diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19100a3b --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +node_modules +dist +dev-test +*.js +j-toml.min.d.ts diff --git a/packages/core/.eslintignore b/packages/core/.eslintignore index 77a55be6..19100a3b 100644 --- a/packages/core/.eslintignore +++ b/packages/core/.eslintignore @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ node_modules dist dev-test -.js +*.js +j-toml.min.d.ts diff --git a/packages/core/package.json b/packages/core/package.json index 907727ee..f3e0bd72 100644 --- a/packages/core/package.json +++ b/packages/core/package.json @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production run-s clean build:webpack build:types", "clean": "rimraf dist dev-test/dist", "dev": "run-s clean serve", - "format:prettier": "prettier \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,css}\"", - "format": "run-s \"lint:js --fix --quiet\" \"format:prettier --write\"", + "format:prettier": "prettier \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,css}\" --write", + "format": "run-s \"lint:js --fix --quiet\" \"format:prettier\"", "lint-quiet": "run-p -c --aggregate-output \"lint:* --quiet\"", "lint:format": "prettier \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,css}\" --list-different", - "lint:js": "eslint --color --ignore-path .gitignore \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}\"", + "lint:js": "eslint --color \"src/**/*.{ts,tsx}\"", "lint": "run-p -c --aggregate-output \"lint:*\"", "prepublishOnly": "yarn build ", "prepack": "cp ../../README.md ./", diff --git a/packages/core/src/__mocks__/@ltd/j-toml.ts b/packages/core/src/formats/util/__mocks__/j-toml.min.js similarity index 100% rename from packages/core/src/__mocks__/@ltd/j-toml.ts rename to packages/core/src/formats/util/__mocks__/j-toml.min.js diff --git a/packages/core/src/formats/util/j-toml.min.js b/packages/core/src/formats/util/j-toml.min.js index f3318cb1..47daecbf 100644 --- a/packages/core/src/formats/util/j-toml.min.js +++ b/packages/core/src/formats/util/j-toml.min.js @@ -8,8 +8,439 @@ * 问题反馈:https://GitHub.com/LongTengDao/j-toml/issues * 项目主页:https://GitHub.com/LongTengDao/j-toml/ */ -(function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):(e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).TOML=t()})(this,(function(){"use strict";const e=SyntaxError,t=RangeError,n=TypeError,i={if:Error}.if,r=void 0,s="undefined"==typeof BigInt?r:BigInt,a=RegExp,l=WeakMap,o=WeakMap.prototype.get,c=WeakMap.prototype.set,u=Object.create,f=Number.isSafeInteger,h=Object.getOwnPropertyNames,d=Object.freeze,p=Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf,g=Object.seal?Object.preventExtensions(Object.create(null)):null,b=Function.prototype.bind,y=RegExp.prototype.test,w=RegExp.prototype.exec,m=Reflect.apply,x=Proxy,T="undefined"==typeof Symbol?r:Symbol.toStringTag,v=Object.defineProperty,O=Object.assign,$=Object,F=Math.floor,I=Array.isArray,k=1/0,S=String.fromCharCode,M=Array,L=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,A=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,B=Function.prototype.apply;var U=A.call.bind(A),D=$.hasOwn||function(){return L.bind?L.call.bind(L):function(e,t){return L.call(e,t)}}(),j=$.create;function C(e){var t=j(g);return D(e,"value")&&(t.value=e.value),D(e,"writable")&&(t.writable=e.writable),D(e,"get")&&(t.get=e.get),D(e,"set")&&(t.set=e.set),D(e,"enumerable")&&(t.enumerable=e.enumerable),D(e,"configurable")&&(t.configurable=e.configurable),t}const _=function(e,t){if(t||"function"==typeof e||(t=e,e=u(g)),O)O(e,t);else for(var n in t)D(t,n)&&(e[n]=t[n]);if(e.default=e,"function"==typeof e)e.prototype&&d(e.prototype);else if(T){var i=u(g);i.value="Module",v(e,T,i)}return d(e)};var N=b?b.bind(y):function(e){return function(t){return y.call(e,t)}},E=b?b.bind(w):function(e){return function(t){return w.call(e,t)}};function P(e){var t=e.test=N(e),n=e.exec=E(e),i=t.source=n.source=e.source;return t.unicode=n.unicode=e.unicode,t.ignoreCase=n.ignoreCase=e.ignoreCase,t.multiline=n.multiline=i.indexOf("^")<0&&i.indexOf("$")<0?null:e.multiline,t.dotAll=n.dotAll=i.indexOf(".")<0?null:e.dotAll,e}function K(e){return P(e)}var W=/[\n\t]+/g,R=/\\./g;function Z(e){return"\\`"===e?"`":e}var q="".includes?function(e,t){return e.includes(t)}:function(e,t){return e.indexOf(t)>-1};function H(t){for(var i=this.U,r=this.I,s=this.M,l=this.S,o=t.raw,c=o[0].replace(W,""),u=1,f=arguments.length;u!==f;){var h=arguments[u];if("string"==typeof h)c+=h;else{var d=h.source;if("string"!=typeof d)throw n("source");if(h.unicode===i)throw e("unicode");if(h.ignoreCase===r)throw e("ignoreCase");if(h.multiline===s&&(q(d,"^")||q(d,"$")))throw e("multiline");if(h.dotAll===l&&q(d,"."))throw e("dotAll");c+=d}c+=o[u++].replace(W,"")}var p=a(i?c=c.replace(R,Z):c,this.flags),g=p.test=N(p),b=p.exec=E(p);return g.source=b.source=c,g.unicode=b.unicode=!i,g.ignoreCase=b.ignoreCase=!r,g.multiline=b.multiline=q(c,"^")||q(c,"$")?!s:null,g.dotAll=b.dotAll=q(c,".")?!l:null,p}var z=b&&b.bind(H);function Y(e){return{U:!q(e,"u"),I:!q(e,"i"),M:!q(e,"m"),S:!q(e,"s"),flags:e}}var J=Y(""),V=x?new x(H,{apply:function(e,t,n){return m(e,J,n)},get:function(e,t){return z(Y(t))},defineProperty:function(){return!1},preventExtensions:function(){return!1}}):function(){H.apply=H.apply;for(var e=function(){return H.apply(J,arguments)},t=63;t--;)!function(t){e[t.flags]=function(){return H.apply(t,arguments)}}(Y((1&t?"":"d")+(2&t?"":"g")+(4&t?"":"i")+(8&t?"":"m")+(8&t?"":"s")+(16&t?"":"u")+(32&t?"":"y")));return d?d(e):e}(),G="$_"in a?function(){var e=/^/;return e.test=e.test,function(t){return e.test(""),t}}():function(e){return e},X=/^[$()*+\-.?[\\\]^{|]/,Q=/^[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,ee=u(g);function te(e,t,n){for(var i=u(g),r=t?ne:ie,s=e.length,a=0;a{const e=new l;return e.has=e.has,e.get=e.get,e.set=e.set,e},xe=me(),Te=me(),ve=me(),Oe=O(u(g),{defineProperty:(e,t,n)=>{if(D(e,t))return be(e,t,O(u(g),n));if(be(e,t,O(u(g),n))){const n=xe.get(e);return n[n.length]=t,!0}return!1},deleteProperty:(e,t)=>{if(ye(e,t)){const n=xe.get(e),i=n.indexOf(t);return i<0||--n.copyWithin(i,i+1).length,!0}return!1},ownKeys:e=>xe.get(e),construct:(e,t,n)=>Fe(ge(e,t,n)),apply:(e,t,n)=>Fe(m(e,t,n))}),$e=(e,t)=>{xe.set(e,t);const n=new x(e,Oe);return Te.set(n,e),n},Fe=e=>{if(Te.has(e))return e;let t=ve.get(e);return t||(t=$e(e,O([],we(e))),ve.set(e,t),t)},Ie=function(){function e(){throw n("Super constructor Null cannot be invoked with 'new'")}function t(){throw n("Super constructor Null cannot be invoked without 'new'")}const i=e=>(delete e.prototype.constructor,d(e.prototype),e);function r(n){return new.target?new.target===r?e():$e(this,[]):"function"==typeof n?i(n):t()}return r.prototype=null,v(r,"name",O(u(g),{value:"",configurable:!1})),d(r),r}(),ke=WeakMap.prototype.has,Se=WeakMap.prototype.delete,Me=new l,Le=new se,Ae=Se.bind(Me),Be=oe.bind(Le),Ue=ke.bind(Me),De=o.bind(Me),je=c.bind(Me),Ce=e=>(Ae(e),e),_e=ae.bind(Le),Ne=le.bind(Le),Ee=new se,Pe=le.bind(Ee),Ke=ae.bind(Ee),We=new se,Re=le.bind(We),Ze=oe.bind(We),qe=!0,He=!1,ze=new se,Ye=le.bind(ze),Je=ae.bind(ze),Ve=fe(class extends fe{constructor(e,t){return super(),Pe(this),e?t?je(this,!0):Ne(this):(t?Ye:Re)(this),this}}),Ge=fe(class extends Ie{constructor(e,t){return super(),Pe(this),e?t?je(this,!0):Ne(this):(t?Ye:Re)(this),this}}),Xe=[];let Qe="",et=Xe,tt=-1,nt=-1;const it=e=>{throw e},rt=/\r?\n/,st=(e,t)=>{if("string"!=typeof t)throw n("TOML.parse({ path })");Qe=t,et=e.split(rt),tt=et.length-1,nt=-1};class at{lineIndex=nt;type;restColumn;constructor(e,t){return this.type=e,this.restColumn=t,this}must(){return nt===tt&&it(e(`${this.type} is not close until the end of the file`+lt(", which started from ",this.lineIndex,et[this.lineIndex].length-this.restColumn+1))),et[++nt]}nowrap(e){throw it(i(`TOML.parse(${e?`${e}multilineStringJoiner`:",{ joiner }"}) must be passed, while the source including multi-line string`+lt(", which started from ",this.lineIndex,et[this.lineIndex].length-this.restColumn+1)))}}const lt=(e,t=nt,n=0)=>et===Xe?"":Qe?`\n at (${Qe}:${t+1}:${n})`:`${e}line ${t+1}: ${et[t]}`,ot=()=>{Qe="",et=Xe},ct=/[ \t]/,ut=V` - ^${ct}+`.valueOf(),{exec:ft}=V.s` +(function (e, t) { + 'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module + ? (module.exports = t()) + : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd + ? define(t) + : ((e = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self).TOML = t()); +})(this, function () { + 'use strict'; + const e = SyntaxError, + t = RangeError, + n = TypeError, + i = { if: Error }.if, + r = void 0, + s = 'undefined' == typeof BigInt ? r : BigInt, + a = RegExp, + l = WeakMap, + o = WeakMap.prototype.get, + c = WeakMap.prototype.set, + u = Object.create, + f = Number.isSafeInteger, + h = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, + d = Object.freeze, + p = Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf, + g = Object.seal ? Object.preventExtensions(Object.create(null)) : null, + b = Function.prototype.bind, + y = RegExp.prototype.test, + w = RegExp.prototype.exec, + m = Reflect.apply, + x = Proxy, + T = 'undefined' == typeof Symbol ? r : Symbol.toStringTag, + v = Object.defineProperty, + O = Object.assign, + $ = Object, + F = Math.floor, + I = Array.isArray, + k = 1 / 0, + S = String.fromCharCode, + M = Array, + L = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, + A = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, + B = Function.prototype.apply; + var U = A.call.bind(A), + D = + $.hasOwn || + (function () { + return L.bind + ? L.call.bind(L) + : function (e, t) { + return L.call(e, t); + }; + })(), + j = $.create; + function C(e) { + var t = j(g); + return ( + D(e, 'value') && (t.value = e.value), + D(e, 'writable') && (t.writable = e.writable), + D(e, 'get') && (t.get = e.get), + D(e, 'set') && (t.set = e.set), + D(e, 'enumerable') && (t.enumerable = e.enumerable), + D(e, 'configurable') && (t.configurable = e.configurable), + t + ); + } + const _ = function (e, t) { + if ((t || 'function' == typeof e || ((t = e), (e = u(g))), O)) O(e, t); + else for (var n in t) D(t, n) && (e[n] = t[n]); + if (((e.default = e), 'function' == typeof e)) e.prototype && d(e.prototype); + else if (T) { + var i = u(g); + (i.value = 'Module'), v(e, T, i); + } + return d(e); + }; + var N = b + ? b.bind(y) + : function (e) { + return function (t) { + return y.call(e, t); + }; + }, + E = b + ? b.bind(w) + : function (e) { + return function (t) { + return w.call(e, t); + }; + }; + function P(e) { + var t = (e.test = N(e)), + n = (e.exec = E(e)), + i = (t.source = n.source = e.source); + return ( + (t.unicode = n.unicode = e.unicode), + (t.ignoreCase = n.ignoreCase = e.ignoreCase), + (t.multiline = n.multiline = i.indexOf('^') < 0 && i.indexOf('$') < 0 ? null : e.multiline), + (t.dotAll = n.dotAll = i.indexOf('.') < 0 ? null : e.dotAll), + e + ); + } + function K(e) { + return P(e); + } + var W = /[\n\t]+/g, + R = /\\./g; + function Z(e) { + return '\\`' === e ? '`' : e; + } + var q = ''.includes + ? function (e, t) { + return e.includes(t); + } + : function (e, t) { + return e.indexOf(t) > -1; + }; + function H(t) { + for ( + var i = this.U, + r = this.I, + s = this.M, + l = this.S, + o = t.raw, + c = o[0].replace(W, ''), + u = 1, + f = arguments.length; + u !== f; + + ) { + var h = arguments[u]; + if ('string' == typeof h) c += h; + else { + var d = h.source; + if ('string' != typeof d) throw n('source'); + if (h.unicode === i) throw e('unicode'); + if (h.ignoreCase === r) throw e('ignoreCase'); + if (h.multiline === s && (q(d, '^') || q(d, '$'))) throw e('multiline'); + if (h.dotAll === l && q(d, '.')) throw e('dotAll'); + c += d; + } + c += o[u++].replace(W, ''); + } + var p = a(i ? (c = c.replace(R, Z)) : c, this.flags), + g = (p.test = N(p)), + b = (p.exec = E(p)); + return ( + (g.source = b.source = c), + (g.unicode = b.unicode = !i), + (g.ignoreCase = b.ignoreCase = !r), + (g.multiline = b.multiline = q(c, '^') || q(c, '$') ? !s : null), + (g.dotAll = b.dotAll = q(c, '.') ? !l : null), + p + ); + } + var z = b && b.bind(H); + function Y(e) { + return { U: !q(e, 'u'), I: !q(e, 'i'), M: !q(e, 'm'), S: !q(e, 's'), flags: e }; + } + var J = Y(''), + V = x + ? new x(H, { + apply: function (e, t, n) { + return m(e, J, n); + }, + get: function (e, t) { + return z(Y(t)); + }, + defineProperty: function () { + return !1; + }, + preventExtensions: function () { + return !1; + }, + }) + : (function () { + H.apply = H.apply; + for ( + var e = function () { + return H.apply(J, arguments); + }, + t = 63; + t--; + + ) + !(function (t) { + e[t.flags] = function () { + return H.apply(t, arguments); + }; + })( + Y( + (1 & t ? '' : 'd') + + (2 & t ? '' : 'g') + + (4 & t ? '' : 'i') + + (8 & t ? '' : 'm') + + (8 & t ? '' : 's') + + (16 & t ? '' : 'u') + + (32 & t ? '' : 'y'), + ), + ); + return d ? d(e) : e; + })(), + G = + '$_' in a + ? (function () { + var e = /^/; + return ( + (e.test = e.test), + function (t) { + return e.test(''), t; + } + ); + })() + : function (e) { + return e; + }, + X = /^[$()*+\-.?