import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'; import { Map, List } from 'immutable'; import { Editor as SlateEditor, Html as SlateHtml, Raw as SlateRaw} from 'slate'; import { markdownToHtml, htmlToMarkdown } from '../../unified'; import registry from '../../../../../lib/registry'; import { createAssetProxy } from '../../../../../valueObjects/AssetProxy'; import Toolbar from '../Toolbar/Toolbar'; import { Sticky } from '../../../../UI/Sticky/Sticky'; import styles from './index.css'; /** * Slate can serialize to html, but we persist the value as markdown. Serializing * the html to markdown on every keystroke is a big perf hit, so we'll register * functions to perform those actions only when necessary, such as after loading * and before persisting. */ registry.registerWidgetValueSerializer('markdown', { serialize: htmlToMarkdown, deserialize: markdownToHtml, }); function processUrl(url) { if (url.match(/^(https?:\/\/|mailto:|\/)/)) { return url; } if (url.match(/^[^/]+\.[^/]+/)) { return `https://${ url }`; } return `/${ url }`; } const DEFAULT_NODE = 'paragraph'; function schemaWithPlugins(schema, plugins) { let nodeSpec = schema.nodeSpec; plugins.forEach((plugin) => { const attrs = {}; plugin.get('fields').forEach((field) => { attrs[field.get('name')] = { default: null }; }); nodeSpec = nodeSpec.addToEnd(`plugin_${ plugin.get('id') }`, { attrs, group: 'block', parseDOM: [{ tag: 'div[data-plugin]', getAttrs(dom) { return JSON.parse(dom.getAttribute('data-plugin')); }, }], toDOM(node) { return ['div', { 'data-plugin': JSON.stringify(node.attrs) }, plugin.get('label')]; }, }); }); return new Schema({ nodes: nodeSpec, marks: schema.markSpec, }); } function createSerializer(schema, plugins) { const serializer = Object.create(defaultMarkdownSerializer); plugins.forEach((plugin) => { serializer.nodes[`plugin_${ plugin.get('id') }`] = (state, node) => { const toBlock = plugin.get('toBlock'); state.write(`${, node.attrs) }\n\n`); }; }); return serializer; } const BLOCK_TAGS = { p: 'paragraph', li: 'list-item', ul: 'bulleted-list', ol: 'numbered-list', blockquote: 'quote', pre: 'code', h1: 'heading-one', h2: 'heading-two', h3: 'heading-three', h4: 'heading-four', h5: 'heading-five', h6: 'heading-six', } const MARK_TAGS = { strong: 'bold', em: 'italic', u: 'underline', s: 'strikethrough', del: 'strikethrough', code: 'code' } const BLOCK_COMPONENTS = { 'paragraph': props =>


, 'list-item': props =>
  • {props.children}
  • , 'bulleted-list': props => , 'numbered-list': props =>
    , 'quote': props =>
    , 'code': props =>
    , 'heading-one': props =>


