improvement(i18n): extract core UI texts to external file (#1708)
This commit is contained in:
committed by
Shawn Erquhart
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
export function getPhrases() {
return {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Contents',
workflow: 'Workflow',
media: 'Media',
quickAdd: 'Quick add',
app: {
errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration',
configErrors: 'Config Errors',
checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.',
loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...',
waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...',
notFoundPage: {
header: 'Not Found',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: 'Collections',
searchAll: 'Search all',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: 'View as',
newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries',
cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries',
longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes',
editor: {
editorControlPane: {
widget: {
required: '%{fieldLabel} is required.',
regexPattern: "%{fieldLabel} didn't match the pattern: %{pattern}.",
processing: '%{fieldLabel} is processing.',
editor: {
onLeavePage: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?',
'You have unsaved changes, please save before updating status.',
onPublishingNotReady: 'Please update status to "Ready" before publishing.',
onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: 'You have unsaved changes, please save before publishing.',
onPublishing: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?',
onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?',
'This will delete all unpublished changes to this entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session. Do you still want to delete?',
'All unpublished changes to this entry will be deleted. Do you still want to delete?',
loadingEntry: 'Loading entry...',
editorToolbar: {
publishing: 'Publishing...',
publish: 'Publish',
published: 'Published',
publishAndCreateNew: 'Publish and create new',
deleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Delete unpublished changes',
deleteUnpublishedEntry: 'Delete unpublished entry',
deletePublishedEntry: 'Delete published entry',
deleteEntry: 'Delete entry',
saving: 'Saving...',
save: 'Save',
deleting: 'Deleting...',
updating: 'Updating...',
setStatus: 'Set status',
backCollection: ' Writing in %{collectionLabel} collection',
unsavedChanges: 'Unsaved Changes',
changesSaved: 'Changes saved',
draft: 'Draft',
inReview: 'In review',
ready: 'Ready',
publishNow: 'Publish now',
editorWidgets: {
unknownControl: {
noControl: "No control for widget '%{widget}'.",
unknownPreview: {
noPreview: "No preview for widget '%{widget}'.",
mediaLibrary: {
mediaLibrary: {
onDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete selected media?',
mediaLibraryModal: {
loading: 'Loading...',
noResults: 'No results.',
noAssetsFound: 'No assets found.',
noImagesFound: 'No images found.',
private: 'Private ',
images: 'Images',
mediaAssets: 'Media assets',
search: 'Search...',
uploading: 'Uploading...',
uploadNew: 'Upload new',
deleting: 'Deleting...',
deleteSelected: 'Delete selected',
chooseSelected: 'Choose selected',
ui: {
errorBoundary: {
title: 'Sorry!',
details: "There's been an error - please ",
reportIt: 'report it!',
settingsDropdown: {
logOut: 'Log Out',
toast: {
onFailToLoadEntries: 'Failed to load entry: %{details}',
onFailToPersist: 'Failed to persist entry: %{details}',
onFailToDelete: 'Failed to delete entry: %{details}',
onFailToUpdateStatus: 'Failed to update status: %{details}',
"Oops, you've missed a required field. Please complete before saving.",
entrySaved: 'Entry saved',
entryPublished: 'Entry published',
onFailToPublishEntry: 'Failed to publish: %{details}',
entryUpdated: 'Entry status updated',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Unpublished changes deleted',
workflow: {
workflow: {
loading: 'Loading Editorial Workflow Entries',
workflowHeading: 'Editorial Workflow',
newPost: 'New Post',
'%{smart_count} entry waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. |||| %{smart_count} entries waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. ',
workflowCard: {
deleteChanges: 'Delete changes',
deleteNewEntry: 'Delete new entry',
publishChanges: 'Publish changes',
publishNewEntry: 'Publish new entry',
workflowList: {
onDeleteEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?',
'Only items with a "Ready" status can be published. Please drag the card to the "Ready" column to enable publishing.',
onPublishEntry: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?',
draftHeader: 'Drafts',
inReviewHeader: 'In Review',
readyHeader: 'Ready',
currentEntries: '%{smart_count} entry |||| %{smart_count} entries',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user