import { attempt, flatten, isError, uniq } from 'lodash'; import { List, Map, fromJS } from 'immutable'; import * as fuzzy from 'fuzzy'; import { resolveFormat } from './formats/formats'; import { selectUseWorkflow } from './reducers/config'; import { selectMediaFilePath, selectEntry } from './reducers/entries'; import { selectIntegration } from './reducers/integrations'; import { selectEntrySlug, selectEntryPath, selectFileEntryLabel, selectAllowNewEntries, selectAllowDeletion, selectFolderEntryExtension, selectInferedField, selectMediaFolders, } from './reducers/collections'; import { createEntry, EntryValue } from './valueObjects/Entry'; import { sanitizeChar } from './lib/urlHelper'; import { getBackend, invokeEvent } from './lib/registry'; import { commitMessageFormatter, slugFormatter, previewUrlFormatter } from './lib/formatters'; import { localForage, Cursor, CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL, EditorialWorkflowError, Implementation as BackendImplementation, DisplayURL, ImplementationEntry, Credentials, User, getPathDepth, Config as ImplementationConfig, blobToFileObj, } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { status } from './constants/publishModes'; import { extractTemplateVars, dateParsers } from './lib/stringTemplate'; import { Collection, EntryMap, Config, FilterRule, Collections, EntryDraft, CollectionFile, State, EntryField, } from './types/redux'; import AssetProxy from './valueObjects/AssetProxy'; import { FOLDER, FILES } from './constants/collectionTypes'; export class LocalStorageAuthStore { storageKey = 'netlify-cms-user'; retrieve() { const data = window.localStorage.getItem(this.storageKey); return data && JSON.parse(data); } store(userData: unknown) { window.localStorage.setItem(this.storageKey, JSON.stringify(userData)); } logout() { window.localStorage.removeItem(this.storageKey); } } function getEntryBackupKey(collectionName?: string, slug?: string) { const baseKey = 'backup'; if (!collectionName) { return baseKey; } const suffix = slug ? `.${slug}` : ''; return `${baseKey}.${collectionName}${suffix}`; } const extractSearchFields = (searchFields: string[]) => (entry: EntryValue) => searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => { const nestedFields = field.split('.'); let f =; for (let i = 0; i < nestedFields.length; i++) { f = f[nestedFields[i]]; if (!f) break; } return f ? `${acc} ${f}` : acc; }, ''); const sortByScore = (a: fuzzy.FilterResult, b: fuzzy.FilterResult) => { if (a.score > b.score) return -1; if (a.score < b.score) return 1; return 0; }; interface AuthStore { retrieve: () => User; store: (user: User) => void; logout: () => void; } interface BackendOptions { backendName?: string; authStore?: AuthStore | null; config?: Config; } export interface MediaFile { name: string; id: string; size?: number; displayURL?: DisplayURL; path: string; draft?: boolean; url?: string; file?: File; field?: EntryField; } interface BackupEntry { raw: string; path: string; mediaFiles: MediaFile[]; } interface PersistArgs { config: Config; collection: Collection; entryDraft: EntryDraft; assetProxies: AssetProxy[]; usedSlugs: List; unpublished?: boolean; status?: string; } interface ImplementationInitOptions { useWorkflow: boolean; updateUserCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => void; initialWorkflowStatus: string; } type Implementation = BackendImplementation & { init: (config: ImplementationConfig, options: ImplementationInitOptions) => Implementation; }; export class Backend { implementation: Implementation; backendName: string; authStore: AuthStore | null; config: Config; user?: User | null; constructor( implementation: Implementation, { backendName, authStore = null, config }: BackendOptions = {}, ) { // We can't reliably run this on exit, so we do cleanup on load. this.deleteAnonymousBackup(); this.config = config as Config; this.implementation = implementation.init(this.config.toJS(), { useWorkflow: selectUseWorkflow(this.config), updateUserCredentials: this.updateUserCredentials, initialWorkflowStatus: status.first(), }); this.backendName = backendName as string; this.authStore = authStore; if (this.implementation === null) { throw new Error('Cannot instantiate a Backend with no implementation'); } } currentUser() { if (this.user) { return this.user; } const stored = this.authStore!.retrieve(); if (stored && stored.backendName === this.backendName) { return Promise.resolve(this.implementation.restoreUser(stored)).then(user => { this.user = { ...user, backendName: this.backendName }; // return confirmed/rehydrated user object instead of stored this.authStore!.store(this.user as User); return this.user; }); } return Promise.resolve(null); } isGitBackend() { return this.implementation.isGitBackend?.