[\\\]^{|]/, + Q = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/, + ee = u(g); + function te(e, t, n) { + for (var i = u(g), r = t ? ne : ie, s = e.length, a = 0; a < s; ++a) r(i, e[a]); + return re(i, !n); + } + function ne(e, t) { + if (t) { + var n = Q.test(t) ? t.slice(0, 2) : t.charAt(0); + ne(e[n] || (e[n] = u(g)), t.slice(n.length)); + } else e[''] = ee; + } + function ie(e, t) { + if (t) { + var n = t.charAt(0); + ie(e[n] || (e[n] = u(g)), t.slice(1)); + } else e[''] = ee; + } + function re(e, t) { + var n = [], + i = [], + r = !0; + for (var s in e) + if (s) { + var a = re(e[s], t); + t && X.test(s) && (s = '\\' + s), a ? n.push(s + a) : i.push(s); + } else r = !1; + return ( + i.length && n.unshift(1 === i.length ? i[0] : '[' + i.join('') + ']'), + 0 === n.length + ? '' + : (1 === n.length && (i.length || r) ? n[0] : '(?:' + n.join('|') + ')') + (r ? '' : '?') + ); + } + const se = WeakSet, + ae = WeakSet.prototype.has, + le = WeakSet.prototype.add, + oe = WeakSet.prototype.delete, + ce = Object.keys, + ue = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, + fe = (function () { + var e = + Object.assign || + function (e, t) { + var n, i, r; + for (n = ce(t), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) e[(r = n[i])] = t[r]; + if (ue) for (n = ue(t), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) U(t, (r = n[i])) && (e[r] = t[r]); + return e; + }; + function t(e) { + return delete e.prototype.constructor, d(e.prototype), e; + } + function n(n) { + return n === r ? this : 'function' == typeof n ? t(n) : e(j(g), n); + } + return delete n.name, (n.prototype = null), d(n), n; + })(), + he = Object.is, + de = Object.defineProperties, + pe = Object.fromEntries, + ge = Reflect.construct, + be = Reflect.defineProperty, + ye = Reflect.deleteProperty, + we = Reflect.ownKeys, + me = () => { + const e = new l(); + return (e.has = e.has), (e.get = e.get), (e.set = e.set), e; + }, + xe = me(), + Te = me(), + ve = me(), + Oe = O(u(g), { + defineProperty: (e, t, n) => { + if (D(e, t)) return be(e, t, O(u(g), n)); + if (be(e, t, O(u(g), n))) { + const n = xe.get(e); + return (n[n.length] = t), !0; + } + return !1; + }, + deleteProperty: (e, t) => { + if (ye(e, t)) { + const n = xe.get(e), + i = n.indexOf(t); + return i < 0 || --n.copyWithin(i, i + 1).length, !0; + } + return !1; + }, + ownKeys: e => xe.get(e), + construct: (e, t, n) => Fe(ge(e, t, n)), + apply: (e, t, n) => Fe(m(e, t, n)), + }), + $e = (e, t) => { + xe.set(e, t); + const n = new x(e, Oe); + return Te.set(n, e), n; + }, + Fe = e => { + if (Te.has(e)) return e; + let t = ve.get(e); + return t || ((t = $e(e, O([], we(e)))), ve.set(e, t), t); + }, + Ie = (function () { + function e() { + throw n("Super constructor Null cannot be invoked with 'new'"); + } + function t() { + throw n("Super constructor Null cannot be invoked without 'new'"); + } + const i = e => (delete e.prototype.constructor, d(e.prototype), e); + function r(n) { + return new.target + ? new.target === r + ? e() + : $e(this, []) + : 'function' == typeof n + ? i(n) + : t(); + } + return (r.prototype = null), v(r, 'name', O(u(g), { value: '', configurable: !1 })), d(r), r; + })(), + ke = WeakMap.prototype.has, + Se = WeakMap.prototype.delete, + Me = new l(), + Le = new se(), + Ae = Se.bind(Me), + Be = oe.bind(Le), + Ue = ke.bind(Me), + De = o.bind(Me), + je = c.bind(Me), + Ce = e => (Ae(e), e), + _e = ae.bind(Le), + Ne = le.bind(Le), + Ee = new se(), + Pe = le.bind(Ee), + Ke = ae.bind(Ee), + We = new se(), + Re = le.bind(We), + Ze = oe.bind(We), + qe = !0, + He = !1, + ze = new se(), + Ye = le.bind(ze), + Je = ae.bind(ze), + Ve = fe( + class extends fe { + constructor(e, t) { + return super(), Pe(this), e ? (t ? je(this, !0) : Ne(this)) : (t ? Ye : Re)(this), this; + } + }, + ), + Ge = fe( + class extends Ie { + constructor(e, t) { + return super(), Pe(this), e ? (t ? je(this, !0) : Ne(this)) : (t ? Ye : Re)(this), this; + } + }, + ), + Xe = []; + let Qe = '', + et = Xe, + tt = -1, + nt = -1; + const it = e => { + throw e; + }, + rt = /\r?\n/, + st = (e, t) => { + if ('string' != typeof t) throw n('TOML.parse({ path })'); + (Qe = t), (et = e.split(rt)), (tt = et.length - 1), (nt = -1); + }; + class at { + lineIndex = nt; + type; + restColumn; + constructor(e, t) { + return (this.type = e), (this.restColumn = t), this; + } + must() { + return ( + nt === tt && + it( + e( + `${this.type} is not close until the end of the file` + + lt( + ', which started from ', + this.lineIndex, + et[this.lineIndex].length - this.restColumn + 1, + ), + ), + ), + et[++nt] + ); + } + nowrap(e) { + throw it( + i( + `TOML.parse(${ + e ? `${e}multilineStringJoiner` : ',{ joiner }' + }) must be passed, while the source including multi-line string` + + lt( + ', which started from ', + this.lineIndex, + et[this.lineIndex].length - this.restColumn + 1, + ), + ), + ); + } + } + const lt = (e, t = nt, n = 0) => + et === Xe ? '' : Qe ? `\n at (${Qe}:${t + 1}:${n})` : `${e}line ${t + 1}: ${et[t]}`, + ot = () => { + (Qe = ''), (et = Xe); + }, + ct = /[ \t]/, + ut = V` + ^${ct}+`.valueOf(), + { exec: ft } = V.s` ^ ( (?:\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d)? @@ -17,24 +448,31 @@ ) ${ct}* (.*) - $`.valueOf(),{exec:ht}=V.s` + $`.valueOf(), + { exec: ht } = V.s` ^ '([^']*)' ${ct}* - (.*)`.valueOf(),{exec:dt}=V.s` + (.*)`.valueOf(), + { exec: dt } = V.s` ^ (.*?) '''('{0,2}) ${ct}* - (.*)`.valueOf(),{exec:pt}=V.s` + (.*)`.valueOf(), + { exec: pt } = V.s` ^ (.*?) '''() ${ct}* - (.*)`.valueOf();let gt=pt;const bt=V.s` + (.*)`.valueOf(); + let gt = pt; + const bt = V.s` ^ . - ${ct}*`.valueOf(),yt=/[^\x00-\x1F"#'()<>[\\\]`{}\x7F]+/,{exec:wt}=V.s` + ${ct}*`.valueOf(), + yt = /[^\x00-\x1F"#'()<>[\\\]`{}\x7F]+/, + { exec: wt } = V.s` ^ ${ct}* = @@ -44,17 +482,78 @@ ${ct}* )? (.*) - $`.valueOf(),{exec:mt}=V.s` + $`.valueOf(), + { exec: mt } = V.s` ^ <(${yt})> ${ct}* (.*) - $`.valueOf(),{exec:xt}=V.s` + $`.valueOf(), + { exec: xt } = V.s` ^ <(${yt})> ${ct}* (.*) - $`.valueOf(),Tt=K(/[^\\"]+|\\.?|"(?!"")"?/sy),vt=e=>{let t=0;for(;Tt.test(e);)t=Tt.lastIndex;return t},Ot=/[^\\\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g,$t=/[^\\\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g,Ft=/[^\\\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g,It=/[^\\\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\/]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g;let kt=Ot;const St=e=>!e.replace(kt,""),Mt=K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y),Lt=K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y),At=K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y),Bt=K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\/]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y);let Ut=Bt;const Dt=t=>{let n=Ut.lastIndex=1;for(;Ut.test(t);)n=Ut.lastIndex;return n!==t.length&&'"'===t[n]||it(e("Bad basic string"+lt(" at "))),n},{test:jt}=K(/^[ \t]*\./),Ct=/^[ \t]*\.[ \t]*/,{exec:_t}=K(/^[\w-]+/),{exec:Nt}=K(/^[^ \t#=[\]'".]+(?:[ \t]+[^ \t#=[\]'".]+)*/);let Et=Nt;const{exec:Pt}=K(/^'[^'\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]*'/),{exec:Kt}=K(/^'[^'\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]*'/);let Wt=Kt,Rt=!0;const Zt=(t,n)=>{const i="["===t[1];i?(Rt||it(e("Array of Tables is not allowed before TOML v0.2"+lt(", which at "))),t=t.slice(2)):t=t.slice(1),t=t.replace(ut,"");const{leadingKeys:r,finalKey:s}=({lineRest:t}=n(t));let a;return(t=t.replace(ut,""))&&"]"===t[0]||it(e("Table header is not closed"+lt(", which is found at "))),(t.length>1?"]"===t[1]===i:!i)||it(e("Square brackets of Table definition statement not match"+lt(" at "))),(t=t.slice(i?2:1).replace(ut,""))&&"<"===t[0]?({1:a,2:t}=xt(t)||it(e("Bad tag"+lt(" at ")))):a="",{leadingKeys:r,finalKey:s,asArrayItem:i,tag:a,lineRest:t}},{test:qt}=K(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]/),{test:Ht}=K(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]/);let zt=qt;const Yt=V` + $`.valueOf(), + Tt = K(/[^\\"]+|\\.?|"(?!"")"?/sy), + vt = e => { + let t = 0; + for (; Tt.test(e); ) t = Tt.lastIndex; + return t; + }, + Ot = + /[^\\\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g, + $t = + /[^\\\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g, + Ft = + /[^\\\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g, + It = + /[^\\\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\/]|[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/g; + let kt = Ot; + const St = e => !e.replace(kt, ''), + Mt = K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y), + Lt = K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y), + At = K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y), + Bt = K(/[^\\"\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]+|\\(?:[btnfr"\\/]|u[\dA-Fa-f]{4}|U[\dA-Fa-f]{8})/y); + let Ut = Bt; + const Dt = t => { + let n = (Ut.lastIndex = 1); + for (; Ut.test(t); ) n = Ut.lastIndex; + return (n !== t.length && '"' === t[n]) || it(e('Bad basic string' + lt(' at '))), n; + }, + { test: jt } = K(/^[ \t]*\./), + Ct = /^[ \t]*\.[ \t]*/, + { exec: _t } = K(/^[\w-]+/), + { exec: Nt } = K(/^[^ \t#=[\]'".]+(?:[ \t]+[^ \t#=[\]'".]+)*/); + let Et = Nt; + const { exec: Pt } = K(/^'[^'\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]*'/), + { exec: Kt } = K(/^'[^'\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]*'/); + let Wt = Kt, + Rt = !0; + const Zt = (t, n) => { + const i = '[' === t[1]; + i + ? (Rt || it(e('Array of Tables is not allowed before TOML v0.2' + lt(', which at '))), + (t = t.slice(2))) + : (t = t.slice(1)), + (t = t.replace(ut, '')); + const { leadingKeys: r, finalKey: s } = ({ lineRest: t } = n(t)); + let a; + return ( + ((t = t.replace(ut, '')) && ']' === t[0]) || + it(e('Table header is not closed' + lt(', which is found at '))), + (t.length > 1 ? (']' === t[1]) === i : !i) || + it(e('Square brackets of Table definition statement not match' + lt(' at '))), + (t = t.slice(i ? 2 : 1).replace(ut, '')) && '<' === t[0] + ? ({ 1: a, 2: t } = xt(t) || it(e('Bad tag' + lt(' at ')))) + : (a = ''), + { leadingKeys: r, finalKey: s, asArrayItem: i, tag: a, lineRest: t } + ); + }, + { test: qt } = K(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]/), + { test: Ht } = K(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]/); + let zt = qt; + const Yt = V` (?: 0 (?: @@ -74,7 +573,8 @@ | nan ) -`.valueOf(),{test:Jt}=V` +`.valueOf(), + { test: Jt } = V` ^(?: -?${Yt} (?:-${Yt})* @@ -83,7 +583,164 @@ | false )$ -`.valueOf(),{test:Vt}=V`_(?![\dA-Fa-f])`.valueOf(),Gt=e=>Jt(e)&&!Vt(e);let Xt=!0,Qt="",en=null,tn=!0,nn=0,rn=0;const sn={test:()=>!0},an=class extends a{constructor(e){super(`^${te(e)}$`);let t=-1;for(let n=e.length;n;){const{length:i}=e[--n];i>t&&(t=i)}return this.lastIndex=t+1,this}test(e){return e.length{const e=t=>{const i=On(t);return i?i===e||it(n("Types in Array must be same"+lt(". Check "))):$n(t,e),t};return e},In={asNulls:Fn(),asStrings:Fn(),asTables:Fn(),asArrays:Fn(),asBooleans:Fn(),asFloats:Fn(),asIntegers:Fn(),asOffsetDateTimes:Fn(),asLocalDateTimes:Fn(),asLocalDates:Fn(),asLocalTimes:Fn()},kn=e=>e;let Sn,Mn,Ln,An,Bn,Un,Dn,jn,Cn,_n,Nn,En=null,Pn=null;const Kn=(e,t,n,i)=>{const r=u(g);r._linked=Pn,r.tag=e,n&&(r.table=n,r.key=i),t&&(r.array=t,r.index=t.length),Pn=r},Wn=()=>{throw it(e("xOptions.tag is not enabled, but found tag syntax"+lt(" at ")))};let Rn=Wn;const Zn=ArrayBuffer.isView,qn=function(){if("function"==typeof ArrayBuffer){var e=B.bind(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ArrayBuffer.prototype,"byteLength").get);return function(t){try{e(t)}catch(n){return!1}return!0}}return function(){return!1}}(),Hn=TextDecoder,zn=Symbol,Yn=zn("previous"),Jn=e=>{let t=e,n=t.next();if(!n.done)for(n.value[Yn]=t,n=(t=n.value).next();;)if(n.done){if(t===e)break;t=t[Yn],n=t.next(n.value)}else n.value[Yn]=t,n=(t=n.value).next();return n.value},Vn=zn("_literal"),Gn=(e,t)=>{const n=$(t);return n[Vn]=e,n},Xn=new se,Qn=le.bind(Xn),ei=ae.bind(Xn),ti=new se,ni=le.bind(ti),ii=ae.bind(ti),ri=e=>{const t=[];return Qn(t),e&&ni(t),t},si=Date,ai=Date.parse,li=Object.preventExtensions,oi=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,ci=function(e,t){for(var n=u(g),i=ce(t),r=i.length,s=0;s(d(d(e).prototype),e),fi=/(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|30)/,hi=/(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])/,di=/(?:[01]\d|2[0-3])/,pi=/[0-5]\d/,gi=V` +`.valueOf(), + { test: Vt } = V`_(?![\dA-Fa-f])`.valueOf(), + Gt = e => Jt(e) && !Vt(e); + let Xt = !0, + Qt = '', + en = null, + tn = !0, + nn = 0, + rn = 0; + const sn = { test: () => !0 }, + an = class extends a { + constructor(e) { + super(`^${te(e)}$`); + let t = -1; + for (let n = e.length; n; ) { + const { length: i } = e[--n]; + i > t && (t = i); + } + return (this.lastIndex = t + 1), this; + } + test(e) { + return e.length < this.lastIndex && super.test(e); + } + }, + ln = p.bind(d(an.prototype)); + let