GitLab backend built with cursor API (#1343)

This commit is contained in:
Benaiah Mischenko
2018-06-11 19:03:43 -07:00
committed by Shawn Erquhart
parent 1f94e3123d
commit b65f68efd4
29 changed files with 1364 additions and 280 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
var ONE_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000;
for (var i=1; i<=10; i++) {
for (var i=1; i<=20; i++) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + ONE_DAY);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
import { List } from 'immutable';
import { fromJS, List, Set } from 'immutable';
import { actions as notifActions } from 'redux-notifications';
import { serializeValues } from 'Lib/serializeEntryValues';
import { currentBackend } from 'Backends/backend';
import { getIntegrationProvider } from 'Integrations';
import { getAsset, selectIntegration } from 'Reducers';
import { selectFields } from 'Reducers/collections';
import { selectCollectionEntriesCursor } from 'Reducers/cursors';
import Cursor from 'ValueObjects/Cursor';
import { createEntry } from 'ValueObjects/Entry';
import ValidationErrorTypes from 'Constants/validationErrorTypes';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
const { notifSend } = notifActions;
@ -80,13 +83,15 @@ export function entriesLoading(collection) {
export function entriesLoaded(collection, entries, pagination) {
export function entriesLoaded(collection, entries, pagination, cursor, append = true) {
return {
payload: {
collection: collection.get('name'),
page: pagination,
cursor: Cursor.create(cursor),
@ -238,6 +243,16 @@ export function loadEntry(collection, slug) {
const appendActions = fromJS({
["append_next"]: { action: "next", append: true },
const addAppendActionsToCursor = cursor => Cursor
.updateStore("actions", actions => actions.union(
appendActions.filter(v => actions.has(v.get("action"))).keySeq()
export function loadEntries(collection, page = 0) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
if (collection.get('isFetching')) {
@ -247,14 +262,86 @@ export function loadEntries(collection, page = 0) {
const backend = currentBackend(state.config);
const integration = selectIntegration(state, collection.get('name'), 'listEntries');
const provider = integration ? getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration) : backend;
const append = !!(page && !isNaN(page) && page > 0);
provider.listEntries(collection, page).then(
response => dispatch(entriesLoaded(collection, response.entries.reverse(), response.pagination)),
error => dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, error))
provider.listEntries(collection, page)
.then(response => ({
// The only existing backend using the pagination system is the
// Algolia integration, which is also the only integration used
// to list entries. Thus, this checking for an integration can
// determine whether or not this is using the old integer-based
// pagination API. Other backends will simply store an empty
// cursor, which behaves identically to no cursor at all.
cursor: integration
? Cursor.create({ actions: ["next"], meta: { usingOldPaginationAPI: true }, data: { nextPage: page + 1 } })
: Cursor.create(response.cursor),
.then(response => dispatch(entriesLoaded(
? response.entries.reverse()
: response.entries,
.catch(err => {
message: `Failed to load entries: ${ err }`,
kind: 'danger',
dismissAfter: 8000,
return Promise.reject(dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, err)));
function traverseCursor(backend, cursor, action) {
if (!cursor.actions.has(action)) {
throw new Error(`The current cursor does not support the pagination action "${ action }".`);
return backend.traverseCursor(cursor, action);
export function traverseCollectionCursor(collection, action) {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState();
if (state.entries.getIn(['pages', `${ collection.get('name') }`, 'isFetching',])) {
const backend = currentBackend(state.config);
const { action: realAction, append } = appendActions.has(action)
? appendActions.get(action).toJS()
: { action, append: false };
const cursor = selectCollectionEntriesCursor(state.cursors, collection.get('name'));
// Handle cursors representing pages in the old, integer-based
// pagination API
if (cursor.meta.get("usingOldPaginationAPI", false)) {
return dispatch(loadEntries(collection,"nextPage")));
try {
const { entries, cursor: newCursor } = await traverseCursor(backend, cursor, realAction);
// Pass null for the old pagination argument - this will
// eventually be removed.
return dispatch(entriesLoaded(collection, entries, null, addAppendActionsToCursor(newCursor), append));
} catch (err) {
message: `Failed to persist entry: ${ err }`,
kind: 'danger',
dismissAfter: 8000,
return Promise.reject(dispatch(entriesFailed(collection, err)));
export function createEmptyDraft(collection) {
return (dispatch) => {
const dataFields = {};

View File

@ -105,121 +105,44 @@ export function clearSearch() {
// SearchEntries will search for complete entries in all collections.
export function searchEntries(searchTerm, page = 0) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState();
const backend = currentBackend(state.config);
const allCollections = state.collections.keySeq().toArray();
const collections = allCollections.filter(collection => selectIntegration(state, collection, 'search'));
const integration = selectIntegration(state, collections[0], 'search');
if (!integration) {
localSearch(searchTerm, getState, dispatch);
} else {
const provider = getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, currentBackend(state.config).getToken, integration);
dispatch(searchingEntries(searchTerm));, searchTerm, page).then(
response => dispatch(searchSuccess(searchTerm, response.entries, response.pagination)),
error => dispatch(searchFailure(searchTerm, error))
const searchPromise = integration
? getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration).search(collections, searchTerm, page)
:, searchTerm);
return searchPromise.then(
response => dispatch(searchSuccess(searchTerm, response.entries, response.pagination)),
error => dispatch(searchFailure(searchTerm, error))
// Instead of searching for complete entries, query will search for specific fields
// in specific collections and return raw data (no entries).
export function query(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm) {
export function query(namespace, collectionName, searchFields, searchTerm) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(querying(namespace, collectionName, searchFields, searchTerm));
const state = getState();
const integration = selectIntegration(state, collection, 'search');
dispatch(querying(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm));
if (!integration) {
localQuery(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, state, dispatch);
} else {
const provider = getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, currentBackend(state.config).getToken, integration);
provider.searchBy( => `data.${ f }`), collection, searchTerm).then(
response => dispatch(querySuccess(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, response)),
error => dispatch(queryFailure(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, error))
const backend = currentBackend(state.config);
const integration = selectIntegration(state, collectionName, 'search');
const collection = state.collections.find(collection => collection.get('name') === collectionName);
const queryPromise = integration
? getIntegrationProvider(state.integrations, backend.getToken, integration)
.searchBy( => `data.${ f }`), collectionName, searchTerm)
: backend.query(collection, searchFields, searchTerm);
return queryPromise.then(
response => dispatch(querySuccess(namespace, collectionName, searchFields, searchTerm, response)),
error => dispatch(queryFailure(namespace, collectionName, searchFields, searchTerm, error))
// Local Query & Search functions
function localSearch(searchTerm, getState, dispatch) {
return (function acc(localResults = { entries: [] }) {
function processCollection(collection, collectionKey) {
const state = getState();
if (state.entries.hasIn(['pages', collectionKey, 'ids'])) {
const searchFields = [
selectInferedField(collection, 'title'),
selectInferedField(collection, 'shortTitle'),
selectInferedField(collection, 'author'),
const collectionEntries = selectEntries(state, collectionKey).toJS();
const filteredEntries = fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, collectionEntries, {
extract: entry => searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => {
const f =[field];
return f ? `${ acc } ${ f }` : acc;
}, ""),
}).filter(entry => entry.score > 5);
localResults[collectionKey] = true;
localResults.entries = localResults.entries.concat(filteredEntries);
const returnedKeys = Object.keys(localResults);
const allCollections = state.collections.keySeq().toArray();
if (allCollections.every(v => returnedKeys.indexOf(v) !== -1)) {
const sortedResults = localResults.entries.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.score > b.score) return -1;
if (a.score < b.score) return 1;
return 0;
}).map(f => f.original);
if (allCollections.size > 3 || localResults.entries.length > 30) {
console.warn('The Netlify CMS is currently using a Built-in search.' +
'\nWhile this works great for small sites, bigger projects might benefit from a separate search integration.' +
'\nPlease refer to the documentation for more information');
dispatch(searchSuccess(searchTerm, sortedResults, 0));
} else {
// Collection entries aren't loaded yet.
// Dispatch loadEntries and wait before redispatching this action again.
predicate: action => (action.type === ENTRIES_SUCCESS && action.payload.collection === collectionKey),
run: () => processCollection(collection, collectionKey),
function localQuery(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, state, dispatch) {
// Check if entries in this collection were already loaded
if (state.entries.hasIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'])) {
const entries = selectEntries(state, collection).toJS();
const filteredEntries = fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, entries, {
extract: entry => searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => {
const f =[field];
return f ? `${ acc } ${ f }` : acc;
}, ""),
}).filter(entry => entry.score > 5);
const resultObj = {
query: searchTerm,
hits: [],
resultObj.hits = => f.original);
dispatch(querySuccess(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm, resultObj));
} else {
// Collection entries aren't loaded yet.
// Dispatch loadEntries and wait before redispatching this action again.
predicate: action => (action.type === ENTRIES_SUCCESS && action.payload.collection === collection),
run: dispatch => dispatch(query(namespace, collection, searchFields, searchTerm)),

