import { HOT_KEY_MAP } from '../../utils/constants'; const headingNumberToWord = ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']; const isMac = Cypress.platform === 'darwin'; const modifierKey = isMac ? '{meta}' : '{ctrl}'; // eslint-disable-next-line func-style const replaceMod = str => str.replace(/mod\+/g, modifierKey).replace(/shift\+/g, '{shift}'); describe('Markdown widget hotkeys', () => { describe('hot keys', () => { before(() => { Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout', 4000); cy.task('setupBackend', { backend: 'test' }); }); beforeEach(() => { cy.loginAndNewPost(); cy.clearMarkdownEditorContent(); cy.focused().type('foo').setSelection('foo').as('selection'); }); after(() => { cy.task('teardownBackend', { backend: 'test' }); }); describe('bold', () => { it('pressing mod+b bolds the text', () => { cy.get('@selection') .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['bold'])) .confirmMarkdownEditorContent( ` <p> <strong>foo</strong> </p> `, ) .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['bold'])); }); }); describe('italic', () => { it('pressing mod+i italicizes the text', () => { cy.get('@selection') .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['italic'])) .confirmMarkdownEditorContent( ` <p> <em>foo</em> </p> `, ) .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['italic'])); }); }); describe('strikethrough', () => { it('pressing mod+shift+s displays a strike through the text', () => { cy.get('@selection') .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['strikethrough'])) .confirmMarkdownEditorContent( ` <p> <s>foo</s> </p> `, ) .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['strikethrough'])); }); }); describe('code', () => { it('pressing mod+shift+c displays a code block around the text', () => { cy.get('@selection') .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['code'])) .confirmMarkdownEditorContent( ` <p> <code>foo</code> </p> `, ) .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['code'])); }); }); describe('link', () => { before(() => {}); it('pressing mod+k transforms the text to a link', () => { cy.window().then(win => { cy.get('@selection').type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['link'])); cy.stub(win, 'prompt').returns(''); cy.confirmMarkdownEditorContent('<p><a>foo</a></p>').type( replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP['link']), ); }); }); }); describe('headings', () => { for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { it(`pressing mod+${i} transforms the text to a heading`, () => { cy.get('@selection') .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP[`heading-${headingNumberToWord[i]}`])) .confirmMarkdownEditorContent(`<h${i}>foo</h${i}>`) .type(replaceMod(HOT_KEY_MAP[`heading-${headingNumberToWord[i]}`])); }); } }); }); });