import { List, Set } from 'immutable'; import { get, escapeRegExp } from 'lodash'; import consoleError from '../lib/consoleError'; import { CONFIG_SUCCESS } from '../actions/config'; import { FILES, FOLDER } from '../constants/collectionTypes'; import { INFERABLE_FIELDS, IDENTIFIER_FIELDS, SORTABLE_FIELDS } from '../constants/fieldInference'; import { formatExtensions } from '../formats/formats'; import { CollectionsAction, Collection, CollectionFiles, EntryField, State, EntryMap, ViewFilter, ViewGroup, } from '../types/redux'; import { selectMediaFolder } from './entries'; import { stringTemplate } from 'netlify-cms-lib-widgets'; import { summaryFormatter } from '../lib/formatters'; import { Backend } from '../backend'; const { keyToPathArray } = stringTemplate; function collections(state = null, action: CollectionsAction) { switch (action.type) { case CONFIG_SUCCESS: { const configCollections = action.payload ? action.payload.get('collections') : List(); return ( configCollections .toOrderedMap() .map(item => { const collection = item as Collection; if (collection.has('folder')) { return collection.set('type', FOLDER); } if (collection.has('files')) { return collection.set('type', FILES); } }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore // @ts-ignore .mapKeys((key: string, collection: Collection) => collection.get('name')) ); } default: return state; } } const selectors = { [FOLDER]: { entryExtension(collection: Collection) { return ( collection.get('extension') || get(formatExtensions, collection.get('format') || 'frontmatter') ).replace(/^\./, ''); }, fields(collection: Collection) { return collection.get('fields'); }, entryPath(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const folder = (collection.get('folder') as string).replace(/\/$/, ''); return `${folder}/${slug}.${this.entryExtension(collection)}`; }, entrySlug(collection: Collection, path: string) { const folder = (collection.get('folder') as string).replace(/\/$/, ''); const slug = path .split(folder + '/') .pop() ?.replace(new RegExp(`\\.${escapeRegExp(this.entryExtension(collection))}$`), ''); return slug; }, allowNewEntries(collection: Collection) { return collection.get('create'); }, allowDeletion(collection: Collection) { return collection.get('delete', true); }, templateName(collection: Collection) { return collection.get('name'); }, }, [FILES]: { fileForEntry(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const files = collection.get('files'); return files && files.filter(f => f?.get('name') === slug).get(0); }, fields(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const file = this.fileForEntry(collection, slug); return file && file.get('fields'); }, entryPath(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const file = this.fileForEntry(collection, slug); return file && file.get('file'); }, entrySlug(collection: Collection, path: string) { const file = (collection.get('files') as CollectionFiles) .filter(f => f?.get('file') === path) .get(0); return file && file.get('name'); }, entryLabel(collection: Collection, slug: string) { const file = this.fileForEntry(collection, slug); return file && file.get('label'); }, allowNewEntries() { return false; }, allowDeletion(collection: Collection) { return collection.get('delete', false); }, templateName(_collection: Collection, slug: string) { return slug; }, }, }; function getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields: EntryField[]) { const fieldsWithMediaFolders = fields.reduce((acc, f) => { if (f.has('media_folder')) { acc = [...acc, f]; } if (f.has('fields')) { const fields = f.get('fields')?.toArray() as EntryField[]; acc = [...acc, ...getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields)]; } else if (f.has('field')) { const field = f.get('field') as EntryField; acc = [...acc, ...getFieldsWithMediaFolders([field])]; } else if (f.has('types')) { const types = f.get('types')?.toArray() as EntryField[]; acc = [...acc, ...getFieldsWithMediaFolders(types)]; } return acc; }, [] as EntryField[]); return fieldsWithMediaFolders; } export function getFileFromSlug(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return collection .get('files') ?.toArray() .find(f => f.get('name') === slug); } export function selectFieldsWithMediaFolders(collection: Collection, slug: string) { if (collection.has('folder')) { const fields = collection.get('fields').toArray(); return getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields); } else if (collection.has('files')) { const fields = getFileFromSlug(collection, slug) ?.get('fields') .toArray() || []; return getFieldsWithMediaFolders(fields); } return []; } export function selectMediaFolders(state: State, collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap) { const fields = selectFieldsWithMediaFolders(collection, entry.get('slug')); const folders = => selectMediaFolder(state.config, collection, entry, f)); if (collection.has('files')) { const file = getFileFromSlug(collection, entry.get('slug')); if (file) { folders.unshift(selectMediaFolder(state.config, collection, entry, undefined)); } } if (collection.has('media_folder')) { // stop evaluating media folders at collection level collection = collection.delete('files'); folders.unshift(selectMediaFolder(state.config, collection, entry, undefined)); } return Set(folders).toArray(); } export function selectFields(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return selectors[collection.get('type')].fields(collection, slug); } export function selectFolderEntryExtension(collection: Collection) { return selectors[FOLDER].entryExtension(collection); } export function selectFileEntryLabel(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return selectors[FILES].entryLabel(collection, slug); } export function selectEntryPath(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return selectors[collection.get('type')].entryPath(collection, slug); } export function selectEntrySlug(collection: Collection, path: string) { return selectors[collection.get('type')].entrySlug(collection, path); } export function selectAllowNewEntries(collection: Collection) { return selectors[collection.get('type')].allowNewEntries(collection); } export function selectAllowDeletion(collection: Collection) { return selectors[collection.get('type')].allowDeletion(collection); } export function selectTemplateName(collection: Collection, slug: string) { return selectors[collection.get('type')].templateName(collection, slug); } export function getFieldsNames(fields: EntryField[], prefix = '') { let names = => `${prefix}${f.get('name')}`); fields.forEach((f, index) => { if (f.has('fields')) { const fields = f.get('fields')?.toArray() as EntryField[]; names = [...names, ...getFieldsNames(fields, `${names[index]}.`)]; } else if (f.has('field')) { const field = f.get('field') as EntryField; names = [...names, ...getFieldsNames([field], `${names[index]}.`)]; } else if (f.has('types')) { const types = f.get('types')?.toArray() as EntryField[]; names = [...names, ...getFieldsNames(types, `${names[index]}.`)]; } }); return names; } export function selectField(collection: Collection, key: string) { const array = keyToPathArray(key); let name: string | undefined; let field; let fields = collection.get('fields', List()).toArray(); while ((name = array.shift()) && fields) { field = fields.find(f => f.get('name') === name); if (field?.has('fields')) { fields = field?.get('fields')?.toArray() as EntryField[]; } else if (field?.has('field')) { fields = [field?.get('field') as EntryField]; } else if (field?.has('types')) { fields = field?.get('types')?.toArray() as EntryField[]; } } return field; } export function traverseFields( fields: List, updater: (field: EntryField) => EntryField, done = () => false, ) { if (done()) { return fields; } fields = fields .map(f => { const field = updater(f as EntryField); if (done()) { return field; } else if (field.has('fields')) { return field.set('fields', traverseFields(field.get('fields')!, updater, done)); } else if (field.has('field')) { return field.set( 'field', traverseFields(List([field.get('field')!]), updater, done).get(0), ); } else if (field.has('types')) { return field.set('types', traverseFields(field.get('types')!, updater, done)); } else { return field; } }) .toList() as List; return fields; } export function updateFieldByKey( collection: Collection, key: string, updater: (field: EntryField) => EntryField, ) { const selected = selectField(collection, key); if (!selected) { return collection; } let updated = false; function updateAndBreak(f: EntryField) { const field = f as EntryField; if (field === selected) { updated = true; return updater(field); } else { return field; } } collection = collection.set( 'fields', traverseFields(collection.get('fields', List()), updateAndBreak, () => updated), ); return collection; } export function selectIdentifier(collection: Collection) { const identifier = collection.get('identifier_field'); const identifierFields = identifier ? [identifier, ...IDENTIFIER_FIELDS] : IDENTIFIER_FIELDS; const fieldNames = getFieldsNames(collection.get('fields', List()).toArray()); return identifierFields.find(id => fieldNames.find(name => name?.toLowerCase().trim() === id.toLowerCase().trim()), ); } export function selectInferedField(collection: Collection, fieldName: string) { if (fieldName === 'title' && collection.get('identifier_field')) { return selectIdentifier(collection); } const inferableField = (INFERABLE_FIELDS as Record< string, { type: string; synonyms: string[]; secondaryTypes: string[]; fallbackToFirstField: boolean; showError: boolean; } >)[fieldName]; const fields = collection.get('fields'); let field; // If collection has no fields or fieldName is not defined within inferables list, return null if (!fields || !inferableField) return null; // Try to return a field of the specified type with one of the synonyms const mainTypeFields = fields .filter(f => f?.get('widget', 'string') === inferableField.type) .map(f => f?.get('name')); field = mainTypeFields.filter(f => inferableField.synonyms.indexOf(f as string) !