feat(lang): add 'zh_Hant' locale (#3068)
Co-authored-by: Chen-Yi Hsu <11488168+cyihsu@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ export { default as ru } from './ru';
export { default as ja } from './ja';
export { default as hu } from './hu';
export { default as pt } from './pt';
export { default as zh_Hant } from './zh_Hant';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
const zh_Hant = {
auth: {
login: '登入',
loggingIn: '正在登入...',
loginWithNetlifyIdentity: '使用你的 Netlify 帳號來進行登入',
errors: {
email: '請確認你已經輸入你的電子郵件。',
password: '請輸入你的密碼。',
'無法連接認證系統! ˇ當使用 git-gateway 作為後端資料庫時,請確認您已開啟認證服務及 Git Gateway。',
app: {
header: {
content: '內容',
workflow: '作業流程',
media: '媒體',
quickAdd: '快速新增',
app: {
errorHeader: '載入 CMS 設定時發生錯誤',
configErrors: '設定錯誤',
checkConfigYml: '請確認你的 config.yml 設定檔的內容是否正確',
loadingConfig: '正在載入設定...',
waitingBackend: '正在等待後端資料連接...',
notFoundPage: {
header: '找不到頁面',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: '集合',
searchAll: '尋找所有集合',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: '瀏覽方式',
newButton: '新增 %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: '載入內容',
cachingEntries: '快取內容',
longerLoading: '這可能需要幾分鐘的時間',
editor: {
editorControlPane: {
widget: {
required: '%{fieldLabel} 是必須的。',
regexPattern: '%{fieldLabel} 並不符合 %{pattern} 的型態',
processing: '%{fieldLabel} 正在處理',
range: '%{fieldLabel} 必須介於 %{minValue} 和 %{maxValue} 之間',
min: '%{fieldLabel} 必須至少為 %{minValue}',
max: '%{fieldLabel} 必須小於或等於 %{maxValue}',
editor: {
onLeavePage: '您確定要離開這頁嗎?',
onUpdatingWithUnsavedChanges: '您有未儲存的變更,在更新狀態前請先進行儲存。',
onPublishingNotReady: '在發布前,請先將狀態設定為:預備發布。',
onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: '您有未儲存的變更,在發布前請先進行儲存。',
onPublishing: '你確定要發表此內容嗎?',
onUnpublishing: '你確定要取消發表此內容嗎?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?',
onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?',
'This will delete all unpublished changes to this entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session. Do you still want to delete?',
'All unpublished changes to this entry will be deleted. Do you still want to delete?',
loadingEntry: '載入內容中...',
confirmLoadBackup: 'A local backup was recovered for this entry, would you like to use it?',
editorToolbar: {
publishing: '發布中...',
publish: '發布',
published: '已發布',
unpublish: '取消發布',
duplicate: '建立新內容',
unpublishing: '取消發布中...',
publishAndCreateNew: '發布並建立內容',
publishAndDuplicate: '發布並複製內容',
deleteUnpublishedChanges: '刪除未發布的變更',
deleteUnpublishedEntry: '刪除未發布的內容',
deletePublishedEntry: '刪除已發布的內容',
deleteEntry: '刪除內容',
saving: '儲存中...',
save: '儲存',
deleting: '刪除中...',
updating: '更新中...',
setStatus: '設定狀態',
backCollection: '在集合 %{collectionLabel} 新增內容',
unsavedChanges: '未儲存變更',
changesSaved: '已儲存變更',
draft: '草稿',
inReview: '正在審核',
ready: '預備發布',
publishNow: '立即發布',
deployPreviewPendingButtonLabel: '點擊來進行預覽',
deployPreviewButtonLabel: '進行預覽',
deployButtonLabel: '觀看已發布的內容',
editorWidgets: {
unknownControl: {
noControl: "無法控制元件: '%{widget}'.",
unknownPreview: {
noPreview: "無法預覽元件: '%{widget}'.",
mediaLibrary: {
mediaLibraryCard: {
draft: '草稿',
mediaLibrary: {
onDelete: '你確定要刪除已選擇的媒體嗎?',
mediaLibraryModal: {
loading: '載入中...',
noResults: '沒有結果',
noAssetsFound: '沒有發現媒體資產。',
noImagesFound: '沒有發現影像。',
private: '私人',
images: '影像',
mediaAssets: '媒體資產',
search: '搜尋中...',
uploading: '上傳中...',
uploadNew: '上傳新內容',
deleting: '刪除中...',
deleteSelected: '刪除已選擇的項目',
chooseSelected: '選擇已選擇的項目',
ui: {
errorBoundary: {
title: '錯誤',
details: '發生錯誤!請 ',
reportIt: '回報錯誤',
detailsHeading: '細節',
recoveredEntry: {
heading: '已恢復的內容',
warning: '在你離開本頁前,請將此處的內容複製貼上到其他地方來進行備份!',
copyButtonLabel: '複製到剪貼簿',
settingsDropdown: {
logOut: '登出',
toast: {
onFailToLoadEntries: '無法載入內容: %{details}',
onFailToLoadDeployPreview: '無法預覽內容: %{details}',
onFailToPersist: '無法暫存內容: %{details}',
onFailToDelete: '無法刪除內容: %{details}',
onFailToUpdateStatus: '無法更新狀態: %{details}',
missingRequiredField: '糟了!你漏填了一個必須填入的欄位,在儲存前請先填完所有內容',
entrySaved: '已儲存內容',
entryPublished: '已發布內容',
entryUnpublished: '已取消發布內容',
onFailToPublishEntry: '無法發布: %{details}',
onFailToUnpublishEntry: '無法取消發布: %{details}',
entryUpdated: '內容狀態已更新',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: '已刪除未發布的變更',
onFailToAuth: '%{details}',
workflow: {
workflow: {
loading: '正在載入編輯流程的內容',
workflowHeading: '編輯作業流程',
newPost: '建立新的內容',
'%{smart_count} 篇內容正在等待審核, %{readyCount} 篇已經準備進行發布。 |||| %{smart_count} 篇內容正在等待審核, %{readyCount} 篇已經準備進行發布。',
workflowCard: {
lastChange: '%{date} by %{author}',
lastChangeNoAuthor: '%{date}',
lastChangeNoDate: 'by %{author}',
deleteChanges: '刪除變更',
deleteNewEntry: '刪除新內容',
publishChanges: '發布變更',
publishNewEntry: '發布新內容',
workflowList: {
onDeleteEntry: '你確定要刪除這個項目嗎?',
'只有狀態為 預備發布 的內容可以被發布,請將本內容的狀態設定為 預備發布 來進行發布前的準備',
onPublishEntry: '你確定要發表這篇內容嗎?',
draftHeader: '草稿',
inReviewHeader: '正在預覽',
readyHeader: '準備完成',
currentEntries: '%{smart_count} 篇內容 |||| %{smart_count} 篇內容',
export default zh_Hant;
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