import fuzzy from 'fuzzy'; import { currentBackend } from 'Backends/backend'; import { getIntegrationProvider } from 'Integrations'; import { selectIntegration, selectEntries } from 'Reducers'; import { selectInferedField } from 'Reducers/collections'; import { WAIT_UNTIL_ACTION } from 'Redux/middleware/waitUntilAction'; import { loadEntries, ENTRIES_SUCCESS } from './entries'; /* * Contant Declarations */ export const SEARCH_ENTRIES_REQUEST = 'SEARCH_ENTRIES_REQUEST'; export const SEARCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS = 'SEARCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS'; export const SEARCH_ENTRIES_FAILURE = 'SEARCH_ENTRIES_FAILURE'; export const QUERY_REQUEST = 'INIT_QUERY'; export const QUERY_SUCCESS = 'QUERY_OK'; export const QUERY_FAILURE = 'QUERY_ERROR'; export const SEARCH_CLEAR = 'SEARCH_CLEAR'; /* * Simple Action Creators (Internal) * We still need to export them for tests */ export function searchingEntries(searchTerm) { return { type: SEARCH_ENTRIES_REQUEST, payload: { searchTerm }, }; } export function searchSuccess(searchTerm, entries, page) { return { type: SEARCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS, payload: { searchTerm, entries, page, }, }; } export function searchFailure(searchTerm, error) { return { type: SEARCH_ENTRIES_FAILURE, payload: { searchTerm, error, }, }; } export function querying(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm) { return { type: QUERY_REQUEST, payload: { namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, }, }; } export function querySuccess(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, response) { return { type: QUERY_SUCCESS, payload: { namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, response, }, }; } export function queryFailure(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, error) { return { type: QUERY_SUCCESS, payload: { namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, error, }, }; } /* * Exported simple Action Creators */ export function clearSearch() { return { type: SEARCH_CLEAR }; } /* * Exported Thunk Action Creators */ // SearchEntries will search for complete entries in all collections. export function searchEntries(searchTerm, page = 0) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const allCollections = state.collections.keySeq().toArray(); const collections = allCollections.filter(collection => selectIntegration(state, collection, 'search')); const integration = selectIntegration(state, collections[0], 'search'); if (!integration) { localSearch(searchTerm, getState, dispatch); } else { const provider = getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, currentBackend(state.config).getToken, integration); dispatch(searchingEntries(searchTerm));, searchTerm, page).then( response => dispatch(searchSuccess(searchTerm, response.entries, response.pagination)), error => dispatch(searchFailure(searchTerm, error)) ); } }; } // Instead of searching for complete entries, query will search for specific fields // in specific collections and return raw data (no entries). export function query(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const integration = selectIntegration(state, collection, 'search'); dispatch(querying(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm)); if (!integration) { localQuery(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, state, dispatch); } else { const provider = getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, currentBackend(state.config).getToken, integration); provider.searchBy( => `data.${ f }`), collection, searchTerm).then( response => dispatch(querySuccess(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, response)), error => dispatch(queryFailure(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, error)) ); } }; } // Local Query & Search functions function localSearch(searchTerm, getState, dispatch) { return (function acc(localResults = { entries: [] }) { function processCollection(collection, collectionKey) { const state = getState(); if (state.entries.hasIn(['pages', collectionKey, 'ids'])) { const searchFields = [ selectInferedField(collection, 'title'), selectInferedField(collection, 'shortTitle'), selectInferedField(collection, 'author'), ]; const collectionEntries = selectEntries(state, collectionKey).toJS(); const filteredEntries = fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, collectionEntries, { extract: entry => searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => { const f =[field]; return f ? `${ acc } ${ f }` : acc; }, ""), }).filter(entry => entry.score > 5); localResults[collectionKey] = true; localResults.entries = localResults.entries.concat(filteredEntries); const returnedKeys = Object.keys(localResults); const allCollections = state.collections.keySeq().toArray(); if (allCollections.every(v => returnedKeys.indexOf(v) !== -1)) { const sortedResults = localResults.entries.sort((a, b) => { if (a.score > b.score) return -1; if (a.score < b.score) return 1; return 0; }).map(f => f.original); if (allCollections.size > 3 || localResults.entries.length > 30) { console.warn('The Netlify CMS is currently using a Built-in search.' + '\nWhile this works great for small sites, bigger projects might benefit from a separate search integration.' + '\nPlease refer to the documentation for more information'); } dispatch(searchSuccess(searchTerm, sortedResults, 0)); } } else { // Collection entries aren't loaded yet. // Dispatch loadEntries and wait before redispatching this action again. dispatch({ type: WAIT_UNTIL_ACTION, predicate: action => (action.type === ENTRIES_SUCCESS && action.payload.collection === collectionKey), run: () => processCollection(collection, collectionKey), }); dispatch(loadEntries(collection)); } } getState().collections.forEach(processCollection); }()); } function localQuery(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, state, dispatch) { // Check if entries in this collection were already loaded if (state.entries.hasIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'])) { const entries = selectEntries(state, collection).toJS(); const filteredEntries = fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, entries, { extract: entry => searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => { const f =[field]; return f ? `${ acc } ${ f }` : acc; }, ""), }).filter(entry => entry.score > 5); const resultObj = { query: searchTerm, hits: [], }; resultObj.hits = => f.original); dispatch(querySuccess(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, resultObj)); } else { // Collection entries aren't loaded yet. // Dispatch loadEntries and wait before redispatching this action again. dispatch({ type: WAIT_UNTIL_ACTION, predicate: action => (action.type === ENTRIES_SUCCESS && action.payload.collection === collection), run: dispatch => dispatch(query(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm)), }); dispatch(loadEntries(state.collections.get(collection))); } }