== -1); if (field && field.size > 0) return field.first(); // Try to return a field for each of the specified secondary types const secondaryTypeFields = fields .filter(f => inferableField.secondaryTypes.indexOf(f?.get('widget', 'string') as string) !== -1) .map(f => f?.get('name')); field = secondaryTypeFields.filter(f => inferableField.synonyms.indexOf(f as string) !== -1); if (field && field.size > 0) return field.first(); // Try to return the first field of the specified type if (inferableField.fallbackToFirstField && mainTypeFields.size > 0) return mainTypeFields.first(); // Coundn't infer the field. Show error and return null. if (inferableField.showError) { consoleError( `The Field ${fieldName} is missing for the collection “${collection.get('name')}”`, `Netlify CMS tries to infer the entry ${fieldName} automatically, but one couldn't be found for entries of the collection “${collection.get( 'name', )}”. Please check your site configuration.`, ); } return null; } export function selectEntryCollectionTitle(collection: Collection, entry: EntryMap) { // prefer formatted summary over everything else const summaryTemplate = collection.get('summary'); if (summaryTemplate) return summaryFormatter(summaryTemplate, entry, collection); // if the collection is a file collection return the label of the entry if (collection.get('type') == FILES) { const label = selectFileEntryLabel(collection, entry.get('slug')); if (label) return label; } // try to infer a title field from the entry data const entryData = entry.get('data'); const titleField = selectInferedField(collection, 'title'); return titleField && entryData.getIn(keyToPathArray(titleField)); } export const COMMIT_AUTHOR = 'commit_author'; export const COMMIT_DATE = 'commit_date'; export function selectDefaultSortableFields( collection: Collection, backend: Backend, hasIntegration: boolean, ) { let defaultSortable = string) => { const field = selectInferedField(collection, type); if (backend.isGitBackend() && type === 'author' && !field && !hasIntegration) { // default to commit author if not author field is found return COMMIT_AUTHOR; } return field; }).filter(Boolean); if (backend.isGitBackend() && !hasIntegration) { // always have commit date by default defaultSortable = [COMMIT_DATE, ...defaultSortable]; } return defaultSortable as string[]; } export function selectSortableFields(collection: Collection, t: (key: string) => string) { const fields = collection .get('sortable_fields') .toArray() .map(key => { if (key === COMMIT_DATE) { return { key, field: { name: key, label: t('collection.defaultFields.updatedOn.label') } }; } const field = selectField(collection, key); if (key === COMMIT_AUTHOR && !field) { return { key, field: { name: key, label: t('') } }; } return { key, field: field?.toJS() }; }) .filter(item => !!item.field) .map(item => ({ ...item.field, key: item.key })); return fields; } export function selectSortDataPath(collection: Collection, key: string) { if (key === COMMIT_DATE) { return 'updatedOn'; } else if (key === COMMIT_AUTHOR && !selectField(collection, key)) { return 'author'; } else { return `data.${key}`; } } export function selectViewFilters(collection: Collection) { const viewFilters = collection.get('view_filters').toJS() as ViewFilter[]; return viewFilters; } export function selectViewGroups(collection: Collection) { const viewGroups = collection.get('view_groups').toJS() as ViewGroup[]; return viewGroups; } export function selectFieldsComments(collection: Collection, entryMap: EntryMap) { let fields: EntryField[] = []; if (collection.has('folder')) { fields = collection.get('fields').toArray(); } else if (collection.has('files')) { const file = collection.get('files')!.find(f => f?.get('name') === entryMap.get('slug')); fields = file.get('fields').toArray(); } const comments: Record = {}; const names = getFieldsNames(fields); names.forEach(name => { const field = selectField(collection, name); if (field?.has('comment')) { comments[name] = field.get('comment')!; } }); return comments; } export function selectHasMetaPath(collection: Collection) { return ( collection.has('folder') && collection.get('type') === FOLDER && collection.has('meta') && collection.get('meta')?.has('path') ); } export default collections;