import flow from 'lodash/flow'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import partialRight from 'lodash/partialRight'; import { COMMIT_AUTHOR, COMMIT_DATE } from '../constants/commitProps'; import { sanitizeSlug } from './urlHelper'; import { selectIdentifier, selectInferredField } from './util/collection.util'; import { selectField } from './util/field.util'; import { set } from './util/object.util'; import { addFileTemplateFields, compileStringTemplate, keyToPathArray, parseDateFromEntry, } from './widgets/stringTemplate'; import type { Collection, Config, Entry, EntryData, Slug } from '../interface'; const commitMessageTemplates = { create: 'Create {{collection}} “{{slug}}”', update: 'Update {{collection}} “{{slug}}”', delete: 'Delete {{collection}} “{{slug}}”', uploadMedia: 'Upload “{{path}}”', deleteMedia: 'Delete “{{path}}”', } as const; const variableRegex = /\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g; type Options = { slug?: string; path?: string; collection?: Collection; authorLogin?: string; authorName?: string; }; export function commitMessageFormatter( type: keyof typeof commitMessageTemplates, config: Config, { slug, path, collection, authorLogin, authorName }: Options, ) { const templates = { ...commitMessageTemplates, ...(config.backend.commit_messages || {}) }; return templates[type].replace(variableRegex, (_, variable) => { switch (variable) { case 'slug': return slug || ''; case 'path': return path || ''; case 'collection': return collection ? collection.label_singular || collection.label : ''; case 'author-login': return authorLogin || ''; case 'author-name': return authorName || ''; default: console.warn(`Ignoring unknown variable “${variable}” in commit message template.`); return ''; } }); } export function prepareSlug(slug: string) { return ( slug .trim() // Convert slug to lower-case .toLocaleLowerCase() // Remove single quotes. .replace(/[']/g, '') // Replace periods with dashes. .replace(/[.]/g, '-') ); } export function getProcessSegment(slugConfig?: Slug, ignoreValues?: string[]) { return (value: string) => ignoreValues && ignoreValues.includes(value) ? value : flow([value => String(value), prepareSlug, partialRight(sanitizeSlug, slugConfig)])(value); } export function slugFormatter(collection: Collection, entryData: EntryData, slugConfig?: Slug) { const slugTemplate = collection.slug || '{{slug}}'; const identifier = get(entryData, keyToPathArray(selectIdentifier(collection))); if (!identifier) { throw new Error( 'Collection must have a field name that is a valid entry identifier, or must have `identifier_field` set', ); } const processSegment = getProcessSegment(slugConfig); const date = new Date(); const slug = compileStringTemplate(slugTemplate, date, identifier, entryData, processSegment); if (!('path' in collection)) { return slug; } else { const pathTemplate = prepareSlug(collection.path as string); return compileStringTemplate(pathTemplate, date, slug, entryData, (value: string) => value === slug ? value : processSegment(value), ); } } export function summaryFormatter(summaryTemplate: string, entry: Entry, collection: Collection) { let entryData =; const date = parseDateFromEntry(entry, selectInferredField(collection, 'date')) || null; const identifier = get(entryData, keyToPathArray(selectIdentifier(collection))); entryData = addFileTemplateFields(entry.path, entryData, 'folder' in collection ? collection.folder : '') ?? {}; // allow commit information in summary template if ( && !selectField(collection, COMMIT_AUTHOR)) { entryData = set(entryData, COMMIT_AUTHOR,; } if (entry.updatedOn && !selectField(collection, COMMIT_DATE)) { entryData = set(entryData, COMMIT_DATE, entry.updatedOn); } const summary = compileStringTemplate(summaryTemplate, date, identifier, entryData); return summary; } export function folderFormatter( folderTemplate: string, entry: Entry | null | undefined, collection: Collection, defaultFolder: string, folderKey: string, slugConfig?: Slug, ) { if (!entry || ! { return folderTemplate; } let fields = set(, folderKey, defaultFolder) as EntryData; fields = addFileTemplateFields( entry.path, fields, 'folder' in collection ? collection.folder : '', ); const date = parseDateFromEntry(entry, selectInferredField(collection, 'date')) || null; const identifier = get(fields, keyToPathArray(selectIdentifier(collection))); const processSegment = getProcessSegment(slugConfig, [defaultFolder, fields?.dirname as string]); const mediaFolder = compileStringTemplate( folderTemplate, date, identifier, fields, processSegment, ); return mediaFolder; }