import type { List, Map } from 'immutable'; import type { ComponentType, FocusEventHandler, ReactNode } from 'react'; import type { t, TranslateProps as ReactPolyglotTranslateProps } from 'react-polyglot'; import type { Pluggable } from 'unified'; import type Cursor from './lib/util/Cursor'; import type { CollectionType } from './constants/collectionTypes'; export type TranslatedProps = T & ReactPolyglotTranslateProps; export type GetAssetFunction = (asset: string) => { url: string; path: string; field?: any; fileObj: File; }; export interface CmsWidgetControlProps { value: T; field: Map; onChange: (value: T) => void; forID: string; classNameWrapper: string; setActiveStyle: FocusEventHandler; setInactiveStyle: FocusEventHandler; t: t; } export interface CmsWidgetPreviewProps { value: T; field: Map; metadata: Map; getAsset: GetAssetFunction; entry: Map; fieldsMetaData: Map; } export interface CmsWidgetParam { name: string; controlComponent: ComponentType>; previewComponent?: ComponentType>; validator?: (props: { field: Map; value: T | undefined | null; t: t; }) => boolean | { error: any } | Promise; globalStyles?: any; } export interface CmsWidget { control: ComponentType>; preview?: ComponentType>; globalStyles?: any; } export type PreviewTemplateComponentProps = { entry: Map; collection: Map; widgetFor: (name: any, fields?: any, values?: any, fieldsMetaData?: any) => JSX.Element | null; widgetsFor: (name: any) => any; getAsset: GetAssetFunction; boundGetAsset: (collection: any, path: any) => GetAssetFunction; fieldsMetaData: Map; config: Map; fields: List>; isLoadingAsset: boolean; window: Window; document: Document; }; export type DisplayURLObject = { id: string; path: string }; export type DisplayURL = DisplayURLObject | string; export type DataFile = { path: string; slug: string; raw: string; newPath?: string; }; export type AssetProxy = { path: string; fileObj?: File; toBase64?: () => Promise; }; export type Entry = { dataFiles: DataFile[]; assets: AssetProxy[]; }; export type PersistOptions = { newEntry?: boolean; commitMessage: string; collectionName?: string; useWorkflow?: boolean; unpublished?: boolean; status?: string; }; export type DeleteOptions = {}; export type Credentials = { token: string | {}; refresh_token?: string }; export type User = Credentials & { backendName?: string; login?: string; name: string; useOpenAuthoring?: boolean; }; export interface ImplementationEntry { data: string; file: { path: string; label?: string; id?: string | null; author?: string; updatedOn?: string }; } export type ImplementationFile = { id?: string | null | undefined; label?: string; path: string; }; export interface ImplementationMediaFile { name: string; id: string; size?: number; displayURL?: DisplayURL; path: string; draft?: boolean; url?: string; file?: File; } export interface UnpublishedEntryMediaFile { id: string; path: string; } export interface UnpublishedEntryDiff { id: string; path: string; newFile: boolean; } export interface UnpublishedEntry { pullRequestAuthor?: string; slug: string; collection: string; status: string; diffs: UnpublishedEntryDiff[]; updatedAt: string; } export type CursorStoreObject = { actions: Set; data: Map; meta: Map; }; export type CursorStore = { get( key: K, defaultValue?: CursorStoreObject[K], ): CursorStoreObject[K]; getIn(path: string[]): V; set( key: K, value: V, ): CursorStoreObject[K]; setIn(path: string[], value: unknown): CursorStore; hasIn(path: string[]): boolean; mergeIn(path: string[], value: unknown): CursorStore; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any update: (...args: any[]) => CursorStore; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any updateIn: (...args: any[]) => CursorStore; }; export interface Implementation { authComponent: () => void; restoreUser: (user: User) => Promise; authenticate: (credentials: Credentials) => Promise; logout: () => Promise | void | null; getToken: () => Promise; getEntry: (path: string) => Promise; entriesByFolder: ( folder: string, extension: string, depth: number, ) => Promise; entriesByFiles: (files: ImplementationFile[]) => Promise; getMediaDisplayURL?: (displayURL: DisplayURL) => Promise; getMedia: (folder?: string) => Promise; getMediaFile: (path: string) => Promise; persistEntry: (entry: Entry, opts: PersistOptions) => Promise; persistMedia: (file: AssetProxy, opts: PersistOptions) => Promise; deleteFiles: (paths: string[], commitMessage: string) => Promise; unpublishedEntries: () => Promise; unpublishedEntry: (args: { id?: string; collection?: string; slug?: string; }) => Promise; unpublishedEntryDataFile: ( collection: string, slug: string, path: string, id: string, ) => Promise; unpublishedEntryMediaFile: ( collection: string, slug: string, path: string, id: string, ) => Promise; updateUnpublishedEntryStatus: ( collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string, ) => Promise; publishUnpublishedEntry: (collection: string, slug: string) => Promise; deleteUnpublishedEntry: (collection: string, slug: string) => Promise; getDeployPreview: ( collectionName: string, slug: string, ) => Promise<{ url: string; status: string } | null>; allEntriesByFolder?: ( folder: string, extension: string, depth: number, ) => Promise; traverseCursor?: ( cursor: Cursor, action: string, ) => Promise<{ entries: ImplementationEntry[]; cursor: Cursor }>; isGitBackend?: () => boolean; status: () => Promise<{ auth: { status: boolean }; api: { status: boolean; statusPage: string }; }>; } export interface CmsRegistryBackend { init: (args: any) => Implementation; } export type CmsLocalePhrases = Record; // TODO: type properly export type CmsWidgetValueSerializer = any; // TODO: type properly export type CmsMediaLibraryOptions = any; // TODO: type properly export interface CmsMediaLibrary { name: string; config?: CmsMediaLibraryOptions; } export interface PreviewStyleOptions { raw: boolean; } export interface PreviewStyle extends PreviewStyleOptions { value: string; } export type CmsBackendType = | 'azure' | 'git-gateway' | 'github' | 'gitlab' | 'bitbucket' | 'test-repo' | 'proxy'; export type CmsMapWidgetType = 'Point' | 'LineString' | 'Polygon'; export type CmsMarkdownWidgetButton = | 'bold' | 'italic' | 'code' | 'link' | 'heading-one' | 'heading-two' | 'heading-three' | 'heading-four' | 'heading-five' | 'heading-six' | 'quote' | 'code-block' | 'bulleted-list' | 'numbered-list'; export interface CmsSelectWidgetOptionObject { label: string; value: any; } export type CmsCollectionFormatType = | 'yml' | 'yaml' | 'toml' | 'json' | 'frontmatter' | 'yaml-frontmatter' | 'toml-frontmatter' | 'json-frontmatter'; export type CmsAuthScope = 'repo' | 'public_repo'; export type CmsPublishMode = 'simple' | 'editorial_workflow'; export type CmsSlugEncoding = 'unicode' | 'ascii'; export interface CmsI18nConfig { structure: 'multiple_folders' | 'multiple_files' | 'single_file'; locales: string[]; default_locale?: string; } export interface CmsFieldBase { name: string; label?: string; required?: boolean; hint?: string; pattern?: [string, string]; i18n?: boolean | 'translate' | 'duplicate' | 'none'; media_folder?: string; public_folder?: string; comment?: string; } export interface CmsFieldBoolean { widget: 'boolean'; default?: boolean; } export interface CmsFieldCode { widget: 'code'; default?: any; default_language?: string; allow_language_selection?: boolean; keys?: { code: string; lang: string }; output_code_only?: boolean; } export interface CmsFieldColor { widget: 'color'; default?: string; allowInput?: boolean; enableAlpha?: boolean; } export interface CmsFieldDateTime { widget: 'datetime'; default?: string; format?: string; date_format?: boolean | string; time_format?: boolean | string; picker_utc?: boolean; /** * @deprecated Use date_format instead */ dateFormat?: boolean | string; /** * @deprecated Use time_format instead */ timeFormat?: boolean | string; /** * @deprecated Use picker_utc instead */ pickerUtc?: boolean; } export interface CmsFieldFileOrImage { widget: 'file' | 'image'; default?: string; media_library?: CmsMediaLibrary; allow_multiple?: boolean; config?: any; } export interface CmsFieldObject { widget: 'object'; default?: any; collapsed?: boolean; summary?: string; fields: CmsField[]; } export interface CmsFieldList { widget: 'list'; default?: any; allow_add?: boolean; collapsed?: boolean; summary?: string; minimize_collapsed?: boolean; label_singular?: string; field?: CmsField; fields?: CmsField[]; max?: number; min?: number; add_to_top?: boolean; types?: (CmsFieldBase & CmsFieldObject)[]; } export interface CmsFieldMap { widget: 'map'; default?: string; decimals?: number; type?: CmsMapWidgetType; } export interface CmsFieldMarkdown { widget: 'markdown'; default?: string; minimal?: boolean; buttons?: CmsMarkdownWidgetButton[]; editor_components?: string[]; modes?: ('raw' | 'rich_text')[]; /** * @deprecated Use editor_components instead */ editorComponents?: string[]; } export interface CmsFieldNumber { widget: 'number'; default?: string | number; value_type?: 'int' | 'float' | string; min?: number; max?: number; step?: number; /** * @deprecated Use valueType instead */ valueType?: 'int' | 'float' | string; } export interface CmsFieldSelect { widget: 'select'; default?: string | string[]; options: string[] | CmsSelectWidgetOptionObject[]; multiple?: boolean; min?: number; max?: number; } export interface CmsFieldRelation { widget: 'relation'; default?: string | string[]; collection: string; value_field: string; search_fields: string[]; file?: string; display_fields?: string[]; multiple?: boolean; options_length?: number; /** * @deprecated Use value_field instead */ valueField?: string; /** * @deprecated Use search_fields instead */ searchFields?: string[]; /** * @deprecated Use display_fields instead */ displayFields?: string[]; /** * @deprecated Use options_length instead */ optionsLength?: number; } export interface CmsFieldHidden { widget: 'hidden'; default?: any; } export interface CmsFieldStringOrText { // This is the default widget, so declaring its type is optional. widget?: 'string' | 'text'; default?: string; } export interface CmsFieldMeta { name: string; label: string; widget: string; required: boolean; index_file: string; meta: boolean; } export type CmsField = CmsFieldBase & ( | CmsFieldBoolean | CmsFieldCode | CmsFieldColor | CmsFieldDateTime | CmsFieldFileOrImage | CmsFieldList | CmsFieldMap | CmsFieldMarkdown | CmsFieldNumber | CmsFieldObject | CmsFieldRelation | CmsFieldSelect | CmsFieldHidden | CmsFieldStringOrText | CmsFieldMeta ); export interface CmsCollectionFile { name: string; label: string; file: string; fields: CmsField[]; label_singular?: string; description?: string; preview_path?: string; preview_path_date_field?: string; i18n?: boolean | CmsI18nConfig; media_folder?: string; public_folder?: string; editor?: { preview?: boolean; }; } export interface ViewFilter { id: string; label: string; field: string; pattern: string; } export interface ViewGroup { id: string; label: string; field: string; pattern?: string; } export enum SortDirection { Ascending = 'Ascending', Descending = 'Descending', None = 'None', } export interface CmsSortableFieldsDefault { field: string; direction?: SortDirection; } export interface CmsSortableFields { default?: CmsSortableFieldsDefault; fields: string[]; } export interface CmsCollection { name: string; type?: CollectionType; icon?: string; label: string; label_singular?: string; description?: string; folder?: string; files?: CmsCollectionFile[]; identifier_field?: string; summary?: string; slug?: string; preview_path?: string; preview_path_date_field?: string; create?: boolean; delete?: boolean; hide?: boolean; editor?: { preview?: boolean; }; publish?: boolean; nested?: { depth: number; }; meta?: { path?: { label: string; widget: string; index_file: string } }; /** * It accepts the following values: yml, yaml, toml, json, md, markdown, html * * You may also specify a custom extension not included in the list above, by specifying the format value. */ extension?: string; format?: CmsCollectionFormatType; frontmatter_delimiter?: string[] | string; fields?: CmsField[]; filter?: { field: string; value: any }; path?: string; media_folder?: string; public_folder?: string; sortable_fields?: CmsSortableFields; view_filters?: