return { owner, name }; } async readFile( path: string, sha?: string | null, { branch = this.branch, repoURL = this.repoURL, parseText = true, }: { branch?: string; repoURL?: string; parseText?: boolean; } = {}, ) { if (!sha) { sha = await this.getFileSha(path, { repoURL, branch }); } const fetchContent = () => this.fetchBlobContent({ sha: sha as string, repoURL, parseText }); const content = await readFile(sha, fetchContent, localForage, parseText); return content; } async fetchBlobContent({ sha, repoURL, parseText }: BlobArgs) { if (!parseText) { return super.fetchBlobContent({ sha, repoURL, parseText }); } const { owner, name } = this.getOwnerAndNameFromRepoUrl(repoURL); const { isNull, isBinary, text } = await this.retrieveBlobObject( owner, name, sha, { fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST }, // blob sha is derived from file content ); if (isNull) { throw new APIError('Not Found', 404, 'GitHub'); } else if (!isBinary) { return text; } else { return super.fetchBlobContent({ sha, repoURL, parseText }); } } async getPullRequests( head: string | undefined, state: PullRequestState, predicate: (pr: Octokit.PullsListResponseItem) => boolean, ) { const { originRepoOwner: owner, originRepoName: name } = this; let states; if (state === PullRequestState.Open) { states = ['OPEN']; } else if (state === PullRequestState.Closed) { states = ['CLOSED', 'MERGED']; } else { states = ['OPEN', 'CLOSED', 'MERGED']; } const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.pullRequests, variables: { owner, name, ...(head ? { head } : {}), states, }, }); const { pullRequests, }: { pullRequests: { nodes: GraphQLPullRequest[]; }; } = data.repository; const mapped =; return (mapped as unknown as Octokit.PullsListResponseItem[]).filter( pr => pr.head.ref.startsWith(`${CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX}/`) && predicate(pr), ); } async getOpenAuthoringBranches() { const { repoOwner: owner, repoName: name } = this; const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.openAuthoringBranches, variables: { owner, name, refPrefix: `refs/heads/cms/${this.repo}/`, }, }); return{ name, prefix }: { name: string; prefix: string }) => ({ ref: `${prefix}${name}`, })); } async getStatuses(collectionName: string, slug: string) { const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch); const sha = pullRequest.head.sha; const { originRepoOwner: owner, originRepoName: name } = this; const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.statues, variables: { owner, name, sha } }); if (data.repository.object) { const { status } = data.repository.object; const { contexts } = status || { contexts: [] }; return contexts; } else { return []; } } getAllFiles(entries: TreeEntry[], path: string) { const allFiles: TreeFile[] = entries.reduce((acc, item) => { if (item.type === 'tree') { const entries = item.object?.entries || []; return [...acc, ...this.getAllFiles(entries, `${path}/${}`)]; } else if (item.type === 'blob') { return [ ...acc, { name:, type: item.type, id: item.sha, path: `${path}/${}`, size: item.blob ? item.blob.size : 0, }, ]; } return acc; }, [] as TreeFile[]); return allFiles; } async listFiles(path: string, { repoURL = this.repoURL, branch = this.branch, depth = 1 } = {}) { const { owner, name } = this.getOwnerAndNameFromRepoUrl(repoURL); const folder = trim(path, '/'); const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.files(depth), variables: { owner, name, expression: `${branch}:${folder}` }, }); if (data.repository.object) { const allFiles = this.getAllFiles(data.repository.object.entries, folder); return allFiles; } else { return []; } } getBranchQualifiedName(branch: string) { return `refs/heads/${branch}`; } getBranchQuery(branch: string, owner: string, name: string) { return { query: queries.branch, variables: { owner, name, qualifiedName: this.getBranchQualifiedName(branch), }, }; } async getDefaultBranch() { const { data } = await this.query({ ...this.getBranchQuery(this.branch, this.originRepoOwner, this.originRepoName), }); return data.repository.branch; } async getBranch(branch: string) { const { data } = await this.query({ ...this.getBranchQuery(branch, this.repoOwner, this.repoName), fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST, }); if (!data.repository.branch) { throw new APIError('Branch not found', 404, API_NAME); } return data.repository.branch; } async patchRef(type: string, name: string, sha: string, opts: { force?: boolean } = {}) { if (type !== 'heads') { return super.patchRef(type, name, sha, opts); } const force = opts.force || false; const branch = await this.getBranch(name); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.updateBranch, variables: { input: { oid: sha, refId:, force }, }, }); return data!.updateRef.branch; } async deleteBranch(branchName: string) { const branch = await this.getBranch(branchName); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.deleteBranch, variables: { deleteRefInput: { refId: }, }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any update: (store: any) =>, }); return data!.deleteRef; } getPullRequestQuery(number: number) { const { originRepoOwner: owner, originRepoName: name } = this; return { query: queries.pullRequest, variables: { owner, name, number }, }; } async getPullRequest(number: number) { const { data } = await this.query({ ...this.getPullRequestQuery(number), fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST, }); // // GraphQL state: [CLOSED, MERGED, OPEN] // REST API state: [closed, open] const state = data.repository.pullRequest.state === 'OPEN' ? PullRequestState.Open : PullRequestState.Closed; return {, state, }; } getPullRequestAndBranchQuery(branch: string, number: number) { const { repoOwner: owner, repoName: name } = this; const { originRepoOwner, originRepoName } = this; return { query: queries.pullRequestAndBranch, variables: { owner, name, originRepoOwner, originRepoName, number, qualifiedName: this.getBranchQualifiedName(branch), }, }; } async getPullRequestAndBranch(branch: string, number: number) { const { data } = await this.query({ ...this.getPullRequestAndBranchQuery(branch, number), fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST, }); const { repository, origin } = data; return { branch: repository.branch, pullRequest: origin.pullRequest }; } async openPR(number: number) { const pullRequest = await this.getPullRequest(number); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.reopenPullRequest, variables: { reopenPullRequestInput: { pullRequestId: }, }, update: (store, { data: mutationResult }) => { const { pullRequest } = mutationResult!.reopenPullRequest; const pullRequestData = { repository: { ...pullRequest.repository, pullRequest } }; store.writeQuery({ ...this.getPullRequestQuery(pullRequest.number), data: pullRequestData, }); }, }); return data!.reopenPullRequest; } async closePR(number: number) { const pullRequest = await this.getPullRequest(number); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.closePullRequest, variables: { closePullRequestInput: { pullRequestId: }, }, update: (store, { data: mutationResult }) => { const { pullRequest } = mutationResult!.closePullRequest; const pullRequestData = { repository: { ...pullRequest.repository, pullRequest } }; store.writeQuery({ ...this.getPullRequestQuery(pullRequest.number), data: pullRequestData, }); }, }); return data!.closePullRequest; } async deleteUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) { try { const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(collectionName, slug); const branchName = branchFromContentKey(contentKey); const pr = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branchName); if (pr.number !== MOCK_PULL_REQUEST) { const { branch, pullRequest } = await this.getPullRequestAndBranch(branchName, pr.number); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.closePullRequestAndDeleteBranch, variables: { deleteRefInput: { refId: }, closePullRequestInput: { pullRequestId: }, }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any update: (store: any) => {;; }, }); return data!.closePullRequest; } else { return await this.deleteBranch(branchName); } } catch (e) { const { graphQLErrors } = e; if (graphQLErrors && graphQLErrors.length > 0) { const branchNotFound = graphQLErrors.some((e: Error) => e.type === 'NOT_FOUND'); if (branchNotFound) { return; } } throw e; } } async createPR(title: string, head: string) { const [repository, headReference] = await Promise.all([ this.getRepository(this.originRepoOwner, this.originRepoName), this.useOpenAuthoring ? `${(await this.user()).login}:${head}` : head, ]); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.createPullRequest, variables: { createPullRequestInput: { baseRefName: this.branch, body: DEFAULT_PR_BODY, title, headRefName: headReference, repositoryId:, }, }, update: (store, { data: mutationResult }) => { const { pullRequest } = mutationResult!.createPullRequest; const pullRequestData = { repository: { ...pullRequest.repository, pullRequest } }; store.writeQuery({ ...this.getPullRequestQuery(pullRequest.number), data: pullRequestData, }); }, }); const { pullRequest } = data!.createPullRequest; return { ...pullRequest, head: { sha: pullRequest.headRefOid } }; } async createBranch(branchName: string, sha: string) { const owner = this.repoOwner; const name = this.repoName; const repository = await this.getRepository(owner, name); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.createBranch, variables: { createRefInput: { name: this.getBranchQualifiedName(branchName), oid: sha, repositoryId:, }, }, update: (store, { data: mutationResult }) => { const { branch } = mutationResult!.createRef; const branchData = { repository: { ...branch.repository, branch } }; store.writeQuery({ ...this.getBranchQuery(branchName, owner, name), data: branchData, }); }, }); const { branch } = data!.createRef; return { ...branch, ref: `${branch.prefix}${}` }; } async createBranchAndPullRequest(branchName: string, sha: string, title: string) { const owner = this.originRepoOwner; const name = this.originRepoName; const repository = await this.getRepository(owner, name); const { data } = await this.mutate({ mutation: mutations.createBranchAndPullRequest, variables: { createRefInput: { name: this.getBranchQualifiedName(branchName), oid: sha, repositoryId:, }, createPullRequestInput: { baseRefName: this.branch, body: DEFAULT_PR_BODY, title, headRefName: branchName, repositoryId:, }, }, update: (store, { data: mutationResult }) => { const { branch } = mutationResult!.createRef; const { pullRequest } = mutationResult!.createPullRequest; const branchData = { repository: { ...branch.repository, branch } }; const pullRequestData = { repository: { ...pullRequest.repository, branch }, origin: { ...pullRequest.repository, pullRequest }, }; store.writeQuery({ ...this.getBranchQuery(branchName, owner, name), data: branchData, }); store.writeQuery({ ...this.getPullRequestAndBranchQuery(branchName, pullRequest.number), data: pullRequestData, }); }, }); const { pullRequest } = data!.createPullRequest; return transformPullRequest(pullRequest) as unknown as Octokit.PullsCreateResponse; } async getFileSha(path: string, { repoURL = this.repoURL, branch = this.branch } = {}) { const { owner, name } = this.getOwnerAndNameFromRepoUrl(repoURL); const { data } = await this.query({ query: queries.fileSha, variables: { owner, name, expression: `${branch}:${path}` }, }); if (data.repository.file) { return data.repository.file.sha; } throw new APIError('Not Found', 404, API_NAME); } }