on, + cn, + un, + fn, + hn, + dn, + pn, + gn, + bn, + yn, + wn, + mn, + xn, + Tn = sn; + const vn = new l(), + On = o.bind(vn), + $n = c.bind(vn), + Fn = () => { + const e = t => { + const i = On(t); + return i ? i === e || it(n('Types in Array must be same' + lt('. Check '))) : $n(t, e), t; + }; + return e; + }, + In = { + asNulls: Fn(), + asStrings: Fn(), + asTables: Fn(), + asArrays: Fn(), + asBooleans: Fn(), + asFloats: Fn(), + asIntegers: Fn(), + asOffsetDateTimes: Fn(), + asLocalDateTimes: Fn(), + asLocalDates: Fn(), + asLocalTimes: Fn(), + }, + kn = e => e; + let Sn, + Mn, + Ln, + An, + Bn, + Un, + Dn, + jn, + Cn, + _n, + Nn, + En = null, + Pn = null; + const Kn = (e, t, n, i) => { + const r = u(g); + (r._linked = Pn), + (r.tag = e), + n && ((r.table = n), (r.key = i)), + t && ((r.array = t), (r.index = t.length)), + (Pn = r); + }, + Wn = () => { + throw it(e('xOptions.tag is not enabled, but found tag syntax' + lt(' at '))); + }; + let Rn = Wn; + const Zn = ArrayBuffer.isView, + qn = (function () { + if ('function' == typeof ArrayBuffer) { + var e = B.bind(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ArrayBuffer.prototype, 'byteLength').get); + return function (t) { + try { + e(t); + } catch (n) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + } + return function () { + return !1; + }; + })(), + Hn = TextDecoder, + zn = Symbol, + Yn = zn('previous'), + Jn = e => { + let t = e, + n = t.next(); + if (!n.done) + for (n.value[Yn] = t, n = (t = n.value).next(); ; ) + if (n.done) { + if (t === e) break; + (t = t[Yn]), (n = t.next(n.value)); + } else (n.value[Yn] = t), (n = (t = n.value).next()); + return n.value; + }, + Vn = zn('_literal'), + Gn = (e, t) => { + const n = $(t); + return (n[Vn] = e), n; + }, + Xn = new se(), + Qn = le.bind(Xn), + ei = ae.bind(Xn), + ti = new se(), + ni = le.bind(ti), + ii = ae.bind(ti), + ri = e => { + const t = []; + return Qn(t), e && ni(t), t; + }, + si = Date, + ai = Date.parse, + li = Object.preventExtensions, + oi = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, + ci = function (e, t) { + for (var n = u(g), i = ce(t), r = i.length, s = 0; s < r; ++s) { + var a = i[s]; + n[a] = C(t[a]); + } + if (ue) { + var l = ue(t); + for (r = l.length, s = 0; s < r; ++s) { + var o = l[s]; + U(t, o) && (n[o] = C(t[o])); + } + } + return de(e, n); + }, + ui = e => (d(d(e).prototype), e), + fi = /(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|30)/, + hi = /(?:0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])/, + di = /(?:[01]\d|2[0-3])/, + pi = /[0-5]\d/, + gi = V` \d\d\d\d- (?: 0 @@ -102,36 +759,487 @@ 1-${fi} ) ) -`.valueOf(),bi=V` +`.valueOf(), + bi = V` ${di}:${pi}:${pi} -`.valueOf(),{exec:yi}=K(/(([+-])\d\d):(\d\d)$/),{exec:wi}=V` +`.valueOf(), + { exec: yi } = K(/(([+-])\d\d):(\d\d)$/), + { exec: wi } = V` ^ ${gi} [Tt ] ${bi} (?:\.\d{1,3}(\d*?)0*)? (?:[Zz]|[+-]${di}:${pi}) - $`.valueOf(),{exec:mi}=V` + $`.valueOf(), + { exec: mi } = V` ^ ${gi} [Tt ] ${bi} () [Zz] - $`.valueOf(),{test:xi}=V` + $`.valueOf(), + { test: xi } = V` ^ ${gi} [Tt ] ${bi} (?:\.\d+)? - $`.valueOf(),{test:Ti}=V` + $`.valueOf(), + { test: Ti } = V` ^ ${gi} - $`.valueOf(),{test:vi}=V` + $`.valueOf(), + { test: vi } = V` ^ ${bi} (?:\.\d+)? - $`.valueOf(),Oi=/[ t]/,$i=/[-T:.]/g,Fi=/\.?0+$/,Ii=/\.(\d*?)0+$/,ki=(e,t)=>t,Si=(()=>{const e=function(){return this},t=fe(null);{const e=fe(null);for(const n of we(si.prototype))"constructor"===n||"toJSON"===n||(t[n]=e)}return t[zn.toStringTag]=fe({value:"Date"}),e.prototype=li(u(si.prototype,t)),d(e)})(),Mi=e=>e.replace(Ii,ki).replace($i,""),Li=/./gs,Ai=e=>"          "[e],Bi=e=>{if(e.startsWith("02-29",5)){const t=+e.slice(0,4);return!(3&t||!(t%100)&&(t%400||!(t%3200)))}return!0},{test:Ui}=V.s`^.....(?:06.30|12.31).23:59:59`.valueOf(),Di=ci(new si(0),oi(si.prototype)),ji=zn("OffsetDateTime_ISOString"),Ci=zn("OffsetDateTime_value"),_i=(e,t=0)=>(Di.setTime(+e[Ci]+t),Di),Ni=ui(class extends Si{[ji];[Ci];valueOf(){return this[Ci]}toISOString(){return this[ji]}constructor(t){Bi(t)||it(e(`Invalid Offset Date-Time ${t}`+lt(" at ")));const n=t.startsWith("60",17);let i=n?t.slice(0,17)+"59"+t.slice(19):t;const{1:r=""}=(cn?mi(i):wi(i))||it(e(`Invalid Offset Date-Time ${t}`+lt(" at "))),s=ai(i=i.replace(Oi,"T").replace("z","Z"));return n&&(Di.setTime(s),Ui(Di.toISOString())||it(e(`Invalid Offset Date-Time ${t}`+lt(" at ")))),super(),this[ji]=i,this[Ci]=((e,t)=>e<0?(""+(e+6216730554e4)).replace(Li,Ai).padStart(14," ")+t.replace(Li,Ai)+e:t?(e+".").padStart(16,"0")+t:(""+e).padStart(15,"0"))(s,r),this}getUTCFullYear(){return _i(this).getUTCFullYear()}getUTCMonth(){return _i(this).getUTCMonth()}getUTCDate(){return _i(this).getUTCDate()}getUTCHours(){return _i(this).getUTCHours()}getUTCMinutes(){return _i(this).getUTCMinutes()}getUTCSeconds(){return _i(this).getUTCSeconds()}getUTCMilliseconds(){return _i(this).getUTCMilliseconds()}getUTCDay(){return _i(this).getUTCDay()}getTimezoneOffset(){const e=yi(this[ji]);return e?60*+e[1]+ +(e[2]+e[3]):0}getTime(){return F(+this[Ci])}}),Ei=zn("LocalDateTime_ISOString"),Pi=zn("LocalDateTime_value"),Ki=(e,t,n)=>+e[Ei].slice(t,n),Wi=(e,n,i,r)=>{const s=""+r,a=i-n;if(s.length>a)throw t();e[Pi]=Mi(e[Ei]=e[Ei].slice(0,n)+s.padStart(a,"0")+e[Ei].slice(i))},Ri=ui(class extends Si{[Ei];[Pi];valueOf(){return this[Pi]}toISOString(){return this[Ei]}constructor(t){return xi(t)&&Bi(t)||it(e(`Invalid Local Date-Time ${t}`+lt(" at "))),super(),this[Pi]=Mi(this[Ei]=t.replace(Oi,"T")),this}getFullYear(){return Ki(this,0,4)}setFullYear(e){Wi(this,0,4,e)}getMonth(){return Ki(this,5,7)-1}setMonth(e){Wi(this,5,7,e+1)}getDate(){return Ki(this,8,10)}setDate(e){Wi(this,8,10,e)}getHours(){return Ki(this,11,13)}setHours(e){Wi(this,11,13,e)}getMinutes(){return Ki(this,14,16)}setMinutes(e){Wi(this,14,16,e)}getSeconds(){return Ki(this,17,19)}setSeconds(e){Wi(this,17,19,e)}getMilliseconds(){return+this[Pi].slice(14,17).padEnd(3,"0")}setMilliseconds(e){this[Pi]=Mi(this[Ei]=this[Ei].slice(0,19)+(e?("."+(""+e).padStart(3,"0")).replace(Fi,""):""))}}),Zi=zn("LocalDate_ISOString"),qi=zn("LocalDate_value"),Hi=(e,t,n)=>+e[Zi].slice(t,n),zi=(e,n,i,r)=>{const s=""+r,a=i-n;if(s.length>a)throw t();e[qi]=Mi(e[Zi]=e[Zi].slice(0,n)+s.padStart(a,"0")+e[Zi].slice(i))},Yi=ui(class extends Si{[Zi];[qi];valueOf(){return this[qi]}toISOString(){return this[Zi]}constructor(t){return Ti(t)&&Bi(t)||it(e(`Invalid Local Date ${t}`+lt(" at "))),super(),this[qi]=Mi(this[Zi]=t),this}getFullYear(){return Hi(this,0,4)}setFullYear(e){zi(this,0,4,e)}getMonth(){return Hi(this,5,7)-1}setMonth(e){zi(this,5,7,e+1)}getDate(){return Hi(this,8,10)}setDate(e){zi(this,8,10,e)}}),Ji=zn("LocalTime_ISOString"),Vi=zn("LocalTime_value"),Gi=(e,t,n)=>+e[Ji].slice(t,n),Xi=(e,n,i,r)=>{const s=""+r;if(s.length>i-n)throw t();e[Vi]=Mi(e[Ji]=e[Ji].slice(0,n)+s.padStart(2,"0")+e[Ji].slice(i))},Qi=ui(class extends Si{[Ji];[Vi];valueOf(){return this[Vi]}toISOString(){return this[Ji]}constructor(t){return vi(t)||it(e(`Invalid Local Time ${t}`+lt(" at "))),super(),this[Vi]=Mi(this[Ji]=t),this}getHours(){return Gi(this,0,2)}setHours(e){Xi(this,0,2,e)}getMinutes(){return Gi(this,3,5)}setMinutes(e){Xi(this,3,5,e)}getSeconds(){return Gi(this,6,8)}setSeconds(e){Xi(this,6,8,e)}getMilliseconds(){return+this[Vi].slice(6,9).padEnd(3,"0")}setMilliseconds(e){this[Vi]=Mi(this[Ji]=this[Ji].slice(0,8)+(e?("."+(""+e).padStart(3,"0")).replace(Fi,""):""))}}),er=parseInt,tr=String.fromCodePoint,nr=/[^\\]+|\\(?:[\\"btnfr/]|u.{4}|U.{8})/gs,ir=/[^\n\\]+|\n|\\(?:[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|[\\"btnfr/]|u.{4}|U.{8})/gs,rr=e=>{if(!e)return"";const n=e.match(nr),{length:i}=n;let r=0;do{const e=n[r];if("\\"===e[0])switch(e[1]){case"\\":n[r]="\\";break;case'"':n[r]='"';break;case"b":n[r]="\b";break;case"t":n[r]="\t";break;case"n":n[r]="\n";break;case"f":n[r]="\f";break;case"r":n[r]="\r";break;case"u":const i=er(e.slice(2),16);Xt&&55295{if(!e)return"";const r=e.match(ir),{length:s}=r;let a=0;do{const e=r[a];if("\n"===e)++i,r[a]=n;else if("\\"===e[0])switch(e[1]){case"\n":case" ":case"\t":for(let t=0;t=e.indexOf("\n",t)+1;)++i;r[a]="";break;case"\\":r[a]="\\";break;case'"':r[a]='"';break;case"b":r[a]="\b";break;case"t":r[a]="\t";break;case"n":r[a]="\n";break;case"f":r[a]="\f";break;case"r":r[a]="\r";break;case"u":const n=er(e.slice(2),16);Xt&&55295(or(e)||cr(e))&&!ur(e),pr=s&&-s("0x8000000000000000"),gr=s&&s("0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"),br=n=>{if(!0===tn)return(n=>{dr(n)||it(e(`Invalid Integer ${n}`+lt(" at ")));const i="-"===n[0]?-s(n.replace(hr,"")):s(n.replace(hr,""));return bn||pr<=i&&i<=gr||it(t(`Integer expect 64 bit range (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807), not includes ${n}`+lt(" meet at "))),i})(n);if(!1===tn)return(n=>{dr(n)||it(e(`Invalid Integer ${n}`+lt(" at ")));const i=er(n.replace(fr,""));return f(i)||it(t(`Integer did not use BitInt must fit Number.isSafeInteger, not includes ${n}`+lt(" meet at "))),i})(n);dr(n)||it(e(`Invalid Integer ${n}`+lt(" at ")));const i=er(n.replace(fr,""));if(nn<=i&&i<=rn)return i;const r="-"===n[0]?-s(n.replace(hr,"")):s(n.replace(hr,""));return bn||pr<=r&&r<=gr||it(t(`Integer expect 64 bit range (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807), not includes ${n}`+lt(" meet at "))),r},yr=isFinite,{test:wr}=V` + $`.valueOf(), + Oi = /[ t]/, + $i = /[-T:.]/g, + Fi = /\.?0+$/, + Ii = /\.(\d*?)0+$/, + ki = (e, t) => t, + Si = (() => { + const e = function () { + return this; + }, + t = fe(null); + { + const e = fe(null); + for (const n of we(si.prototype)) 'constructor' === n || 'toJSON' === n || (t[n] = e); + } + return ( + (t[zn.toStringTag] = fe({ value: 'Date' })), (e.prototype = li(u(si.prototype, t))), d(e) + ); + })(), + Mi = e => e.replace(Ii, ki).replace($i, ''), + Li = /./gs, + Ai = e => '          '[e], + Bi = e => { + if (e.startsWith('02-29', 5)) { + const t = +e.slice(0, 4); + return !(3 & t || (!(t % 100) && (t % 400 || !(t % 3200)))); + } + return !0; + }, + { test: Ui } = V.s`^.....(?:06.30|12.31).23:59:59`.valueOf(), + Di = ci(new si(0), oi(si.prototype)), + ji = zn('OffsetDateTime_ISOString'), + Ci = zn('OffsetDateTime_value'), + _i = (e, t = 0) => (Di.setTime(+e[Ci] + t), Di), + Ni = ui( + class extends Si { + [ji]; + [Ci]; + valueOf() { + return this[Ci]; + } + toISOString() { + return this[ji]; + } + constructor(t) { + Bi(t) || it(e(`Invalid Offset Date-Time ${t}` + lt(' at '))); + const n = t.startsWith('60', 17); + let i = n ? t.slice(0, 17) + '59' + t.slice(19) : t; + const { 1: r = '' } = + (cn ? mi(i) : wi(i)) || it(e(`Invalid Offset Date-Time ${t}` + lt(' at '))), + s = ai((i = i.replace(Oi, 'T').replace('z', 'Z'))); + return ( + n && + (Di.setTime(s), + Ui(Di.toISOString()) || it(e(`Invalid Offset Date-Time ${t}` + lt(' at ')))), + super(), + (this[ji] = i), + (this[Ci] = ((e, t) => + e < 0 + ? ('' + (e + 6216730554e4)).replace(Li, Ai).padStart(14, ' ') + + t.replace(Li, Ai) + + e + : t + ? (e + '.').padStart(16, '0') + t + : ('' + e).padStart(15, '0'))(s, r)), + this + ); + } + getUTCFullYear() { + return _i(this).getUTCFullYear(); + } + getUTCMonth() { + return _i(this).getUTCMonth(); + } + getUTCDate() { + return _i(this).getUTCDate(); + } + getUTCHours() { + return _i(this).getUTCHours(); + } + getUTCMinutes() { + return _i(this).getUTCMinutes(); + } + getUTCSeconds() { + return _i(this).getUTCSeconds(); + } + getUTCMilliseconds() { + return _i(this).getUTCMilliseconds(); + } + getUTCDay() { + return _i(this).getUTCDay(); + } + getTimezoneOffset() { + const e = yi(this[ji]); + return e ? 