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { attempt, isError } from 'lodash';
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import { attempt, flatten, isError } from 'lodash';
import { fromJS, Map } from 'immutable';
import fuzzy from 'fuzzy';
import { resolveFormat } from "Formats/formats";
import { selectIntegration } from 'Reducers/integrations';
import {
@ -10,19 +11,23 @@ import {
} from "Reducers/collections";
import { createEntry } from "ValueObjects/Entry";
import { sanitizeSlug } from "Lib/urlHelper";
import TestRepoBackend from "./test-repo/implementation";
import GitHubBackend from "./github/implementation";
import GitLabBackend from "./gitlab/implementation";
import GitGatewayBackend from "./git-gateway/implementation";
import { registerBackend, getBackend } from 'Lib/registry';
import Cursor, { CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL } from '../valueObjects/Cursor';
* Register internal backends
registerBackend('git-gateway', GitGatewayBackend);
registerBackend('github', GitHubBackend);
registerBackend('gitlab', GitLabBackend);
registerBackend('test-repo', TestRepoBackend);
@ -107,6 +112,17 @@ const commitMessageFormatter = (type, config, { slug, path, collection }) => {
const extractSearchFields = searchFields => entry => searchFields.reduce((acc, field) => {
const f =[field];
return f ? `${acc} ${f}` : acc;
}, "");
const sortByScore = (a, b) => {
if (a.score > b.score) return -1;
if (a.score < b.score) return 1;
return 0;
class Backend {
constructor(implementation, backendName, authStore = null) {
this.implementation = implementation;
@ -153,30 +169,112 @@ class Backend {
getToken = () => this.implementation.getToken();
processEntries(loadedEntries, collection) {
const collectionFilter = collection.get('filter');
const entries = => createEntry(
selectEntrySlug(collection, loadedEntry.file.path),
{ raw: || '', label: loadedEntry.file.label }
const formattedEntries =;
// If this collection has a "filter" property, filter entries accordingly
const filteredEntries = collectionFilter
? this.filterEntries({ entries: formattedEntries }, collectionFilter)
: formattedEntries;
return filteredEntries;
listEntries(collection) {
const listMethod = this.implementation[selectListMethod(collection)];
const extension = selectFolderEntryExtension(collection);
const collectionFilter = collection.get('filter');
return, collection, extension)
.then(loadedEntries => ( => createEntry(
selectEntrySlug(collection, loadedEntry.file.path),
{ raw: || '', label: loadedEntry.file.label }
.then(entries => (
// If this collection has a "filter" property, filter entries accordingly
.then(loadedCollection => (
entries: collectionFilter ? this.filterEntries(loadedCollection, collectionFilter) : loadedCollection.entries
.then(loadedEntries => ({
entries: this.processEntries(loadedEntries, collection),
Wrap cursors so we can tell which collection the cursor is
from. This is done to prevent traverseCursor from requiring a
`collection` argument.
cursor: Cursor.create(loadedEntries[CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL]).wrapData({
cursorType: "collectionEntries",
// The same as listEntries, except that if a cursor with the "next"
// action available is returned, it calls "next" on the cursor and
// repeats the process. Once there is no available "next" action, it
// returns all the collected entries. Used to retrieve all entries
// for local searches and queries.
async listAllEntries(collection) {
if (collection.get("folder") && this.implementation.allEntriesByFolder) {
const extension = selectFolderEntryExtension(collection);
return this.implementation.allEntriesByFolder(collection, extension)
.then(entries => this.processEntries(entries, collection));
const response = await this.listEntries(collection);
const { entries } = response;
let { cursor } = response;
while (cursor && cursor.actions.includes("next")) {
const { entries: newEntries, cursor: newCursor } = await this.traverseCursor(cursor, "next");
cursor = newCursor;
return entries;
async search(collections, searchTerm) {
// Perform a local search by requesting all entries. For each
// collection, load it, search, and call onCollectionResults with
// its results.
const errors = [];
const collectionEntriesRequests = collection => {
// TODO: pass search fields in as an argument
const searchFields = [
selectInferedField(collection, 'title'),
selectInferedField(collection, 'shortTitle'),
selectInferedField(collection, 'author'),
const collectionEntries = await this.listAllEntries(collection);
return fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, collectionEntries, {
extract: extractSearchFields(searchFields),
}).map(p => p.catch(err => errors.push(err) && []));
const entries = await Promise.all(collectionEntriesRequests).then(arrs => flatten(arrs));
if (errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error({ message: "Errors ocurred while searching entries locally!", errors });
const hits = entries.filter(({ score }) => score > 5).sort(sortByScore).map(f => f.original);
return { entries: hits };
async query(collection, searchFields, searchTerm) {
const entries = await this.listAllEntries(collection);
const hits = fuzzy.filter(searchTerm, entries, { extract: extractSearchFields(searchFields) })
.filter(entry => entry.score > 5)
.map(f => f.original);
return { query: searchTerm, hits };
traverseCursor(cursor, action) {
const [data, unwrappedCursor] = cursor.unwrapData();
// TODO: stop assuming all cursors are for collections
const collection = data.get("collection");
return this.implementation.traverseCursor(unwrappedCursor, action)
.then(async ({ entries, cursor: newCursor }) => ({
entries: this.processEntries(entries, collection),
cursor: Cursor.create(newCursor).wrapData({
cursorType: "collectionEntries",
getEntry(collection, slug) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import GithubAPI from "Backends/github/API";
import { APIError } from "ValueObjects/errors";
export default class API extends GithubAPI {
constructor(config) {
this.api_root = config.api_root;
this.tokenPromise = config.tokenPromise;
this.commitAuthor = config.commitAuthor;
this.repoURL = "";
hasWriteAccess() {
return this.getBranch()
.then(() => true)
.catch(error => {
if (error.status === 401) {
if (error.message === "Bad credentials") {
throw new APIError("Git Gateway Error: Please ask your site administrator to reissue the Git Gateway token.", error.status, 'Git Gateway');
} else {
return false;
} else if (error.status === 404 && (error.message === undefined || error.message === "Unable to locate site configuration")) {
throw new APIError(`Git Gateway Error: Please make sure Git Gateway is enabled on your site.`, error.status, 'Git Gateway');
} else {
console.error("Problem fetching repo data from Git Gateway");
throw error;
getRequestHeaders(headers = {}) {
return this.tokenPromise()
.then((jwtToken) => {
const baseHeader = {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${ jwtToken }`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
return baseHeader;
urlFor(path, options) {
const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime();
const params = [`ts=${ cacheBuster }`];
if (options.params) {
for (const key in options.params) {
params.push(`${ key }=${ encodeURIComponent(options.params[key]) }`);
if (params.length) {
path += `?${ params.join("&") }`;
return this.api_root + path;
user() {
return Promise.resolve(this.commitAuthor);
request(path, options = {}) {
const url = this.urlFor(path, options);
let responseStatus;
return this.getRequestHeaders(options.headers || {})
.then(headers => fetch(url, { ...options, headers }))
.then((response) => {
responseStatus = response.status;
const contentType = response.headers.get("Content-Type");
if (contentType && contentType.match(/json/)) {
return this.parseJsonResponse(response);
const text = response.text();
if (!response.ok) {
return Promise.reject(text);
return text;
.catch(error => {
throw new APIError((error.message || error.msg), responseStatus, 'Git Gateway');
commit(message, changeTree) {
const commitParams = {
tree: changeTree.sha,
parents: changeTree.parentSha ? [changeTree.parentSha] : [],
if (this.commitAuthor) { = {
date: new Date().toISOString(),
return this.request("/git/commits", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(commitParams),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { flow } from "lodash";
import unsentRequest from "Lib/unsentRequest";
import { then } from "Lib/promiseHelper";
import GitlabAPI from "Backends/gitlab/API";
export default class API extends GitlabAPI {
constructor(config) {
this.tokenPromise = config.tokenPromise;
this.commitAuthor = config.commitAuthor;
this.repoURL = "";
authenticateRequest = async req => unsentRequest.withHeaders({
Authorization: `Bearer ${ await this.tokenPromise() }`,
}, req);
request = async req => flow([
hasWriteAccess = () => Promise.resolve(true)

