import LocalForage from 'localforage'; import MediaProxy from '../../valueObjects/MediaProxy'; import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { SIMPLE, EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW, status } from '../../constants/publishModes'; const API_ROOT = ''; export default class API { constructor(token, repo, branch) { this.token = token; this.repo = repo; this.branch = branch; this.repoURL = `/repos/${ this.repo }`; } user() { return this.request('/user'); } requestHeaders(headers = {}) { return { Authorization: `token ${ this.token }`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', ...headers, }; } parseJsonResponse(response) { return response.json().then((json) => { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(json); } return json; }); } urlFor(path, options) { const params = []; if (options.params) { for (const key in options.params) { params.push(`${ key }=${ encodeURIComponent(options.params[key]) }`); } } if (params.length) { path += `?${ params.join('&') }`; } return API_ROOT + path; } request(path, options = {}) { const headers = this.requestHeaders(options.headers || {}); const url = this.urlFor(path, options); return fetch(url, { ...options, headers }).then((response) => { const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-Type'); if (contentType && contentType.match(/json/)) { return this.parseJsonResponse(response); } return response.text(); }); } checkMetadataRef() { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/refs/meta/_netlify_cms?${ }`, { cache: 'no-store', }) .then(response => response.object) .catch((error) => { // Meta ref doesn't exist const readme = { raw: '# Netlify CMS\n\nThis tree is used by the Netlify CMS to store metadata information for specific files and branches.', }; return this.uploadBlob(readme) .then(item => this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/trees`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ tree: [{ path: '', mode: '100644', type: 'blob', sha: item.sha }] }), })) .then(tree => this.commit('First Commit', tree)) .then(response => this.createRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', response.sha)) .then(response => response.object); }); } storeMetadata(key, data) { return this.checkMetadataRef() .then((branchData) => { const fileTree = { [`${ key }.json`]: { path: `${ key }.json`, raw: JSON.stringify(data), file: true, }, }; return this.uploadBlob(fileTree[`${ key }.json`]) .then(item => this.updateTree(branchData.sha, '/', fileTree)) .then(changeTree => this.commit(`Updating “${ key }” metadata`, changeTree)) .then(response => this.patchRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', response.sha)) .then(() => { LocalForage.setItem(`gh.meta.${ key }`, { expires: + 300000, // In 5 minutes data, }); }); }); } retrieveMetadata(key) { const cache = LocalForage.getItem(`gh.meta.${ key }`); return cache.then((cached) => { if (cached && cached.expires > { return; } return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/contents/${ key }.json`, { params: { ref: 'refs/meta/_netlify_cms' }, headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw' }, cache: 'no-store', }) .then(response => JSON.parse(response)); }); } readFile(path, sha, branch = this.branch) { const cache = sha ? LocalForage.getItem(`gh.${ sha }`) : Promise.resolve(null); return cache.then((cached) => { if (cached) { return cached; } return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/contents/${ path }`, { headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw' }, params: { ref: branch }, cache: false, }).then((result) => { if (sha) { LocalForage.setItem(`gh.${ sha }`, result); } return result; }); }); } listFiles(path) { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/contents/${ path }`, { params: { ref: this.branch }, }); } readUnpublishedBranchFile(contentKey) { let metaData; const unpublishedPromise = this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey) .then((data) => { metaData = data; return this.readFile(data.objects.entry, null, data.branch); }) .then(file => ({ metaData, file })) .catch((error) => { return null; }); return unpublishedPromise; } listUnpublishedBranches() { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/refs/heads/cms`); } persistFiles(entry, mediaFiles, options) { let filename, part, parts, subtree; const fileTree = {}; const uploadPromises = []; const files = mediaFiles.concat(entry); files.forEach((file) => { if (file.uploaded) { return; } uploadPromises.push(this.uploadBlob(file)); parts = file.path.split('/').filter(part => part); filename = parts.pop(); subtree = fileTree; while (part = parts.shift()) { subtree[part] = subtree[part] || {}; subtree = subtree[part]; } subtree[filename] = file; file.file = true; }); return Promise.all(uploadPromises).then(() => { if (!options.mode || (options.mode && options.mode === SIMPLE)) { return this.getBranch() .then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, '/', fileTree)) .then(changeTree => this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree)) .then(response => this.patchBranch(this.branch, response.sha)); } else if (options.mode && options.mode === EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW) { const mediaFilesList = => file.path); return this.editorialWorkflowGit(fileTree, entry, mediaFilesList, options); } }); } editorialWorkflowGit(fileTree, entry, filesList, options) { const contentKey = options.collectionName ? `${ options.collectionName }-${ entry.slug }` : entry.slug; const branchName = `cms/${ contentKey }`; const unpublished = options.unpublished || false; if (!unpublished) { // Open new editorial review workflow for this entry - Create new metadata and commit to new branch const contentKey = options.collectionName ? `${ options.collectionName }-${ entry.slug }` : entry.slug; const branchName = `cms/${ contentKey }`; return