fix: rebase open authoring branches (#2975)
* fix: create open authoring branches from default origin branch * refactor: pass repoURL to getBranch * fix(backend-github): rebase open authoring branch,support multiple files
This commit is contained in:
committed by
Shawn Erquhart
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Base64 } from 'js-base64';
import semaphore, { Semaphore } from 'semaphore';
import { find, flow, get, initial, last, partial, result, differenceBy, trimStart } from 'lodash';
import { flow, get, initial, last, partial, result, differenceBy, trimStart } from 'lodash';
import { map, filter } from 'lodash/fp';
import {
@ -12,6 +12,22 @@ import {
} from 'netlify-cms-lib-util';
import {
UsersGetAuthenticatedResponse as GitHubUser,
ReposGetResponse as GitHubRepo,
ReposGetContentsResponseItem as GitHubFile,
ReposGetBranchResponse as GitHubBranch,
GitGetBlobResponse as GitHubBlob,
GitCreateTreeResponse as GitHubTree,
GitCreateCommitResponse as GitHubCommit,
ReposCompareCommitsResponseCommitsItem as GitHubCompareCommit,
ReposCompareCommitsResponse as GitHubCompareResponse,
ReposCompareCommitsResponseBaseCommit as GitHubCompareBaseCommit,
GitCreateCommitResponseAuthor as GitHubAuthor,
GitCreateCommitResponseCommitter as GitHubCommiter,
} from '@octokit/rest';
const CMS_BRANCH_PREFIX = 'cms';
@ -35,7 +51,6 @@ interface File {
type: 'blob' | 'tree';
sha: string;
path: string;
remove?: boolean;
raw?: string;
@ -43,12 +58,15 @@ interface Entry extends File {
slug: string;
interface TreeEntry {
type: 'blob' | 'tree';
sha: string | null;
path: string;
mode: string;
type Override<T, U> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>> & U;
type TreeEntry = Override<GitCreateTreeParamsTree, { sha: string | null }>;
type GitHubCompareCommits = GitHubCompareCommit[];
type GitHubCompareFile = ReposCompareCommitsResponseFilesItem & { previous_filename?: string };
type GitHubCompareFiles = GitHubCompareFile[];
interface CommitFields {
parents: { sha: string }[];
@ -59,10 +77,6 @@ interface CommitFields {
tree: { sha: string };
interface Commit extends CommitFields {
commit?: CommitFields;
interface PR {
number: number;
head: string;
@ -92,19 +106,6 @@ interface Branch {
ref: string;
interface GitHubFile {
sha: string;
interface GitHubUser {
name?: string;
login: string;
interface GitHubRepo {
permissions: { push: boolean };
interface BlobArgs {
sha: string;
repoURL: string;
@ -138,7 +139,6 @@ type PersistOptions = {
unpublished: boolean;
parsedData?: { title: string; description: string };
status: string;
hasAssetStore: boolean;
type MediaFile = {
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ export default class API {
async fetchBlobContent({ sha, repoURL, parseText }: BlobArgs) {
const result = await this.request(`${repoURL}/git/blobs/${sha}`);
const result: GitHubBlob = await this.request(`${repoURL}/git/blobs/${sha}`);
if (parseText) {
// treat content as a utf-8 string
@ -510,20 +510,20 @@ export default class API {
async listFiles(path: string, { repoURL = this.repoURL, branch = this.branch } = {}) {
const folderPath = path.replace(/\/$/, '');
return this.request(`${repoURL}/git/trees/${branch}:${folderPath}`, {
const folder = trimStart(path, '/');
return this.request(`${repoURL}/git/trees/${branch}:${folder}`, {
params: { recursive: 10 },
.then(res =>
.then((res: GitHubTree) =>
.filter((file: File) => file.type === 'blob')
.map((file: File) => ({
.filter(file => file.type === 'blob')
.map(file => ({
name: file.path,
path: `${folderPath}/${file.path}`,
path: `${folder}/${file.path}`,
.catch(replace404WithEmptyArray); // handle non existent folders
readUnpublishedBranchFile(contentKey: string) {
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ export default class API {
await Promise.all(uploadPromises);
if (!options.useWorkflow) {
return this.getBranch()
return this.getDefaultBranch()
.then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, files))
.then(changeTree => this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree))
.then(response => this.patchBranch(this.branch, response.sha));
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ export default class API {
if (!unpublished) {
// Open new editorial review workflow for this entry - Create new metadata and commit to new branch
const userPromise = this.user();
const branchData = await this.getBranch();