() || false; } updateUserCredentials = (updatedCredentials: Credentials) => { const storedUser = this.authStore!.retrieve(); if (storedUser && storedUser.backendName === this.backendName) { this.user = { ...storedUser, ...updatedCredentials }; this.authStore!.store(this.user as User); return this.user; } }; authComponent() { return this.implementation.authComponent(); } authenticate(credentials: Credentials) { return this.implementation.authenticate(credentials).then(user => { this.user = { ...user, backendName: this.backendName }; if (this.authStore) { as User); } return this.user; }); } logout() { return Promise.resolve(this.implementation.logout()).then(() => { this.user = null; if (this.authStore) { this.authStore.logout(); } }); } getToken = () => this.implementation.getToken(); async entryExist(collection: Collection, path: string, slug: string, useWorkflow: boolean) { const unpublishedEntry = useWorkflow && (await this.implementation.unpublishedEntry(collection.get('name'), slug).catch(error => { if (error instanceof EditorialWorkflowError && error.notUnderEditorialWorkflow) { return Promise.resolve(false); } return Promise.reject(error); })); if (unpublishedEntry) return unpublishedEntry; const publishedEntry = await this.implementation .getEntry(path) .then(({ data }) => data) .catch(() => { return Promise.resolve(false); }); return publishedEntry; } async generateUniqueSlug( collection: Collection, entryData: Map, config: Config, usedSlugs: List, ) { const slugConfig = config.get('slug'); const slug: string = slugFormatter(collection, entryData, slugConfig); let i = 1; let uniqueSlug = slug; // Check for duplicate slug in loaded entities store first before repo while ( usedSlugs.includes(uniqueSlug) || (await this.entryExist( collection, selectEntryPath(collection, uniqueSlug) as string, uniqueSlug, selectUseWorkflow(config), )) ) { uniqueSlug = `${slug}${sanitizeChar(' ', slugConfig)}${i++}`; } return uniqueSlug; } processEntries(loadedEntries: ImplementationEntry[], collection: Collection) { const collectionFilter = collection.get('filter'); const entries = => createEntry( collection.get('name'), selectEntrySlug(collection, loadedEntry.file.path), loadedEntry.file.path, { raw: || '', label: loadedEntry.file.label, author:, updatedOn: loadedEntry.file.updatedOn, }, ), ); const formattedEntries =; // If this collection has a "filter" property, filter entries accordingly const filteredEntries = collectionFilter ? this.filterEntries({ entries: formattedEntries }, collectionFilter) : formattedEntries; return filteredEntries; } async listEntries(collection: Collection) { const extension = selectFolderEntryExtension(collection); let listMethod: () => Promise; const collectionType = collection.get('type'); if (collectionType === FOLDER) { listMethod = () => this.implementation.entriesByFolder( collection.get('folder') as string, extension, getPathDepth(collection.get('path', '') as string), ); } else if (collectionType === FILES) { const files = collection .get('files')! .map(collectionFile => ({ path: collectionFile!.get('file'), label: collectionFile!.get('label'), })) .toArray(); listMethod = () => this.implementation.entriesByFiles(files); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown collection type: ${collectionType}`); } const loadedEntries = await listMethod(); /* Wrap cursors so we can tell which collection the cursor is from. This is done to prevent traverseCursor from requiring a `collection` argument. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore // @ts-ignore const cursor = Cursor.create(loadedEntries[CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL]).wrapData({ cursorType: 'collectionEntries', collection, }); return { entries: this.processEntries(loadedEntries, collection), pagination: cursor.meta?.get('page'), cursor, }; } // The same as listEntries, except that if a cursor with the "next" // action available is returned, it calls "next" on the cursor and // repeats the process. Once there is no available "next" action, it // returns all the collected entries. Used to retrieve all entries // for local searches and queries. async listAllEntries(collection: Collection) { if (collection.get('folder') && this.implementation.allEntriesByFolder) { const extension = selectFolderEntryExtension(collection); return this.implementation .allEntriesByFolder( collection.get('folder') as string, extension, getPathDepth(collection.get('path', '') as string), ) .then(entries => this.processEntries(entries, collection)); } const response = await this.listEntries(collection); const { entries } = response; let { cursor } = response; while (cursor && cursor.actions!.includes('next')) { const { entries: newEntries, cursor: newCursor } = await this.traverseCursor(cursor, 'next'); entries.push(...newEntries); cursor = newCursor; } return entries; } async search(collections: Collection[], searchTerm: string) { // Perform a local search by requesting all entries. For each // collection, load it, search, and call onCollectionResults with // its results. const errors: Error[] = []; const collectionEntriesRequests = collections .map(async collection => { const summary = collection.get('summary', '') as string; const summaryFields = extractTemplateVars(summary); // TODO: pass search fields in as an argument const searchFields = [ selectInferedField(collection, 'title'), selectInferedField(collection, 'shortTitle'), selectInferedField(collection, 'author'), => { if (dateParsers[elem]) { return selectInferedField(collection, 'date'); } return elem; }), ].filter(Boolean) as string[]; const collectionEntries = await this.listAllEntries(collection); return fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, collectionEntries, { extract: extractSearchFields(uniq(searchFields)), }); }) .map(p => p.catch(err => { errors.push(err); return [] as fuzzy.FilterResult[]; }), ); const entries = await Promise.all(collectionEntriesRequests).then(arrays => flatten(arrays)); if (errors.length > 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore // @ts-ignore throw new Error({ message: 'Errors ocurred while searching entries locally!', errors }); } const hits = entries .filter(({ score }: fuzzy.FilterResult) => score > 5) .sort(sortByScore) .map((f: fuzzy.FilterResult) => f.original); return { entries: hits }; } async query(collection: Collection, searchFields: string[], searchTerm: string) { const entries = await this.listAllEntries(collection); const hits = fuzzy .filter(searchTerm, entries, { extract: extractSearchFields(searchFields) }) .sort(sortByScore) .map(f => f.original); return { query: searchTerm, hits }; } traverseCursor(cursor: Cursor, action: string) { const [data, unwrappedCursor] = cursor.unwrapData(); // TODO: stop assuming all cursors are for collections const collection = data.get('collection') as Collection; return this.implementation!.traverseCursor!(unwrappedCursor, action).then( async ({ entries, cursor: newCursor }) => ({ entries: this.processEntries(entries, collection), cursor: Cursor.create(newCursor).wrapData({ cursorType: 'collectionEntries', collection, }), }), ); } async getLocalDraftBackup(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const key = getEntryBackupKey(collection.get('name'), slug); const backup = await localForage.getItem(key); if (!backup || !backup.raw.trim()) { return {}; } const { raw, path } = backup; let { mediaFiles = [] } = backup; mediaFiles = => { // de-serialize the file object if (file.file) { return { ...file, url: URL.createObjectURL(file.file) }; } return file; }); const label = selectFileEntryLabel(collection, slug); const entry: EntryValue = this.entryWithFormat(collection)( createEntry(collection.get('name'), slug, path, { raw, label, mediaFiles }), ); return { entry }; } async persistLocalDraftBackup(entry: EntryMap, collection: Collection) { const key = getEntryBackupKey(collection.get('name'), entry.get('slug')); const raw = this.entryToRaw(collection, entry); if (!raw.trim()) { return; } const mediaFiles = await Promise.all( entry .get('mediaFiles') .toJS() .map(async (file: MediaFile) => { // make sure to serialize the file if (file.url?.startsWith('blob:')) { const blob = await fetch(file.url as string).then(res => res.blob()); return { ...file, file: blobToFileObj(, blob) }; } return file; }), ); await localForage.setItem(key, { raw, path: entry.get('path'), mediaFiles, }); return localForage.setItem(getEntryBackupKey(), raw); } async deleteLocalDraftBackup(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const key = getEntryBackupKey(collection.get('name'), slug); await localForage.removeItem(key); return this.deleteAnonymousBackup(); } // Unnamed backup for use in the global error boundary, should always be // deleted on cms load. deleteAnonymousBackup() { return localForage.removeItem(getEntryBackupKey()); } async getEntry(state: State, collection: Collection, slug: string) { const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug) as string; const label = selectFileEntryLabel(collection, slug); const loadedEntry = await this.implementation.getEntry(path); let entry = createEntry(collection.get('name'), slug, loadedEntry.file.path, { raw:, label, mediaFiles: [], }); entry = this.entryWithFormat(collection)(entry); entry = await this.processEntry(state, collection, entry); return entry; } getMedia() { return this.implementation.getMedia(); } getMediaFile(path: string) { return this.implementation.getMediaFile(path); } getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL: DisplayURL) { if (this.implementation.getMediaDisplayURL) { return this.implementation.getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL); } const err = new Error( 'getMediaDisplayURL is not implemented by the current backend, but the backend returned a displayURL which was not a string!', ) as Error & { displayURL: DisplayURL }; err.displayURL = displayURL; return Promise.reject(err); } entryWithFormat(collection: Collection) { return (entry: EntryValue): EntryValue => { const format = resolveFormat(collection, entry); if (entry && entry.raw !== undefined) { const data = (format && attempt(format.fromFile.bind(format, entry.raw))) || {}; if (isError(data)) console.error(data); return Object.assign(entry, { data: isError(data) ? {} : data }); } return format.fromFile(entry); }; } unpublishedEntries(collections: Collections) { return this.implementation.unpublishedEntries!() .then(entries => => { const collectionName = loadedEntry.metaData!.collection; const collection = collections.find(c => c.get('name') === collectionName); const entry = createEntry(collectionName, loadedEntry.slug, loadedEntry.file.path, { raw:, isModification: loadedEntry.isModification, label: collection && selectFileEntryLabel(collection, loadedEntry.slug!), }); entry.metaData = loadedEntry.metaData; return entry; }), ) .then(entries => ({ pagination: 0, entries: entries.reduce((acc, entry) => { const collection = collections.get(entry.collection); if (collection) { acc.push(this.entryWithFormat(collection)(entry) as EntryValue); } else { console.warn( `Missing collection '${entry.collection}' for entry with path '${entry.path}'`, ); } return acc; }, [] as EntryValue[]), })); } async processEntry(state: State, collection: Collection, entry: EntryValue) { const integration = selectIntegration(state.integrations, null, 'assetStore'); const mediaFolders = selectMediaFolders(state, collection, fromJS(entry)); if (mediaFolders.length > 0 && !integration) { const files = await Promise.all( => this.implementation.getMedia(folder)), ); entry.mediaFiles = entry.mediaFiles.concat(...files); } else { entry.mediaFiles = entry.mediaFiles.concat(state.mediaLibrary.get('files') || []); } return entry; } async unpublishedEntry(state: State, collection: Collection, slug: string) { const loadedEntry = await this.implementation!.unpublishedEntry!