View File

@ -3,18 +3,20 @@ import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode';
import {List} from 'immutable';
import { get, pick, intersection } from "lodash";
import GitHubBackend from "Backends/github/implementation";
import API from "./API";
import GitLabBackend from "Backends/gitlab/implementation";
import GitHubAPI from "./GitHubAPI";
import GitLabAPI from "./GitLabAPI";
import AuthenticationPage from "./AuthenticationPage";
const localHosts = {
localhost: true,
'': true,
'': true
'': true,
const defaults = {
identity: '/.netlify/identity',
gateway: '/.netlify/git/github'
gateway: '/.netlify/git',
function getEndpoint(endpoint, netlifySiteURL) {
if (localHosts[":").shift()] && netlifySiteURL && endpoint.match(/^\/\.netlify\//)) {
@ -29,65 +31,88 @@ function getEndpoint(endpoint, netlifySiteURL) {
return endpoint;
export default class GitGateway extends GitHubBackend {
export default class GitGateway {
constructor(config) {
super(config, true);
this.accept_roles = (config.getIn(["backend", "accept_roles"]) || List()).toArray();
this.config = config;
this.branch = config.getIn(["backend", "branch"], "master").trim();
this.squash_merges = config.getIn(["backend", "squash_merges"]);
const netlifySiteURL = localStorage.getItem("netlifySiteURL");
const APIUrl = getEndpoint(config.getIn(["backend", "identity_url"], defaults.identity), netlifySiteURL);
this.github_proxy_url = getEndpoint(config.getIn(["backend", "gateway_url"], defaults.gateway), netlifySiteURL);
this.authClient = window.netlifyIdentity ? window.netlifyIdentity.gotrue : new GoTrue({APIUrl});
this.gatewayUrl = getEndpoint(config.getIn(["backend", "gateway_url"], defaults.gateway), netlifySiteURL);
const backendTypeRegex = /\/(github|gitlab)\/?$/;
const backendTypeMatches = this.gatewayUrl.match(backendTypeRegex);
if (backendTypeMatches) {
this.backendType = backendTypeMatches[1];
this.gatewayUrl = this.gatewayUrl.replace(backendTypeRegex, "/");
} else {
this.backendType = null;
this.authClient = window.netlifyIdentity ? window.netlifyIdentity.gotrue : new GoTrue({ APIUrl });
AuthenticationPage.authClient = this.authClient;
this.backend = null;
authenticate(user) {
this.tokenPromise = user.jwt.bind(user);
return this.tokenPromise().then(async token => {
if (!this.backendType) {
const { github_enabled, gitlab_enabled, roles } = await fetch(`${ this.gatewayUrl }/settings`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${ token }` },
}).then(res => res.json());
this.acceptRoles = roles;
if (github_enabled) {
this.backendType = "github";
} else if (gitlab_enabled) {
this.backendType = "gitlab";
if (this.acceptRoles && this.acceptRoles.length > 0) {
const userRoles = get(jwtDecode(token), 'app_metadata.roles', []);
const validRole = intersection(userRoles, this.acceptRoles).length > 0;
if (!validRole) {
throw new Error("You don't have sufficient permissions to access Netlify CMS");
const userData = {
name: ||'@').shift(),
avatar_url: user.user_metadata.avatar_url,
metadata: user.user_metadata,
const apiConfig = {
api_root: `${ this.gatewayUrl }/${ this.backendType }`,
branch: this.branch,
tokenPromise: this.tokenPromise,
commitAuthor: pick(userData, ["name", "email"]),
squash_merges: this.squash_merges,
if (this.backendType === "github") {
this.api = new GitHubAPI(apiConfig);
this.backend = new GitHubBackend(this.config, { proxied: true, API: this.api });
} else if (this.backendType === "gitlab") {
this.api = new GitLabAPI(apiConfig);
this.backend = new GitLabBackend(this.config, { proxied: true, API: this.api });
if (!(await this.api.hasWriteAccess())) {
throw new Error("You don't have sufficient permissions to access Netlify CMS");
restoreUser() {
const user = this.authClient && this.authClient.currentUser();
if (!user) return Promise.reject();
return this.authenticate(user);
authenticate(user) {
this.tokenPromise = user.jwt.bind(user);
return this.tokenPromise()
.then((token) => {
let validRole = true;
if (this.accept_roles && this.accept_roles.length > 0) {
const userRoles = get(jwtDecode(token), 'app_metadata.roles', []);
validRole = intersection(userRoles, this.accept_roles).length > 0;
if (validRole) {
const userData = {
name: ||'@').shift(),
avatar_url: user.user_metadata.avatar_url,
metadata: user.user_metadata,
this.api = new API({
api_root: this.github_proxy_url,
branch: this.branch,
tokenPromise: this.tokenPromise,
commitAuthor: pick(userData, ["name", "email"]),
squash_merges: this.squash_merges,
return userData;
} else {
throw new Error("You don't have sufficient permissions to access Netlify CMS");
.then(userData =>
this.api.hasWriteAccess().then(canWrite => {
if (canWrite) {
return userData;
} else {
throw new Error("You don't have sufficient permissions to access Netlify CMS");
authComponent() {
return AuthenticationPage;
logout() {
if (window.netlifyIdentity) {
return window.netlifyIdentity.logout();
@ -95,13 +120,22 @@ export default class GitGateway extends GitHubBackend {
const user = this.authClient.currentUser();
return user && user.logout();
getToken() {
return this.tokenPromise();
authComponent() {
return AuthenticationPage;
entriesByFolder(collection, extension) { return this.backend.entriesByFolder(collection, extension); }
entriesByFiles(collection) { return this.backend.entriesByFiles(collection); }
fetchFiles(files) { return this.backend.fetchFiles(files); }
getEntry(collection, slug, path) { return this.backend.getEntry(collection, slug, path); }
getMedia() { return this.backend.getMedia(); }
persistEntry(entry, mediaFiles, options) { return this.backend.persistEntry(entry, mediaFiles, options); }
persistMedia(mediaFile, options) { return this.backend.persistMedia(mediaFile, options); }
deleteFile(path, commitMessage, options) { return this.backend.deleteFile(path, commitMessage, options); }
unpublishedEntries() { return this.backend.unpublishedEntries(); }
unpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.backend.unpublishedEntry(collection, slug); }
updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus) { return this.backend.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus); }
deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.backend.deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug); }
publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.backend.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug); }
traverseCursor(cursor, action) { return this.backend.traverseCursor(cursor, action); }