const branchData = await this.getDefaultBranch();
const changeTree = await this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, files);
const commitResponse = await this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree);
@ -852,16 +852,16 @@ export default class API {
const metadata = await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey);
// mark media files to remove
const metadataMediaFiles: MediaFile[] = get(metadata, 'objects.files', []);
const mediaFilesToRemove: File[] = differenceBy(
const mediaFilesToRemove: { path: string; sha: string | null }[] = differenceBy(
).map(file => ({ ...file, remove: true, type: 'blob' }));
const branchData = await this.getBranch(branchName);
const changeTree = await this.updateTree(
).map(file => ({ ...file, type: 'blob', sha: null }));
// rebase the branch before applying new changes
const rebasedHead = await this.rebaseBranch(branchName);
const treeFiles = mediaFilesToRemove.concat(files);
const changeTree = await this.updateTree(rebasedHead.sha, treeFiles);
const commit = await this.commit(options.commitMessage, changeTree);
const { title, description } = options.parsedData || {};
@ -870,147 +870,105 @@ export default class API {
entry: { path: entry.path, sha: entry.sha },
files: mediaFilesList,
const updatedMetadata = { ...metadata, pr, title, description, objects };
if (options.hasAssetStore) {
await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata);
return this.patchBranch(branchName, commit.sha);
if (pr) {
return this.rebasePullRequest(pr.number, branchName, contentKey, updatedMetadata, commit);
} else if (this.useOpenAuthoring) {
// if a PR hasn't been created yet for the forked repo, just patch the branch
await this.patchBranch(branchName, commit.sha, { force: true });
return this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata);
await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata);
return this.patchBranch(branchName, commit.sha, { force: true });
* Rebase a pull request onto the latest HEAD of it's target base branch
* (should generally be the configured backend branch). Only rebases changes
* in the entry file.
async rebasePullRequest(
prNumber: number,
async compareBranchToDefault(
branchName: string,
contentKey: string,
metadata: Metadata,
head: Commit,
) {
const { path } = metadata.objects.entry;
): Promise<{ baseCommit: GitHubCompareBaseCommit; commits: GitHubCompareCommits }> {
const headReference = await this.getHeadReference(branchName);
const { base_commit: baseCommit, commits }: GitHubCompareResponse = await this.request(
return { baseCommit, commits };
async getCommitsDiff(baseSha: string, headSha: string): Promise<GitHubCompareFiles> {
const { files }: GitHubCompareResponse = await this.request(
return files;
async rebaseSingleCommit(baseCommit: GitHubCompareCommit, commit: GitHubCompareCommit) {
// first get the diff between the commits
const files = await this.getCommitsDiff(commit.parents[0].sha, commit.sha);
const treeFiles = files.reduce((arr, file) => {
if (file.status === 'removed') {
// delete the file
arr.push({ sha: null, path: file.filename });
} else if (file.status === 'renamed') {
// delete the previous file
arr.push({ sha: null, path: file.previous_filename as string });
// add the renamed file
arr.push({ sha: file.sha, path: file.filename });
} else {
// add the file
arr.push({ sha: file.sha, path: file.filename });
return arr;
}, [] as { sha: string | null; path: string }[]);
// create a tree with baseCommit as the base with the diff applied
const tree = await this.updateTree(baseCommit.sha, treeFiles);
const { message, author, committer } = commit.commit;
// create a new commit from the updated tree
return (this.createCommit(
) as unknown) as GitHubCompareCommit;
* Rebase an array of commits one-by-one, starting from a given base SHA
async rebaseCommits(baseCommit: GitHubCompareCommit, commits: GitHubCompareCommits) {
* If the parent of the first commit already matches the target base,
* return commits as is.
if (commits.length === 0 || commits[0].parents[0].sha === baseCommit.sha) {
const head = last(commits) as GitHubCompareCommit;
return head;
} else {
* Re-create each commit over the new base, applying each to the previous,
* changing only the parent SHA and tree for each, but retaining all other
* info, such as the author/committer data.