60 * +e[1] + +(e[2] + e[3]) : 0; + } + getTime() { + return F(+this[Ci]); + } + }, + ), + Ei = zn('LocalDateTime_ISOString'), + Pi = zn('LocalDateTime_value'), + Ki = (e, t, n) => +e[Ei].slice(t, n), + Wi = (e, n, i, r) => { + const s = '' + r, + a = i - n; + if (s.length > a) throw t(); + e[Pi] = Mi((e[Ei] = e[Ei].slice(0, n) + s.padStart(a, '0') + e[Ei].slice(i))); + }, + Ri = ui( + class extends Si { + [Ei]; + [Pi]; + valueOf() { + return this[Pi]; + } + toISOString() { + return this[Ei]; + } + constructor(t) { + return ( + (xi(t) && Bi(t)) || it(e(`Invalid Local Date-Time ${t}` + lt(' at '))), + super(), + (this[Pi] = Mi((this[Ei] = t.replace(Oi, 'T')))), + this + ); + } + getFullYear() { + return Ki(this, 0, 4); + } + setFullYear(e) { + Wi(this, 0, 4, e); + } + getMonth() { + return Ki(this, 5, 7) - 1; + } + setMonth(e) { + Wi(this, 5, 7, e + 1); + } + getDate() { + return Ki(this, 8, 10); + } + setDate(e) { + Wi(this, 8, 10, e); + } + getHours() { + return Ki(this, 11, 13); + } + setHours(e) { + Wi(this, 11, 13, e); + } + getMinutes() { + return Ki(this, 14, 16); + } + setMinutes(e) { + Wi(this, 14, 16, e); + } + getSeconds() { + return Ki(this, 17, 19); + } + setSeconds(e) { + Wi(this, 17, 19, e); + } + getMilliseconds() { + return +this[Pi].slice(14, 17).padEnd(3, '0'); + } + setMilliseconds(e) { + this[Pi] = Mi( + (this[Ei] = + this[Ei].slice(0, 19) + (e ? ('.' + ('' + e).padStart(3, '0')).replace(Fi, '') : '')), + ); + } + }, + ), + Zi = zn('LocalDate_ISOString'), + qi = zn('LocalDate_value'), + Hi = (e, t, n) => +e[Zi].slice(t, n), + zi = (e, n, i, r) => { + const s = '' + r, + a = i - n; + if (s.length > a) throw t(); + e[qi] = Mi((e[Zi] = e[Zi].slice(0, n) + s.padStart(a, '0') + e[Zi].slice(i))); + }, + Yi = ui( + class extends Si { + [Zi]; + [qi]; + valueOf() { + return this[qi]; + } + toISOString() { + return this[Zi]; + } + constructor(t) { + return ( + (Ti(t) && Bi(t)) || it(e(`Invalid Local Date ${t}` + lt(' at '))), + super(), + (this[qi] = Mi((this[Zi] = t))), + this + ); + } + getFullYear() { + return Hi(this, 0, 4); + } + setFullYear(e) { + zi(this, 0, 4, e); + } + getMonth() { + return Hi(this, 5, 7) - 1; + } + setMonth(e) { + zi(this, 5, 7, e + 1); + } + getDate() { + return Hi(this, 8, 10); + } + setDate(e) { + zi(this, 8, 10, e); + } + }, + ), + Ji = zn('LocalTime_ISOString'), + Vi = zn('LocalTime_value'), + Gi = (e, t, n) => +e[Ji].slice(t, n), + Xi = (e, n, i, r) => { + const s = '' + r; + if (s.length > i - n) throw t(); + e[Vi] = Mi((e[Ji] = e[Ji].slice(0, n) + s.padStart(2, '0') + e[Ji].slice(i))); + }, + Qi = ui( + class extends Si { + [Ji]; + [Vi]; + valueOf() { + return this[Vi]; + } + toISOString() { + return this[Ji]; + } + constructor(t) { + return ( + vi(t) || it(e(`Invalid Local Time ${t}` + lt(' at '))), + super(), + (this[Vi] = Mi((this[Ji] = t))), + this + ); + } + getHours() { + return Gi(this, 0, 2); + } + setHours(e) { + Xi(this, 0, 2, e); + } + getMinutes() { + return Gi(this, 3, 5); + } + setMinutes(e) { + Xi(this, 3, 5, e); + } + getSeconds() { + return Gi(this, 6, 8); + } + setSeconds(e) { + Xi(this, 6, 8, e); + } + getMilliseconds() { + return +this[Vi].slice(6, 9).padEnd(3, '0'); + } + setMilliseconds(e) { + this[Vi] = Mi( + (this[Ji] = + this[Ji].slice(0, 8) + (e ? ('.' + ('' + e).padStart(3, '0')).replace(Fi, '') : '')), + ); + } + }, + ), + er = parseInt, + tr = String.fromCodePoint, + nr = /[^\\]+|\\(?:[\\"btnfr/]|u.{4}|U.{8})/gs, + ir = /[^\n\\]+|\n|\\(?:[\t ]*\n[\t\n ]*|[\\"btnfr/]|u.{4}|U.{8})/gs, + rr = e => { + if (!e) return ''; + const n = e.match(nr), + { length: i } = n; + let r = 0; + do { + const e = n[r]; + if ('\\' === e[0]) + switch (e[1]) { + case '\\': + n[r] = '\\'; + break; + case '"': + n[r] = '"'; + break; + case 'b': + n[r] = '\b'; + break; + case 't': + n[r] = '\t'; + break; + case 'n': + n[r] = '\n'; + break; + case 'f': + n[r] = '\f'; + break; + case 'r': + n[r] = '\r'; + break; + case 'u': + const i = er(e.slice(2), 16); + Xt && 55295 < i && i < 57344 && it(t(`Invalid Unicode Scalar ${e}` + lt(' at '))), + (n[r] = S(i)); + break; + case 'U': + const s = er(e.slice(2), 16); + ((Xt && 55295 < s && s < 57344) || 1114111 < s) && + it(t(`Invalid Unicode Scalar ${e}` + lt(' at '))), + (n[r] = tr(s)); + break; + case '/': + n[r] = '/'; + } + } while (++r !== i); + return n.join(''); + }, + sr = (e, n, i) => { + if (!e) return ''; + const r = e.match(ir), + { length: s } = r; + let a = 0; + do { + const e = r[a]; + if ('\n' === e) ++i, (r[a] = n); + else if ('\\' === e[0]) + switch (e[1]) { + case '\n': + case ' ': + case '\t': + for (let t = 0; (t = e.indexOf('\n', t) + 1); ) ++i; + r[a] = ''; + break; + case '\\': + r[a] = '\\'; + break; + case '"': + r[a] = '"'; + break; + case 'b': + r[a] = '\b'; + break; + case 't': + r[a] = '\t'; + break; + case 'n': + r[a] = '\n'; + break; + case 'f': + r[a] = '\f'; + break; + case 'r': + r[a] = '\r'; + break; + case 'u': + const n = er(e.slice(2), 16); + Xt && + 55295 < n && + n < 57344 && + it(t(`Invalid Unicode Scalar ${e}` + lt(' at ', nt + i))), + (r[a] = S(n)); + break; + case 'U': + const s = er(e.slice(2), 16); + ((Xt && 55295 < s && s < 57344) || 1114111 < s) && + it(t(`Invalid Unicode Scalar ${e}` + lt(' at ', nt + i))), + (r[a] = tr(s)); + break; + case '/': + r[a] = '/'; + } + } while (++a !== s); + return r.join(''); + }, + ar = /[-+]?(?:0|[1-9][_\d]*)/, + { test: lr } = V`_(?!\d)`.valueOf(), + { test: or } = V`^${ar}$`.valueOf(), + { test: cr } = K(/^0(?:x[\dA-Fa-f][_\dA-Fa-f]*|o[0-7][_0-7]*|b[01][_01]*)$/), + { test: ur } = V`_(?![\dA-Fa-f])`.valueOf(), + fr = /_/g, + hr = /_|^[-+]/g, + dr = e => (or(e) || cr(e)) && !ur(e), + pr = s && -s('0x8000000000000000'), + gr = s && s('0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'), + br = n => { + if (!0 === tn) + return (n => { + dr(n) || it(e(`Invalid Integer ${n}` + lt(' at '))); + const i = '-' === n[0] ? -s(n.replace(hr, '')) : s(n.replace(hr, '')); + return ( + bn || + (pr <= i && i <= gr) || + it( + t( + `Integer expect 64 bit range (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807), not includes ${n}` + + lt(' meet at '), + ), + ), + i + ); + })(n); + if (!1 === tn) + return (n => { + dr(n) || it(e(`Invalid Integer ${n}` + lt(' at '))); + const i = er(n.replace(fr, '')); + return ( + f(i) || + it( + t( + `Integer did not use BitInt must fit Number.isSafeInteger, not includes ${n}` + + lt(' meet at '), + ), + ), + i + ); + })(n); + dr(n) || it(e(`Invalid Integer ${n}` + lt(' at '))); + const i = er(n.replace(fr, '')); + if (nn <= i && i <= rn) return i; + const r = '-' === n[0] ? -s(n.replace(hr, '')) : s(n.replace(hr, '')); + return ( + bn || + (pr <= r && r <= gr) || + it( + t( + `Integer expect 64 bit range (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807), not includes ${n}` + + lt(' meet at '), + ), + ), + r + ); + }, + yr = isFinite, + { test: wr } = V` ^ ${ar} (?: @@ -140,5 +1248,1357 @@ | [eE][-+]?\d[_\d]* ) - $`.valueOf(),mr=/_/g,{test:xr}=K(/^[-+]?0(?:\.0+)?(?:[eE][-+]?0+)?$/),{exec:Tr}=K(/^[-0]?(\d*)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:e\+?(-?\d+))?$/),{exec:vr}=K(/^[-+]?0?(\d*)(?:\.(\d*?)0*)?(?:[eE]\+?(-?\d+))?$/),Or=n=>{if(!wr(n)||lr(n)){if(pn){if("inf"===n||"+inf"===n)return k;if("-inf"===n)return-1/0;if("nan"===n||"+nan"===n)return NaN;if("-nan"===n)return NaN}throw it(e(`Invalid Float ${n}`+lt(" at ")))}const i=n.replace(mr,""),r=+i;if(dn){yr(r)||it(t(`Float ${n} has been as big as inf`+lt(" at "))),r||xr(i)||it(t(`Float ${n} has been as little as ${"-"===n[0]?"-":""}0`+lt(" at ")));const{1:e,2:s="",3:a=""}=Tr(r),{1:l,2:o="",3:c=""}=vr(i);l+o===e+s&&c-o.length==a-s.length||it(t(`Float ${n} has lost its exact and been ${r}`+lt(" at ")))}return r},$r=(e,t)=>{const{length:n}=t;let r=0;for(;r{let s;if(n){let n;t in e?ei(n=e[t])&&!ii(n)||it(i("Trying to push Table to non-ArrayOfTables value"+lt(" at "))):n=e[t]=ri(!1),r&&Rn(r,n,e,t),n[n.length]=s=new gn(qe)}else t in e?(s=e[t],Je(s)&&it(i("A table defined implicitly via key/value pair can not be accessed to via []"+lt(", which at "))),(e=>!!Ze(e)&&(Ne(e),!0))(s)||it(i("Duplicate Table definition"+lt(" at ")))):e[t]=s=new gn(qe),r&&Rn(r,null,e,t);return s},Ir=(e,t)=>{const{length:n}=t;let r=0;for(;r(zt(t)&&it(e("Control characters other than Tab are not permitted in a Literal String"+lt(", which was found at "))),t),Sr=(t,n,i)=>{if(!i.startsWith("'''")){const r=ht(i)||it(e("Bad literal string"+lt(" at "))),s=kr(r[1]);return t[n]=on?Gn(i.slice(0,s.length+2),s):s,r[2]}const r=gt(i.slice(3));if(r){const e=kr(r[1])+r[2];return t[n]=on?Gn(i.slice(0,e.length+6),e):e,r[3]}const s=new at("Multi-line Literal String",i.length),a=!(i=i.slice(3));if(a){i=s.must();const e=gt(i);if(e){const r=kr(e[1])+e[2];return t[n]=on?Gn(["'''",i.slice(0,r.length+3)],r):r,e[3]}}null===en&&s.nowrap(Qt);for(const e=[kr(i)];;){const r=s.must(),l=gt(r);if(l){e[e.length]=kr(l[1])+l[2];const r=e.join(en);return on?(e[e.length-1]+="'''",a?e.unshift("'''"):e[0]=`'''${i}`,t[n]=Gn(e,r)):t[n]=r,l[3]}e[e.length]=kr(r)}},Mr=(t,n,i)=>{if(!i.startsWith('"""')){const e=Dt(i),r=rr(i.slice(1,e));return t[n]=on?Gn(i.slice(0,e+1),r):r,i.slice(e+1).replace(ut,"")}let r=3+vt(i.slice(3));if(i.length!==r){const s=i.slice(3,r);St(s)||it(e("Bad multi-line basic string"+lt(" at ")));const a=rr(s)+(i.startsWith('"',r+=3)?i.startsWith('"',++r)?(++r,'""'):'"':"");return t[n]=on?Gn(i.slice(0,r),a):a,i.slice(r).replace(ut,"")}const s=new at("Multi-line Basic String",r),a=(i=i.slice(3))?0:1;if(a){i=s.must();let r=vt(i);if(i.length!==r){const s=i.slice(0,r);St(s)||it(e("Bad multi-line basic string"+lt(" at ")));const l=sr(s,en,a)+(i.startsWith('"',r+=3)?i.startsWith('"',++r)?(++r,'""'):'"':"");return t[n]=on?Gn(['"""',i.slice(0,r)],l):l,i.slice(r).replace(ut,"")}}null===en&&s.nowrap(Qt),St(i+"\n")||it(e("Bad multi-line basic string"+lt(" at ")));for(const l=[i];;){const r=s.must();let o=vt(r);if(r.length!==o){const s=r.slice(0,o);St(s)||it(e("Bad multi-line basic string"+lt(" at ")));const c=sr(l.join("\n")+"\n"+s,en,a)+(r.startsWith('"',o+=3)?r.startsWith('"',++o)?(++o,'""'):'"':"");return on?(a?l.unshift('"""'):l[0]=`"""${i}`,l[l.length]=`${s}"""`,t[n]=Gn(l,c)):t[n]=c,r.slice(o).replace(ut,"")}St(r+"\n")||it(e("Bad multi-line basic string"+lt(" at "))),l[l.length]=r}},Lr=fe(null),Ar=e=>Lr[e]||(Lr[e]=zn(e)),Br=zn("this"),{test:Ur}=K(/\r?\n/g),Dr=(t,i)=>{if(i in t){const r=t[i];if("string"!=typeof r)throw n(`the value of comment must be a string, while "${null===r?"null":typeof r}" type is found`);if(Ur(r))throw e("the value of comment must be a string and can not include newline");return` #${r}`}return""},jr=(e,t)=>t in Lr?Dr(e,Lr[t]):"",{test:Cr}=K(/(?:[Zz]|[+-]\d\d:\d\d)$/),{test:_r}=K(/^\[[\t ]*]/),Nr=t=>{let n=t;const r=[];let s=-1;for(;;){if(n||it(e("Empty bare key"+lt(" at "))),'"'===n[0]){const e=Dt(n);Tn.test(r[++s]=rr(n.slice(1,e)))||it(i("Key not allowed"+lt(" at "))),n=n.slice(e+1)}else{const t="'"===n[0],a=((t?Wt:Et)(n)||it(e(`Bad ${t?"literal string":"bare"} key`+lt(" at "))))[0];n=n.slice(a.length),Tn.test(r[++s]=t?a.slice(1,-1):a)||it(i("Key not allowed"+lt(" at ")))}if(!jt(n))break;n=n.replace(Ct,"")}if(xn){const i=t.slice(0,-n.length);(Gt(i)||yn&&"null"===i)&&it(e("Bad bare key disabled by xOptions.string"+lt(" at ")))}if(hn){let t=s;do{r[t]||it(e("Empty key is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at ")))}while(t--)}const a=r[s];return r.length=s,{leadingKeys:r,finalKey:a,lineRest:n}},Er=(t,n)=>{if("<"===n[0]){const{1:i}=({2:n}=mt(n)||it(e("Bad tag "+lt(" at "))));switch(Rn(i,t,null),n&&n[0]){case",":case"]":case"":case"#":return t[t.length]=r,n}}switch(n[0]){case"'":return Sr(Mn(t),t.length,n);case'"':return Mr(Mn(t),t.length,n);case"{":return un||it(e("Inline Table is not allowed before TOML v0.4"+lt(", which at "))),Kr(Ln(t),t.length,n);case"[":return Pr(An(t),t.length,n)}const{1:i}=({2:n}=ft(n)||it(e("Bad atom value"+lt(" at "))));return"true"===i?Bn(t)[t.length]=!0:"false"===i?Bn(t)[t.length]=!1:yn&&"null"===i?Sn(t)[t.length]=null:i.includes(":")?i.includes("-")?Cr(i)?jn(t)[t.length]=new Ni(i):(fn||it(e("Local Date-Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at "))),Cn(t)[t.length]=new Ri(i)):(fn||it(e("Local Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at "))),Nn(t)[t.length]=new Qi(i)):i.indexOf("-")!==i.lastIndexOf("-")&&"-"!==i[0]?(fn||it(e("Local Date is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at "))),_n(t)[t.length]=new Yi(i)):i.includes(".")||i.includes("n")||(i.includes("e")||i.includes("E"))&&!i.startsWith("0x")?Un(t)[t.length]=on?Gn(i,Or(i)):Or(i):Dn(t)[t.length]=on?Gn(i,br(i)):br(i),n},Pr=function*(t,n,i){const r=t[n]=ri(!0);if(_r(i))return je(r,"]"===i[1]?0:3),i.slice(i.indexOf("]")).replace(bt,"");const s=new at("Static Array",i.length);let a=i.startsWith("[ ")||i.startsWith("[\t")?3:0;for(i=i.replace(bt,"");!i||"#"===i[0];)a=null,i=s.must().replace(ut,"");if("]"===i[0])return null===a||je(r,a),i.replace(bt,"");for(;;){const t=Er(r,i);for(i="string"==typeof t?t:yield t;!i||"#"===i[0];)a=null,i=s.must().replace(ut,"");if(","!==i[0]){if("]"===i[0])break;throw it(e("Unexpect character in static array item value"+lt(", which is found at ")))}for(i=i.replace(bt,"");!i||"#"===i[0];)a=null,i=s.must().replace(ut,"");if("]"===i[0])break}return null===a||je(r,a),i.replace(bt,"")},Kr=function*(t,n,i){const r=t[n]=new gn(qe,!0);if(wn){const e=new at("Inline Table",i.length);i=i.replace(bt,"");let t=!0;for(;;){for(;!i||"#"===i[0];)t=!1,i=e.must().replace(ut,"");if("}"===i[0])break;const n=Wr(r,i),s=Rr(n);if(i="string"==typeof s?s:yield s){if("#"===i[0]){mn&&(n.table[Ar(n.finalKey)]=i.slice(1)),t=!1;do{i=e.must().replace(ut,"")}while(!i||"#"===i[0])}}else{t=!1;do{i=e.must().replace(ut,"")}while(!i||"#"===i[0])}","===i[0]&&(i=i.replace(bt,""))}t||je(r,!1)}else if("}"!==(i=i.replace(bt,"")||it(e("Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line"+lt(", which broken at "))))[0])for(;;){"#"===i[0]&&it(e("Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line"+lt(", which broken at ")));const t=Rr(Wr(r,i));if("}"===(i=("string"==typeof t?t:yield t)||it(e("Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line"+lt(", which broken at "))))[0])break;","===i[0]&&"}"===(i=i.replace(bt,"")||it(e("Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line"+lt(", which broken at "))))[0]&&it(e("The last property of an Inline Table can not have a trailing comma"+lt(", which was found at ")))}return i.replace(bt,"")},Wr=(t,n)=>{const{leadingKeys:i,finalKey:r,tag:s}=({lineRest:n}=(({leadingKeys:t,finalKey:n,lineRest:i})=>{const{1:r=""}=({2:i}=wt(i)||it(e("Keys must equal something"+lt(", but missing at "))));return r||i&&"#"!