View File

@ -6,13 +6,20 @@ import API from "./API";
export default class GitHub {
constructor(config, proxied = false) {
constructor(config, options={}) {
this.config = config;
this.options = {
proxied: false,
API: null,
if (!proxied && config.getIn(["backend", "repo"]) == null) {
if (!this.options.proxied && config.getIn(["backend", "repo"]) == null) {
throw new Error("The GitHub backend needs a \"repo\" in the backend configuration.");
this.api = this.options.API || null;
this.repo = config.getIn(["backend", "repo"], "");
this.branch = config.getIn(["backend", "branch"], "master").trim();
this.api_root = config.getIn(["backend", "api_root"], "");

src/backends/gitlab/API.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
import LocalForage from "Lib/LocalForage";
import { Base64 } from "js-base64";
import { fromJS, List, Map } from "immutable";
import { cond, flow, isString, partial, partialRight, pick, omit, set, update } from "lodash";
import unsentRequest from "Lib/unsentRequest";
import { then } from "Lib/promiseHelper";
import AssetProxy from "ValueObjects/AssetProxy";
import { APIError } from "ValueObjects/errors";
import Cursor from "ValueObjects/Cursor"
export default class API {
constructor(config) {
this.api_root = config.api_root || "";
this.token = config.token || false;
this.branch = config.branch || "master";
this.repo = config.repo || "";
this.repoURL = `/projects/${ encodeURIComponent(this.repo) }`;
withAuthorizationHeaders = req =>
unsentRequest.withHeaders(this.token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${ this.token }` } : {}, req);
buildRequest = req => flow([
request = async req => flow([
p => p.catch(err => Promise.reject(new APIError(err.message, null, "GitLab"))),
parseResponse = async (res, { expectingOk=true, expectingFormat=false }) => {
const contentType = res.headers.get("Content-Type");
const isJSON = contentType === "application/json";
let body;
try {
body = await ((expectingFormat === "json" || isJSON) ? res.json() : res.text());
} catch (err) {
throw new APIError(err.message, res.status, "GitLab");
if (expectingOk && !res.ok) {
throw new APIError((isJSON && body.message) ? body.message : body, res.status, "GitLab");
return body;
responseToJSON = res => this.parseResponse(res, { expectingFormat: "json" });
responseToText = res => this.parseResponse(res, { expectingFormat: "text" });
requestJSON = req => this.request(req).then(this.responseToJSON);
requestText = req => this.request(req).then(this.responseToText);
user = () => this.requestJSON("/user");
hasWriteAccess = user => this.requestJSON(this.repoURL).then(({ permissions }) => {
const { project_access, group_access } = permissions;
if (project_access && (project_access.access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS)) {
return true;
if (group_access && (group_access.access_level >= this.WRITE_ACCESS)) {
return true;
return false;
readFile = async (path, sha, ref=this.branch) => {
const cachedFile = sha ? await LocalForage.getItem(`gl.${ sha }`) : null;
if (cachedFile) { return cachedFile; }
const result = await this.requestText({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/files/${ encodeURIComponent(path) }/raw`,
params: { ref },
cache: "no-store",
if (sha) { LocalForage.setItem(`gl.${ sha }`, result) }
return result;
fileDownloadURL = (path, ref=this.branch) => unsentRequest.toURL(this.buildRequest({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/files/${ encodeURIComponent(path) }/raw`,
params: { ref },
getCursorFromHeaders = headers => {
// indices and page counts are assumed to be zero-based, but the
// indices and page counts returned from GitLab are one-based
const index = parseInt(headers.get("X-Page"), 10) - 1;
const pageCount = parseInt(headers.get("X-Total-Pages"), 10) - 1;
const pageSize = parseInt(headers.get("X-Per-Page"), 10);
const count = parseInt(headers.get("X-Total"), 10);
const linksRaw = headers.get("Link");
const links = List(linksRaw.split(","))
.map(str => str.trim().split(";"))
.map(([linkStr, keyStr]) => [
.update(list => Map(list));
const actions = links.keySeq().flatMap(key => (
(key === "prev" && index > 0) ||
(key === "next" && index < pageCount) ||
(key === "first" && index > 0) ||
(key === "last" && index < pageCount)
) ? [key] : []);
return Cursor.create({
meta: { index, count, pageSize, pageCount },
data: { links },
getCursor = ({ headers }) => this.getCursorFromHeaders(headers);
// Gets a cursor without retrieving the entries by using a HEAD
// request
fetchCursor = req => flow([unsentRequest.withMethod("HEAD"), this.request, then(this.getCursor)])(req);
fetchCursorAndEntries = req => flow([
p => Promise.all([p.then(this.getCursor), p.then(this.responseToJSON)]),
then(([cursor, entries]) => ({ cursor, entries })),
fetchRelativeCursor = async (cursor, action) => this.fetchCursor([action]);
reversableActions = Map({
first: "last",
last: "first",
next: "prev",
prev: "next",
reverseCursor = cursor => {
const pageCount = cursor.meta.get("pageCount", 0);
const currentIndex = cursor.meta.get("index", 0);
const newIndex = pageCount - currentIndex;
const links ="links", Map());
const reversedLinks = links.mapEntries(([k, v]) => [this.reversableActions.get(k) || k, v]);
const reversedActions = => this.reversableActions.get(action) || action);
return cursor.updateStore(store => store
.setIn(["meta", "index"], newIndex)
.setIn(["data", "links"], reversedLinks)
.set("actions", reversedActions));
// The exported listFiles and traverseCursor reverse the direction
// of the cursors, since GitLab's pagination sorts the opposite way
// we want to sort by default (it sorts by filename _descending_,
// while the CMS defaults to sorting by filename _ascending_, at
// least in the current GitHub backend). This should eventually be
// refactored.
listFiles = async path => {
const firstPageCursor = await this.fetchCursor({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/tree`,
params: { path, ref: this.branch },
const lastPageLink =["links", "last"]);
const { entries, cursor } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(lastPageLink);
return { files: entries.filter(({ type }) => type === "blob").reverse(), cursor: this.reverseCursor(cursor) };
traverseCursor = async (cursor, action) => {
const link =["links", action]);
const { entries, cursor: newCursor } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(link);
return { entries: entries.reverse(), cursor: this.reverseCursor(newCursor) };
listAllFiles = async path => {
const entries = [];
let { cursor, entries: initialEntries } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/tree`,
// Get the maximum number of entries per page
params: { path, ref: this.branch, per_page: 100 },
while (cursor && cursor.actions.has("next")) {
const link =["links", "next"]);
const { cursor: newCursor, entries: newEntries } = await this.fetchCursorAndEntries(link);
cursor = newCursor;
return entries.filter(({ type }) => type === "blob");
toBase64 = str => Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str));
fromBase64 = str => Base64.decode(str);
uploadAndCommit = async (item, { commitMessage, updateFile = false, branch = this.branch, author = this.commitAuthor }) => {
const content = await (item instanceof AssetProxy ? item.toBase64() : this.toBase64(item.raw));
const file_path = item.path.replace(/^\//, "");
const action = (updateFile ? "update" : "create");
const encoding = "base64";
const { name: author_name, email: author_email } = pick(author || {}, ["name", "email"]);
const body = JSON.stringify({
commit_message: commitMessage,
actions: [{ action, file_path, content, encoding }],
await this.request({
url: `${ this.repoURL }/repository/commits`,
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
return { ...item, uploaded: true };
persistFiles = (files, { commitMessage, newEntry }) =>
Promise.all( => this.uploadAndCommit(file, { commitMessage, updateFile: newEntry === false })));
deleteFile = (path, commit_message, options = {}) => {
const branch = options.branch || this.branch;
return flow([
unsentRequest.withParams({ commit_message, branch }),
])(`${ this.repoURL }/repository/files/${ encodeURIComponent(path) }`);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
import NetlifyAuthenticator from 'Lib/netlify-auth';
import ImplicitAuthenticator from 'Lib/implicit-oauth';
import { Icon } from 'UI';
export default class AuthenticationPage extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
