Update Slate to 0.28.0

This commit is contained in:
Shawn Erquhart
2017-11-16 11:25:21 -05:00
parent ff0b8d4ca8
commit c9e97b5c7e
7 changed files with 173 additions and 176 deletions

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import cn from 'classnames';
* Slate uses React components to render each type of node that it receives.
* This is the closest thing Slate has to a schema definition. The types are set
* by us when we manually deserialize from Remark's MDAST to Slate's AST.
export const MARK_COMPONENTS = {
bold: props => <strong>{props.children}</strong>,
italic: props => <em>{props.children}</em>,
strikethrough: props => <s>{props.children}</s>,
code: props => <code>{props.children}</code>,
export const NODE_COMPONENTS = {
'paragraph': props => <p {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</p>,
'list-item': props => <li {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</li>,
'quote': props => <blockquote {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</blockquote>,
'code': props => <pre><code {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</code></pre>,
'heading-one': props => <h1 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h1>,
'heading-two': props => <h2 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h2>,
'heading-three': props => <h3 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h3>,
'heading-four': props => <h4 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h4>,
'heading-five': props => <h5 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h5>,
'heading-six': props => <h6 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h6>,
'table': props => <table><tbody {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</tbody></table>,
'table-row': props => <tr {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</tr>,
'table-cell': props => <td {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</td>,
'thematic-break': props => <hr {...props.attributes}/>,
'bulleted-list': props => <ul {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</ul>,
'numbered-list': props =>
<ol {...props.attributes} start={props.node.data.get('start') || 1}>{props.children}</ol>,
'link': props => {
const data = props.node.get('data');
const marks = data.get('marks');
const url = data.get('url');
const title = data.get('title');
const link = <a href={url} title={title} {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</a>;
const result = !marks ? link : marks.reduce((acc, mark) => {
const MarkComponent = MARK_COMPONENTS[mark.type];
return <MarkComponent>{acc}</MarkComponent>;
}, link);
return result;
'image': props => {
const data = props.node.get('data');
const marks = data.get('marks');
const url = data.get('url');
const title = data.get('title');
const alt = data.get('alt');
const image = <img src={url} title={title} alt={alt} {...props.attributes}/>;
const result = !marks ? image : marks.reduce((acc, mark) => {
const MarkComponent = MARK_COMPONENTS[mark.type];
return <MarkComponent>{acc}</MarkComponent>;
}, image);
return result;
'shortcode': props => {
const { attributes, node, state: editorState } = props;
const isSelected = editorState.selection.hasFocusIn(node);
const className = cn('nc-visualEditor-shortcode', { ['nc-visualEditor-shortcodeSelected']: isSelected });
return <div {...attributes} className={className} draggable >{node.data.get('shortcode')}</div>;

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import { slateToMarkdown, markdownToSlate, htmlToSlate } from '../../serializers
import registry from '../../../../../lib/registry';
import Toolbar from '../Toolbar/Toolbar';
import { Sticky } from '../../../../UI/Sticky/Sticky';
import { MARK_COMPONENTS, NODE_COMPONENTS } from './components';
import RULES from './rules';
import { renderNode, renderMark } from './renderers';
import { validateNode } from './validators';
import plugins, { EditListConfigured } from './plugins';
import onKeyDown from './keys';
@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ export default class Editor extends Component {
const editorState = State.create({ document });
this.state = {
schema: {
rules: RULES,
shortcodePlugins: registry.getEditorComponents(),
@ -208,7 +203,9 @@ export default class Editor extends Component {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import React from 'react';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import cn from 'classnames';
* Slate uses React components to render each type of node that it receives.
* This is the closest thing Slate has to a schema definition. The types are set
* by us when we manually deserialize from Remark's MDAST to Slate's AST.
export const renderMark = props => {
switch (props.mark.type) {
case bold: return props => <strong>{props.children}</strong>;
case italic: return props => <em>{props.children}</em>;
case strikethrough: return props => <s>{props.children}</s>;
case code: return props => <code>{props.children}</code>;
export const renderNode = props => {
switch (props.node.type) {
case 'paragraph': return props => <p {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</p>;
case 'list-item': return props => <li {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</li>;
case 'quote': return props => <blockquote {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</blockquote>;
case 'code': return props => <pre><code {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</code></pre>;
case 'heading-one': return props => <h1 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h1>;
case 'heading-two': return props => <h2 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h2>;
case 'heading-three': return props => <h3 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h3>;
case 'heading-four': return props => <h4 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h4>;
case 'heading-five': return props => <h5 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h5>;
case 'heading-six': return props => <h6 {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</h6>;
case 'table': return props => <table><tbody {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</tbody></table>;
case 'table-row': return props => <tr {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</tr>;
case 'table-cell': return props => <td {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</td>;
case 'thematic-break': return props => <hr {...props.attributes}/>;
case 'bulleted-list': return props => <ul {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</ul>;
case 'numbered-list': return props => (
<ol {...props.attributes} start={props.node.data.get('start') || 1}>{props.children}</ol>
case 'link': return props => {
const data = props.node.get('data');
const marks = data.get('marks');
const url = data.get('url');
const title = data.get('title');
const link = <a href={url} title={title} {...props.attributes}>{props.children}</a>;
const result = !marks ? link : marks.reduce((acc, mark) => {
const MarkComponent = MARK_COMPONENTS[mark.type];
return <MarkComponent>{acc}</MarkComponent>;
}, link);
return result;
case 'image': props => {
const data = props.node.get('data');
const marks = data.get('marks');
const url = data.get('url');
const title = data.get('title');
const alt = data.get('alt');
const image = <img src={url} title={title} alt={alt} {...props.attributes}/>;
const result = !marks ? image : marks.reduce((acc, mark) => {
const MarkComponent = MARK_COMPONENTS[mark.type];
return <MarkComponent>{acc}</MarkComponent>;
}, image);
return result;
case 'shortcode': props => {
const { attributes, node, state: editorState } = props;
const isSelected = editorState.selection.hasFocusIn(node);
const className = cn('nc-visualEditor-shortcode', { ['nc-visualEditor-shortcodeSelected']: isSelected });
return <div {...attributes} className={className} draggable >{node.data.get('shortcode')}</div>;