==i[0]||it(e("Value can not be missing after euqal sign"+lt(", which is found at "))),{leadingKeys:t,finalKey:n,tag:r,lineRest:i}})(Nr(n)));return{table:Ir(t,i),finalKey:r,tag:s,lineRest:n}},Rr=({finalKey:t,tag:n,lineRest:s,table:a})=>{if(t in a&&it(i("Duplicate property definition"+lt(" at "))),n)switch(Rn(n,null,a,t),s&&s[0]){case",":case"}":case"":case"#":return a[t]=r,s}switch(s&&s[0]){case"'":return Sr(a,t,s);case'"':return Mr(a,t,s);case"{":return un||it(e("Inline Table is not allowed before TOML v0.4"+lt(", which at "))),Kr(a,t,s);case"[":return Pr(a,t,s)}const{1:l}=({2:s}=ft(s)||it(e("Bad atom value"+lt(" at "))));return"true"===l?a[t]=!0:"false"===l?a[t]=!1:yn&&"null"===l?a[t]=null:l.includes(":")?l.includes("-")?Cr(l)?a[t]=new Ni(l):(fn||it(e("Local Date-Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at "))),a[t]=new Ri(l)):(fn||it(e("Local Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at "))),a[t]=new Qi(l)):l.indexOf("-")!==l.lastIndexOf("-")&&"-"!==l[0]?(fn||it(e("Local Date is not allowed before TOML v0.5"+lt(", which at "))),a[t]=new Yi(l)):a[t]=l.includes(".")||l.includes("n")||(l.includes("e")||l.includes("E"))&&!l.startsWith("0x")?on?Gn(l,Or(l)):Or(l):on?Gn(l,br(l)):br(l),s},Zr=()=>{const t=new gn;let n=t;for(;nt!==tt;){const i=et[++nt].replace(ut,"");if(i)if("["===i[0]){const{leadingKeys:r,finalKey:s,asArrayItem:a,tag:l,lineRest:o}=Zt(i,Nr),c=$r(t,r);o&&("#"===o[0]||it(e("Unexpect charachtor after table header"+lt(" at ")))),n=Fr(c,s,a,l),mn&&o&&(n[Br]=a?o.slice(1):c[Ar(s)]=o.slice(1))}else if("#"===i[0])zt(i)&&it(e("Control characters other than Tab are not permitted in comments"+lt(", which was found at ")));else{const t=Wr(n,i);let r=Rr(t);"string"==typeof r||(r=Jn(r)),r&&("#"===r[0]||it(e("Unexpect charachtor after key/value pair"+lt(" at "))),mn&&(t.table[Ar(t.finalKey)]=r.slice(1)))}}return t},qr=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,Hr=Date.prototype,zr=String.prototype.valueOf,Yr=function(){if(B.bind){var e=B.bind(zr);return function(t){try{e(t)}catch(n){return!1}return!0}}return function(e){try{zr.apply(e)}catch(t){return!1}return!0}}(),Jr=Number.prototype.valueOf,Vr=function(){if(B.bind){var e=B.bind(Jr);return function(t){try{e(t)}catch(n){return!1}return!0}}return function(e){try{Jr.apply(e)}catch(t){return!1}return!0}}(),Gr=function(){if("function"==typeof BigInt){var e=B.bind(BigInt.prototype.valueOf);return function(t){try{e(t)}catch(n){return!1}return!0}}return function(){return!1}}(),Xr=BigInt.prototype.valueOf,Qr=function(){if(B.bind){var e=B.bind(Xr);return function(t){try{e(t)}catch(n){return!1}return!0}}return function(e){try{Xr.apply(e)}catch(t){return!1}return!0}}(),es=fe({...pe([...M(32)].map(((e,t)=>[S(t),"\\u"+t.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4,"0")]))),"\b":"\\b","\t":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"','"""':'""\\"',"\\":"\\\\","":"\\u007F"}),{test:ts}=K(/[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F'\x7F]/),ns=/[^\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F"\\\x7F]+|./gs,{test:is}=K(/^[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F"\\\x7F]/),rs=e=>{if(ts(e)){const t=e.match(ns);let n=t.length;do{is(t[--n])&&(t[n]=es[t[n]])}while(n);return`"${t.join("")}"`}return`'${e}'`},{test:ss}=K(/[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\x7F]|'''/),{test:as}=K(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]|'''/),{test:ls}=K(/[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\\\x7F]|"""/),os=/[^\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F"\\\x7F]+|"""|./gs,{test:cs}=K(/^(?:[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\\\x7F]|""")/),us=(e,t)=>{const n=e[t];if(ls(n)){const i=n.match(os);let r=i.length;do{cs(i[--r])&&(i[r]=es[i[r]])}while(r);e[t]=i.join("")}},fs=e=>1===(e=["",...e]).length?["",""]:e,hs=e=>{let t=e.length-1;for(us(e,t),e[t]+=e[0]='"""';--t;)us(e,t);return e},ds=e=>(e[e.length-1]+=e[0]="'''",e),ps=Float64Array,gs=Uint8Array,bs=-1/0,{test:ys}=K(/^-?\d+$/),ws=e=>ys(e)?e+".0":e,ms=new ps([NaN]),xs=new gs(ms.buffer),Ts=xs[7],vs=Ts===new gs(new ps([NaN]).buffer)[7]?e=>e?e===k?"inf":e===bs?"-inf":ws(""+e):e==e?he(e,0)?"0.0":"-0.0":"nan":e=>e?e===k?"inf":e===bs?"-inf":ws(""+e):e==e?he(e,0)?"0.0":"-0.0":(ms[0]=e,xs[7]===Ts?"nan":"-nan"),Os=p.bind(Hr),{test:$s}=K(/^[\w-]+$/),Fs=e=>$s(e)?e:rs(e),Is=/[^.]+/,ks=e=>`'${e}'`,Ss=e=>Gt(e)?e.replace(Is,ks):"null"===e?"'null'":e;class Ms extends M{document;constructor(e){return super(),this.document=e,this}[zn.toPrimitive](){return this.join(this.document.newline)}appendNewline(){this[this.length]=""}set appendLine(e){this[this.length]=e}set appendInline(e){this[this.length-1]+=e}set appendInlineIf(e){e&&(this[this.length-1]+=e)}*assignBlock(e,t,i,r){const{document:s}=this,{newlineUnderHeader:a,newlineUnderSectionButPair:l}=s,o=!!t&&s.newlineUnderPairButDotted,c=t?s.newlineUnderDotted:s.newlineUnderPair;for(const u of r){const r=i[u],f=Fs(u),d=e+f;if(I(r)){const{length:e}=r;if(e){let t=r[0];if(_e(t)){const i=`[[${d}]]`,o=d+".";let c=0,u=t;for(;;){const t=s.appendSection();if(t[0]=i+Dr(u,Br),a?(t[1]="",yield t.assignBlock(o,"",u,h(u)),l&&2!==t.length&&t.appendNewline()):(yield t.assignBlock(o,"",u,h(u)),l&&t.appendNewline()),++c===e)break;if(u=r[c],!_e(u))throw n("the first table item marked by Section() means the parent array is an array of tables, which can not include other types or table not marked by Section() any more in the rest items")}continue}{let t=1;for(;t!==e;)if(_e(r[t++]))throw n("if an array is not array of tables, it can not include any table that marked by Section()")}}}else if(_e(r)){const e=s.appendSection();e[0]=`[${d}]${s.preferCommentForThis?Dr(r,Br)||jr(i,u):jr(i,u)||Dr(r,Br)}`,a?(e[1]="",yield e.assignBlock(d+".","",r,h(r)),l&&2!==e.length&&e.appendNewline()):(yield e.assignBlock(d+".","",r,h(r)),l&&e.appendNewline());continue}const p=t+f;this.appendLine=Ss(p)+" = ";const g=this.value("",r,!0);g?(--this.length,yield this.assignBlock(d+".",p+".",r,g),o&&this.appendNewline()):(this.appendInlineIf=jr(i,u),c&&this.appendNewline())}}value(e,t,i){switch(typeof t){case"object":if(null===t){if(this.document.nullDisabled)throw n('toml can not stringify "null" type value without truthy options.xNull');this.appendInline="null";break}const s=De(t);if(I(t)){if(s===r)this.staticArray(e,t);else{const{$singlelineArray:n=s}=this.document;this.singlelineArray(e,t,n)}break}if(s!==r){s||this.document.multilineTableDisabled?this.inlineTable(e,t):this.multilineTable(e,t,this.document.multilineTableComma);break}if(Os(t)){this.appendInline=t.toISOString().replace("T",this.document.T).replace("Z",this.document.Z);break}if(Vn in t){const e=t[Vn];if("string"==typeof e)this.appendInline=e;else{if(!I(e))throw n("literal value is broken");{const{length:t}=e;if(!t)throw n("literal value is broken");{this.appendInline=e[0];let n=1;for(;n!==t;)this.appendLine=e[n++]}}}break}if(Yr(t))throw n("TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object String]");if(Vr(t))throw n("TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object Number]");if(Gr(t))throw n("TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object BigInt]");if(Qr(t))throw n("TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object Boolean]");if(i){const e=h(t);if(e.length)return e;this.appendInline="{ }"}else 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Ms(this);asInteger=Bs;newline="";newlineUnderSection=!0;newlineUnderSectionButPair=!0;newlineUnderHeader=!0;newlineUnderPair=!1;newlineUnderPairButDotted=!1;newlineUnderDotted=!1;indent="\t";T="T";Z="Z";nullDisabled=!0;multilineTableDisabled=!0;multilineTableComma;preferCommentForThis=!1;$singlelineArray;constructor(i){if(super(),null==i)return this;const{integer:r}=i;if(void 0===r);else if(r===qr)this.asInteger=f;else{if("number"!=typeof r)throw n("TOML.stringify(,{integer}) can only be number");{if(!f(r))throw t("TOML.stringify(,{integer}) can only be a safe integer");const e=r>=0?r:-r-1,n=r>=0?-r:r;this.asInteger=t=>f(t)&&n<=t&&t<=e}}const{newline:s}=i;if(void 0===s);else{if("\n"!==s&&"\r\n"!==s)throw"string"==typeof s?e("TOML.stringify(,{newline}) can only be valid TOML newline"):n("TOML.stringify(,{newline}) can only be string");this.newline=s}const{preferCommentFor:a}=i;if(void 0===a);else{if("this"!==a&&"key"!==a)throw n("TOML.stringify(,{preferCommentFor) can only be 'key' or 'this'");this.preferCommentForThis="this"===a}const{[i.newlineAround||"header"]:l=Ls.header}=Ls;this.newlineUnderSection=l>0,this.newlineUnderSectionButPair=1===l||2===l,this.newlineUnderHeader=l>1,this.newlineUnderPair=l>2,this.newlineUnderPairButDotted=3===l,this.newlineUnderDotted=l>3;const{indent:o}=i;if(void 0===o);else if("string"==typeof o){if(!As(o))throw e("TOML.stringify(,{indent}) can only include Tab or Space");this.indent=o}else{if("number"!=typeof o)throw n(`TOML.stringify(,{indent}) can not be "${typeof o}" type`);if(!f(o))throw t(`TOML.stringify(,{indent:${o}}) is out of range`);this.indent=" ".repeat(o)}const{T:c}=i;if(void 0===c);else{if(" "!==c&&"t"!==c&&"T"!==c)throw n('TOML.stringify(,{T}) can only be "T" or " " or "t"');this.T=c}const{Z:u}=i;if(void 0===u);else{if("z"!==u&&"Z"!==u)throw n('TOML.stringify(,{Z}) can only be "Z" or "z"');this.Z=u}i.xNull&&(this.nullDisabled=!1);const{xBeforeNewlineInMultilineTable:h}=i;if(void 0===h);else{if(""!==h&&","!==h)throw n('TOML.stringify(,{xBeforeNewlineInMultilineTable}) can only be "" or ","');this.multilineTableDisabled=!1,this.multilineTableComma=!!h}const d=i.forceInlineArraySpacing;switch(d){case void 0:break;case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:this.$singlelineArray=d;break;default:throw"number"==typeof d?t(`array inline mode must be 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, not including ${d}`):n('array inline mode must be "number" type, not including '+(null===d?'"null"':typeof d))}return this}appendSection(){return this[this.length]=new Ms(this)}}const Ds=new se,js=le.bind(Ds),Cs=ae.bind(Ds),_s=(()=>{const e=(e,t)=>"string"==typeof e?Gn((as(e)?hs:ds)(("\n"+e).split("\n")),e):I(e)?Gn((e=>{const t=e.length-1;let n=t;do{if(ss(e[n]))break}while(--n);if(n)for(n=t,us(e,n),e[n]+=e[0]='"""';--n;)us(e,n);else e[t]+=e[0]="'''";return e})(fs(e)),"string"==typeof t?t:fe(null)):(e=>(je(e,!1),Be(e),e))(e);return e.basic=(e,t)=>"string"==typeof e?Gn(hs(("\n"+e).split("\n")),e):Gn(hs(fs(e)),"string"==typeof t?t:fe(null)),e.array=Ce,d(e),e})(),Ns=new Hn("utf-8",fe({fatal:!0,ignoreBOM:!1})),Es=e=>{if(Zn(e)?e.length!==e.byteLength:!qn(e))throw n("only Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer is acceptable");try{return Ns.decode(e)}catch{throw i("A TOML doc must be a (ful-scalar) valid UTF-8 file, without any unknown code point.")}},Ps=e=>"byteLength"in e,{test:Ks}=K(/[\uD800-\uDFFF]/u),Ws=e=>{if(G(Ks(e)))throw i("A TOML doc must be a (ful-scalar) valid UTF-8 file, without any uncoupled UCS-4 character code.")};let Rs=!1;const Zs=(e,a,l,o,c,u)=>{let d,p,g,b,y="";if("object"==typeof e&&e){if(I(e))throw n(Cs(e)?"TOML.parse(array from TOML.stringify(,{newline?}))":"TOML.parse(array)");if(Ps(e))e=Es(e);else{if(y=e.path,"string"!=typeof y)throw n("TOML.parse(source.path)");const{data:t,require:i=("function"==typeof require?require:r)}=e;if(i){const{resolve:s}=i;if(null!=s){const{paths:e}=s;if(null!=e){const t=m(e,s,[""]);if(null!=t){const e=t[0];if(null!=e){const t=e.replace(/node_modules$/,"");if(t&&(y=i("path").resolve(t,y),"string"!=typeof y))throw n("TOML.parse(source.require('path').resolve)")}}}}if(t===r){const t=i("fs").readFileSync(y);if("object"!=typeof t||!t||!Ps(t))throw n("TOML.parse(source.require('fs').readFileSync)");e=Es(t)}else if("string"==typeof t)Ws(e=t);else{if("object"!=typeof t||!t||!Ps(t))throw n("TOML.parse(source.data)");e=Es(t)}}else{if(t===r)throw n("TOML.parse(source.data|source.require)");if("string"==typeof t)Ws(e=t);else{if("object"!=typeof t||!t||!Ps(t))throw n("TOML.parse(source.data)");e=Es(t)}}}}else{if("string"!=typeof e)throw n("TOML.parse(source)");Ws(e)}if("object"==typeof l&&l){if(o!==r||c!==r)throw n("options mode ? args mode");d=l.joiner,o=l.bigint,p=l.keys,c=l.x,u=""}else d=l;if(Rs)throw i("parsing during parsing.");Rs=!0;try{((e,a,l,o,c,u)=>{let d;switch(Qt=u,e){case 1:Xt=d=fn=pn=un=!0,cn=hn=!1;break;case.5:Xt=fn=pn=un=!0,d=cn=hn=!1;break;case.4:Xt=hn=un=!0,d=cn=fn=pn=!1;break;case.3:Xt=hn=!0,d=cn=fn=pn=un=!1;break;case.2:case.1:cn=hn=!0,Xt=d=fn=pn=un=!1;break;default:throw t("TOML.parse(,specificationVersion)")}if((e=>{switch(e){case 1:gt=dt,Wt=Pt,zt=qt,kt=Ot,Ut=Mt,Et=_t,Rt=!0;break;case.5:gt=pt,Wt=Pt,zt=qt,kt=$t,Ut=Lt,Et=_t,Rt=!0;break;case.4:gt=pt,Wt=Kt,zt=Ht,kt=Ft,Ut=At,Et=_t,Rt=!0;break;default:gt=pt,Wt=Kt,zt=Ht,kt=It,Ut=Bt,Et=Nt,Rt=!1}})(e),"string"==typeof a)en=a;else{if(a!==r)throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt}multilineStringJoiner`:",{ joiner }"})`);en=null}if(l===r||!0===l)tn=!0;else if(!1===l)tn=!1;else{if("number"!