diff --git a/docs/quick-start.md b/docs/quick-start.md
index 2221faaf..50f3da31 100755
--- a/docs/quick-start.md
+++ b/docs/quick-start.md
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ backend:
 This names GitHub as the authentication provider, points to the repo location on github.com, and declares the branch where you want to merge changes. If you leave out the `branch` declaration, it will default to `master`.
 ### Editorial Workflow
-By default, saving a post in the CMS interface will push a commit directly to the branch specified in `backend`. However, you also have the option to enable the [Editorial Workflow](editorial_workflow.md), which adds an interface for drafting, reviewing, and approving posts. To do this, simply add this line to your `config.yml`:
+By default, saving a post in the CMS interface will push a commit directly to the branch specified in `backend`. However, you also have the option to enable the [Editorial Workflow](editorial-workflow.md), which adds an interface for drafting, reviewing, and approving posts. To do this, simply add this line to your `config.yml`:
 ``` yaml
 publish_mode: editorial_workflow