import yaml from "js-yaml"; import { Map, fromJS } from "immutable"; import { trimStart, flow, get } from "lodash"; import { authenticateUser } from "Actions/auth"; import * as publishModes from "Constants/publishModes"; import { validateConfig } from 'Constants/configSchema'; export const CONFIG_REQUEST = "CONFIG_REQUEST"; export const CONFIG_SUCCESS = "CONFIG_SUCCESS"; export const CONFIG_FAILURE = "CONFIG_FAILURE"; export const CONFIG_MERGE = "CONFIG_MERGE"; const getConfigUrl = () => { const validTypes = { 'text/yaml': 'yaml', 'application/x-yaml': 'yaml' }; const configLinkEl = document.querySelector('link[rel="cms-config-url"]'); const isValidLink = configLinkEl && validTypes[configLinkEl.type] && get(configLinkEl, 'href'); if (isValidLink) { const link = get(configLinkEl, 'href'); console.log(`Using config file path: "${link}"`); return link; } return 'config.yml'; } const defaults = { publish_mode: publishModes.SIMPLE, }; export function applyDefaults(config) { return Map(defaults) .mergeDeep(config) .withMutations(map => { /** * Use media_folder as default public_folder. */ const defaultPublicFolder = `/${trimStart(map.get('media_folder'), '/')}`; if (!map.get('public_folder')) { map.set('public_folder', defaultPublicFolder); } }); } function mergePreloadedConfig(preloadedConfig, loadedConfig) { const map = fromJS(loadedConfig) || Map(); return preloadedConfig ? preloadedConfig.mergeDeep(map) : map; } function parseConfig(data) { const config = yaml.safeLoad(data); if (typeof CMS_ENV === "string" && config[CMS_ENV]) { Object.keys(config[CMS_ENV]).forEach((key) => { config[key] = config[CMS_ENV][key]; }); } return config; } async function getConfig(file, isPreloaded) { const response = await fetch(file, { credentials: 'same-origin' }); if (response.status !== 200) { if (isPreloaded) return parseConfig(''); throw new Error(`Failed to load config.yml (${ response.status })`); } const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type') || 'Not-Found'; const isYaml = contentType.indexOf('yaml') !== -1; if (!isYaml) { console.log(`Response for ${ file } was not yaml. (Content-Type: ${ contentType })`); if (isPreloaded) return parseConfig(''); } return parseConfig(await response.text()); } export function configLoaded(config) { return { type: CONFIG_SUCCESS, payload: config, }; } export function configLoading() { return { type: CONFIG_REQUEST, }; } export function configFailed(err) { return { type: CONFIG_FAILURE, error: "Error loading config", payload: err, }; } export function configDidLoad(config) { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(configLoaded(config)); }; } export function mergeConfig(config) { return { type: CONFIG_MERGE, payload: config }; } export function loadConfig() { if (window.CMS_CONFIG) { return configDidLoad(fromJS(window.CMS_CONFIG)); } return async (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(configLoading()); try { const preloadedConfig = getState().config; const configUrl = getConfigUrl(); const loadedConfig = await getConfig(configUrl, preloadedConfig && preloadedConfig.size > 1); /** * Merge any existing configuration so the result can be validated. */ const mergedConfig = mergePreloadedConfig(preloadedConfig, loadedConfig); validateConfig(mergedConfig.toJS()); const config = applyDefaults(mergedConfig); dispatch(configDidLoad(config)); dispatch(authenticateUser()); } catch(err) { dispatch(configFailed(err)); throw(err) } }; }