onLogin: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
inProgress: PropTypes.bool,
state = {};
componentDidMount() {
const authType = this.props.config.getIn(['backend', 'auth_type']);
if (authType === "implicit") {
this.auth = new ImplicitAuthenticator({
base_url: this.props.config.getIn(['backend', 'base_url'], ""),
auth_endpoint: this.props.config.getIn(['backend', 'auth_endpoint'], 'oauth/authorize'),
appID: this.props.config.getIn(['backend', 'app_id']),
// Complete implicit authentication if we were redirected back to from the provider.
this.auth.completeAuth((err, data) => {
if (err) {
this.setState({ loginError: err.toString() });
} else {
this.auth = new NetlifyAuthenticator({
base_url: this.props.base_url,
site_id: (':')[0] === 'localhost') ? '' : this.props.siteId,
auth_endpoint: this.props.authEndpoint,
handleLogin = (e) => {
this.auth.authenticate({ provider: 'gitlab', scope: 'api' }, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
this.setState({ loginError: err.toString() });
render() {
const { loginError } = this.state;
const { inProgress } = this.props;
return (
<section className="nc-githubAuthenticationPage-root">
<Icon className="nc-githubAuthenticationPage-logo" size="500px" type="netlify-cms"/>
{loginError && <p>{loginError}</p>}
<Icon type="gitlab" /> {inProgress ? "Logging in..." : "Login with GitLab"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import trimStart from 'lodash/trimStart';
import semaphore from "semaphore";
import AuthenticationPage from "./AuthenticationPage";
import API from "./API";
import { fileExtension } from 'Lib/pathHelper';
import { CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL } from 'ValueObjects/Cursor';
import { EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW } from "Constants/publishModes";
export default class GitLab {
constructor(config, options={}) {
this.config = config;
this.options = {
proxied: false,
API: null,
if (config.getIn(["publish_mode"]) === EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW) {
throw new Error("The GitLab backend does not support the Editorial Workflow.")
if (!this.options.proxied && config.getIn(["backend", "repo"]) == null) {
throw new Error("The GitLab backend needs a \"repo\" in the backend configuration.");
this.api = this.options.API || null;
this.repo = config.getIn(["backend", "repo"], "");
this.branch = config.getIn(["backend", "branch"], "master");
this.api_root = config.getIn(["backend", "api_root"], "");
this.token = '';
authComponent() {
return AuthenticationPage;
restoreUser(user) {
return this.authenticate(user);
authenticate(state) {
this.token = state.token;
this.api = new API({ token: this.token, branch: this.branch, repo: this.repo, api_root: this.api_root });
return this.api.user().then(user =>
this.api.hasWriteAccess(user).then((isCollab) => {
// Unauthorized user
if (!isCollab) throw new Error("Your GitLab user account does not have access to this repo.");
// Authorized user
return Object.assign({}, user, { token: state.token });
logout() {
this.token = null;
getToken() {
return Promise.resolve(this.token);
entriesByFolder(collection, extension) {
return this.api.listFiles(collection.get("folder"))
.then(({ files, cursor }) =>
this.fetchFiles(files.filter(file => fileExtension( === extension))
.then(fetchedFiles => {
const returnedFiles = fetchedFiles;
returnedFiles[CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL] = cursor;
return returnedFiles;
allEntriesByFolder(collection, extension) {
return this.api.listAllFiles(collection.get("folder"))
.then(files => this.fetchFiles(files.filter(file => fileExtension( === extension)));
entriesByFiles(collection) {
const files = collection.get("files").map(collectionFile => ({
path: collectionFile.get("file"),
label: collectionFile.get("label"),
return this.fetchFiles(files).then(fetchedFiles => {
const returnedFiles = fetchedFiles;
return returnedFiles;
fetchFiles = (files) => {
const sem = semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS);
const promises = [];
files.forEach((file) => {
promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => (
sem.take(() => this.api.readFile(file.path, => {
resolve({ file, data });
}).catch((error = true) => {
console.error(`failed to load file from GitLab: ${ file.path }`);
resolve({ error });
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(loadedEntries => loadedEntries.filter(loadedEntry => !loadedEntry.error));
// Fetches a single entry.
getEntry(collection, slug, path) {
return this.api.readFile(path).then(data => ({
file: { path },
getMedia() {
return this.api.listAllFiles(this.config.get('media_folder'))
.then(files =>{ id, name, path }) => {
const url = new URL(this.api.fileDownloadURL(path));
if (url.pathname.match(/.svg$/)) { += ( === '' ? '?' : '&') + 'sanitize=true';
return { id, name, url: url.href, path };
async persistEntry(entry, mediaFiles, options = {}) {
return this.api.persistFiles([entry], options);
async persistMedia(mediaFile, options = {}) {
await this.api.persistFiles([mediaFile], options);
const { value, path, fileObj } = mediaFile;
const url = this.api.fileDownloadURL(path);
return { name: value, size: fileObj.size, url, path: trimStart(path, '/') };
deleteFile(path, commitMessage, options) {
return this.api.deleteFile(path, commitMessage, options);
traverseCursor(cursor, action) {
return this.api.traverseCursor(cursor, action)
.then(async ({ entries, cursor: newCursor }) => ({
entries: await Promise.all( => this.api.readFile(file.path, => ({ file, data })))),
cursor: newCursor,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import { remove, attempt, isError } from 'lodash';
import { remove, attempt, isError, take } from 'lodash';
import uuid from 'uuid/v4';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import { EDITORIAL_WORKFLOW, status } from 'Constants/publishModes';
import { EditorialWorkflowError } from 'ValueObjects/errors';
import Cursor, { CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL } from 'ValueObjects/Cursor'
import AuthenticationPage from './AuthenticationPage';
window.repoFiles = window.repoFiles || {};
@ -16,6 +18,31 @@ function getFile(path) {
return obj || {};
const pageSize = 10;
const getCursor = (collection, extension, entries, index) => {
const count = entries.length;
const pageCount = Math.floor(count / pageSize);
return Cursor.create({
actions: [
...(index < pageCount ? ["next", "last"] : []),
...(index > 0 ? ["prev", "first"] : []),
meta: { index, count, pageSize, pageCount },
data: { collection, extension, index, pageCount },
const getFolderEntries = (folder, extension) => {
return Object.keys(window.repoFiles[folder])
.filter(path => path.endsWith(`.${ extension }`))
.map(path => ({
file: { path: `${ folder }/${ path }` },
data: window.repoFiles[folder][path].content,
export default class TestRepo {
constructor(config) {
this.config = config;
@ -42,25 +69,28 @@ export default class TestRepo {
return Promise.resolve('');
entriesByFolder(collection, extension) {
const entries = [];
const folder = collection.get('folder');
if (folder) {
for (const path in window.repoFiles[folder]) {
if (!path.endsWith('.' + extension)) {
traverseCursor(cursor, action) {
const { collection, extension, index, pageCount } =;
const newIndex = (() => {
if (action === "next") { return index + 1; }
if (action === "prev") { return index - 1; }
if (action === "first") { return 0; }
if (action === "last") { return pageCount; }
// TODO: stop assuming cursors are for collections
const allEntries = getFolderEntries(collection.get('folder'), extension);
const entries = allEntries.slice(newIndex * pageSize, (newIndex * pageSize) + pageSize);
const newCursor = getCursor(collection, extension, allEntries, newIndex);
return Promise.resolve({ entries, cursor: newCursor });
const file = { path: `${ folder }/${ path }` };
data: window.repoFiles[folder][path].content,
return Promise.resolve(entries);
entriesByFolder(collection, extension) {
const folder = collection.get('folder');
const entries = folder ? getFolderEntries(folder, extension) : [];
const cursor = getCursor(collection, extension, entries, 0);
const ret = take(entries, pageSize);
return Promise.resolve(ret);
entriesByFiles(collection) {
@ -101,7 +131,7 @@ export default class TestRepo {
e.metaData.collection === collection && e.slug === slug
unpubStore.splice(existingEntryIndex, 1);
return Promise.resolve()
return Promise.resolve();
persistEntry({ path, raw, slug }, mediaFiles = [], options = {}) {

