import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'; import unified from 'unified'; import markdownToRemark from 'remark-parse'; import remarkToRehype from 'remark-rehype'; import rehypeToHtml from 'rehype-stringify'; import htmlToRehype from 'rehype-parse'; import rehypeToRemark from 'rehype-remark'; import remarkToMarkdown from 'remark-stringify'; import rehypeSanitize from 'rehype-sanitize'; import rehypeReparse from 'rehype-raw'; import CaretPosition from 'textarea-caret-position'; import TextareaAutosize from 'react-textarea-autosize'; import registry from '../../../../lib/registry'; import { createAssetProxy } from '../../../../valueObjects/AssetProxy'; import Toolbar from '../Toolbar/Toolbar'; import { Sticky } from '../../../UI/Sticky/Sticky'; import styles from './index.css'; const HAS_LINE_BREAK = /\n/m; function processUrl(url) { if (url.match(/^(https?:\/\/|mailto:|\/)/)) { return url; } if (url.match(/^[^/]+\.[^/]+/)) { return `https://${ url }`; } return `/${ url }`; } function cleanupPaste(paste) { return unified() .use(htmlToRehype, { fragment: true }) .use(rehypeSanitize) .use(rehypeReparse) .use(rehypeToRemark) .use(remarkToMarkdown) .process(paste); } function getCleanPaste(e) { const transfer = e.clipboardData; return new Promise((resolve) => { const isHTML = !!Array.from(transfer.types).find(type => type === 'text/html'); if (isHTML) { const data = transfer.getData('text/html'); // Avoid trying to clean up full HTML documents with head/body/etc if (!data.match(/^\s* { resolve(cleanupPaste(div.innerHTML)); document.body.removeChild(div); }, 50); return null; } } e.preventDefault(); return resolve(transfer.getData(transfer.types[0])); }); } export default class RawEditor extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const plugins = registry.getEditorComponents(); this.state = { value: this.props.value, plugins, }; this.shortcuts = { meta: { b: this.handleBold, i: this.handleItalic, }, }; } componentDidMount() { this.updateHeight(); this.element.addEventListener('paste', this.handlePaste, false); const markdown = unified() .use(htmlToRehype) .use(rehypeToRemark) .use(remarkToMarkdown) .processSync(this.state.value) .contents; this.setState({ value: markdown }); } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.newSelection) { this.element.selectionStart = this.newSelection.start; this.element.selectionEnd = this.newSelection.end; this.newSelection = null; } } componentWillUnmount() { this.element.removeEventListener('paste', this.handlePaste); } getSelection() { const start = this.element.selectionStart; const end = this.element.selectionEnd; const selected = (this.state.value || '').substr(start, end - start); return { start, end, selected }; } surroundSelection(chars) { const selection = this.getSelection(); const newSelection = Object.assign({}, selection); const { value } = this.props; const escapedChars = chars.replace(/\*/g, '\\*'); const regexp = new RegExp(`^${ escapedChars }.*${ escapedChars }$`); let changed = chars + selection.selected + chars; if (regexp.test(selection.selected)) { changed = selection.selected.substr(chars.length, selection.selected.length - (chars.length * 2)); newSelection.end = selection.end - (chars.length * 2); } else if ( value.substr(selection.start - chars.length, chars.length) === chars && value.substr(selection.end, chars.length) === chars ) { newSelection.start = selection.start - chars.length; newSelection.end = selection.end + chars.length; changed = selection.selected; } else { newSelection.end = selection.end + (chars.length * 2); } const beforeSelection = value.substr(0, selection.start); const afterSelection = value.substr(selection.end); this.newSelection = newSelection; this.handleChange(beforeSelection + changed + afterSelection); } replaceSelection(chars) { const value = this.state.value || ''; const selection = this.getSelection(); const newSelection = Object.assign({}, selection); const beforeSelection = value.substr(0, selection.start); const afterSelection = value.substr(selection.end); newSelection.end = selection.start + chars.length; this.newSelection = newSelection; this.handleChange(beforeSelection + chars + afterSelection); } toggleHeader(header) { const value = this.state.value || ''; const selection = this.getSelection(); const newSelection = Object.assign({}, selection); const lastNewline = value.lastIndexOf('\n', selection.start); const currentMatch = value.substr(lastNewline + 1).match(/^(#+)\s/); const beforeHeader = value.substr(0, lastNewline + 1); let afterHeader; let chars; if (currentMatch) { afterHeader = value.substr(lastNewline + 1 + currentMatch[0].length); chars = currentMatch[1] === header ? '' : `${ header } `; const diff = chars.length - currentMatch[0].length; newSelection.start += diff; newSelection.end += diff; } else { afterHeader = value.substr(lastNewline + 1); chars = `${ header } `; newSelection.start += header.length + 1; newSelection.end += header.length + 1; } this.newSelection = newSelection; this.handleChange(beforeHeader + chars + afterHeader); } updateHeight() { if (this.element.scrollHeight > this.element.clientHeight) { = `${ this.element.scrollHeight }px`; } } handleRef = (ref) => { this.element = ref; if (ref) { this.caretPosition = new CaretPosition(ref); } }; handleKey = (e) => { if (e.metaKey) { const action = this.shortcuts.meta[e.key]; if (action) { e.preventDefault(); action(); } } }; handleBold = () => { this.surroundSelection('**'); }; handleItalic = () => { this.surroundSelection('*'); }; handleLink = () => { const url = prompt('URL:'); // eslint-disable-line no-alert const selection = this.getSelection(); this.replaceSelection(`[${ selection.selected }](${ processUrl(url) })`); }; handleSelection = () => { const value = this.state.value || ''; const selection = this.getSelection(); if (selection.start !== selection.end && !HAS_LINE_BREAK.test(selection.selected)) { try { const selectionPosition = this.caretPosition.get(selection.start, selection.end); this.setState({ selectionPosition }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // eslint-disable-line no-console } } else if (selection.start === selection.end) { const newBlock = ( (selection.start === 0 && value.substr(0, 1).match(/^\n?$/)) || value.substr(selection.start - 2, 2) === '\n\n') && ( selection.end === (value.length - 1) || value.substr(selection.end, 2) === '\n\n' || value.substr(selection.end).match(/\n*$/m) ); if (newBlock) { const position = this.caretPosition.get(selection.start, selection.end); this.setState({ selectionPosition: position }); } } }; handleChange = (e) => { const html = unified() .use(markdownToRemark) .use(remarkToRehype) .use(rehypeToHtml) .processSync( .contents; this.props.onChange(html); this.updateHeight(); this.setState({ value: }); }; handlePluginSubmit = (plugin, data) => { const toBlock = plugin.get('toBlock'); this.replaceSelection(, data.toJS())); }; handleHeader(header) { return () => { this.toggleHeader(header); }; } handleDragEnter = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ dragging: true }); }; handleDragLeave = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ dragging: false }); }; handleDragOver = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }; handleDrop = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({ dragging: false }); let data; if (e.dataTransfer.files && e.dataTransfer.files.length) { data = Array.from(e.dataTransfer.files).map((file) => { const link = `[Uploading ${ }...]()`; if (file.type.split('/')[0] === 'image') { return `!${ link }`; } createAssetProxy(, file) .then((assetProxy) => { this.props.onAddAsset(assetProxy); // TODO: Change the link text }); return link; }).join('\n\n'); } else { data = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'); } this.replaceSelection(data); }; handlePaste = (e) => { const { value } = this.props; const selection = this.getSelection(); const beforeSelection = value.substr(0, selection.start); const afterSelection = value.substr(selection.end); getCleanPaste(e).then((paste) => { const newSelection = Object.assign({}, selection); newSelection.start = newSelection.end = beforeSelection.length + paste.length; this.newSelection = newSelection; this.handleChange(beforeSelection + paste + afterSelection); }); }; handleToggle = () => { this.props.onMode('visual'); }; render() { const { onAddAsset, onRemoveAsset, getAsset } = this.props; const { plugins, selectionPosition, dragging } = this.state; const classNames = [styles.root]; if (dragging) { classNames.push(styles.dragging); } return (