migrate git gateway backend

This commit is contained in:
Shawn Erquhart
2018-07-23 17:13:34 -04:00
parent ef90fb9925
commit 8a0ffa7b9b
14 changed files with 141 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
import styled from 'react-emotion';
import { partial } from 'lodash';
import {
} from 'netlify-cms-ui-default';
const LoginButton = styled.button`
padding: 0 30px;
display: block;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-left: auto;
const AuthForm = styled.form`
width: 350px;
margin-top: -80px;
const AuthInput = styled.input`
background-color: ${colorsRaw.white};
border-radius: ${lengths.borderRadius};
font-size: 14px;
padding: 10px 10px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-top: 6px;
width: 100%;
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
&:focus {
outline: none;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px ${colors.active};
const ErrorMessage = styled.p`
color: ${colors.errorText};
let component = null;
if (window.netlifyIdentity) {
window.netlifyIdentity.on('login', (user) => {
component && component.handleIdentityLogin(user);
window.netlifyIdentity.on('logout', () => {
component && component.handleIdentityLogout();
export default class GitGatewayAuthenticationPage extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
component = this;
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.loggedIn && window.netlifyIdentity && window.netlifyIdentity.currentUser()) {
componentWillUnmount() {
component = null;
handleIdentityLogin = (user) => {
handleIdentityLogout = () => {
handleIdentity = () => {
const user = window.netlifyIdentity.currentUser();
if (user) {
} else {
static propTypes = {
onLogin: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
inProgress: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
state = { email: "", password: "", errors: {} };
handleChange = (name, e) => {
this.setState({ ...this.state, [name]: e.target.value });
handleLogin = (e) => {
const { email, password } = this.state;
const errors = {};
if (!email) {
errors.email = 'Make sure to enter your email.';
if (!password) {
errors.password = 'Please enter your password.';
if (Object.keys(errors).length > 0) {
this.setState({ errors });
AuthenticationPage.authClient.login(this.state.email, this.state.password, true)
.then((user) => {
.catch((error) => {
this.setState({ errors: { server: error.description || error.msg || error }, loggingIn: false });
render() {
const { errors } = this.state;
const { error, inProgress } = this.props;
if (window.netlifyIdentity) {
return (
renderButtonContent={() => 'Login with Netlify Identity'}
return (
<AuthenticationPage renderPageContent={() => (
<AuthForm onSubmit={this.handleLogin}>
{!error ? null : <ErrorMessage>{error}</ErrorMessage>}
{!errors.server ? null : <ErrorMessage>{errors.server}</ErrorMessage>}
<ErrorMessage>{errors.email || null}</ErrorMessage>
onChange={partial(this.handleChange, 'email')}
<ErrorMessage>{errors.password || null}</ErrorMessage>
onChange={partial(this.handleChange, 'password')}
<LoginButton disabled={inProgress}>{inProgress ? 'Logging in...' : 'Login'}</LoginButton>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import { API as GithubAPI } from "netlify-cms-backend-github";
import { APIError } from "netlify-cms-lib-util";
export default class API extends GithubAPI {
constructor(config) {
this.api_root = config.api_root;
this.tokenPromise = config.tokenPromise;
this.commitAuthor = config.commitAuthor;
this.repoURL = "";
hasWriteAccess() {
return this.getBranch()
.then(() => true)
.catch(error => {
if (error.status === 401) {
if (error.message === "Bad credentials") {
throw new APIError("Git Gateway Error: Please ask your site administrator to reissue the Git Gateway token.", error.status, 'Git Gateway');
} else {
return false;
} else if (error.status === 404 && (error.message === undefined || error.message === "Unable to locate site configuration")) {
throw new APIError(`Git Gateway Error: Please make sure Git Gateway is enabled on your site.`, error.status, 'Git Gateway');
} else {