View File

@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ const Entries = ({
}) => {
const loadingMessages = [
'Loading Entries',
@ -25,9 +27,9 @@ const Entries = ({
@ -46,6 +48,8 @@ Entries.propTypes = {
page: PropTypes.number,
isFetching: PropTypes.bool,
viewStyle: PropTypes.string,
cursor: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
handleCursorActions: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
export default Entries;

View File

@ -2,18 +2,26 @@ import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { loadEntries as actionLoadEntries } from 'Actions/entries';
import { partial } from 'lodash';
import {
loadEntries as actionLoadEntries,
traverseCollectionCursor as actionTraverseCollectionCursor,
} from 'Actions/entries';
import { selectEntries } from 'Reducers';
import { selectCollectionEntriesCursor } from 'Reducers/cursors';
import Cursor from 'ValueObjects/Cursor';
import Entries from './Entries';
class EntriesCollection extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
publicFolder: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
page: PropTypes.number,
entries: ImmutablePropTypes.list,
isFetching: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
viewStyle: PropTypes.string,
cursor: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
loadEntries: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
traverseCollectionCursor: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
componentDidMount() {
@ -30,31 +38,31 @@ class EntriesCollection extends React.Component {
handleLoadMore = page => {
const { collection, loadEntries } = this.props;
loadEntries(collection, page);
handleCursorActions = (cursor, action) => {
const { collection, traverseCollectionCursor } = this.props;
traverseCollectionCursor(collection, action);
render () {
const { collection, entries, publicFolder, page, isFetching, viewStyle } = this.props;
const { collection, entries, publicFolder, isFetching, viewStyle, cursor } = this.props;
return (
handleCursorActions={partial(this.handleCursorActions, cursor)}
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
const { name, collection, viewStyle } = ownProps;
const { collection, viewStyle } = ownProps;
const { config } = state;
const publicFolder = config.get('public_folder');
const page = state.entries.getIn(['pages', collection.get('name'), 'page']);
@ -62,11 +70,15 @@ function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
const entries = selectEntries(state, collection.get('name'));
const isFetching = state.entries.getIn(['pages', collection.get('name'), 'isFetching'], false);
return { publicFolder, collection, page, entries, isFetching, viewStyle };
const rawCursor = selectCollectionEntriesCursor(state.cursors, collection.get("name"));
const cursor = Cursor.create(rawCursor).clearData();
return { publicFolder, collection, page, entries, isFetching, viewStyle, cursor };
const mapDispatchToProps = {
loadEntries: actionLoadEntries,
traverseCollectionCursor: actionTraverseCollectionCursor,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(EntriesCollection);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {
searchEntries as actionSearchEntries,
clearSearch as actionClearSearch
} from 'Actions/search';
import Cursor from 'ValueObjects/Cursor';
import Entries from './Entries';
class EntriesSearch extends React.Component {
@ -36,15 +37,27 @@ class EntriesSearch extends React.Component {
handleLoadMore = (page) => {
const { searchTerm, searchEntries } = this.props;
if (!isNaN(page)) searchEntries(searchTerm, page);
getCursor = () => {
const { page } = this.props;
return Cursor.create({
actions: isNaN(page) ? [] : ["append_next"],
handleCursorActions = (action) => {
const { page, searchTerm, searchEntries } = this.props;
if (action === "append_next") {
const nextPage = page + 1;
searchEntries(searchTerm, nextPage);
render () {
const { collections, entries, publicFolder, page, isFetching } = this.props;
return (
@ -59,8 +72,8 @@ class EntriesSearch extends React.Component {
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
const { searchTerm } = ownProps;
const collections = ownProps.collections.toIndexedSeq();
const isFetching = state.entries.getIn(['search', 'isFetching']);
const page = state.entries.getIn(['search', 'page']);
const isFetching ='isFetching');
const page ='page');
const entries = selectSearchedEntries(state);
const publicFolder = state.config.get('public_folder');

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Waypoint from 'react-waypoint';
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import { selectFields, selectInferedField } from 'Reducers/collections';
import EntryCard from './EntryCard';
import Cursor from 'ValueObjects/Cursor';
export default class EntryListing extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
@ -14,13 +15,14 @@ export default class EntryListing extends React.Component {
entries: ImmutablePropTypes.list,
onPaginate: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
page: PropTypes.number,
viewStyle: PropTypes.string,
handleLoadMore = () => {
this.props.onPaginate( + 1);
const { cursor, handleCursorActions } = this.props;
if (Cursor.create(cursor).actions.has("append_next")) {
inferFields = collection => {
@ -48,12 +50,12 @@ export default class EntryListing extends React.Component {
const collectionLabel = collection.get('label');
const inferedFields = this.inferFields(collection);
const entryCardProps = { collection, entry, inferedFields, publicFolder, key: idx, collectionLabel };
return <EntryCard {...entryCardProps}/>;
return <EntryCard {...entryCardProps} />;
render() {
const { collections, entries, publicFolder } = this.props;
const { collections } = this.props;
return (

View File

@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
const ErrorComponent = () => {
const issueUrl = "";
return (
<div className="nc-errorBoundary">
<h1 className="nc-errorBoundary-heading">Sorry!</h1>
<span>There's been an error - please </span>
<a href={issueUrl} target="_blank" className="nc-errorBoundary-link">report it</a>!
const DefaultErrorComponent = () => {
export class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
render: PropTypes.element,
const ISSUE_URL = "";
export class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
state = {
hasError: false,
errorMessage: '',
componentDidCatch(error) {
this.setState({ hasError: true });
this.setState({ hasError: true, errorMessage: error.toString() });
render() {
const errorComponent = this.props.errorComponent || <ErrorComponent/>;
return this.state.hasError ? errorComponent : this.props.children;
const { hasError, errorMessage } = this.state;
if (!hasError) {
return this.props.children;
return (
<div className="nc-errorBoundary">
<h1 className="nc-errorBoundary-heading">Sorry!</h1>
<span>There's been an error - please </span>
<a href={ISSUE_URL} target="_blank" className="nc-errorBoundary-link">report it</a>!