ViewFilter[]; view_groups?: ViewGroup[]; i18n?: boolean | CmsI18nConfig; } export interface CmsBackend { name: CmsBackendType; auth_scope?: CmsAuthScope; open_authoring?: boolean; always_fork?: boolean; repo?: string; branch?: string; api_root?: string; site_domain?: string; base_url?: string; auth_endpoint?: string; app_id?: string; auth_type?: 'implicit' | 'pkce'; cms_label_prefix?: string; squash_merges?: boolean; proxy_url?: string; commit_messages?: { create?: string; update?: string; delete?: string; uploadMedia?: string; deleteMedia?: string; openAuthoring?: string; }; } export interface CmsSlug { encoding?: CmsSlugEncoding; clean_accents?: boolean; sanitize_replacement?: string; } export interface CmsLocalBackend { url?: string; allowed_hosts?: string[]; } export interface CmsConfig { backend: CmsBackend; collections: CmsCollection[]; locale?: string; site_url?: string; display_url?: string; logo_url?: string; show_preview_links?: boolean; media_folder?: string; public_folder?: string; media_folder_relative?: boolean; media_library?: CmsMediaLibrary; publish_mode?: CmsPublishMode; load_config_file?: boolean; integrations?: { hooks: string[]; provider: string; collections?: '*' | string[]; applicationID?: string; apiKey?: string; getSignedFormURL?: string; }[]; slug?: CmsSlug; i18n?: CmsI18nConfig; local_backend?: boolean | CmsLocalBackend; editor?: { preview?: boolean; }; search?: boolean; } export interface InitOptions { config: CmsConfig; } export type CmsBackendClass = Implementation; export interface EditorComponentField { name: string; label: string; widget: string; } export interface EditorComponentWidgetOptions { id: string; label: string; widget: string; type: string; } export interface EditorComponentManualOptions { id: string; label: string; fields: EditorComponentField[]; pattern: RegExp; allow_add?: boolean; fromBlock: (match: RegExpMatchArray) => any; toBlock: (data: any) => string; toPreview: (data: any) => string; } export type EditorComponentOptions = EditorComponentManualOptions | EditorComponentWidgetOptions; export interface CmsEventListener { name: 'prePublish' | 'postPublish' | 'preUnpublish' | 'postUnpublish' | 'preSave' | 'postSave'; handler: ({ entry, author, }: { entry: Map; author: { login: string; name: string }; }) => any; } export type CmsEventListenerOptions = any; // TODO: type properly export interface CMSApi { getBackend: (name: string) => CmsRegistryBackend | undefined; getEditorComponents: () => Map>; getRemarkPlugins: () => Array; getLocale: (locale: string) => CmsLocalePhrases | undefined; getMediaLibrary: (name: string) => CmsMediaLibrary | undefined; resolveWidget: (name: string) => CmsWidget | undefined; getPreviewStyles: () => PreviewStyle[]; getPreviewTemplate: (name: string) => ComponentType | undefined; getWidget: (name: string) => CmsWidget | undefined; getWidgetValueSerializer: (widgetName: string) => CmsWidgetValueSerializer | undefined; init: (options?: InitOptions) => void; registerBackend: (name: string, backendClass: T) => void; registerEditorComponent: (options: EditorComponentOptions) => void; registerRemarkPlugin: (plugin: Pluggable) => void; registerEventListener: ( eventListener: CmsEventListener, options?: CmsEventListenerOptions, ) => void; registerLocale: (locale: string, phrases: CmsLocalePhrases) => void; registerMediaLibrary: (mediaLibrary: CmsMediaLibrary, options?: CmsMediaLibraryOptions) => void; registerPreviewStyle: (filePath: string, options?: PreviewStyleOptions) => void; registerPreviewTemplate: ( name: string, component: ComponentType, ) => void; registerWidget: ( widget: string | CmsWidgetParam | CmsWidgetParam[], control?: ComponentType | string, preview?: ComponentType, ) => void; registerWidgetValueSerializer: (widgetName: string, serializer: CmsWidgetValueSerializer) => void; registerIcon: (iconName: string, icon: ReactNode) => void; getIcon: (iconName: string) => ReactNode; registerAdditionalLink: (id: string, title: string, link: string, iconName?: string) => void; getAdditionalLinks: () => { title: string; link: string; iconName?: string }[]; }