const newHeadPromise = commits.reduce((lastCommitPromise, commit) => {
return lastCommitPromise.then(newParent => {
const parent = newParent;
const commitToRebase = commit;
return this.rebaseSingleCommit(parent, commitToRebase);
}, Promise.resolve(baseCommit));
return newHeadPromise;
async rebaseBranch(branchName: string) {
try {
* Get the published branch and create new commits over it. If the pull
* request is up to date, no rebase will occur.
const [baseBranch, commits] = await Promise.all([
* Sometimes the list of commits for a pull request isn't updated
* immediately after the PR branch is patched. There's also the possibility
* that the branch has changed unexpectedly. We account for both by adding
* the head if it's missing, or else throwing an error if the PR head is
* neither the head we expect nor its parent.
const finalCommits = this.assertHead(commits, head);
const rebasedHead = await this.rebaseSingleBlobCommits(baseBranch.commit, finalCommits, path);
* Update metadata, then force update the pull request branch head.
const pr = { ...( as PR), head: rebasedHead.sha };
const timeStamp = new Date().toISOString();
const updatedMetadata = { ...metadata, pr, timeStamp };
await this.storeMetadata(contentKey, updatedMetadata);
return this.patchBranch(branchName, rebasedHead.sha, { force: true });
// Get the diff between the default branch the published branch
const { baseCommit, commits } = await this.compareBranchToDefault(branchName);
// Rebase the branch based on the diff
const rebasedHead = await this.rebaseCommits(baseCommit, commits);
return rebasedHead;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
* Rebase an array of commits one-by-one, starting from a given base SHA. Can
* accept an array of commits as received from the GitHub API. All commits are
* expected to change the same, single blob.
rebaseSingleBlobCommits(baseCommit: Commit, commits: Commit[], pathToBlob: string) {
* If the parent of the first commit already matches the target base,
* return commits as is.
if (commits.length === 0 || commits[0].parents[0].sha === baseCommit.sha) {
return Promise.resolve(last(commits) as Commit);
* Re-create each commit over the new base, applying each to the previous,
* changing only the parent SHA and tree for each, but retaining all other
* info, such as the author/committer data.
const newHeadPromise = commits.reduce((lastCommitPromise, commit) => {
return lastCommitPromise.then(newParent => {
* Normalize commit data to ensure it's not nested in `commit.commit`.
const parent = this.normalizeCommit(newParent);
const commitToRebase = this.normalizeCommit(commit);
return this.rebaseSingleBlobCommit(parent, commitToRebase, pathToBlob);
}, Promise.resolve(baseCommit));
* Return a promise that resolves when all commits have been created.
return newHeadPromise;
* Rebase a commit that changes a single blob. Also handles updating the tree.
baseCommit: Commit,
commit: { message: string; author: string; committer: string; tree: { sha: string } },
pathToBlob: string,
) {
* Retain original commit metadata.
const { message, author, committer } = commit;
* Set the base commit as the parent.
const parent = [baseCommit.sha];
* Get the blob data by path.
return (
this.getBlobInTree(commit.tree.sha, pathToBlob)
* Create a new tree consisting of the base tree and the single updated
* blob. Use the full path to indicate nesting, GitHub will take care of
* subtree creation.
.then(blob => this.createTree(baseCommit.tree.sha, [{ ...blob, path: pathToBlob }]))
* Create a new commit with the updated tree and original commit metadata.
.then(tree => this.createCommit(message, tree.sha, parent, author, committer))
* Get a pull request by PR number.
@ -1018,31 +976,6 @@ export default class API {
return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${prNumber} }`);
* Get the list of commits for a given pull request.
getPullRequestCommits(prNumber: number) {
return this.requestAllPages(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls/${prNumber}/commits`);
* Returns `commits` with `headToAssert` appended if it's the child of the
* last commit in `commits`. Returns `commits` unaltered if `headToAssert` is
* already the last commit in `commits`. Otherwise throws an error.
