import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { Editor, Raw } from 'slate'; import position from 'selection-position'; import MarkupIt, { SlateUtils } from 'markup-it'; import getSyntax from '../syntax'; import { emptyParagraphBlock } from '../constants'; import { DEFAULT_NODE, NODES, MARKS } from './localRenderers'; import StylesMenu from './StylesMenu'; import BlockTypesMenu from './BlockTypesMenu'; import styles from './index.css'; /** * Slate Render Configuration */ class VisualEditor extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.getMedia = this.getMedia.bind(this); const MarkdownSyntax = getSyntax(this.getMedia); this.markdown = new MarkupIt(MarkdownSyntax); this.customImageNodeRenderer = this.customImageNodeRenderer.bind(this); NODES['mediaproxy'] = this.customImageNodeRenderer; this.blockEdit = false; this.menuPositions = { stylesMenu: { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, blockTypesMenu: { top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } }; let rawJson; if (props.value !== undefined) { const content = this.markdown.toContent(props.value); rawJson = SlateUtils.encode(content); } else { rawJson = emptyParagraphBlock; } this.state = { state: Raw.deserialize(rawJson, { terse: true }) }; this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); this.handleDocumentChange = this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this); this.handleMarkStyleClick = this.handleMarkStyleClick.bind(this); this.handleBlockStyleClick = this.handleBlockStyleClick.bind(this); this.handleInlineClick = this.handleInlineClick.bind(this); this.handleBlockTypeClick = this.handleBlockTypeClick.bind(this); this.handleImageClick = this.handleImageClick.bind(this); this.focusAndAddParagraph = this.focusAndAddParagraph.bind(this); this.handleKeyDown = this.handleKeyDown.bind(this); this.calculateHoverMenuPosition = _.throttle(this.calculateHoverMenuPosition.bind(this), 30); this.calculateBlockMenuPosition = _.throttle(this.calculateBlockMenuPosition.bind(this), 100); this.renderBlockTypesMenu = this.renderBlockTypesMenu.bind(this); this.renderNode = this.renderNode.bind(this); this.renderMark = this.renderMark.bind(this); } getMedia(src) { return this.props.getMedia(src); } /** * Custom local renderer for image proxy. */ customImageNodeRenderer(editorProps) { const { node, state } = editorProps; const isFocused = state.selection.hasEdgeIn(node); const className = isFocused ? : null; const src ='src'); return ( ); } /** * Slate keeps track of selections, scroll position etc. * So, onChange gets dispatched on every interaction (click, arrows, everything...) * It also have an onDocumentChange, that get's dispached only when the actual * content changes */ handleChange(state) { if (this.blockEdit) { this.blockEdit = false; } else { this.calculateHoverMenuPosition(); this.setState({ state }, this.calculateBlockMenuPosition); } } handleDocumentChange(document, state) { const rawJson = Raw.serialize(state, { terse: true }); const content = SlateUtils.decode(rawJson); this.props.onChange(this.markdown.toText(content)); } calculateHoverMenuPosition() { const rect = position(); this.menuPositions.stylesMenu = { top: + window.scrollY, left: rect.left + window.scrollX, width: rect.width, height: rect.height }; } calculateBlockMenuPosition() { // Don't bother calculating position if block is not empty if (this.state.state.blocks.get(0).isEmpty) { const blockElement = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-key='${this.state.state.selection.focusKey}']`); if (blockElement.length > 0) { const rect = blockElement[0].getBoundingClientRect(); this.menuPositions.blockTypesMenu = { top: + window.scrollY, left: rect.left + window.scrollX }; // Force re-render so the menu is positioned on these new coordinates this.forceUpdate(); } } } /** * Toggle marks / blocks when button is clicked */ handleMarkStyleClick(type) { let { state } = this.state; state = state .transform() .toggleMark(type) .apply(); this.setState({ state }); } handleBlockStyleClick(type, isActive, isList) { let { state } = this.state; let transform = state.transform(); const { document } = state; // Handle everything but list buttons. if (type != 'unordered_list' && type != 'ordered_list') { if (isList) { transform = transform .setBlock(isActive ? DEFAULT_NODE : type) .unwrapBlock('unordered_list') .unwrapBlock('ordered_list'); } else { transform = transform .setBlock(isActive ? DEFAULT_NODE : type); } } // Handle the extra wrapping required for list buttons. else { const isType = state.blocks.some((block) => { return !!document.getClosest(block, parent => parent.type == type); }); if (isList && isType) { transform = transform .setBlock(DEFAULT_NODE) .unwrapBlock('unordered_list'); } else if (isList) { transform = transform .unwrapBlock(type == 'unordered_list') .wrapBlock(type); } else { transform = transform .setBlock('list_item') .wrapBlock(type); } } state = transform.apply(); this.setState({ state }); } /** * When clicking a link, if the selection has a link in it, remove the link. * Otherwise, add a new link with an href and text. * * @param {Event} e */ handleInlineClick(type, isActive) { let { state } = this.state; if (type === 'link') { if (!state.isExpanded) return; if (isActive) { state = state .transform() .unwrapInline('link') .apply(); } else { const href = window.prompt('Enter the URL of the link:', 'http://www.'); state = state .transform() .wrapInline({ type: 'link', data: { href } }) .collapseToEnd() .apply(); } } this.setState({ state }); } handleBlockTypeClick(type) { let { state } = this.state; state = state .transform() .insertBlock({ type: type, isVoid: true }) .apply(); this.setState({ state }, this.focusAndAddParagraph); } handleImageClick(mediaProxy) { let { state } = this.state; this.props.onAddMedia(mediaProxy); state = state .transform() .insertInline({ type: 'mediaproxy', isVoid: true, data: { src: mediaProxy.path } }) .collapseToEnd() .insertBlock(DEFAULT_NODE) .focus() .apply(); this.setState({ state }); } focusAndAddParagraph() { const { state } = this.state; const blocks = state.document.getBlocks(); const last = blocks.last(); const normalized = state .transform() .focus() .collapseToEndOf(last) .splitBlock() .setBlock(DEFAULT_NODE) .apply({ snapshot: false }); this.setState({ state:normalized }); } handleKeyDown(evt) { if (evt.shiftKey && evt.key === 'Enter') { this.blockEdit = true; let { state } = this.state; state = state .transform() .insertText(' \n') .apply(); this.setState({ state }); } } /** * Return renderers for Slate */ renderNode(node) { return NODES[node.type]; } renderMark(mark) { return MARKS[mark.type]; } renderBlockTypesMenu() { const currentBlock = this.state.state.blocks.get(0); const isOpen = (this.props.value !== undefined && currentBlock.isEmpty && currentBlock.type !== 'horizontal-rule'); return ( ); } renderStylesMenu() { const { state } = this.state; const isOpen = !(state.isBlurred || state.isCollapsed); return ( ); } render() { return (
{this.renderStylesMenu()} {this.renderBlockTypesMenu()}
); } } export default VisualEditor; VisualEditor.propTypes = { onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onAddMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired, value: PropTypes.node, };