import { Map } from 'immutable'; import { actions as notifActions } from 'redux-notifications'; import { getBlobSHA } from 'netlify-cms-lib-util'; import { currentBackend } from 'src/backend'; import { createAssetProxy } from 'ValueObjects/AssetProxy'; import { selectIntegration } from 'Reducers'; import { getIntegrationProvider } from 'Integrations'; import { addAsset } from './media'; import { sanitizeSlug } from 'Lib/urlHelper'; const { notifSend } = notifActions; export const MEDIA_LIBRARY_OPEN = 'MEDIA_LIBRARY_OPEN'; export const MEDIA_LIBRARY_CLOSE = 'MEDIA_LIBRARY_CLOSE'; export const MEDIA_LIBRARY_CREATE = 'MEDIA_LIBRARY_CREATE'; export const MEDIA_INSERT = 'MEDIA_INSERT'; export const MEDIA_REMOVE_INSERTED = 'MEDIA_REMOVE_INSERTED'; export const MEDIA_LOAD_REQUEST = 'MEDIA_LOAD_REQUEST'; export const MEDIA_LOAD_SUCCESS = 'MEDIA_LOAD_SUCCESS'; export const MEDIA_LOAD_FAILURE = 'MEDIA_LOAD_FAILURE'; export const MEDIA_PERSIST_REQUEST = 'MEDIA_PERSIST_REQUEST'; export const MEDIA_PERSIST_SUCCESS = 'MEDIA_PERSIST_SUCCESS'; export const MEDIA_PERSIST_FAILURE = 'MEDIA_PERSIST_FAILURE'; export const MEDIA_DELETE_REQUEST = 'MEDIA_DELETE_REQUEST'; export const MEDIA_DELETE_SUCCESS = 'MEDIA_DELETE_SUCCESS'; export const MEDIA_DELETE_FAILURE = 'MEDIA_DELETE_FAILURE'; export const MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_REQUEST = 'MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_REQUEST'; export const MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_SUCCESS = 'MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_SUCCESS'; export const MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_FAILURE = 'MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_FAILURE'; export function createMediaLibrary(instance) { const api = { show: || (() => {}), hide: instance.hide || (() => {}), onClearControl: instance.onClearControl || (() => {}), onRemoveControl: instance.onRemoveControl || (() => {}), enableStandalone: instance.enableStandalone || (() => {}), }; return { type: MEDIA_LIBRARY_CREATE, payload: api }; } export function clearMediaControl(id) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const mediaLibrary = state.mediaLibrary.get('externalLibrary'); if (mediaLibrary) { mediaLibrary.onClearControl({ id }); } }; } export function removeMediaControl(id) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const mediaLibrary = state.mediaLibrary.get('externalLibrary'); if (mediaLibrary) { mediaLibrary.onRemoveControl({ id }); } }; } export function openMediaLibrary(payload = {}) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const mediaLibrary = state.mediaLibrary.get('externalLibrary'); if (mediaLibrary) { const { controlID: id, value, config = Map(), allowMultiple, forImage } = payload;{ id, value, config: config.toJS(), allowMultiple, imagesOnly: forImage }); } dispatch({ type: MEDIA_LIBRARY_OPEN, payload }); }; } export function closeMediaLibrary() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const mediaLibrary = state.mediaLibrary.get('externalLibrary'); if (mediaLibrary) { mediaLibrary.hide(); } dispatch({ type: MEDIA_LIBRARY_CLOSE }); }; } export function insertMedia(mediaPath) { return { type: MEDIA_INSERT, payload: { mediaPath } }; } export function removeInsertedMedia(controlID) { return { type: MEDIA_REMOVE_INSERTED, payload: { controlID } }; } export function loadMedia(opts = {}) { const { delay = 0, query = '', page = 1, privateUpload } = opts; return async (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const integration = selectIntegration(state, null, 'assetStore'); if (integration) { const provider = getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration); dispatch(mediaLoading(page)); try { const files = await provider.retrieve(query, page, privateUpload); const mediaLoadedOpts = { page, canPaginate: true, dynamicSearch: true, dynamicSearchQuery: query, privateUpload, }; return dispatch(mediaLoaded(files, mediaLoadedOpts)); } catch (error) { return dispatch(mediaLoadFailed({ privateUpload })); } } dispatch(mediaLoading(page)); return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => resolve( backend .getMedia() .then(files => dispatch(mediaLoaded(files))) .catch( error => console.error(error) || dispatch(error.status === 404 ? mediaLoaded() : mediaLoadFailed()), ), ), ); }, delay); }; } export function persistMedia(file, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return async (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const integration = selectIntegration(state, null, 'assetStore'); const files = state.mediaLibrary.get('files'); const fileName = sanitizeSlug(, state.config.get('slug')); const existingFile = files.find(existingFile => === fileName); /** * Check for existing files of the same name before persisting. If no asset * store integration is used, files are being stored in Git, so we can * expect file names to be unique. If an asset store is in use, file names * may not be unique, so we forego this check. */ if (!integration && existingFile) { if (!window.confirm(`${} already exists. Do you want to replace it?