import { get, without, last, map, intersection, omit } from 'lodash'; import u from 'unist-builder'; import mdastToString from 'mdast-util-to-string'; /** * Map of Slate node types to MDAST/Remark node types. */ const typeMap = { root: 'root', paragraph: 'paragraph', 'heading-one': 'heading', 'heading-two': 'heading', 'heading-three': 'heading', 'heading-four': 'heading', 'heading-five': 'heading', 'heading-six': 'heading', quote: 'blockquote', 'code-block': 'code', 'numbered-list': 'list', 'bulleted-list': 'list', 'list-item': 'listItem', table: 'table', 'table-row': 'tableRow', 'table-cell': 'tableCell', break: 'break', 'thematic-break': 'thematicBreak', link: 'link', image: 'image', shortcode: 'shortcode', }; /** * Map of Slate mark types to MDAST/Remark node types. */ const markMap = { bold: 'strong', italic: 'emphasis', strikethrough: 'delete', code: 'inlineCode', }; const leadingWhitespaceExp = /^\s+\S/; const trailingWhitespaceExp = /(?!\S)\s+$/; export default function slateToRemark(raw, { voidCodeBlock }) { /** * The Slate Raw AST generally won't have a top level type, so we set it to * "root" for clarity. */ raw.type = 'root'; return transform(raw); /** * The transform function mimics the approach of a Remark plugin for * conformity with the other serialization functions. This function converts * Slate nodes to MDAST nodes, and recursively calls itself to process child * nodes to arbitrary depth. */ function transform(node) { /** * Combine adjacent text and inline nodes before processing so they can * share marks. */ const hasBlockChildren = node.nodes && node.nodes[0] && node.nodes[0].object === 'block'; const children = hasBlockChildren ? => v) : convertInlineAndTextChildren(node.nodes); const output = convertBlockNode(node, children); //console.log(JSON.stringify(output, null, 2)); return output; } function removeMarkFromNodes(nodes, markType) { return => { switch (node.type) { case 'link': { const updatedNodes = removeMarkFromNodes(node.nodes, markType); return { ...node, nodes: updatedNodes, }; } case 'image': case 'break': { const data = omit(, 'marks'); return { ...node, data }; } default: return { ...node, marks: node.marks.filter(({ type }) => type !== markType), }; } }); } function getNodeMarks(node) { switch (node.type) { case 'link': { // Code marks can't always be condensed together. If all text in a link // is wrapped in a mark, this function returns that mark and the node // ends up nested inside of that mark. Code marks sometimes can't do // that, like when they wrap all of the text content of a link. Here we // remove code marks before processing so that they stay put. const nodesWithoutCode = => ({ ...n, marks: n.marks ? n.marks.filter(({ type }) => type !== 'code') : n.marks, })); const childMarks = map(nodesWithoutCode, getNodeMarks); return intersection(...childMarks); } case 'break': case 'image': return map(get(node, ['data', 'marks']), mark => mark.type); default: return map(node.marks, mark => mark.type); } } function getSharedMarks(marks, node) { const nodeMarks = getNodeMarks(node); const sharedMarks = intersection(marks, nodeMarks); if (sharedMarks[0] === 'code') { return nodeMarks.length === 1 ? marks : []; } return sharedMarks; } function extractFirstMark(nodes) { let firstGroupMarks = getNodeMarks(nodes[0]) || []; // If code mark is present, but there are other marks, process others first. // If only the code mark is present, don't allow it to be shared with other // nodes. if (firstGroupMarks[0] === 'code' && firstGroupMarks.length > 1) { firstGroupMarks = [...without('firstGroupMarks', 'code'), 'code']; } let splitIndex = 1; if (firstGroupMarks.length > 0) { while (splitIndex < nodes.length) { if (nodes[splitIndex]) { const sharedMarks = getSharedMarks(firstGroupMarks, nodes[splitIndex]); if (sharedMarks.length > 0) { firstGroupMarks = sharedMarks; } else { break; } } splitIndex += 1; } } const markType = firstGroupMarks[0]; const childNodes = nodes.slice(0, splitIndex); const updatedChildNodes = markType ? removeMarkFromNodes(childNodes, markType) : childNodes; const remainingNodes = nodes.slice(splitIndex); return [markType, updatedChildNodes, remainingNodes]; } /** * Converts the strings returned from `splitToNamedParts` to Slate nodes. */ function splitWhitespace(node, { trailing } = {}) { if (!node.text) { return { trimmedNode: node }; } const exp = trailing ? trailingWhitespaceExp : leadingWhitespaceExp; const index =; if (index > -1) { const substringIndex = trailing ? index : index + 1; const firstSplit = node.text.substring(0, substringIndex); const secondSplit = node.text.substring(substringIndex); const whitespace = trailing ? secondSplit : firstSplit; const text = trailing ? firstSplit : secondSplit; return { whitespace, trimmedNode: { ...node, text } }; } return { trimmedNode: node }; } function collectCenterNodes(nodes, leadingNode, trailingNode) { switch (nodes.length) { case 0: return []; case 1: return [trailingNode]; case 2: return [leadingNode, trailingNode]; default: return [leadingNode, ...nodes.slice(1, -1), trailingNode]; } } function normalizeFlankingWhitespace(nodes) { const { whitespace: leadingWhitespace, trimmedNode: leadingNode } = splitWhitespace(nodes[0]); const lastNode = nodes.length > 1 ? last(nodes) : leadingNode; const trailingSplitResult = splitWhitespace(lastNode, { trailing: true }); const { whitespace: trailingWhitespace, trimmedNode: trailingNode } = trailingSplitResult; const centerNodes = collectCenterNodes(nodes, leadingNode, trailingNode).filter(val => val); return { leadingWhitespace, centerNodes, trailingWhitespace }; } function convertInlineAndTextChildren(nodes = []) { const convertedNodes = []; let remainingNodes = nodes; while (remainingNodes.length > 0) { const nextNode = remainingNodes[0]; if (nextNode.object === 'inline' || (nextNode.marks && nextNode.marks.length > 0)) { const [markType, markNodes, remainder] = extractFirstMark(remainingNodes); /** * A node with a code mark will be a text node, and will not be adjacent * to a sibling code node as the Slate schema requires them to be * merged. Markdown also requires at least a space between inline code * nodes. */ if (markType === 'code') { const node = markNodes[0]; convertedNodes.push(u(markMap[markType],, node.text)); } else if (!markType && markNodes.length === 1 && markNodes[0].object === 'inline') { const node = markNodes[0]; convertedNodes.push(convertInlineNode(node, convertInlineAndTextChildren(node.nodes))); } else { const { leadingWhitespace, trailingWhitespace, centerNodes, } = normalizeFlankingWhitespace(markNodes); const children = convertInlineAndTextChildren(centerNodes); const markNode = u(markMap[markType], children); // Filter out empty marks, otherwise their output literally by // remark-stringify, eg. an empty bold node becomes "****" if (mdastToString(markNode) === '') { remainingNodes = remainder; continue; } const createText = text => text && u('html', text); const normalizedNodes = [ createText(leadingWhitespace), markNode, createText(trailingWhitespace), ].filter(val => val); convertedNodes.push(...normalizedNodes); } remainingNodes = remainder; } else { remainingNodes.shift(); convertedNodes.push(u('html', nextNode.text)); } } return convertedNodes; } function convertBlockNode(node, children) { switch (node.type) { /** * General * * Convert simple cases that only require a type and children, with no * additional properties. */ case 'root': case 'paragraph': case 'quote': case 'list-item': case 'table': case 'table-row': case 'table-cell': { return u(typeMap[node.type], children); } /** * Shortcodes * * Shortcode nodes only exist in Slate's Raw AST if they were inserted * via the plugin toolbar in memory, so they should always have * shortcode data attached. The "shortcode" data property contains the * name of the registered shortcode plugin, and the "shortcodeData" data * property contains the data received from the shortcode plugin's * `fromBlock` method when the shortcode node was created. * * Here we create a `shortcode` MDAST node that contains only the shortcode * data. */ case 'shortcode': { const { data } = node; return u(typeMap[node.type], { data }); } /** * Headings * * Slate schemas don't usually infer basic type info from data, so each * level of heading is a separately named type. The MDAST schema just * has a single "heading" type with the depth stored in a "depth" * property on the node. Here we derive the depth from the Slate node * type - e.g., for "heading-two", we need a depth value of "2". */ case 'heading-one': case 'heading-two': case 'heading-three': case 'heading-four': case 'heading-five': case 'heading-six': { const depthMap = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6 }; const depthText = node.type.split('-')[1]; const depth = depthMap[depthText]; const mdastNode = u(typeMap[node.type], { depth }, children); if (mdastToString(mdastNode)) { return mdastNode; } return; } /** * Code Blocks * * Code block nodes may have a single text child, or instead be void and * store their value in `data.code`. They also may have a code language * stored in the "lang" data property. Here we transfer both the node value * and the "lang" data property to the new MDAST node, and spread any * remaining data as `data`. */ case 'code-block': { const { lang, code, } = get(node, 'data', {}); const value = voidCodeBlock ? code : children[0]?.value; return u(typeMap[node.type], { lang, data }, value || ''); } /** * Lists * * Our Slate schema has separate node types for ordered and unordered * lists, but the MDAST spec uses a single type with a boolean "ordered" * property to indicate whether the list is numbered. The MDAST spec also * allows for a "start" property to indicate the first number used for an * ordered list. Here we translate both values to our Slate schema. */ case 'numbered-list': case 'bulleted-list': { const ordered = node.type === 'numbered-list'; const props = { ordered, start: get(, 'start') || 1 }; return u(typeMap[node.type], props, children); } /** * Thematic Break * * Thematic break is a block level break. They cannot have children. */ case 'thematic-break': { return u(typeMap[node.type]); } } } function convertInlineNode(node, children) { switch (node.type) { /** * Break * * Breaks are phrasing level breaks. They cannot have children. */ case 'break': { return u(typeMap[node.type]); } /** * Links * * The url and title attributes of link nodes are stored in properties on * the node for both Slate and Remark schemas. */ case 'link': { const { url, title, } = get(node, 'data', {}); return u(typeMap[node.type], { url, title, data }, children); } /** * Images * * This transformation is almost identical to that of links, except for the * lack of child nodes and addition of `alt` attribute data. */ case 'image': { const { url, title, alt, } = get(node, 'data', {}); return u(typeMap[node.type], { url, title, alt, data }); } } } }