assertHead(commits: Commit[], headToAssert: Commit) {
const headIsMissing = headToAssert.parents[0].sha === last(commits)?.sha;
const headIsNotMissing = headToAssert.sha === last(commits)?.sha;
if (headIsMissing) {
return commits.concat(headToAssert);
} else if (headIsNotMissing) {
return commits;
throw Error('Editorial workflow branch changed unexpectedly.');
async updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collectionName: string, slug: string, status: string) {
const contentKey = this.generateContentKey(collectionName, slug);
const metadata = await this.retrieveMetadata(contentKey);
@ -1133,8 +1066,8 @@ export default class API {
getBranch(branch = this.branch) {
return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/branches/${encodeURIComponent(branch)}`);
getDefaultBranch(): Promise<GitHubBranch> {
return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/branches/${encodeURIComponent(this.branch)}`);
createBranch(branchName: string, sha: string) {
@ -1166,8 +1099,13 @@ export default class API {
async createPR(title: string, head: string) {
async getHeadReference(head: string) {
const headReference = this.useOpenAuthoring ? `${(await this.user()).login}:${head}` : head;
return headReference;
async createPR(title: string, head: string) {
const headReference = await this.getHeadReference(head);
return this.request(`${this.originRepoURL}/pulls`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
@ -1232,37 +1170,12 @@ export default class API {
'%c Automatic merge not possible - Forcing merge.',
'line-height: 30px;text-align: center;font-weight: bold',
return this.getBranch()
return this.getDefaultBranch()
.then(branchData => this.updateTree(branchData.commit.sha, files))
.then(changeTree => this.commit(commitMessage, changeTree))
.then(response => this.patchBranch(this.branch, response.sha));
getTree(sha: string | null) {
if (sha) {
return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/trees/${sha}`);
return Promise.resolve({ tree: [] });
* Get a blob from a tree. Requests individual subtrees recursively if blob is
* nested within one or more directories.
getBlobInTree(treeSha: string, pathToBlob: string) {
const pathSegments = pathToBlob.split('/').filter(val => val);
const directories = pathSegments.slice(0, -1);
const filename = pathSegments.slice(-1)[0];
const baseTree = this.getTree(treeSha);
const subTreePromise = directories.reduce((treePromise, segment) => {
return treePromise.then(tree => {
const subTreeSha = find(tree.tree, { path: segment }).sha;
return this.getTree(subTreeSha);
}, baseTree);
return subTreePromise.then(subTree => find(subTree.tree, { path: filename }));
toBase64(str: string) {
return Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str));
@ -1284,20 +1197,19 @@ export default class API {
async updateTree(sha: string, files: { path: string; sha: string | null; remove?: boolean }[]) {
async updateTree(baseSha: string, files: { path: string; sha: string | null }[]) {
const tree: TreeEntry[] = => ({
path: trimStart(file.path, '/'),
mode: '100644',
type: 'blob',
sha: file.remove ? null : file.sha,
sha: file.sha,
const newTree = await this.createTree(sha, tree);
newTree.parentSha = sha;
return newTree;
const newTree = await this.createTree(baseSha, tree);
return { ...newTree, parentSha: baseSha };
createTree(baseSha: string, tree: TreeEntry[]) {
createTree(baseSha: string, tree: TreeEntry[]): Promise<GitHubTree> {
return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/trees`, {
method: 'POST',
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
@ -1305,19 +1217,6 @@ export default class API {
* Some GitHub API calls return commit data in a nested `commit` property,
* with the SHA outside of the nested property, while others return a
* flatter object with no nested `commit` property. This normalizes a commit
* to resemble the latter.
