import fs from 'fs'; import matter from 'gray-matter'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; import path from 'path'; import { getAnchor } from '../components/docs/components/headers/hooks/useAnchor'; import { SUMMARY_MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH } from '../constants'; import menu from './menu'; import type { GetStaticProps } from 'next'; import type { DocsData, DocsGroup, DocsGroupLink, DocsPage, FileMatter, SearchablePage, } from '../interface'; export interface SearchProps { searchablePages: SearchablePage[]; } export interface DocsMenuProps extends SearchProps { docsGroups: DocsGroup[]; } const docsDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content/docs'); let docsMatterCache: FileMatter[]; let docsCache: [DocsPage[], DocsGroup[]]; export function fetchDocsMatter(): FileMatter[] { if (docsMatterCache && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') { return docsMatterCache; } // Get file names under /docs const fileNames = fs.readdirSync(docsDirectory); const allDocsMatter = fileNames .filter(it => it.endsWith('.mdx')) .map(fileName => { // Read file as string const fullPath = path.join(docsDirectory, fileName); const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8'); // Use gray-matter to parse the doc metadata section const matterResult = matter(fileContents, { engines: { yaml: s => yaml.load(s, { schema: yaml.JSON_SCHEMA }) as object, }, }); return { fileName, fullPath, matterResult }; }); // Sort docs by date docsMatterCache = allDocsMatter.sort( (a, b) => -, ); return docsMatterCache; } function getHeadings(content: string): string[] { const headingRegex = /^## ([^\n]+)/gm; let matches = headingRegex.exec(content); const headings: string[] = []; while (matches && matches.length === 2) { headings.push(matches[1]); matches = headingRegex.exec(content); } return headings; } function getTextContent(content: string): string { const textContentRegex = /^(?:-|\*|\n)((?!```|<| |const|interface|export|import|let|var|CMS\.)(?:[`\-# {*]*)[a-zA-Z]+[^|\n]+)$/gm; let matches = textContentRegex.exec(content); const paragraphs: string[] = []; while (matches && matches.length === 2) { paragraphs.push( matches[1] .replace(/(^- )|(`)|(^[#]+ )|(\*\*)|((?<= )_)|(^_)|(_(?=[ .]{1}))|(_$)/gm, '') .replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\((?:[^)]+)\)/gm, '$1'), ); matches = textContentRegex.exec(content); } return paragraphs.join('\n'); } export function fetchDocsContent(): [DocsPage[], DocsGroup[]] { if (docsCache && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') { return docsCache; } const allDocsData: DocsPage[] = fetchDocsMatter().map( ({ fileName, fullPath, matterResult: { data, content } }) => { const slug = fileName.replace(/\.mdx$/, ''); const summaryRegex = /^
let summaryMatch = summaryRegex.exec(content);
const htmlSummaryRegex =
if (
!summaryMatch ||
summaryMatch.length < 2 ||
summaryMatch[1].length < SUMMARY_MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH
) {
summaryMatch = htmlSummaryRegex.exec(content);
return {
data: {,
} as DocsData,
textContent: getTextContent(content),
headings: getHeadings(content).map(heading => ({
title: heading,
anchor: getAnchor(heading),
const pagesByGroup: Record