console.error("Problem fetching repo data from Git Gateway");
throw error;
getRequestHeaders(headers = {}) {
return this.tokenPromise()
.then((jwtToken) => {
const baseHeader = {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${ jwtToken }`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
return baseHeader;
urlFor(path, options) {
const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime();
const params = [`ts=${ cacheBuster }`];
if (options.params) {
for (const key in options.params) {
params.push(`${ key }=${ encodeURIComponent(options.params[key]) }`);
if (params.length) {
path += `?${ params.join("&") }`;
return this.api_root + path;
user() {
return Promise.resolve(this.commitAuthor);
request(path, options = {}) {
const url = this.urlFor(path, options);
let responseStatus;
return this.getRequestHeaders(options.headers || {})
.then(headers => fetch(url, { ...options, headers }))
.then((response) => {
responseStatus = response.status;
const contentType = response.headers.get("Content-Type");
if (contentType && contentType.match(/json/)) {
return this.parseJsonResponse(response);
const text = response.text();
if (!response.ok) {
return Promise.reject(text);
return text;
.catch(error => {
throw new APIError((error.message || error.msg), responseStatus, 'Git Gateway');
commit(message, changeTree) {
const commitParams = {
tree: changeTree.sha,
parents: changeTree.parentSha ? [changeTree.parentSha] : [],
if (this.commitAuthor) {
commitParams.author = {
date: new Date().toISOString(),
return this.request("/git/commits", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(commitParams),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { flow } from "lodash";
import { API as GitlabAPI } from "netlify-cms-backend-gitlab";
import { unsentRequest, then } from "netlify-cms-lib-util";
export default class API extends GitlabAPI {
constructor(config) {
this.tokenPromise = config.tokenPromise;
this.commitAuthor = config.commitAuthor;
this.repoURL = "";
authenticateRequest = async req => unsentRequest.withHeaders({
Authorization: `Bearer ${ await this.tokenPromise() }`,
}, req);
request = async req => flow([
hasWriteAccess = () => Promise.resolve(true)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
import GoTrue from "gotrue-js";
import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import { get, pick, intersection } from "lodash";
import { unsentRequest } from "netlify-cms-lib-util";
import { GitHubBackend } from "netlify-cms-backend-github";
import { GitLabBackend } from "netlify-cms-backend-gitlab";
import BitBucketBackend from "Backends/bitbucket/implementation";
import GitHubAPI from "./GitHubAPI";
import GitLabAPI from "./GitLabAPI";
import BitBucketAPI from "Backends/bitbucket/API";
import AuthenticationPage from "./AuthenticationPage";
const localHosts = {
localhost: true,
'': true,
'': true,
const defaults = {
identity: '/.netlify/identity',
gateway: '/.netlify/git',
function getEndpoint(endpoint, netlifySiteURL) {
if (localHosts[document.location.host.split(":").shift()] && netlifySiteURL && endpoint.match(/^\/\.netlify\//)) {
const parts = [];
if (netlifySiteURL) {
if (!netlifySiteURL.match(/\/$/)) { parts.push("/"); }
parts.push(endpoint.replace(/^\//, ''));
return parts.join("");
return endpoint;
export default class GitGateway {
constructor(config) {
this.config = config;
this.branch = config.getIn(["backend", "branch"], "master").trim();
this.squash_merges = config.getIn(["backend", "squash_merges"]);
const netlifySiteURL = localStorage.getItem("netlifySiteURL");
const APIUrl = getEndpoint(config.getIn(["backend", "identity_url"], defaults.identity), netlifySiteURL);
this.gatewayUrl = getEndpoint(config.getIn(["backend", "gateway_url"], defaults.gateway), netlifySiteURL);
const backendTypeRegex = /\/(github|gitlab|bitbucket)\/?$/;
const backendTypeMatches = this.gatewayUrl.match(backendTypeRegex);
if (backendTypeMatches) {
this.backendType = backendTypeMatches[1];
this.gatewayUrl = this.gatewayUrl.replace(backendTypeRegex, "/");
} else {
this.backendType = null;