    , 'heading-two': props =>


    , 'heading-three': props =>


    , 'heading-four': props =>


    , 'heading-five': props =>
    , 'heading-six': props =>
    , 'image': props => { const data = props.node && props.node.get('data'); const src = data && data.get('src', props.src); const alt = data && data.get('alt', props.alt); return {alt}; }, }; const NODE_COMPONENTS = { ...BLOCK_COMPONENTS, 'link': props => { const href = props.node && props.node.getIn(['data', 'href']) || props.href; return {props.children}; }, }; const MARK_COMPONENTS = { bold: props => {props.children}, italic: props => {props.children}, underlined: props => {props.children}, strikethrough: props => {props.children}, code: props => {props.children}, }; const RULES = [ { deserialize(el, next) { const block = BLOCK_TAGS[el.tagName] if (!block) return return { kind: 'block', type: block, nodes: next(el.children) } }, serialize(entity, children) { if (['bulleted-list', 'numbered-list'].includes(entity.type)) { return; } const component = BLOCK_COMPONENTS[entity.type] if (!component) { return; } return component({ children }); } }, { deserialize(el, next) { const mark = MARK_TAGS[el.tagName] if (!mark) return return { kind: 'mark', type: mark, nodes: next(el.children) } }, serialize(entity, children) { const component = MARK_COMPONENTS[entity.type] if (!component) { return; } return component({ children }); } }, { // Special case for code blocks, which need to grab the nested children. deserialize(el, next) { if (el.tagName != 'pre') return const code = el.children[0] const children = code && code.tagName == 'code' ? code.children : el.children return { kind: 'block', type: 'code', nodes: next(children) } }, }, { deserialize(el, next) { if (el.tagName != 'img') return return { kind: 'inline', type: 'image', isVoid: true, nodes: [], data: { src: el.attribs.src, alt: el.attribs.alt, } } }, serialize(entity, children) { if (entity.type !== 'image') { return; } const data = entity.get('data'); const props = { src: data.get('src'), alt: data.get('alt'), attributes: data.get('attributes'), }; return NODE_COMPONENTS.image(props); } }, { // Special case for links, to grab their href. deserialize(el, next) { if (el.tagName != 'a') return return { kind: 'inline', type: 'link', nodes: next(el.children), data: { href: el.attribs.href } } }, serialize(entity, children) { if (entity.type !== 'link') { return; } const data = entity.get('data'); const props = { href: data.get('href'), attributes: data.get('attributes'), children, }; return; } }, { serialize(entity, children) { if (!['bulleted-list', 'numbered-list'].includes(entity.type)) { return; } return NODE_COMPONENTS[entity.type]({ children }); } } ] const serializer = new SlateHtml({ rules: RULES }); const SoftBreak = (options = {}) => ({ onKeyDown(e, data, state) { if (data.key != 'enter') return; if (options.shift && e.shiftKey == false) return; const { onlyIn, ignoreIn, closeAfter, unwrapBlocks, defaultBlock = 'paragraph' } = options; const { type, nodes } = state.startBlock; if (onlyIn && !onlyIn.includes(type)) return; if (ignoreIn && ignoreIn.includes(type)) return; const shouldClose = nodes.last().characters.takeLast(closeAfter).every(c => c.text === '\n'); if (closeAfter && shouldClose) { const trimmed = state.transform().deleteBackward(closeAfter); const unwrapped = unwrapBlocks ? unwrapBlocks.reduce((acc, blockType) => acc.unwrapBlock(blockType), trimmed) : trimmed; return unwrapped.insertBlock(defaultBlock).apply(); } return state.transform().insertText('\n').apply(); } }); const BackspaceCloseBlock = (options = {}) => ({ onKeyDown(e, data, state) { if (data.key != 'backspace' || state.startBlock.type === 'paragraph') return; const { defaultBlock = 'paragraph', wrapped = {} } = options; const { startBlock } = state; const { type } = startBlock; const characters = startBlock.getFirstText().characters; const isEmpty = !characters || characters.isEmpty(); if (isEmpty) { const transform = state.transform(); if (wrapped[type] && state.document.getPreviousSibling(startBlock.key)) { return; } if (wrapped[type]) { wrapped[type].forEach(wrapper => transform.unwrapBlock(wrapper)); } return transform.insertBlock(defaultBlock).focus().apply(); } } }); const slatePlugins = [ SoftBreak({ ignoreIn: ['paragraph', 'list-item'], closeAfter: 2 }), SoftBreak({ onlyIn: ['list-item'], shift: true}), SoftBreak({ onlyIn: ['paragraph'], closeAfter: 1 }), BackspaceCloseBlock({ wrapped: { 'list-item': ['bulleted-list', 'numbered-list'] } }), ]; export default class Editor extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const plugins = registry.getEditorComponents(); this.state = { editorState: serializer.deserialize(this.props.value || '