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import iconDragHandle from './drag-handle.svg';
import iconEye from './eye.svg';
import iconFolder from './folder.svg';
import iconGithub from './github.svg';
import iconGitlab from './gitlab.svg';
import iconGrid from './grid.svg';
import iconH1 from './h1.svg';
import iconH2 from './h2.svg';
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ const images = {
'eye': iconEye,
'folder': iconFolder,
'github': iconGithub,
'gitlab': iconGitlab,
'grid': iconGrid,
'h1': iconH1,
'h2': iconH2,

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg width="26" height="26" xmlns=""><g fill-rule="nonzero" fill="none"><path d="M22.616 14.971L21.52 11.5l-2.173-6.882a.37.37 0 0 0-.71 0l-2.172 6.882H9.252L7.079 4.617a.37.37 0 0 0-.71 0l-2.172 6.882L3.1 14.971c-.1.317.01.664.27.86l9.487 7.094 9.487-7.094a.781.781 0 0 0 .27-.86" fill="#FC6D26"/><path d="M12.858 22.925L16.465 11.5H9.251z" fill="#E24329"/><path d="M12.858 22.925L9.251 11.5H4.197z" fill="#FC6D26"/><path d="M4.197 11.499L3.1 14.971c-.1.317.01.664.27.86l9.487 7.094L4.197 11.5z" fill="#FCA326"/><path d="M4.197 11.499H9.25L7.08 4.617a.37.37 0 0 0-.71 0l-2.172 6.882z" fill="#E24329"/><path d="M12.858 22.925L16.465 11.5h5.055z" fill="#FC6D26"/><path d="M21.52 11.499l1.096 3.472c.1.317-.01.664-.271.86l-9.487 7.094L21.52 11.5z" fill="#FCA326"/><path d="M21.52 11.499h-5.055l2.172-6.882a.37.37 0 0 1 .71 0l2.173 6.882z" fill="#E24329"/></g></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 889 B

src/lib/implicit-oauth.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import { trim, trimEnd } from 'lodash';
import { randomStr } from 'Lib/randomGenerator';
import history from 'Routing/history';
function createNonce() {
const nonce = randomStr();
window.sessionStorage.setItem("netlify-cms-auth", JSON.stringify({ nonce }));
return nonce;
function validateNonce(check) {
const auth = window.sessionStorage.getItem("netlify-cms-auth");
const valid = auth && JSON.parse(auth).nonce;
return (check === valid);
export default class ImplicitAuthenticator {
constructor(config = {}) {
const baseURL = trimEnd(config.base_url, '/');
const authEndpoint = trim(config.auth_endpoint, '/');
this.auth_url = `${ baseURL }/${ authEndpoint }`;
this.appID = config.app_id;
authenticate(options, cb) {
if (
document.location.protocol !== "https:"
// TODO: Is insecure localhost a bad idea as well? I don't think it is, since you are not actually
// sending the token over the internet in this case, assuming the auth URL is secure.
&& (document.location.hostname !== "localhost" && document.location.hostname !== "")
) {
return cb(new Error("Cannot authenticate over insecure protocol!"));
const authURL = new URL(this.auth_url);
authURL.searchParams.set('client_id', this.appID);
authURL.searchParams.set('redirect_uri', document.location.origin + document.location.pathname);
authURL.searchParams.set('response_type', 'token');
authURL.searchParams.set('scope', options.scope);
authURL.searchParams.set('state', createNonce());
* Complete authentication if we were redirected back to from the provider.
completeAuth(cb) {
const hashParams = new URLSearchParams(document.location.hash.replace(/^#?\/?/, ''));
if (!hashParams.has("access_token") && !hashParams.has("error")) {
// Remove tokens from hash so that token does not remain in browser history.
const params = Map(hashParams.entries());
const validNonce = validateNonce(params.get('state'));
if (!validNonce) {
return cb(new Error("Invalid nonce"));
if (params.has('error')) {
return cb(new Error(`${ params.get('error') }: ${ params.get('error_description') }`));
if (params.has('access_token')) {
const { access_token: token, } = params.toJS();
cb(null, { token, });

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@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ export const resolvePromiseProperties = (obj) => {
// resolved values
Object.assign({}, obj, zipObject(promiseKeys, resolvedPromises)));
export const then = fn => p => Promise.resolve(p).then(fn);

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@ -2,30 +2,17 @@
* Random number generator
let rng;
if (window.crypto && crypto.getRandomValues) {
// WHATWG crypto-based RNG -
// Moderately fast, high quality
const _rnds32 = new Uint32Array(1);
rng = function whatwgRNG() {
return _rnds32[0];
const padNumber = (num, base) => {
const padLen = (32 / Math.sqrt(base));
const str = num.toString(base);
return (('0' * padLen) + str).slice(-padLen);
if (!rng) {
// Math.random()-based (RNG)
// If no Crypto available, use Math.random().
rng = function() {
const r = Math.random() * 0x100000000;
const _rnds = r >>> 0;
return _rnds;
export function randomStr(len = 256) {
const _rnds = new Uint32Array(Math.ceil(len / 32));
export function randomStr() {
return rng().toString(36);
const str = _rnds.reduce((agg, val) => (agg + padNumber(val, 16)), '');
export default rng;
return str.slice(-len);