( collection.get('name') as string, slug, ); let entry = createEntry(collection.get('name'), loadedEntry.slug, loadedEntry.file.path, { raw:, isModification: loadedEntry.isModification, metaData: loadedEntry.metaData, mediaFiles: loadedEntry.mediaFiles?.map(file => ({ ...file, draft: true })) || [], }); entry = this.entryWithFormat(collection)(entry); entry = await this.processEntry(state, collection, entry); return entry; } /** * Creates a URL using `site_url` from the config and `preview_path` from the * entry's collection. Does not currently make a request through the backend, * but likely will in the future. */ getDeploy(collection: Collection, slug: string, entry: EntryMap) { /** * If `site_url` is undefined or `show_preview_links` in the config is set to false, do nothing. */ const baseUrl = this.config.get('site_url'); if (!baseUrl || this.config.get('show_preview_links') === false) { return; } return { url: previewUrlFormatter(baseUrl, collection, slug, this.config.get('slug'), entry), status: 'SUCCESS', }; } /** * Requests a base URL from the backend for previewing a specific entry. * Supports polling via `maxAttempts` and `interval` options, as there is * often a delay before a preview URL is available. */ async getDeployPreview( collection: Collection, slug: string, entry: EntryMap, { maxAttempts = 1, interval = 5000 } = {}, ) { /** * If the registered backend does not provide a `getDeployPreview` method, or * `show_preview_links` in the config is set to false, do nothing. */ if (!this.implementation.getDeployPreview || this.config.get('show_preview_links') === false) { return; } /** * Poll for the deploy preview URL (defaults to 1 attempt, so no polling by * default). */ let deployPreview, count = 0; while (!deployPreview && count < maxAttempts) { count++; deployPreview = await this.implementation.getDeployPreview(collection.get('name'), slug); if (!deployPreview) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), interval)); } } /** * If there's no deploy preview, do nothing. */ if (!deployPreview) { return; } return { /** * Create a URL using the collection `preview_path`, if provided. */ url: previewUrlFormatter(deployPreview.url, collection, slug, this.config.get('slug'), entry), /** * Always capitalize the status for consistency. */ status: deployPreview.status ? deployPreview.status.toUpperCase() : '', }; } async persistEntry({ config, collection, entryDraft, assetProxies, usedSlugs, unpublished = false, status, }: PersistArgs) { const newEntry = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'newRecord']) || false; const parsedData = { title: entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data', 'title'], 'No Title') as string, description: entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data', 'description'], 'No Description!') as string, }; let entryObj: { path: string; slug: string; raw: string; }; if (newEntry) { if (!selectAllowNewEntries(collection)) { throw new Error('Not allowed to create new entries in this collection'); } const slug = await this.generateUniqueSlug( collection, entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data']), config, usedSlugs, ); const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug) as string; entryObj = { path, slug, raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryDraft.get('entry')), }; => { // update media files path based on entry path const oldPath = asset.path; const newPath = selectMediaFilePath( config, collection, entryDraft.get('entry').set('path', path), oldPath, asset.field, ); asset.path = newPath; }); } else { const path = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'path']); const slug = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'slug']); entryObj = { path, slug, raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryDraft.get('entry')), }; } const user = (await this.currentUser()) as User; const commitMessage = commitMessageFormatter( newEntry ? 'create' : 'update', config, { collection, slug: entryObj.slug, path: entryObj.path, authorLogin: user.login, authorName:, }, user.useOpenAuthoring, ); const useWorkflow = selectUseWorkflow(config); const collectionName = collection.get('name'); const updatedOptions = { unpublished, status }; const opts = { newEntry, parsedData, commitMessage, collectionName, useWorkflow, ...updatedOptions, }; if (!useWorkflow) { await this.invokePrePublishEvent(entryDraft.get('entry')); } await this.implementation.persistEntry(entryObj, assetProxies, opts); if (!useWorkflow) { await this.invokePostPublishEvent(entryDraft.get('entry')); } return entryObj.slug; } async invokeEventWithEntry(event: string, entry: EntryMap) { const { login, name } = (await this.currentUser()) as User; await invokeEvent({ name: event, data: { entry, author: { login, name } } }); } async invokePrePublishEvent(entry: EntryMap) { await this.invokeEventWithEntry('prePublish', entry); } async invokePostPublishEvent(entry: EntryMap) { await this.invokeEventWithEntry('postPublish', entry); } async invokePreUnpublishEvent(entry: EntryMap) { await this.invokeEventWithEntry('preUnpublish', entry); } async invokePostUnpublishEvent(entry: EntryMap) { await this.invokeEventWithEntry('postUnpublish', entry); } async persistMedia(config: Config, file: AssetProxy) { const user = (await this.currentUser()) as User; const options = { commitMessage: commitMessageFormatter( 'uploadMedia', config, { path: file.path, authorLogin: user.login, authorName:, }, user.useOpenAuthoring, ), }; return this.implementation.persistMedia(file, options); } async deleteEntry(state: State, collection: Collection, slug: string) { const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug) as string; if (!selectAllowDeletion(collection)) { throw new Error('Not allowed to delete entries in this collection'); } const config = state.config; const user = (await this.currentUser()) as User; const commitMessage = commitMessageFormatter( 'delete', config, { collection, slug, path, authorLogin: user.login, authorName:, }, user.useOpenAuthoring, ); const entry = selectEntry(state.entries, collection.get('name'), slug); await this.invokePreUnpublishEvent(entry); const result = await this.implementation.deleteFile(path, commitMessage); await this.invokePostUnpublishEvent(entry); return result; } async deleteMedia(config: Config, path: string) { const user = (await this.currentUser()) as User; const commitMessage = commitMessageFormatter( 'deleteMedia', config, { path, authorLogin: user.login, authorName:, }, user.useOpenAuthoring, ); return this.implementation.deleteFile(path, commitMessage); } persistUnpublishedEntry(args: PersistArgs) { return this.persistEntry({ ...args, unpublished: true }); } updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string) { return this.implementation.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus!(collection, slug, newStatus); } async publishUnpublishedEntry(entry: EntryMap) { const collection = entry.get('collection'); const slug = entry.get('slug'); await this.invokePrePublishEvent(entry); await this.implementation.publishUnpublishedEntry!(collection, slug); await this.invokePostPublishEvent(entry); } deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection: string, slug: string) { return this.implementation.deleteUnpublishedEntry!(collection, slug); } entryToRaw(collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap): string { const format = resolveFormat(collection, entry.toJS()); const fieldsOrder = this.fieldsOrder(collection, entry); return format && format.toFile(entry.get('data').toJS(), fieldsOrder); } fieldsOrder(collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap) { const fields = collection.get('fields'); if (fields) { return collection .get('fields') .map(f => f!.get('name')) .toArray(); } const files = collection.get('files'); const file = (files || List()) .filter(f => f!.get('name') === entry.get('slug')) .get(0); if (file == null) { throw new Error(`No file found for ${entry.get('slug')} in ${collection.get('name')}`); } return file .get('fields') .map(f => f!.get('name')) .toArray(); } filterEntries(collection: { entries: EntryValue[] }, filterRule: FilterRule) { return collection.entries.filter(entry => { const fieldValue =[filterRule.get('field')]; if (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) { return fieldValue.includes(filterRule.get('value')); } return fieldValue === filterRule.get('value'); }); } } export function resolveBackend(config: Config) { const name = config.getIn(['backend', 'name']); if (name == null) { throw new Error('No backend defined in configuration'); } const authStore = new LocalStorageAuthStore(); const backend = getBackend(name); if (!backend) { throw new Error(`Backend not found: ${name}`); } else { return new Backend(backend, { backendName: name, authStore, config }); } } export const currentBackend = (function() { let backend: Backend; return (config: Config) => { if (backend) { return backend; } return (backend = resolveBackend(config)); }; })();