import { currentBackend } from '../backend'; import confirm from '../components/common/confirm/Confirm'; import { MEDIA_DELETE_FAILURE, MEDIA_DELETE_REQUEST, MEDIA_DELETE_SUCCESS, MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_FAILURE, MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_REQUEST, MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_SUCCESS, MEDIA_INSERT, MEDIA_LIBRARY_CLOSE, MEDIA_LIBRARY_OPEN, MEDIA_LOAD_FAILURE, MEDIA_LOAD_REQUEST, MEDIA_LOAD_SUCCESS, MEDIA_PERSIST_FAILURE, MEDIA_PERSIST_REQUEST, MEDIA_PERSIST_SUCCESS, MEDIA_REMOVE_INSERTED, } from '../constants'; import { sanitizeSlug } from '../lib/urlHelper'; import { basename, getBlobSHA } from '../lib/util'; import { selectMediaFilePath, selectMediaFilePublicPath } from '../lib/util/media.util'; import { selectEditingDraft } from '../reducers/selectors/entryDraft'; import { selectMediaDisplayURL, selectMediaFiles } from '../reducers/selectors/mediaLibrary'; import { addSnackbar } from '../store/slices/snackbars'; import { createAssetProxy } from '../valueObjects/AssetProxy'; import { addDraftEntryMediaFile, removeDraftEntryMediaFile } from './entries'; import { addAsset, removeAsset } from './media'; import { waitUntilWithTimeout } from './waitUntil'; import type { AnyAction } from 'redux'; import type { ThunkDispatch } from 'redux-thunk'; import type { BaseField, Collection, CollectionFile, DisplayURLState, Field, ImplementationMediaFile, MediaField, MediaFile, MediaLibrarInsertOptions, MediaLibraryConfig, UnknownField, } from '../interface'; import type { RootState } from '../store'; import type AssetProxy from '../valueObjects/AssetProxy'; export function openMediaLibrary( payload: { controlID?: string; forImage?: boolean; forFolder?: boolean; value?: string | string[]; alt?: string; allowMultiple?: boolean; replaceIndex?: number; config?: MediaLibraryConfig; collection?: Collection; collectionFile?: CollectionFile; field?: EF; insertOptions?: MediaLibrarInsertOptions; } = {}, ) { const { controlID, value, alt, config = {}, allowMultiple, forImage, forFolder, replaceIndex, collection, collectionFile, field, insertOptions, } = payload; return { type: MEDIA_LIBRARY_OPEN, payload: { controlID, forImage, forFolder, value, alt, allowMultiple, replaceIndex, config, collection: collection as Collection, collectionFile: collectionFile as CollectionFile, field: field as Field, insertOptions, }, } as const; } export function closeMediaLibrary() { return { type: MEDIA_LIBRARY_CLOSE } as const; } export function insertMedia( mediaPath: string | string[], field: MediaField | undefined, alt?: string, currentFolder?: string, ) { return (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const config = state.config.config; const entry = state.entryDraft.entry; const collectionName = state.entryDraft.entry?.collection; if (!collectionName || !config) { return; } const collection = state.collections[collectionName]; if (Array.isArray(mediaPath)) { mediaPath = => selectMediaFilePublicPath(config, collection, path, entry, field, currentFolder), ); } else { mediaPath = selectMediaFilePublicPath( config, collection, mediaPath as string, entry, field, currentFolder, ); } dispatch(mediaInserted(mediaPath, alt)); }; } export function removeInsertedMedia(controlID: string) { return { type: MEDIA_REMOVE_INSERTED, payload: { controlID } } as const; } export function loadMedia( opts: { delay?: number; query?: string; page?: number; currentFolder?: string; } = {}, ) { const { delay = 0, page = 1, currentFolder } = opts; return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const config = state.config.config; if (!config) { return; } const backend = currentBackend(config); dispatch(mediaLoading(page)); function loadFunction() { return backend .getMedia(currentFolder, config?.media_library?.folder_support ?? false) .then(files => dispatch(mediaLoaded(files))) .catch((error: { status?: number }) => { console.error(error); if (error.status === 404) {'This 404 was expected and handled appropriately.'); dispatch(mediaLoaded([])); } else { dispatch(mediaLoadFailed()); } }); } if (delay > 0) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => resolve(loadFunction()), delay); }); } else { return loadFunction(); } }; } function createMediaFileFromAsset({ id, file, assetProxy, draft, }: { id: string; file: File; assetProxy: AssetProxy; draft: boolean; }): ImplementationMediaFile { const mediaFile = { id, name: basename(assetProxy.path), displayURL: assetProxy.url, draft, file, size: file.size, url: assetProxy.url, path: assetProxy.path, field: assetProxy.field, }; return mediaFile; } export function persistMedia( file: File, opts: MediaOptions = {}, targetFolder?: string, currentFolder?: string, ) { const { field } = opts; return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const config = state.config.config; if (!config) { return; } const backend = currentBackend(config); const files: MediaFile[] = selectMediaFiles(field)(state); const fileName = sanitizeSlug(, config.slug); const existingFile = files.find(existingFile => === fileName); const editingDraft = selectEditingDraft(state); /** * Check for existing files of the same name before persisting. If no asset * store integration is used, files are being stored in Git, so we can * expect file names to be unique. If an asset store is in use, file names * may not be unique, so we forego this check. */ if (existingFile) { if ( !(await confirm({ title: 'mediaLibrary.mediaLibrary.alreadyExistsTitle', body: { key: 'mediaLibrary.mediaLibrary.alreadyExistsBody', options: { filename: }, }, color: 'error', })) ) { return; } else { await dispatch(deleteMedia(existingFile)); } } if (!editingDraft) { dispatch(mediaPersisting()); } try { const entry = state.entryDraft.entry; const collection = entry?.collection ? state.collections[entry.collection] : null; const path = selectMediaFilePath(config, collection, entry, fileName, field, targetFolder); const assetProxy = createAssetProxy({ file, path, field, }); dispatch(addAsset(assetProxy)); let mediaFile: ImplementationMediaFile; if (editingDraft) { const id = await getBlobSHA(file); mediaFile = createMediaFileFromAsset({ id, file, assetProxy, draft: Boolean(editingDraft), }); return dispatch(addDraftEntryMediaFile(mediaFile)); } else { mediaFile = await backend.persistMedia(config, assetProxy); } return dispatch(mediaPersisted(mediaFile, currentFolder)); } catch (error) { console.error(error); dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToPersistMedia', options: { details: error, }, }, }), ); return dispatch(mediaPersistFailed()); } }; } export function deleteMedia(file: MediaFile) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const config = state.config.config; if (!config) { return; } const backend = currentBackend(config); try { if (file.draft) { dispatch(removeAsset(file.path)); dispatch(removeDraftEntryMediaFile({ id: })); } else { const editingDraft = selectEditingDraft(state); dispatch(mediaDeleting()); dispatch(removeAsset(file.path)); await backend.deleteMedia(config, file.path); dispatch(mediaDeleted(file)); if (editingDraft) { dispatch(removeDraftEntryMediaFile({ id: })); } } } catch (error: unknown) { console.error(error); if (error instanceof Error) { dispatch( addSnackbar({ type: 'error', message: { key: 'ui.toast.onFailToDeleteMedia', options: { details: error.message, }, }, }), ); } return dispatch(mediaDeleteFailed()); } }; } export async function getMediaFile(state: RootState, path: string) { const config = state.config.config; if (!config) { return { url: '' }; } const backend = currentBackend(config); const { url } = await backend.getMediaFile(path); return { url }; } export function loadMediaDisplayURL(file: MediaFile) { return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const { displayURL, id } = file; const state = getState(); const config = state.config.config; if (!config) { return Promise.reject(); } const displayURLState: DisplayURLState = selectMediaDisplayURL(state, id); if ( !id || !displayURL || displayURLState.url || displayURLState.isFetching || displayURLState.err ) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (typeof displayURL === 'string') { dispatch(mediaDisplayURLRequest(id)); dispatch(mediaDisplayURLSuccess(id, displayURL)); return; } try { const backend = currentBackend(config); dispatch(mediaDisplayURLRequest(id)); const newURL = await backend.getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL); if (newURL) { dispatch(mediaDisplayURLSuccess(id, newURL)); } else { throw new Error('No display URL was returned!'); } } catch (error: unknown) { console.error(error); if (error instanceof Error) { dispatch(mediaDisplayURLFailure(id, error)); } } }; } export function mediaInserted(mediaPath: string | string[], alt?: string) { return { type: MEDIA_INSERT, payload: { mediaPath, alt } } as const; } export function mediaLoading(page: number) { return { type: MEDIA_LOAD_REQUEST, payload: { page }, } as const; } export interface MediaOptions { field?: MediaField; page?: number; canPaginate?: boolean; dynamicSearch?: boolean; dynamicSearchQuery?: string; } export function mediaLoaded(files: ImplementationMediaFile[], opts: MediaOptions = {}) { return { type: MEDIA_LOAD_SUCCESS, payload: { files, ...opts }, } as const; } export function mediaLoadFailed() { return { type: MEDIA_LOAD_FAILURE } as const; } export function mediaPersisting() { return { type: MEDIA_PERSIST_REQUEST } as const; } export function mediaPersisted(file: ImplementationMediaFile, currentFolder: string | undefined) { return { type: MEDIA_PERSIST_SUCCESS, payload: { file, currentFolder }, } as const; } export function mediaPersistFailed() { return { type: MEDIA_PERSIST_FAILURE } as const; } export function mediaDeleting() { return { type: MEDIA_DELETE_REQUEST } as const; } export function mediaDeleted(file: MediaFile) { return { type: MEDIA_DELETE_SUCCESS, payload: { file }, } as const; } export function mediaDeleteFailed() { return { type: MEDIA_DELETE_FAILURE } as const; } export function mediaDisplayURLRequest(key: string) { return { type: MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_REQUEST, payload: { key } } as const; } export function mediaDisplayURLSuccess(key: string, url: string) { return { type: MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_SUCCESS, payload: { key, url }, } as const; } export function mediaDisplayURLFailure(key: string, err: Error) { return { type: MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_FAILURE, payload: { key, err }, } as const; } export async function waitForMediaLibraryToLoad( dispatch: ThunkDispatch, state: RootState, ) { if (state.mediaLibrary.isLoading !== false) { await waitUntilWithTimeout(dispatch, resolve => ({ predicate: ({ type }) => type === MEDIA_LOAD_SUCCESS || type === MEDIA_LOAD_FAILURE, run: () => resolve(), })); } } export async function getMediaDisplayURL( dispatch: ThunkDispatch, state: RootState, file: MediaFile, ) { const displayURLState: DisplayURLState = selectMediaDisplayURL(state,; let url: string | null | undefined; if (displayURLState.url) { // url was already loaded url = displayURLState.url; } else if (displayURLState.err) { // url loading had an error url = null; } else { const key =; const promise = waitUntilWithTimeout(dispatch, resolve => ({ predicate: ({ type, payload }) => (type === MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_SUCCESS || type === MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_FAILURE) && payload.key === key, run: (_dispatch, _getState, action) => resolve(action.payload.url), })); if (!displayURLState.isFetching) { // load display url dispatch(loadMediaDisplayURL(file)); } url = await promise; } return url; } export type MediaLibraryAction = ReturnType< | typeof openMediaLibrary | typeof closeMediaLibrary | typeof mediaInserted | typeof removeInsertedMedia | typeof mediaLoading | typeof mediaLoaded | typeof mediaLoadFailed | typeof mediaPersisting | typeof mediaPersisted | typeof mediaPersistFailed | typeof mediaDeleting | typeof mediaDeleted | typeof mediaDeleteFailed | typeof mediaDisplayURLRequest | typeof mediaDisplayURLSuccess | typeof mediaDisplayURLFailure >;