{ "title": "Open source content management for your Git workflow", "subtitle": "Use Static CMS with any static site generator for a faster and more flexible web project", "get_started": { "title": "Get Started", "url": "/docs/start-with-a-template/" }, "overviews": [ { "title": "Static + content management = ♥", "description": "Get the speed, security, and scalability of a static site, while still providing a convenient editing interface for content." }, { "title": "An integrated part of your Git workflow", "description": "Content is stored in your Git repository alongside your code for easier versioning, multi-channel publishing, and the option to handle content updates directly in Git." }, { "title": "An extensible CMS built on React", "description": "Static CMS is built as a single-page React app. Create custom-styled previews, UI widgets, and editor plugins or add backends to support different Git platform APIs." } ], "call_to_action": { "title": "Getting started is simple and free.", "subtitle": "Choose a template that’s pre-configured with a static site generator and deploys to a global CDN in one click.", "button_text": "Get Started", "url": "/docs/start-with-a-template/" }, "features_intro": { "title": "A CMS that developers and content editors can agree on", "subtitle1": "You get to implement modern front end tools to deliver a faster, safer, and more scalable site.", "subtitle2": "Editors get a friendly UI and intuitive workflow that meets their content management requirements." }, "features": [ { "image": "/img/editor-friendly-user-interface.svg", "title": "Editor-friendly user interface", "description": "Get the speed, security, and scalability of a static site, while still providing a convenient editing interface for content." }, { "image": "/img/instant-access-without-github-account.svg", "title": "Instant access without GitHub account", "description": "With Git Gateway, you can add CMS access for any team member — even if they don’t have a GitHub account." } ] }