this.authClient = window.netlifyIdentity ? window.netlifyIdentity.gotrue : new GoTrue({ APIUrl });
AuthenticationPage.authClient = this.authClient;
this.backend = null;
requestFunction = req => this.tokenPromise()
.then(token => unsentRequest.withHeaders({ Authorization: `Bearer ${ token }` }, req))
authenticate(user) {
this.tokenPromise = user.jwt.bind(user);
return this.tokenPromise().then(async token => {
if (!this.backendType) {
const { github_enabled, gitlab_enabled, bitbucket_enabled, roles } = await fetch(`${ this.gatewayUrl }/settings`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${ token }` },
}).then(res => res.json());
this.acceptRoles = roles;
if (github_enabled) {
this.backendType = "github";
} else if (gitlab_enabled) {
this.backendType = "gitlab";
} else if (bitbucket_enabled) {
this.backendType = "bitbucket";
if (this.acceptRoles && this.acceptRoles.length > 0) {
const userRoles = get(jwtDecode(token), 'app_metadata.roles', []);
const validRole = intersection(userRoles, this.acceptRoles).length > 0;
if (!validRole) {
throw new Error("You don't have sufficient permissions to access Netlify CMS");
const userData = {
name: user.user_metadata.name || user.email.split('@').shift(),
email: user.email,
avatar_url: user.user_metadata.avatar_url,
metadata: user.user_metadata,
const apiConfig = {
api_root: `${ this.gatewayUrl }/${ this.backendType }`,
branch: this.branch,
tokenPromise: this.tokenPromise,
commitAuthor: pick(userData, ["name", "email"]),
squash_merges: this.squash_merges,
if (this.backendType === "github") {
this.api = new GitHubAPI(apiConfig);
this.backend = new GitHubBackend(this.config, { proxied: true, API: this.api });
} else if (this.backendType === "gitlab") {
this.api = new GitLabAPI(apiConfig);
this.backend = new GitLabBackend(this.config, { proxied: true, API: this.api });
} else if (this.backendType === "bitbucket") {
this.api = new BitBucketAPI({
requestFunction: this.requestFunction,
hasWriteAccess: async () => true,
this.backend = new BitBucketBackend(this.config, { proxied: true, API: this.api });
if (!(await this.api.hasWriteAccess())) {
throw new Error("You don't have sufficient permissions to access Netlify CMS");
restoreUser() {
const user = this.authClient && this.authClient.currentUser();
if (!user) return Promise.reject();
return this.authenticate(user);
authComponent() {
return AuthenticationPage;
logout() {
if (window.netlifyIdentity) {
return window.netlifyIdentity.logout();
const user = this.authClient.currentUser();
return user && user.logout();
getToken() {
return this.tokenPromise();
entriesByFolder(collection, extension) { return this.backend.entriesByFolder(collection, extension); }
entriesByFiles(collection) { return this.backend.entriesByFiles(collection); }
fetchFiles(files) { return this.backend.fetchFiles(files); }
getEntry(collection, slug, path) { return this.backend.getEntry(collection, slug, path); }
getMedia() { return this.backend.getMedia(); }
persistEntry(entry, mediaFiles, options) { return this.backend.persistEntry(entry, mediaFiles, options); }
persistMedia(mediaFile, options) { return this.backend.persistMedia(mediaFile, options); }
deleteFile(path, commitMessage, options) { return this.backend.deleteFile(path, commitMessage, options); }
unpublishedEntries() { return this.backend.unpublishedEntries(); }
unpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.backend.unpublishedEntry(collection, slug); }
updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus) { return this.backend.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus); }
deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.backend.deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug); }
publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug) { return this.backend.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug); }
traverseCursor(cursor, action) { return this.backend.traverseCursor(cursor, action); }

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export GitGatewayBackend from './implementation';
export AuthenticationPage from './AuthenticationPage';