`)) { return; } else { await dispatch(deleteMedia(existingFile, { privateUpload })); } } dispatch(mediaPersisting()); try { const id = await getBlobSHA(file); const displayURL = URL.createObjectURL(file); const assetProxy = await createAssetProxy(fileName, file, false, privateUpload); dispatch(addAsset(assetProxy)); if (!integration) { const asset = await backend.persistMedia(state.config, assetProxy); return dispatch(mediaPersisted({ id, displayURL, ...asset })); } return dispatch(mediaPersisted({ id, displayURL, ...assetProxy.asset }, { privateUpload })); } catch (error) { console.error(error); dispatch( notifSend({ message: `Failed to persist media: ${error}`, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); return dispatch(mediaPersistFailed({ privateUpload })); } }; } export function deleteMedia(file, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const backend = currentBackend(state.config); const integration = selectIntegration(state, null, 'assetStore'); if (integration) { const provider = getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration); dispatch(mediaDeleting()); return provider .delete( .then(() => { return dispatch(mediaDeleted(file, { privateUpload })); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); dispatch( notifSend({ message: `Failed to delete media: ${error.message}`, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); return dispatch(mediaDeleteFailed({ privateUpload })); }); } dispatch(mediaDeleting()); return backend .deleteMedia(state.config, file.path) .then(() => { return dispatch(mediaDeleted(file)); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); dispatch( notifSend({ message: `Failed to delete media: ${error.message}`, kind: 'danger', dismissAfter: 8000, }), ); return dispatch(mediaDeleteFailed()); }); }; } export function loadMediaDisplayURL(file) { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const { displayURL, id, url } = file; const state = getState(); const displayURLState = state.mediaLibrary.getIn(['displayURLs', id], Map()); if ( !id || // displayURL is used by most backends; url (like urlIsPublicPath) is used exclusively by the // assetStore integration. Only the assetStore uses URLs which can actually be inserted into // an entry - other backends create a domain-relative URL using the public_folder from the // config and the file's name. (!displayURL && !url) || displayURLState.get('url') || displayURLState.get('isFetching') || displayURLState.get('err') ) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (typeof url === 'string') { dispatch(mediaDisplayURLRequest(id)); return dispatch(mediaDisplayURLSuccess(id, displayURL)); } if (typeof displayURL === 'string') { dispatch(mediaDisplayURLRequest(id)); return dispatch(mediaDisplayURLSuccess(id, displayURL)); } try { const backend = currentBackend(state.config); dispatch(mediaDisplayURLRequest(id)); const newURL = await backend.getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL); if (newURL) { return dispatch(mediaDisplayURLSuccess(id, newURL)); } else { throw new Error('No display URL was returned!'); } } catch (err) { return dispatch(mediaDisplayURLFailure(id, err)); } }; } export function mediaLoading(page) { return { type: MEDIA_LOAD_REQUEST, payload: { page }, }; } export function mediaLoaded(files, opts = {}) { return { type: MEDIA_LOAD_SUCCESS, payload: { files, ...opts }, }; } export function mediaLoadFailed(error, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return { type: MEDIA_LOAD_FAILURE, payload: { privateUpload } }; } export function mediaPersisting() { return { type: MEDIA_PERSIST_REQUEST }; } export function mediaPersisted(asset, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return { type: MEDIA_PERSIST_SUCCESS, payload: { file: asset, privateUpload }, }; } export function mediaPersistFailed(error, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return { type: MEDIA_PERSIST_FAILURE, payload: { privateUpload } }; } export function mediaDeleting() { return { type: MEDIA_DELETE_REQUEST }; } export function mediaDeleted(file, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return { type: MEDIA_DELETE_SUCCESS, payload: { file, privateUpload }, }; } export function mediaDeleteFailed(error, opts = {}) { const { privateUpload } = opts; return { type: MEDIA_DELETE_FAILURE, payload: { privateUpload } }; } export function mediaDisplayURLRequest(key) { return { type: MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_REQUEST, payload: { key } }; } export function mediaDisplayURLSuccess(key, url) { return { type: MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_SUCCESS, payload: { key, url }, }; } export function mediaDisplayURLFailure(key, err) { console.error(err); return { type: MEDIA_DISPLAY_URL_FAILURE, payload: { key, err }, }; }