=typeof l)throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},useBigInt`:",{ bigint }"})`);if(!f(l))throw t(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},useBigInt`:",{ bigint }"})`);tn=null,l>=0?nn=-(rn=l):rn=-(nn=l)-1}if(!s&&!1!==tn)throw i(`Can't work without TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},useBigInt`:",{ bigint }"}) being set to false, because the host doesn't have BigInt support`);if(null==o)Tn=sn;else{if(!ln(o))throw n("TOML.parse(,{ keys })");Tn=o}if(null==c)gn=Ve,dn=bn=yn=wn=!1,Rn=Wn;else{if("object"!=typeof c)throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},,xOptions`:",{ x }"})`);{const{order:e,longer:t,exact:i,null:r,multi:s,comment:a,string:l,literal:o,tag:u,...f}=c,p=h(f);if(p.length)throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},,{ ${p.join(", ")} }`:`,{ x: { ${p.join(", ")} } }`})`);if(gn=e?Ge:Ve,bn=!t,dn=!!i,yn=!!r,wn=!!s,mn=!!a,xn=!!l,on=!!o,u){if("function"!=typeof u)throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},,{ tag }`:",{ x: { tag } }"})`);if(!d)throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt?`${Qt},,xOptions`:",{ x }"}) xOptions.tag needs at least TOML 1.0 to support mixed type array`);En=u,Rn=Kn}else Rn=Wn}}d?Sn=Mn=Ln=An=Bn=Un=Dn=jn=Cn=_n=Nn=kn:({asNulls:Sn,asStrings:Mn,asTables:Ln,asArrays:An,asBooleans:Bn,asFloats:Un,asIntegers:Dn,asOffsetDateTimes:jn,asLocalDateTimes:Cn,asLocalDates:_n,asLocalTimes:Nn}=In)})(a,d,o,p,c,u),st(e,y),e&&"\ufeff"===e[0]&&it(n("TOML content (string) should not start with BOM (U+FEFF)"+lt(" at "))),g=Zr(),b=(()=>{if(Pn){const e=En;let t=Pn;return Pn=null,()=>{const n=e;let i=t;t=null;do{n(i)}while(i=i._linked)}}return null})()}finally{ot(),Tn=sn,en=En=Pn=null,cn=!1,Rs=!1,G()}return b&&b(),g};return _({version:"1.36.0",parse:O(((e,t,n,i,r)=>"number"==typeof t?Zs(e,t,n,i,r,",,"):Zs(e,1,t,n,i,",")),{"1.0":(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,.1,t,n,i,","),1:(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,1,t,n,i,","),.5:(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,.5,t,n,i,","),.4:(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,.4,t,n,i,","),.3:(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,.3,t,n,i,","),.2:(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,.2,t,n,i,","),.1:(e,t,n,i)=>Zs(e,.1,t,n,i,",")}),stringify:(e,t)=>{const n=new Us(t),i=n[0];if(i[0]="",Jn(i.assignBlock("","",e,h(e))),n.newlineUnderSectionButPair&&1!==i.length&&i.appendNewline(),n.newlineUnderSection||n[n.length-1].appendNewline(),n.newline)return n.join(n.newline);const r=n.flat();return js(r),r},Section:e=>{if(I(e))throw n("array can not be section, maybe you want to use it on the tables in it");return Ne(e),Ae(e),e},inline:(e,i,s)=>{if(I(e)){if(s)i=3;else if(i===r)i=3;else if(0!==i&&1!==i&&2!==i&&3!==i)throw"number"==typeof i?t(`array inline mode must be 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, not including ${i}`):n('array inline mode must be "number" type, not including '+(null===i?'"null"':typeof i));je(e,i)}else je(e,!0),Be(e);return e},multiline:_s,basic:e=>Gn((e=>{if(e){const t=e.match(ns);let n=t.length;do{is(t[--n])&&(t[n]=es[t[n]])}while(n);return`"${t.join("")}"`}return'""'})(e),e),literal:(e,...t)=>{if("string"==typeof e){if(1===t.length)return Gn(e.includes("\n")?e.split("\n"):e,t[0])}else{let n=t.length;if(n){const{raw:i}=e;for(e=i[n];n;)t[--n]+=i[n];e=t.join("")+e}else e=e.raw[0]}return Gn(e.includes("\n")?e.split("\n"):e,fe(null))},commentFor:Ar,commentForThis:Br,OffsetDateTime:Ni,LocalDateTime:Ri,LocalDate:Yi,LocalTime:Qi,isInline:Ue,isSection:_e,Keys:an})})); -//# sourceMappingURL=j-toml.min.js.map \ No newline at end of file + $`.valueOf(), + mr = /_/g, + { test: xr } = K(/^[-+]?0(?:\.0+)?(?:[eE][-+]?0+)?$/), + { exec: Tr } = K(/^[-0]?(\d*)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:e\+?(-?\d+))?$/), + { exec: vr } = K(/^[-+]?0?(\d*)(?:\.(\d*?)0*)?(?:[eE]\+?(-?\d+))?$/), + Or = n => { + if (!wr(n) || lr(n)) { + if (pn) { + if ('inf' === n || '+inf' === n) return k; + if ('-inf' === n) return -1 / 0; + if ('nan' === n || '+nan' === n) return NaN; + if ('-nan' === n) return NaN; + } + throw it(e(`Invalid Float ${n}` + lt(' at '))); + } + const i = n.replace(mr, ''), + r = +i; + if (dn) { + yr(r) || it(t(`Float ${n} has been as big as inf` + lt(' at '))), + r || + xr(i) || + it(t(`Float ${n} has been as little as ${'-' === n[0] ? '-' : ''}0` + lt(' at '))); + const { 1: e, 2: s = '', 3: a = '' } = Tr(r), + { 1: l, 2: o = '', 3: c = '' } = vr(i); + (l + o === e + s && c - o.length == a - s.length) || + it(t(`Float ${n} has lost its exact and been ${r}` + lt(' at '))); + } + return r; + }, + $r = (e, t) => { + const { length: n } = t; + let r = 0; + for (; r < n; ) { + const s = t[r++]; + if (!(s in e)) { + for (e = e[s] = new gn(He); r < n; ) e = e[t[r++]] = new gn(He); + return e; + } + if (Ke((e = e[s]))) + Ue(e) && it(i('Trying to define Table under Inline Table' + lt(' at '))); + else { + if (!ei(e)) throw it(i('Trying to define Table under non-Table value' + lt(' at '))); + ii(e) && it(i('Trying to append value to Static Array' + lt(' at '))), + (e = e[e.length - 1]); + } + } + return e; + }, + Fr = (e, t, n, r) => { + let s; + if (n) { + let n; + t in e + ? (ei((n = e[t])) && !ii(n)) || + it(i('Trying to push Table to non-ArrayOfTables value' + lt(' at '))) + : (n = e[t] = ri(!1)), + r && Rn(r, n, e, t), + (n[n.length] = s = new gn(qe)); + } else + t in e + ? ((s = e[t]), + Je(s) && + it( + i( + 'A table defined implicitly via key/value pair can not be accessed to via []' + + lt(', which at '), + ), + ), + (e => !!Ze(e) && (Ne(e), !0))(s) || it(i('Duplicate Table definition' + lt(' at ')))) + : (e[t] = s = new gn(qe)), + r && Rn(r, null, e, t); + return s; + }, + Ir = (e, t) => { + const { length: n } = t; + let r = 0; + for (; r < n; ) { + const s = t[r++]; + if (!(s in e)) { + for (e = e[s] = new gn(He, !0); r < n; ) e = e[t[r++]] = new gn(He, !0); + return e; + } + Ke((e = e[s])) || it(i('Trying to assign property through non-Table value' + lt(' at '))), + Ue(e) && it(i('Trying to assign property through static Inline Table' + lt(' at '))), + Je(e) || + it( + i( + 'A table defined implicitly via [] can not be accessed to via key/value pair' + + lt(', which at '), + ), + ); + } + return e; + }, + kr = t => ( + zt(t) && + it( + e( + 'Control characters other than Tab are not permitted in a Literal String' + + lt(', which was found at '), + ), + ), + t + ), + Sr = (t, n, i) => { + if (!i.startsWith("'''")) { + const r = ht(i) || it(e('Bad literal string' + lt(' at '))), + s = kr(r[1]); + return (t[n] = on ? Gn(i.slice(0, s.length + 2), s) : s), r[2]; + } + const r = gt(i.slice(3)); + if (r) { + const e = kr(r[1]) + r[2]; + return (t[n] = on ? Gn(i.slice(0, e.length + 6), e) : e), r[3]; + } + const s = new at('Multi-line Literal String', i.length), + a = !(i = i.slice(3)); + if (a) { + i = s.must(); + const e = gt(i); + if (e) { + const r = kr(e[1]) + e[2]; + return (t[n] = on ? Gn(["'''", i.slice(0, r.length + 3)], r) : r), e[3]; + } + } + null === en && s.nowrap(Qt); + for (const e = [kr(i)]; ; ) { + const r = s.must(), + l = gt(r); + if (l) { + e[e.length] = kr(l[1]) + l[2]; + const r = e.join(en); + return ( + on + ? ((e[e.length - 1] += "'''"), + a ? e.unshift("'''") : (e[0] = `'''${i}`), + (t[n] = Gn(e, r))) + : (t[n] = r), + l[3] + ); + } + e[e.length] = kr(r); + } + }, + Mr = (t, n, i) => { + if (!i.startsWith('"""')) { + const e = Dt(i), + r = rr(i.slice(1, e)); + return (t[n] = on ? Gn(i.slice(0, e + 1), r) : r), i.slice(e + 1).replace(ut, ''); + } + let r = 3 + vt(i.slice(3)); + if (i.length !== r) { + const s = i.slice(3, r); + St(s) || it(e('Bad multi-line basic string' + lt(' at '))); + const a = + rr(s) + (i.startsWith('"', (r += 3)) ? (i.startsWith('"', ++r) ? (++r, '""') : '"') : ''); + return (t[n] = on ? Gn(i.slice(0, r), a) : a), i.slice(r).replace(ut, ''); + } + const s = new at('Multi-line Basic String', r), + a = (i = i.slice(3)) ? 0 : 1; + if (a) { + i = s.must(); + let r = vt(i); + if (i.length !== r) { + const s = i.slice(0, r); + St(s) || it(e('Bad multi-line basic string' + lt(' at '))); + const l = + sr(s, en, a) + + (i.startsWith('"', (r += 3)) ? (i.startsWith('"', ++r) ? (++r, '""') : '"') : ''); + return (t[n] = on ? Gn(['"""', i.slice(0, r)], l) : l), i.slice(r).replace(ut, ''); + } + } + null === en && s.nowrap(Qt), + St(i + '\n') || it(e('Bad multi-line basic string' + lt(' at '))); + for (const l = [i]; ; ) { + const r = s.must(); + let o = vt(r); + if (r.length !== o) { + const s = r.slice(0, o); + St(s) || it(e('Bad multi-line basic string' + lt(' at '))); + const c = + sr(l.join('\n') + '\n' + s, en, a) + + (r.startsWith('"', (o += 3)) ? (r.startsWith('"', ++o) ? (++o, '""') : '"') : ''); + return ( + on + ? (a ? l.unshift('"""') : (l[0] = `"""${i}`), + (l[l.length] = `${s}"""`), + (t[n] = Gn(l, c))) + : (t[n] = c), + r.slice(o).replace(ut, '') + ); + } + St(r + '\n') || it(e('Bad multi-line basic string' + lt(' at '))), (l[l.length] = r); + } + }, + Lr = fe(null), + Ar = e => Lr[e] || (Lr[e] = zn(e)), + Br = zn('this'), + { test: Ur } = K(/\r?\n/g), + Dr = (t, i) => { + if (i in t) { + const r = t[i]; + if ('string' != typeof r) + throw n( + `the value of comment must be a string, while "${ + null === r ? 'null' : typeof r + }" type is found`, + ); + if (Ur(r)) throw e('the value of comment must be a string and can not include newline'); + return ` #${r}`; + } + return ''; + }, + jr = (e, t) => (t in Lr ? Dr(e, Lr[t]) : ''), + { test: Cr } = K(/(?:[Zz]|[+-]\d\d:\d\d)$/), + { test: _r } = K(/^\[[\t ]*]/), + Nr = t => { + let n = t; + const r = []; + let s = -1; + for (;;) { + if ((n || it(e('Empty bare key' + lt(' at '))), '"' === n[0])) { + const e = Dt(n); + Tn.test((r[++s] = rr(n.slice(1, e)))) || it(i('Key not allowed' + lt(' at '))), + (n = n.slice(e + 1)); + } else { + const t = "'" === n[0], + a = ((t ? Wt : Et)(n) || + it(e(`Bad ${t ? 'literal string' : 'bare'} key` + lt(' at '))))[0]; + (n = n.slice(a.length)), + Tn.test((r[++s] = t ? a.slice(1, -1) : a)) || it(i('Key not allowed' + lt(' at '))); + } + if (!jt(n)) break; + n = n.replace(Ct, ''); + } + if (xn) { + const i = t.slice(0, -n.length); + (Gt(i) || (yn && 'null' === i)) && + it(e('Bad bare key disabled by xOptions.string' + lt(' at '))); + } + if (hn) { + let t = s; + do { + r[t] || it(e('Empty key is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))); + } while (t--); + } + const a = r[s]; + return (r.length = s), { leadingKeys: r, finalKey: a, lineRest: n }; + }, + Er = (t, n) => { + if ('<' === n[0]) { + const { 1: i } = ({ 2: n } = mt(n) || it(e('Bad tag ' + lt(' at ')))); + switch ((Rn(i, t, null), n && n[0])) { + case ',': + case ']': + case '': + case '#': + return (t[t.length] = r), n; + } + } + switch (n[0]) { + case "'": + return Sr(Mn(t), t.length, n); + case '"': + return Mr(Mn(t), t.length, n); + case '{': + return ( + un || it(e('Inline Table is not allowed before TOML v0.4' + lt(', which at '))), + Kr(Ln(t), t.length, n) + ); + case '[': + return Pr(An(t), t.length, n); + } + const { 1: i } = ({ 2: n } = ft(n) || it(e('Bad atom value' + lt(' at ')))); + return ( + 'true' === i + ? (Bn(t)[t.length] = !0) + : 'false' === i + ? (Bn(t)[t.length] = !1) + : yn && 'null' === i + ? (Sn(t)[t.length] = null) + : i.includes(':') + ? i.includes('-') + ? Cr(i) + ? (jn(t)[t.length] = new Ni(i)) + : (fn || it(e('Local Date-Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))), + (Cn(t)[t.length] = new Ri(i))) + : (fn || it(e('Local Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))), + (Nn(t)[t.length] = new Qi(i))) + : i.indexOf('-') !== i.lastIndexOf('-') && '-' !== i[0] + ? (fn || it(e('Local Date is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))), + (_n(t)[t.length] = new Yi(i))) + : i.includes('.') || + i.includes('n') || + ((i.includes('e') || i.includes('E')) && !i.startsWith('0x')) + ? (Un(t)[t.length] = on ? Gn(i, Or(i)) : Or(i)) + : (Dn(t)[t.length] = on ? Gn(i, br(i)) : br(i)), + n + ); + }, + Pr = function* (t, n, i) { + const r = (t[n] = ri(!0)); + if (_r(i)) return je(r, ']' === i[1] ? 0 : 3), i.slice(i.indexOf(']')).replace(bt, ''); + const s = new at('Static Array', i.length); + let a = i.startsWith('[ ') || i.startsWith('[\t') ? 3 : 0; + for (i = i.replace(bt, ''); !i || '#' === i[0]; ) (a = null), (i = s.must().replace(ut, '')); + if (']' === i[0]) return null === a || je(r, a), i.replace(bt, ''); + for (;;) { + const t = Er(r, i); + for (i = 'string' == typeof t ? t : yield t; !i || '#' === i[0]; ) + (a = null), (i = s.must().replace(ut, '')); + if (',' !