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+# Extending Netlify CMS
+The Netlify CMS exposes an `window.CMS` global object that you can use to register custom widgets, previews and editor plugins. The available methods are:
+* **registerPreviewStyle** Register a custom stylesheet to use on the preview pane.
+* **registerPreviewTemplate** Registers a template for a collection.
+* **registerWidget** lets you register a custom widget.
+* **registerEditorComponent** lets you add a block component to the Markdown editor
+**Writing React Components inline**
+Both registerPreviewTemplate and registerWidget requires you to provide a React component. If you have a build process in place for your project, it is possible to integrate webpack and Babel for a complete React build flow.
+Although possible, it may be cumbersome or even impractical to add a React build phase. For this reason, Netlify CMS exposes two React constructs globally to allow you to create components inline: ‘createClass’ and ‘h’ (alias for React.createElement).
+## `registerPreviewStyle`
+Register a custom stylesheet to use on the preview pane.
+* file: css file path.
+## `registerPreviewTemplate`
+Registers a template for a collection.
+`CMS.registerPreviewTemplate(collection, react_component);`
+**React Component Props:**
+* collection: The name of the collection which this preview component will be used for.
+* react_component: A React component that renders the collection data. Three props will be passed to your component during render:
+ * entry: Immutable collection containing the entry data.
+ * widgetFor: Returns the appropriate widget preview component for a given field.
+ * getAsset: Returns the correct filePath or in-memory preview for uploaded images.
+### Accessing Metadata
+Preview Components also receive an additional prop: `fieldsMetaData`. It contains aditional information (besides the plain plain textual value of each field) that can be useful for preview purposes.
+For example, the Relation widget passes the whole selected relation data in fieldsMetaData.
+export default class ArticlePreview extends React.Component {
+ render() {
+ const {entry, fieldsMetaData} = this.props;
+ const author = fieldsMetaData.getIn(['authors', data.author]);
+ return
+ { entry.getIn(['data', 'title']) }
+ {author && }
+ }
+## `registerWidget`
+lets you register a custom widget.
+`CMS.registerWidget(field, control, [preview])`
+* field: The field type which this widget will be used for.
+* control: A React component that renders the editing interface for this field. Two props will be passed:
+ * value: The current value for this field.
+ * onChange: Callback function to update the field value.
+* preview (optional): A React component that renders the preview of how the content will look. A `value` prop will be passed to this component.
+## `registerEditorComponent`
+lets your register a block level component for the Markdown editor
+* definition: The component definition, must specify: id, label, fields, patterns, fromBlock, toBlock, toPreview
+ // Internal id of the component
+ id: "youtube",
+ // Visible label
+ label: "Youtube",
+ // Fields the user need to fill out when adding an instance of the component
+ fields: [{name: 'id', label: 'Youtube Video ID', widget: 'string'}],
+ // Pattern to identify a block as being an instance of this component
+ pattern: /^{{<\s?youtube (\S+)\s?>}}/,
+ // Function to extract data elements from the regexp match
+ fromBlock: function(match) {
+ return {
+ id: match[1]
+ };
+ },
+ // Function to create a text block from an instance of this component
+ toBlock: function(obj) {
+ return '{{< youtube ' + obj.id + ' >}}';
+ },
+ // Preview output for this component. Can either be a string or a React component
+ // (Component gives better render performance)
+ toPreview: function(obj) {
+ return (
+ ''
+ );
+ }
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+# Collection Field Validation
+## Available validations to use on config.yaml:
+- Presence: By default all widgets are required, unless specified in the config. Example:
+`- {label: "Subtitle", name: "subtitle", widget: "string", required: false}`
+- Pattern: Field configuration can specify a regex pattern with the appropriate error message. Example:
+`- {label: "Title", name: "title", widget: "string", pattern: [".{10,}", "Should have more than 10 characters"] }`
+## Advanced Guide (For widget authors).
+The widget control can optionally implement an `isValid` method to perform custom validations, in addition to presence and pattern. The `isValid` method will be automatically called, and it can return either a boolean value, an object with an error message or a promise. Examples:
+No errors:
+ isValid = () => {
+ // Do internal validation
+ return true;
+ };
+Existing error:
+ isValid = () => {
+ // Do internal validation
+ return false;
+ };
+**Object with `error` (Useful for returning custom error messages)**
+Existing error:
+ isValid = () => {
+ // Do internal validation
+ return { error: 'Your error message.' };
+ };
+You can also return a promise from isValid. While the promise is pending, the widget will be marked as in error. When the promise resolves, the error is automatically cleared.
+ isValid = () => {
+ return this.existingPromise;
+ };
+Note: Do not create a promise inside isValid - isValid is called right before trying to persist. This means that even if a previous promise was already resolved, when the user hits 'save', `isValid` will be called again - if it returns a new Promise it will be immediately marked as in error until the new promise resolves.