src/lib/unsentRequest.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import { fromJS, List, Map } from 'immutable';
import { curry, flow, isString } from "lodash";
const decodeParams = paramsString => List(paramsString.split("&"))
.map(s => List(s.split("=")).map(decodeURIComponent))
const fromURL = wholeURL => {
const [url, allParamsString] = wholeURL.split("?");
return Map({ url, ...(allParamsString ? { params: decodeParams(allParamsString) } : {}) });
const encodeParams = params => params.entrySeq()
.map(([k, v]) => `${ encodeURIComponent(k) }=${ encodeURIComponent(v) }`)
const toURL = req => `${ req.get("url") }${ req.get("params") ? `?${ encodeParams(req.get("params")) }` : "" }`;
const toFetchArguments = req => [toURL(req), req.delete("url").delete("params").toJS()];
const maybeRequestArg = req => {
if (isString(req)) { return fromURL(req); }
if (req) { return fromJS(req); }
return Map();
const ensureRequestArg = func => req => func(maybeRequestArg(req));
const ensureRequestArg2 = func => (arg, req) => func(arg, maybeRequestArg(req));
// This actually performs the built request object
const performRequest = ensureRequestArg(req => fetch(...toFetchArguments(req)));
// Each of the following functions takes options and returns another
// function that performs the requested action on a request. They each
// default to containing an empty object, so you can simply call them
// without arguments to generate a request with only those properties.
const getCurriedRequestProcessor = flow([ensureRequestArg2, curry]);
const getPropSetFunctions = path => [
getCurriedRequestProcessor((val, req) => req.setIn(path, val)),
getCurriedRequestProcessor((val, req) => (req.getIn(path) ? req : req.setIn(path, val))),
const getPropMergeFunctions = path => [
getCurriedRequestProcessor((obj, req) => req.updateIn(path, (p=Map()) => p.merge(obj))),
getCurriedRequestProcessor((obj, req) => req.updateIn(path, (p=Map()) => Map(obj).merge(p))),
const [withMethod, withDefaultMethod] = getPropSetFunctions(["method"]);
const [withBody, withDefaultBody] = getPropSetFunctions(["method"]);
const [withParams, withDefaultParams] = getPropMergeFunctions(["params"]);
const [withHeaders, withDefaultHeaders] = getPropMergeFunctions(["headers"]);
// withRoot sets a root URL, unless the URL is already absolute
const absolutePath = new RegExp('^(?:[a-z]+:)?//', 'i');
const withRoot = getCurriedRequestProcessor((root, req) => req.update("url", p => {
if (absolutePath.test(p)) { return p; }
return (root && p && p[0] !== "/" && root[root.length - 1] !== "/")
? `${ root }/${ p }`
: `${ root }${ p }`;
// withTimestamp needs no argument and has to run as late as possible,
// so it calls `withParams` only when it's actually called with a
// request.
const withTimestamp = ensureRequestArg(req => withParams({ ts: new Date().getTime() }, req));
export default {

src/reducers/cursors.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { fromJS, Map } from 'immutable';
import Cursor from "ValueObjects/Cursor";
import {
} from 'Actions/entries';
// Since pagination can be used for a variety of views (collections
// and searches are the most common examples), we namespace cursors by
// their type before storing them in the state.
export const selectCollectionEntriesCursor = (state, collectionName) =>
new Cursor(state.getIn(["cursorsByType", "collectionEntries", collectionName]));
const cursors = (state = fromJS({ cursorsByType: { collectionEntries: {} } }), action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return state.setIn(
["cursorsByType", "collectionEntries", action.payload.collection],
return state;
export default cursors;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { SEARCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS } from 'Actions/search';
let collection;
let loadedEntries;
let append;
let page;
const entries = (state = Map({ entities: Map(), pages: Map() }), action) => {
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ const entries = (state = Map({ entities: Map(), pages: Map() }), action) => {
collection = action.payload.collection;
loadedEntries = action.payload.entries;
append = action.payload.append;
page =;
return state.withMutations((map) => {
loadedEntries.forEach(entry => (
@ -41,7 +43,9 @@ const entries = (state = Map({ entities: Map(), pages: Map() }), action) => {
const ids = List( => entry.slug));
map.setIn(['pages', collection], Map({
ids: (!page || page === 0) ? ids : map.getIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'], List()).concat(ids),
ids: append
? map.getIn(['pages', collection, 'ids'], List()).concat(ids)
: ids,

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import auth from './auth';
import config from './config';
import integrations, * as fromIntegrations from './integrations';
import entries, * as fromEntries from './entries';
import cursors from './cursors';
import editorialWorkflow, * as fromEditorialWorkflow from './editorialWorkflow';
import entryDraft from './entryDraft';
import collections from './collections';
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ const reducers = {

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const entries = (state = defaultState, action) => {
map.set('isFetching', false);
map.set('page', page);
map.set('term', searchTerm);
map.set('entryIds', page === 0 ? entryIds : map.get('entryIds', List()).concat(entryIds));
map.set('entryIds', (!page || isNaN(page) || page === 0) ? entryIds : map.get('entryIds', List()).concat(entryIds));

src/valueObjects/Cursor.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import { fromJS, Map, Set } from "immutable";
const jsToMap = obj => {
if (obj === undefined) {
return Map();
const immutableObj = fromJS(obj);
if (!Map.isMap(immutableObj)) {
throw new Error("Object must be equivalent to a Map.");
return immutableObj;
const knownMetaKeys = Set(["index", "count", "pageSize", "pageCount", "usingOldPaginationAPI"]);
const filterUnknownMetaKeys = meta => meta.filter((v, k) => knownMetaKeys.has(k));
createCursorMap takes one of three signatures:
- () -> cursor with empty actions, data, and meta
- (cursorMap: <object/Map with optional actions, data, and meta keys>) -> cursor
- (actions: <array/List>, data: <object/Map>, meta: <optional object/Map>) -> cursor
const createCursorMap = (...args) => {
const { actions, data, meta } = args.length === 1
? jsToMap(args[0]).toObject()
: { actions: args[0], data: args[1], meta: args[2] };
return Map({
// actions are a Set, rather than a List, to ensure an efficient .has
actions: Set(actions),
// data and meta are Maps
data: jsToMap(data),
meta: jsToMap(meta).update(filterUnknownMetaKeys),
const hasAction = (cursorMap, action) => cursorMap.hasIn(["actions", action]);
const getActionHandlers = (cursorMap, handler) =>
cursorMap.get("actions", Set()).toMap().map(action => handler(action));
// The cursor logic is entirely functional, so this class simply
// provides a chainable interface
export default class Cursor {
static create(...args) {
return new Cursor(...args);
constructor(...args) {
if (args[0] instanceof Cursor) {
return args[0];
} = createCursorMap(...args);
this.actions ="actions"); ="data");
this.meta ="meta");
updateStore(...args) {
return new Cursor(;
updateInStore(...args) {
return new Cursor(;
hasAction(action) {
return hasAction(, action);
addAction(action) {
return this.updateStore("actions", actions => actions.add(action));
removeAction(action) {
return this.updateStore("actions", actions => actions.delete(action));
setActions(actions) {
return this.updateStore(store => store.set("actions", Set(actions)));
mergeActions(actions) {
return this.updateStore("actions", oldActions => oldActions.union(actions));
getActionHandlers(handler) {
return getActionHandlers(, handler);
setData(data) {
return new Cursor("data", jsToMap(data)));
mergeData(data) {
return new Cursor(["data"], jsToMap(data)));
wrapData(data) {
return this.updateStore("data", oldData => jsToMap(data).set("wrapped_cursor_data", oldData));
unwrapData() {
return ["data").delete("wrapped_cursor_data"), this.updateStore("data", data => data.get("wrapped_cursor_data"))];
clearData() {
return this.updateStore("data", data => Map());
setMeta(meta) {
return this.updateStore(store => store.set("meta", jsToMap(meta)));
mergeMeta(meta) {
return this.updateStore(store => store.update("meta", oldMeta => oldMeta.merge(jsToMap(meta))))
// This is a temporary hack to allow cursors to be added to the
// interface between backend.js and backends without modifying old
// backends at all. This should be removed in favor of wrapping old
// backends with a compatibility layer, as part of the backend API
// refactor.
export const CURSOR_COMPATIBILITY_SYMBOL = Symbol("cursor key for compatibility with old backends");

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
export const API_ERROR = 'API_ERROR';
export default class APIError extends Error {
constructor(message, status, api) {
constructor(message, status, api, meta={}) {
this.message = message;
this.status = status;
this.api = api; = API_ERROR;
this.meta = meta;