    '), schema: { nodes: NODE_COMPONENTS, marks: MARK_COMPONENTS, }, plugins, }; } handlePaste = (e, data, state) => { if (data.type !== 'html' || data.isShift) { return; } const markdown = htmlToMarkdown(data.html); const html = markdownToHtml(markdown); const fragment = serializer.deserialize(html).document; return state.transform().insertFragment(fragment).apply(); } handleDocumentChange = (doc, editorState) => { const html = serializer.serialize(editorState); this.props.onChange(html); }; hasMark = type => this.state.editorState.marks.some(mark => mark.type === type); hasBlock = type => this.state.editorState.blocks.some(node => node.type === type); handleKeyDown = (e, data, state) => { if (!data.isMod) { return; } const marks = { b: 'bold', i: 'italic', u: 'underlined', s: 'strikethrough', '`': 'code', }; const mark = marks[data.key]; if (mark) { state = state.transform().toggleMark(mark).apply(); } return; }; handleMarkClick = (event, type) => { event.preventDefault(); const resolvedState = this.state.editorState.transform().focus().toggleMark(type).apply(); this.ref.onChange(resolvedState); this.setState({ editorState: resolvedState }); }; handleBlockClick = (event, type) => { event.preventDefault(); let { editorState } = this.state; const transform = editorState.transform().focus(); const doc = editorState.document; const isList = this.hasBlock('list-item') // Handle everything except list buttons. if (!['bulleted-list', 'numbered-list'].includes(type)) { const isActive = this.hasBlock(type); const transformed = transform.setBlock(isActive ? DEFAULT_NODE : type); if (isList) { transformed .unwrapBlock('bulleted-list') .unwrapBlock('numbered-list'); } } // Handle the extra wrapping required for list buttons. else { const isType = editorState.blocks.some(block => { return !!doc.getClosest(block.key, parent => parent.type === type); }); if (isList && isType) { transform .setBlock(DEFAULT_NODE) .unwrapBlock('bulleted-list') .unwrapBlock('numbered-list'); } else if (isList) { transform .unwrapBlock(type === 'bulleted-list' ? 'numbered-list' : 'bulleted-list') .wrapBlock(type); } else { transform .setBlock('list-item') .wrapBlock(type); } } const resolvedState = transform.apply(); this.ref.onChange(resolvedState); this.setState({ editorState: resolvedState }); }; handleLink = () => { let url = null; if (!markActive(this.view.state, { url = prompt('Link URL:'); // eslint-disable-line no-alert } const command = toggleMark(, { href: url ? processUrl(url) : null }); command(this.view.state, this.handleAction); }; handlePluginSubmit = (plugin, data) => { const { schema } = this.state; const nodeType = schema.nodes[`plugin_${ plugin.get('id') }`]; //this.view.props.onAction(; }; handleDragEnter = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ dragging: true }); }; handleDragLeave = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ dragging: false }); }; handleDragOver = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }; handleDrop = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ dragging: false }); const { schema } = this.state; const nodes = []; if (e.dataTransfer.files && e.dataTransfer.files.length) { Array.from(e.dataTransfer.files).forEach((file) => { createAssetProxy(, file) .then((assetProxy) => { this.props.onAddAsset(assetProxy); if (file.type.split('/')[0] === 'image') { nodes.push( schema.nodes.image.create({ src: assetProxy.public_path, alt: }) ); } else { nodes.push({ href: assetProxy.public_path, title: }) ); } }); }); } else { nodes.push(schema.nodes.paragraph.create({}, e.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'))); } nodes.forEach((node) => { //this.view.props.onAction(; }); }; handleToggle = () => { this.props.onMode('raw'); }; getButtonProps = (type, isBlock) => { const handler = isBlock ? this.handleBlockClick: this.handleMarkClick; const isActive = isBlock ? this.hasBlock : this.hasMark; return { onAction: e => handler(e, type), active: isActive(type) }; }; render() { const { onAddAsset, onRemoveAsset, getAsset } = this.props; const { plugins, selectionPosition, dragging } = this.state; const classNames = [styles.editor]; if (dragging) { classNames.push(styles.dragging); } return (
    this.setState({ editorState })} onDocumentChange={this.handleDocumentChange} onKeyDown={this.onKeyDown} onPaste={this.handlePaste} ref={ref => this.ref = ref} spellCheck />
    ); } } Editor.propTypes = { onAddAsset: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRemoveAsset: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getAsset: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onMode: PropTypes.func.isRequired, value: PropTypes.node, };