== i[0]) { + if (']' === i[0]) break; + throw it(e('Unexpect character in static array item value' + lt(', which is found at '))); + } + for (i = i.replace(bt, ''); !i || '#' === i[0]; ) + (a = null), (i = s.must().replace(ut, '')); + if (']' === i[0]) break; + } + return null === a || je(r, a), i.replace(bt, ''); + }, + Kr = function* (t, n, i) { + const r = (t[n] = new gn(qe, !0)); + if (wn) { + const e = new at('Inline Table', i.length); + i = i.replace(bt, ''); + let t = !0; + for (;;) { + for (; !i || '#' === i[0]; ) (t = !1), (i = e.must().replace(ut, '')); + if ('}' === i[0]) break; + const n = Wr(r, i), + s = Rr(n); + if ((i = 'string' == typeof s ? s : yield s)) { + if ('#' === i[0]) { + mn && (n.table[Ar(n.finalKey)] = i.slice(1)), (t = !1); + do { + i = e.must().replace(ut, ''); + } while (!i || '#' === i[0]); + } + } else { + t = !1; + do { + i = e.must().replace(ut, ''); + } while (!i || '#' === i[0]); + } + ',' === i[0] && (i = i.replace(bt, '')); + } + t || je(r, !1); + } else if ( + '}' !== + (i = + i.replace(bt, '') || + it( + e('Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line' + lt(', which broken at ')), + ))[0] + ) + for (;;) { + '#' === i[0] && + it(e('Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line' + lt(', which broken at '))); + const t = Rr(Wr(r, i)); + if ( + '}' === + (i = + ('string' == typeof t ? t : yield t) || + it( + e('Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line' + lt(', which broken at ')), + ))[0] + ) + break; + ',' === i[0] && + '}' === + (i = + i.replace(bt, '') || + it( + e( + 'Inline Table is intended to appear on a single line' + + lt(', which broken at '), + ), + ))[0] && + it( + e( + 'The last property of an Inline Table can not have a trailing comma' + + lt(', which was found at '), + ), + ); + } + return i.replace(bt, ''); + }, + Wr = (t, n) => { + const { + leadingKeys: i, + finalKey: r, + tag: s, + } = ({ lineRest: n } = (({ leadingKeys: t, finalKey: n, lineRest: i }) => { + const { 1: r = '' } = ({ 2: i } = + wt(i) || it(e('Keys must equal something' + lt(', but missing at ')))); + return ( + r || + (i && '#' !== i[0]) || + it(e('Value can not be missing after euqal sign' + lt(', which is found at '))), + { leadingKeys: t, finalKey: n, tag: r, lineRest: i } + ); + })(Nr(n))); + return { table: Ir(t, i), finalKey: r, tag: s, lineRest: n }; + }, + Rr = ({ finalKey: t, tag: n, lineRest: s, table: a }) => { + if ((t in a && it(i('Duplicate property definition' + lt(' at '))), n)) + switch ((Rn(n, null, a, t), s && s[0])) { + case ',': + case '}': + case '': + case '#': + return (a[t] = r), s; + } + switch (s && s[0]) { + case "'": + return Sr(a, t, s); + case '"': + return Mr(a, t, s); + case '{': + return ( + un || it(e('Inline Table is not allowed before TOML v0.4' + lt(', which at '))), + Kr(a, t, s) + ); + case '[': + return Pr(a, t, s); + } + const { 1: l } = ({ 2: s } = ft(s) || it(e('Bad atom value' + lt(' at ')))); + return ( + 'true' === l + ? (a[t] = !0) + : 'false' === l + ? (a[t] = !1) + : yn && 'null' === l + ? (a[t] = null) + : l.includes(':') + ? l.includes('-') + ? Cr(l) + ? (a[t] = new Ni(l)) + : (fn || it(e('Local Date-Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))), + (a[t] = new Ri(l))) + : (fn || it(e('Local Time is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))), + (a[t] = new Qi(l))) + : l.indexOf('-') !== l.lastIndexOf('-') && '-' !== l[0] + ? (fn || it(e('Local Date is not allowed before TOML v0.5' + lt(', which at '))), + (a[t] = new Yi(l))) + : (a[t] = + l.includes('.') || + l.includes('n') || + ((l.includes('e') || l.includes('E')) && !l.startsWith('0x')) + ? on + ? Gn(l, Or(l)) + : Or(l) + : on + ? Gn(l, br(l)) + : br(l)), + s + ); + }, + Zr = () => { + const t = new gn(); + let n = t; + for (; nt !== tt; ) { + const i = et[++nt].replace(ut, ''); + if (i) + if ('[' === i[0]) { + const { leadingKeys: r, finalKey: s, asArrayItem: a, tag: l, lineRest: o } = Zt(i, Nr), + c = $r(t, r); + o && ('#' === o[0] || it(e('Unexpect charachtor after table header' + lt(' at ')))), + (n = Fr(c, s, a, l)), + mn && o && (n[Br] = a ? o.slice(1) : (c[Ar(s)] = o.slice(1))); + } else if ('#' === i[0]) + zt(i) && + it( + e( + 'Control characters other than Tab are not permitted in comments' + + lt(', which was found at '), + ), + ); + else { + const t = Wr(n, i); + let r = Rr(t); + 'string' == typeof r || (r = Jn(r)), + r && + ('#' === r[0] || it(e('Unexpect charachtor after key/value pair' + lt(' at '))), + mn && (t.table[Ar(t.finalKey)] = r.slice(1))); + } + } + return t; + }, + qr = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, + Hr = Date.prototype, + zr = String.prototype.valueOf, + Yr = (function () { + if (B.bind) { + var e = B.bind(zr); + return function (t) { + try { + e(t); + } catch (n) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + } + return function (e) { + try { + zr.apply(e); + } catch (t) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + })(), + Jr = Number.prototype.valueOf, + Vr = (function () { + if (B.bind) { + var e = B.bind(Jr); + return function (t) { + try { + e(t); + } catch (n) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + } + return function (e) { + try { + Jr.apply(e); + } catch (t) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + })(), + Gr = (function () { + if ('function' == typeof BigInt) { + var e = B.bind(BigInt.prototype.valueOf); + return function (t) { + try { + e(t); + } catch (n) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + } + return function () { + return !1; + }; + })(), + Xr = BigInt.prototype.valueOf, + Qr = (function () { + if (B.bind) { + var e = B.bind(Xr); + return function (t) { + try { + e(t); + } catch (n) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + } + return function (e) { + try { + Xr.apply(e); + } catch (t) { + return !1; + } + return !0; + }; + })(), + es = fe({ + ...pe( + [...M(32)].map((e, t) => [S(t), '\\u' + t.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4, '0')]), + ), + '\b': '\\b', + '\t': '\\t', + '\n': '\\n', + '\f': '\\f', + '\r': '\\r', + '"': '\\"', + '"""': '""\\"', + '\\': '\\\\', + '': '\\u007F', + }), + { test: ts } = K(/[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F'\x7F]/), + ns = /[^\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F"\\\x7F]+|./gs, + { test: is } = K(/^[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F"\\\x7F]/), + rs = e => { + if (ts(e)) { + const t = e.match(ns); + let n = t.length; + do { + is(t[--n]) && (t[n] = es[t[n]]); + } while (n); + return `"${t.join('')}"`; + } + return `'${e}'`; + }, + { test: ss } = K(/[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\x7F]|'''/), + { test: as } = K(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]|'''/), + { test: ls } = K(/[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\\\x7F]|"""/), + os = /[^\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F"\\\x7F]+|"""|./gs, + { test: cs } = K(/^(?:[\x00-\x08\x0A-\x1F\\\x7F]|""")/), + us = (e, t) => { + const n = e[t]; + if (ls(n)) { + const i = n.match(os); + let r = i.length; + do { + cs(i[--r]) && (i[r] = es[i[r]]); + } while (r); + e[t] = i.join(''); + } + }, + fs = e => (1 === (e = ['', ...e]).length ? ['', ''] : e), + hs = e => { + let t = e.length - 1; + for (us(e, t), e[t] += e[0] = '"""'; --t; ) us(e, t); + return e; + }, + ds = e => ((e[e.length - 1] += e[0] = "'''"), e), + ps = Float64Array, + gs = Uint8Array, + bs = -1 / 0, + { test: ys } = K(/^-?\d+$/), + ws = e => (ys(e) ? e + '.0' : e), + ms = new ps([NaN]), + xs = new gs(ms.buffer), + Ts = xs[7], + vs = + Ts === new gs(new ps([NaN]).buffer)[7] + ? e => + e + ? e === k + ? 'inf' + : e === bs + ? '-inf' + : ws('' + e) + : e == e + ? he(e, 0) + ? '0.0' + : '-0.0' + : 'nan' + : e => + e + ? e === k + ? 'inf' + : e === bs + ? '-inf' + : ws('' + e) + : e == e + ? he(e, 0) + ? '0.0' + : '-0.0' + : ((ms[0] = e), xs[7] === Ts ? 'nan' : '-nan'), + Os = p.bind(Hr), + { test: $s } = K(/^[\w-]+$/), + Fs = e => ($s(e) ? e : rs(e)), + Is = /[^.]+/, + ks = e => `'${e}'`, + Ss = e => (Gt(e) ? e.replace(Is, ks) : 'null' === e ? "'null'" : e); + class Ms extends M { + document; + constructor(e) { + return super(), (this.document = e), this; + } + [zn.toPrimitive]() { + return this.join(this.document.newline); + } + appendNewline() { + this[this.length] = ''; + } + set appendLine(e) { + this[this.length] = e; + } + set appendInline(e) { + this[this.length - 1] += e; + } + set appendInlineIf(e) { + e && (this[this.length - 1] += e); + } + *assignBlock(e, t, i, r) { + const { document: s } = this, + { newlineUnderHeader: a, newlineUnderSectionButPair: l } = s, + o = !!t && s.newlineUnderPairButDotted, + c = t ? s.newlineUnderDotted : s.newlineUnderPair; + for (const u of r) { + const r = i[u], + f = Fs(u), + d = e + f; + if (I(r)) { + const { length: e } = r; + if (e) { + let t = r[0]; + if (_e(t)) { + const i = `[[${d}]]`, + o = d + '.'; + let c = 0, + u = t; + for (;;) { + const t = s.appendSection(); + if ( + ((t[0] = i + Dr(u, Br)), + a + ? ((t[1] = ''), + yield t.assignBlock(o, '', u, h(u)), + l && 2 !== t.length && t.appendNewline()) + : (yield t.assignBlock(o, '', u, h(u)), l && t.appendNewline()), + ++c === e) + ) + break; + if (((u = r[c]), !_e(u))) + throw n( + 'the first table item marked by Section() means the parent array is an array of tables, which can not include other types or table not marked by Section() any more in the rest items', + ); + } + continue; + } + { + let t = 1; + for (; t !== e; ) + if (_e(r[t++])) + throw n( + 'if an array is not array of tables, it can not include any table that marked by Section()', + ); + } + } + } else if (_e(r)) { + const e = s.appendSection(); + (e[0] = `[${d}]${ + s.preferCommentForThis ? Dr(r, Br) || jr(i, u) : jr(i, u) || Dr(r, Br) + }`), + a + ? ((e[1] = ''), + yield e.assignBlock(d + '.', '', r, h(r)), + l && 2 !== e.length && e.appendNewline()) + : (yield e.assignBlock(d + '.', '', r, h(r)), l && e.appendNewline()); + continue; + } + const p = t + f; + this.appendLine = Ss(p) + ' = '; + const g = this.value('', r, !0); + g + ? (--this.length, + yield this.assignBlock(d + '.', p + '.', r, g), + o && this.appendNewline()) + : ((this.appendInlineIf = jr(i, u)), c && this.appendNewline()); + } + } + value(e, t, i) { + switch (typeof t) { + case 'object': + if (null === t) { + if (this.document.nullDisabled) + throw n('toml can not stringify "null" type value without truthy options.xNull'); + this.appendInline = 'null'; + break; + } + const s = De(t); + if (I(t)) { + if (s === r) this.staticArray(e, t); + else { + const { $singlelineArray: n = s } = this.document; + this.singlelineArray(e, t, n); + } + break; + } + if (s !== r) { + s || this.document.multilineTableDisabled + ? this.inlineTable(e, t) + : this.multilineTable(e, t, this.document.multilineTableComma); + break; + } + if (Os(t)) { + this.appendInline = t + .toISOString() + .replace('T', this.document.T) + .replace('Z', this.document.Z); + break; + } + if (Vn in t) { + const e = t[Vn]; + if ('string' == typeof e) this.appendInline = e; + else { + if (!I(e)) throw n('literal value is broken'); + { + const { length: t } = e; + if (!t) throw n('literal value is broken'); + { + this.appendInline = e[0]; + let n = 1; + for (; n !== t; ) this.appendLine = e[n++]; + } + } + } + break; + } + if (Yr(t)) throw n('TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object String]'); + if (Vr(t)) throw n('TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object Number]'); + if (Gr(t)) throw n('TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object BigInt]'); + if (Qr(t)) throw n('TOML.stringify refuse to handle [object Boolean]'); + if (i) { + const e = h(t); + if (e.length) return e; + this.appendInline = '{ }'; + } else this.inlineTable(e, t); + break; + case 'bigint': + this.appendInline = '' + t; + break; + case 'number': + this.appendInline = this.document.asInteger(t) ? (he(t, -0) ? '-0' : '' + t) : vs(t); + break; + case 'string': + this.appendInline = rs(t); + break; + case 'boolean': + this.appendInline = t ? 'true' : 'false'; + break; + default: + throw n(`toml can not stringify "${typeof t}" type value`); + } + return null; + } + singlelineArray(e, t, n) { + const { length: i } = t; + if (i) { + (this.appendInline = 2 & n ? '[ ' : '['), this.value(e, t[0], !1); + let r = 1; + for (; r !== i; ) (this.appendInline = ', '), this.value(e, t[r++], !1); + this.appendInline = 2 & n ? ' ]' : ']'; + } else this.appendInline = 1 & n ? '[ ]' : '[]'; + } + staticArray(e, t) { + this.appendInline = '['; + const n = e + this.document.indent, + { length: i } = t; + let r = 0; + for (; r !