normalizeCommit(commit: Commit) {
if (commit.commit) {
return { ...commit.commit, sha: commit.sha };
return commit;
commit(message: string, changeTree: { parentSha?: string; sha: string }) {
const parents = changeTree.parentSha ? [changeTree.parentSha] : [];
return this.createCommit(message, changeTree.sha, parents);
@ -1327,9 +1226,9 @@ export default class API {
message: string,
treeSha: string,
parents: string[],
author?: string,
committer?: string,
) {
author?: GitHubAuthor,
committer?: GitHubCommiter,
): Promise<GitHubCommit> {
return this.request(`${this.repoURL}/git/commits`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({ message, tree: treeSha, parents, author, committer }),
@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ import * as mutations from './mutations';
const NO_CACHE = 'no-cache';
const CACHE_FIRST = 'cache-first';
blob: '100644',
tree: '040000',
commit: '160000',
const fragmentMatcher = new IntrospectionFragmentMatcher({
@ -294,9 +288,7 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
return `refs/heads/${branch}`;
getBranchQuery(branch) {
const { repo_owner: owner, repo_name: name } = this;
getBranchQuery(branch, owner, name) {
return {
query: queries.branch,
variables: {
@ -307,12 +299,17 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
async getBranch(branch = this.branch) {
// don't cache base branch to always get the latest data
const fetchPolicy = branch === this.branch ? NO_CACHE : CACHE_FIRST;
async getDefaultBranch() {
const { data } = await this.query({
...this.getBranchQuery(this.branch, this.origin_repo_owner, this.origin_repo_name),
return data.repository.branch;
async getBranch(branch) {
const { data } = await this.query({
...this.getBranchQuery(branch, this.repo_owner, this.repo_name),
fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST,
return data.repository.branch;
@ -514,7 +511,9 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
async createBranch(branchName, sha) {
const repository = await this.getRepository(this.repo_owner, this.repo_name);
const owner = this.repo_owner;
const name = this.repo_name;
const repository = await this.getRepository(owner, name);
const { data } = await this.mutate({
mutation: mutations.createBranch,
variables: {
@ -529,7 +528,7 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
const branchData = { repository: { ...branch.repository, branch } };
...this.getBranchQuery(branchName, owner, name),
data: branchData,
@ -539,7 +538,9 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
async createBranchAndPullRequest(branchName, sha, title) {
const repository = await this.getRepository(this.origin_repo_owner, this.origin_repo_name);
const owner = this.origin_repo_owner;
const name = this.origin_repo_name;
const repository = await this.getRepository(owner, name);
const { data } = await this.mutate({
mutation: mutations.createBranchAndPullRequest,
variables: {
@ -566,7 +567,7 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
...this.getBranchQuery(branchName, owner, name),
data: branchData,
@ -580,49 +581,6 @@ export default class GraphQLAPI extends API {
return { ...pullRequest, head: { sha: pullRequest.headRefOid } };
async getTree(sha) {
if (!sha) {
return Promise.resolve({ tree: [] });
const { repo_owner: owner, repo_name: name } = this;
const variables = {
// sha can be either for a commit or a tree
const [commitTree, tree] = await Promise.all([
query: queries.commitTree,
fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST,
query: queries.tree,
fetchPolicy: CACHE_FIRST,
let entries = null;
if ( {
({ entries, sha } =;
if ( {
({ entries, sha } =;
if (entries) {
return { sha, tree: => ({ ...e, mode: TREE_ENTRY_TYPE_TO_MODE[e.type] })) };
return Promise.reject('Could not get tree');
async getPullRequestCommits(number) {
const { origin_repo_owner: owner, origin_repo_name: name } = this;
const { data } = await this.query({
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ describe('github API', () => {
api.createTree = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ sha: 'newTreeSha' }));
const files = [
{ path: '/static/media/new-image.jpeg', sha: 'new-image.jpeg', remove: true },
{ path: '/static/media/new-image.jpeg', sha: null },
{ path: 'content/posts/', sha: '' },
@ -433,4 +433,60 @@ describe('github API', () => {
describe('rebaseSingleCommit', () => {
it('should create updated tree and commit', async () => {
const api = new API({ branch: 'master', repo: 'owner/repo' });
api.getCommitsDiff = jest.fn().mockResolvedValueOnce([
{ filename: '', status: 'removed', sha: 'removed_sha' },
filename: '',
status: 'renamed',
previous_filename: '',
sha: 'renamed_sha',
{ filename: '', status: 'added', sha: 'added_sha' },
const newTree = { sha: 'new_tree_sha' };
api.updateTree = jest.fn().mockResolvedValueOnce(newTree);
const newCommit = { sha: 'newCommit' };
api.createCommit = jest.fn().mockResolvedValueOnce(newCommit);
const baseCommit = { sha: 'base_commit_sha' };
const commit = {
sha: 'sha',
parents: [{ sha: 'parent_sha' }],
commit: {
message: 'message',
author: { name: 'author' },
committer: { name: 'committer' },
await expect(api.rebaseSingleCommit(baseCommit, commit)).resolves.toBe(newCommit);
expect(api.getCommitsDiff).toHaveBeenCalledWith('parent_sha', 'sha');
expect(api.updateTree).toHaveBeenCalledWith('base_commit_sha', [
{ path: '', sha: null },
{ path: '', sha: null },
{ path: '', sha: 'renamed_sha' },
{ path: '', sha: 'added_sha' },
{ name: 'author' },
{ name: 'committer' },
Reference in New Issue
Block a user