this.getBranch() .then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, '/', fileTree)) .then(changeTree => this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree)) .then(commitResponse => this.createBranch(branchName, commitResponse.sha)) .then(branchResponse => this.createPR(options.commitMessage, branchName)) .then((prResponse) => { return this.user().then((user) => { return ? : user.login; }) .then(username => this.storeMetadata(contentKey, { type: 'PR', pr: { number: prResponse.number, head: prResponse.head && prResponse.head.sha, }, user: username, status: status.first(), branch: branchName, collection: options.collectionName, title: options.parsedData && options.parsedData.title, description: options.parsedData && options.parsedData.description, objects: { entry: entry.path, files: filesList, }, timeStamp: new Date().toISOString(), })); }); } else { // Entry is already on editorial review workflow - just update metadata and commit to existing branch return this.getBranch(branchName) .then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, '/', fileTree)) .then(changeTree => this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree)) .then((response) => { const contentKey = options.collectionName ? `${ options.collectionName }-${ entry.slug }` : entry.slug; const branchName = `cms/${ contentKey }`; return this.user().then((user) => { return ? : user.login; }) .then(username => this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey)) .then((metadata) => { let files = metadata.objects && metadata.objects.files || []; files = files.concat(filesList); return { ...metadata, title: options.parsedData && options.parsedData.title, description: options.parsedData && options.parsedData.description, objects: { entry: entry.path, files: _.uniq(files), }, timeStamp: new Date().toISOString(), }; }) .then(updatedMetadata => this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata)) .then(this.patchBranch(branchName, response.sha)); }); } } updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, status) { const contentKey = collection ? `${ collection }-${ slug }` : slug; return this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey) .then((metadata) => { return { ...metadata, status, }; }) .then(updatedMetadata => this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata)); } publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug, status) { const contentKey = collection ? `${ collection }-${ slug }` : slug; return this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey) .then((metadata) => { const headSha = &&; const number = &&; return this.mergePR(headSha, number); }) .then(() => this.deleteBranch(`cms/${ contentKey }`)); } createRef(type, name, sha) { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/refs`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ ref: `refs/${ type }/${ name }`, sha }), }); } patchRef(type, name, sha) { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/refs/${ type }/${ name }`, { method: 'PATCH', body: JSON.stringify({ sha }), }); } deleteRef(type, name, sha) { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/refs/${ type }/${ name }`, { method: 'DELETE', }); } getBranch(branch = this.branch) { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/branches/${ branch }`); } createBranch(branchName, sha) { return this.createRef('heads', branchName, sha); } patchBranch(branchName, sha) { return this.patchRef('heads', branchName, sha); } deleteBranch(branchName) { return this.deleteRef('heads', branchName); } createPR(title, head, base = 'master') { const body = 'Automatically generated by Netlify CMS'; return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/pulls`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ title, body, head, base }), }); } mergePR(headSha, number) { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/pulls/${ number }/merge`, { method: 'PUT', body: JSON.stringify({ commit_message: 'Automatically generated. Merged on Netlify CMS.', sha: headSha, }), }); } getTree(sha) { return sha ? this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/trees/${ sha }`) : Promise.resolve({ tree: [] }); } toBase64(str) { return Promise.resolve( Base64.encode(str) ); } uploadBlob(item) { const content = item instanceof MediaProxy ? item.toBase64() : this.toBase64(item.raw); return content.then((contentBase64) => { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/blobs`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ content: contentBase64, encoding: 'base64', }), }).then((response) => { item.sha = response.sha; item.uploaded = true; return item; }); }); } updateTree(sha, path, fileTree) { return this.getTree(sha) .then((tree) => { let obj, filename, fileOrDir; const updates = []; const added = {}; for (let i = 0, len = tree.tree.length; i < len; i++) { obj = tree.tree[i]; if (fileOrDir = fileTree[obj.path]) { added[obj.path] = true; if (fileOrDir.file) { updates.push({ path: obj.path, mode: obj.mode, type: obj.type, sha: fileOrDir.sha }); } else { updates.push(this.updateTree(obj.sha, obj.path, fileOrDir)); } } } for (filename in fileTree) { fileOrDir = fileTree[filename]; if (added[filename]) { continue; } updates.push( fileOrDir.file ? { path: filename, mode: '100644', type: 'blob', sha: fileOrDir.sha } : this.updateTree(null, filename, fileOrDir) ); } return Promise.all(updates) .then((updates) => { return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/trees`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ base_tree: sha, tree: updates }), }); }).then((response) => { return { path, mode: '040000', type: 'tree', sha: response.sha, parentSha: sha }; }); }); } commit(message, changeTree) { const tree = changeTree.sha; const parents = changeTree.parentSha ? [changeTree.parentSha] : []; return this.request(`${ this.repoURL }/git/commits`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ message, tree, parents }), }); } }