== i; ) (this.appendLine = n), this.value(n, t[r++], !1), (this.appendInline = ','); + this.appendLine = e + ']'; + } + inlineTable(e, t) { + const n = h(t); + n.length + ? ((this.appendInline = '{ '), + this.assignInline(e, t, '', n), + (this[this.length - 1] = this[this.length - 1].slice(0, -2) + ' }')) + : (this.appendInline = '{ }'); + } + multilineTable(e, t, n) { + (this.appendInline = '{'), + this.assignMultiline(e, t, '', h(t), n), + (this.appendLine = e + '}'); + } + assignInline(e, t, n, i) { + for (const r of i) { + const i = t[r], + s = n + Fs(r), + a = (this.appendInline = Ss(s) + ' = '), + l = this.value(e, i, !0); + l + ? ((this[this.length - 1] = this[this.length - 1].slice(0, -a.length)), + this.assignInline(e, i, s + '.', l)) + : (this.appendInline = ', '); + } + } + assignMultiline(e, t, n, i, r) { + const s = e + this.document.indent; + for (const a of i) { + const i = t[a], + l = n + Fs(a); + this.appendLine = s + Ss(l) + ' = '; + const o = this.value(s, i, !0); + o + ? (--this.length, this.assignMultiline(e, i, l + '.', o, r)) + : r + ? (this.appendInline = ',' + jr(t, a)) + : (this.appendInlineIf = jr(t, a)); + } + } + } + const Ls = fe({ document: 0, section: 1, header: 2, pairs: 3, pair: 4 }), + { test: As } = K(/^[\t ]*$/), + Bs = () => !1; + class Us extends M { + get ['constructor']() { + return M; + } + 0 = new Ms(this); + asInteger = Bs; + newline = ''; + newlineUnderSection = !0; + newlineUnderSectionButPair = !0; + newlineUnderHeader = !0; + newlineUnderPair = !1; + newlineUnderPairButDotted = !1; + newlineUnderDotted = !1; + indent = '\t'; + T = 'T'; + Z = 'Z'; + nullDisabled = !0; + multilineTableDisabled = !0; + multilineTableComma; + preferCommentForThis = !1; + $singlelineArray; + constructor(i) { + if ((super(), null == i)) return this; + const { integer: r } = i; + if (void 0 === r); + else if (r === qr) this.asInteger = f; + else { + if ('number' != typeof r) throw n('TOML.stringify(,{integer}) can only be number'); + { + if (!f(r)) throw t('TOML.stringify(,{integer}) can only be a safe integer'); + const e = r >= 0 ? r : -r - 1, + n = r >= 0 ? -r : r; + this.asInteger = t => f(t) && n <= t && t <= e; + } + } + const { newline: s } = i; + if (void 0 === s); + else { + if ('\n' !== s && '\r\n' !== s) + throw 'string' == typeof s + ? e('TOML.stringify(,{newline}) can only be valid TOML newline') + : n('TOML.stringify(,{newline}) can only be string'); + this.newline = s; + } + const { preferCommentFor: a } = i; + if (void 0 === a); + else { + if ('this' !== a && 'key' !== a) + throw n("TOML.stringify(,{preferCommentFor) can only be 'key' or 'this'"); + this.preferCommentForThis = 'this' === a; + } + const { [i.newlineAround || 'header']: l = Ls.header } = Ls; + (this.newlineUnderSection = l > 0), + (this.newlineUnderSectionButPair = 1 === l || 2 === l), + (this.newlineUnderHeader = l > 1), + (this.newlineUnderPair = l > 2), + (this.newlineUnderPairButDotted = 3 === l), + (this.newlineUnderDotted = l > 3); + const { indent: o } = i; + if (void 0 === o); + else if ('string' == typeof o) { + if (!As(o)) throw e('TOML.stringify(,{indent}) can only include Tab or Space'); + this.indent = o; + } else { + if ('number' != typeof o) + throw n(`TOML.stringify(,{indent}) can not be "${typeof o}" type`); + if (!f(o)) throw t(`TOML.stringify(,{indent:${o}}) is out of range`); + this.indent = ' '.repeat(o); + } + const { T: c } = i; + if (void 0 === c); + else { + if (' ' !== c && 't' !== c && 'T' !== c) + throw n('TOML.stringify(,{T}) can only be "T" or " " or "t"'); + this.T = c; + } + const { Z: u } = i; + if (void 0 === u); + else { + if ('z' !== u && 'Z' !== u) throw n('TOML.stringify(,{Z}) can only be "Z" or "z"'); + this.Z = u; + } + i.xNull && (this.nullDisabled = !1); + const { xBeforeNewlineInMultilineTable: h } = i; + if (void 0 === h); + else { + if ('' !== h && ',' !== h) + throw n('TOML.stringify(,{xBeforeNewlineInMultilineTable}) can only be "" or ","'); + (this.multilineTableDisabled = !1), (this.multilineTableComma = !!h); + } + const d = i.forceInlineArraySpacing; + switch (d) { + case void 0: + break; + case 0: + case 1: + case 2: + case 3: + this.$singlelineArray = d; + break; + default: + throw 'number' == typeof d + ? t(`array inline mode must be 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, not including ${d}`) + : n( + 'array inline mode must be "number" type, not including ' + + (null === d ? '"null"' : typeof d), + ); + } + return this; + } + appendSection() { + return (this[this.length] = new Ms(this)); + } + } + const Ds = new se(), + js = le.bind(Ds), + Cs = ae.bind(Ds), + _s = (() => { + const e = (e, t) => + 'string' == typeof e + ? Gn((as(e) ? hs : ds)(('\n' + e).split('\n')), e) + : I(e) + ? Gn( + (e => { + const t = e.length - 1; + let n = t; + do { + if (ss(e[n])) break; + } while (--n); + if (n) for (n = t, us(e, n), e[n] += e[0] = '"""'; --n; ) us(e, n); + else e[t] += e[0] = "'''"; + return e; + })(fs(e)), + 'string' == typeof t ? t : fe(null), + ) + : (e => (je(e, !1), Be(e), e))(e); + return ( + (e.basic = (e, t) => + 'string' == typeof e + ? Gn(hs(('\n' + e).split('\n')), e) + : Gn(hs(fs(e)), 'string' == typeof t ? t : fe(null))), + (e.array = Ce), + d(e), + e + ); + })(), + Ns = new Hn('utf-8', fe({ fatal: !0, ignoreBOM: !1 })), + Es = e => { + if (Zn(e) ? e.length !== e.byteLength : !qn(e)) + throw n('only Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer is acceptable'); + try { + return Ns.decode(e); + } catch { + throw i( + 'A TOML doc must be a (ful-scalar) valid UTF-8 file, without any unknown code point.', + ); + } + }, + Ps = e => 'byteLength' in e, + { test: Ks } = K(/[\uD800-\uDFFF]/u), + Ws = e => { + if (G(Ks(e))) + throw i( + 'A TOML doc must be a (ful-scalar) valid UTF-8 file, without any uncoupled UCS-4 character code.', + ); + }; + let Rs = !1; + const Zs = (e, a, l, o, c, u) => { + let d, + p, + g, + b, + y = ''; + if ('object' == typeof e && e) { + if (I(e)) + throw n(Cs(e) ? 'TOML.parse(array from TOML.stringify(,{newline?}))' : 'TOML.parse(array)'); + if (Ps(e)) e = Es(e); + else { + if (((y = e.path), 'string' != typeof y)) throw n('TOML.parse(source.path)'); + const { data: t, require: i = 'function' == typeof require ? require : r } = e; + if (i) { + const { resolve: s } = i; + if (null != s) { + const { paths: e } = s; + if (null != e) { + const t = m(e, s, ['']); + if (null != t) { + const e = t[0]; + if (null != e) { + const t = e.replace(/node_modules$/, ''); + if (t && ((y = i('path').resolve(t, y)), 'string' != typeof y)) + throw n("TOML.parse(source.require('path').resolve)"); + } + } + } + } + if (t === r) { + const t = i('fs').readFileSync(y); + if ('object' != typeof t || !t || !Ps(t)) + throw n("TOML.parse(source.require('fs').readFileSync)"); + e = Es(t); + } else if ('string' == typeof t) Ws((e = t)); + else { + if ('object' != typeof t || !t || !Ps(t)) throw n('TOML.parse(source.data)'); + e = Es(t); + } + } else { + if (t === r) throw n('TOML.parse(source.data|source.require)'); + if ('string' == typeof t) Ws((e = t)); + else { + if ('object' != typeof t || !t || !Ps(t)) throw n('TOML.parse(source.data)'); + e = Es(t); + } + } + } + } else { + if ('string' != typeof e) throw n('TOML.parse(source)'); + Ws(e); + } + if ('object' == typeof l && l) { + if (o !== r || c !== r) throw n('options mode ? args mode'); + (d = l.joiner), (o = l.bigint), (p = l.keys), (c = l.x), (u = ''); + } else d = l; + if (Rs) throw i('parsing during parsing.'); + Rs = !0; + try { + ((e, a, l, o, c, u) => { + let d; + switch (((Qt = u), e)) { + case 1: + (Xt = d = fn = pn = un = !0), (cn = hn = !1); + break; + case 0.5: + (Xt = fn = pn = un = !0), (d = cn = hn = !1); + break; + case 0.4: + (Xt = hn = un = !0), (d = cn = fn = pn = !1); + break; + case 0.3: + (Xt = hn = !0), (d = cn = fn = pn = un = !1); + break; + case 0.2: + case 0.1: + (cn = hn = !0), (Xt = d = fn = pn = un = !1); + break; + default: + throw t('TOML.parse(,specificationVersion)'); + } + if ( + ((e => { + switch (e) { + case 1: + (gt = dt), (Wt = Pt), (zt = qt), (kt = Ot), (Ut = Mt), (Et = _t), (Rt = !0); + break; + case 0.5: + (gt = pt), (Wt = Pt), (zt = qt), (kt = $t), (Ut = Lt), (Et = _t), (Rt = !0); + break; + case 0.4: + (gt = pt), (Wt = Kt), (zt = Ht), (kt = Ft), (Ut = At), (Et = _t), (Rt = !0); + break; + default: + (gt = pt), (Wt = Kt), (zt = Ht), (kt = It), (Ut = Bt), (Et = Nt), (Rt = !1); + } + })(e), + 'string' == typeof a) + ) + en = a; + else { + if (a !== r) throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt ? `${Qt}multilineStringJoiner` : ',{ joiner }'})`); + en = null; + } + if (l === r || !0 === l) tn = !0; + else if (!1 === l) tn = !1; + else { + if ('number' != typeof l) + throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt ? `${Qt},useBigInt` : ',{ bigint }'})`); + if (!f(l)) throw t(`TOML.parse(${Qt ? `${Qt},useBigInt` : ',{ bigint }'})`); + (tn = null), l >= 0 ? (nn = -(rn = l)) : (rn = -(nn = l) - 1); + } + if (!s && !1 !== tn) + throw i( + `Can't work without TOML.parse(${ + Qt ? `${Qt},useBigInt` : ',{ bigint }' + }) being set to false, because the host doesn't have BigInt support`, + ); + if (null == o) Tn = sn; + else { + if (!ln(o)) throw n('TOML.parse(,{ keys })'); + Tn = o; + } + if (null == c) (gn = Ve), (dn = bn = yn = wn = !1), (Rn = Wn); + else { + if ('object' != typeof c) throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt ? `${Qt},,xOptions` : ',{ x }'})`); + { + const { + order: e, + longer: t, + exact: i, + null: r, + multi: s, + comment: a, + string: l, + literal: o, + tag: u, + ...f + } = c, + p = h(f); + if (p.length) + throw n( + `TOML.parse(${Qt ? `${Qt},,{ ${p.join(', ')} }` : `,{ x: { ${p.join(', ')} } }`})`, + ); + if ( + ((gn = e ? Ge : Ve), + (bn = !t), + (dn = !!i), + (yn = !!r), + (wn = !!s), + (mn = !!a), + (xn = !!l), + (on = !!o), + u) + ) { + if ('function' != typeof u) + throw n(`TOML.parse(${Qt ? `${Qt},,{ tag }` : ',{ x: { tag } }'})`); + if (!d) + throw n( + `TOML.parse(${ + Qt ? `${Qt},,xOptions` : ',{ x }' + }) xOptions.tag needs at least TOML 1.0 to support mixed type array`, + ); + (En = u), (Rn = Kn); + } else Rn = Wn; + } + } + d + ? (Sn = Mn = Ln = An = Bn = Un = Dn = jn = Cn = _n = Nn = kn) + : ({ + asNulls: Sn, + asStrings: Mn, + asTables: Ln, + asArrays: An, + asBooleans: Bn, + asFloats: Un, + asIntegers: Dn, + asOffsetDateTimes: jn, + asLocalDateTimes: Cn, + asLocalDates: _n, + asLocalTimes: Nn, + } = In); + })(a, d, o, p, c, u), + st(e, y), + e && + '\ufeff' === e[0] && + it(n('TOML content (string) should not start with BOM (U+FEFF)' + lt(' at '))), + (g = Zr()), + (b = (() => { + if (Pn) { + const e = En; + let t = Pn; + return ( + (Pn = null), + () => { + const n = e; + let i = t; + t = null; + do { + n(i); + } while ((i = i._linked)); + } + ); + } + return null; + })()); + } finally { + ot(), (Tn = sn), (en = En = Pn = null), (cn = !1), (Rs = !1), G(); + } + return b && b(), g; + }; + return _({ + version: '1.36.0', + parse: O( + (e, t, n, i, r) => ('number' == typeof t ? Zs(e, t, n, i, r, ',,') : Zs(e, 1, t, n, i, ',')), + { + '1.0': (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 0.1, t, n, i, ','), + 1: (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 1, t, n, i, ','), + 0.5: (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 0.5, t, n, i, ','), + 0.4: (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 0.4, t, n, i, ','), + 0.3: (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 0.3, t, n, i, ','), + 0.2: (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 0.2, t, n, i, ','), + 0.1: (e, t, n, i) => Zs(e, 0.1, t, n, i, ','), + }, + ), + stringify: (e, t) => { + const n = new Us(t), + i = n[0]; + if ( + ((i[0] = ''), + Jn(i.assignBlock('', '', e, h(e))), + n.newlineUnderSectionButPair && 1 !== i.length && i.appendNewline(), + n.newlineUnderSection || n[n.length - 1].appendNewline(), + n.newline) + ) + return n.join(n.newline); + const r = n.flat(); + return js(r), r; + }, + Section: e => { + if (I(e)) throw n('array can not be section, maybe you want to use it on the tables in it'); + return Ne(e), Ae(e), e; + }, + inline: (e, i, s) => { + if (I(e)) { + if (s) i = 3; + else if (i === r) i = 3; + else if (0 !== i && 1 !== i && 2 !== i && 3 !== i) + throw 'number' == typeof i + ? t(`array inline mode must be 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, not including ${i}`) + : n( + 'array inline mode must be "number" type, not including ' + + (null === i ? '"null"' : typeof i), + ); + je(e, i); + } else je(e, !0), Be(e); + return e; + }, + multiline: _s, + basic: e => + Gn( + (e => { + if (e) { + const t = e.match(ns); + let n = t.length; + do { + is(t[--n]) && (t[n] = es[t[n]]); + } while (n); + return `"${t.join('')}"`; + } + return '""'; + })(e), + e, + ), + literal: (e, ...t) => { + if ('string' == typeof e) { + if (1 === t.length) return Gn(e.includes('\n') ? e.split('\n') : e, t[0]); + } else { + let n = t.length; + if (n) { + const { raw: i } = e; + for (e = i[n]; n; ) t[--n] += i[n]; + e = t.join('') + e; + } else e = e.raw[0]; + } + return Gn(e.includes('\n') ? e.split('\n') : e, fe(null)); + }, + commentFor: Ar, + commentForThis: Br, + OffsetDateTime: Ni, + LocalDateTime: Ri, + LocalDate: Yi, + LocalTime: Qi, + isInline: Ue, + isSection: _e, + Keys: an, + }); +}); +//# sourceMappingURL=j-toml.min.js.map diff --git a/packages/core/test/setupEnv.js b/packages/core/test/setupEnv.js index e46073ce..d27b494d 100644 --- a/packages/core/test/setupEnv.js +++ b/packages/core/test/setupEnv.js @@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ if (typeof window === 'undefined') { } global.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn(); + +jest.mock('../src/formats/util/j-toml.min');