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
import { Block, Text } from 'slate';
* Rules are used to validate the editor state each time it changes, to ensure
* it is never rendered in an undesirable state.
* If the editor is ever in an empty state, insert an empty
* paragraph block.
const enforceNeverEmpty = {
match: object => object.kind === 'document',
validate: doc => {
const hasBlocks = !doc.getBlocks().isEmpty();
return hasBlocks ? null : {};
normalize: change => {
const block = Block.create({
type: 'paragraph',
nodes: [Text.create('')],
const { key } = change.state.document;
return change.insertNodeByKey(key, 0, block).focus();
* Ensure that shortcodes are children of the root node.
const shortcodesAtRoot = {
match: object => object.kind === 'document',
validate: doc => {
return doc.findDescendant(node => {
return node.type === 'shortcode' && doc.getParent(node.key).key !== doc.key;
normalize: (change, doc, node) => {
return change.unwrapNodeByKey(node.key);
* Ensure that trailing shortcodes are followed by an empty paragraph.
const noTrailingShortcodes = {
match: object => object.kind === 'document',
validate: doc => {
return doc.findDescendant(node => {
return node.type === 'shortcode' && doc.getBlocks().last().key === node.key;
normalize: (change, doc, node) => {
const text = Text.create('');
const block = Block.create({ type: 'paragraph', nodes: [ text ] });
return change.insertNodeByKey(doc.key, doc.get('nodes').size, block);
* Ensure that code blocks contain no marks.
const codeBlocksContainPlainText = {
match: node => node.type === 'code',
validate: node => {
const invalidChild = node.getTexts().find(text => !text.getMarks().isEmpty());
return invalidChild || null;
normalize: (change, node, invalidChild) => {
invalidChild.getMarks().forEach(mark => {
change.removeMarkByKey(invalidChild.key, 0, invalidChild.get('characters').size, mark);
const rules = [ enforceNeverEmpty, shortcodesAtRoot, noTrailingShortcodes, codeBlocksContainPlainText ];
export default rules;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import { Block, Text } from 'slate';
* Validation functions are used to validate the editor state each time it
* changes, to ensure it is never rendered in an undesirable state.
export function validateNode(node) {
* Validation of the document itself.
if (node.kind === 'document') {
* If the editor is ever in an empty state, insert an empty
* paragraph block.
const hasBlocks = !doc.getBlocks().isEmpty();
if (!hasBlocks) {
return change => {
const block = Block.create({
type: 'paragraph',
nodes: [Text.create('')],
const { key } = change.state.document;
return change.insertNodeByKey(key, 0, block).focus();
* Ensure that shortcodes are children of the root node.
const nestedShortcode = node.findDescendant(descendant => {
const { type, key } = descendant;
return type === 'shortcode' && node.getParent(key).key !== node.key;
if (nestedShortcode) {
return change => change.unwrapNodeByKey(node.key);
* Ensure that trailing shortcodes are followed by an empty paragraph.
const trailingShortcode = node.findDescendant(descendant => {
const { type, key } = descendant;
return type === 'shortcode' && node.getBlocks().last().key === key;
if (trailingShortcode) {
return change => {
const text = Text.create('');
const block = Block.create({ type: 'paragraph', nodes: [ text ] });
return change.insertNodeByKey(node.key, node.get('nodes').size, block);
* Ensure that code blocks contain no marks.
if (node.type === 'code') {
const invalidChild = node.getTexts().find(text => !text.getMarks().isEmpty());
if (invalidChild) {
return change => (
invalidChild.getMarks().forEach(mark => (
change.removeMarkByKey(invalidChild.key, 0, invalidChild.get('characters').size, mark)