Replace md parser for pubstorm to make editor plugins work
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import { Schema } from 'prosemirror-model';
import { EditorState } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import {
inputRules, allInputRules,
} from 'prosemirror-inputrules';
import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap';
import { replaceWith } from 'prosemirror-transform';
import { schema, defaultMarkdownSerializer } from 'prosemirror-markdown';
import { baseKeymap, setBlockType, toggleMark } from 'prosemirror-commands';
import registry from '../../../../lib/registry';
@ -28,13 +27,23 @@ function processUrl(url) {
return `/${ url }`;
const ruleset = {
blockquote: [blockQuoteRule],
ordered_list: [orderedListRule],
bullet_list: [bulletListRule],
code_block: [codeBlockRule],
heading: [headingRule, 6],
function buildInputRules(schema) {
let result = [], type;
if (type = schema.nodes.blockquote) result.push(blockQuoteRule(type));
if (type = schema.nodes.ordered_list) result.push(orderedListRule(type));
if (type = schema.nodes.bullet_list) result.push(bulletListRule(type));
if (type = schema.nodes.code_block) result.push(codeBlockRule(type));
if (type = schema.nodes.heading) result.push(headingRule(type, 6));
const result = [];
for (const rule in ruleset) {
const type = schema.nodes[rule];
if (type) {
const fn = ruleset[rule];
return result;
@ -93,16 +102,17 @@ export default class Editor extends Component {
this.state = {
schema: s,
parser: createMarkdownParser(s),
parser: createMarkdownParser(s, plugins),
serializer: createSerializer(s, plugins),
componentDidMount() {
const { schema, parser } = this.state;
const doc = parser.parse(this.props.value || '');
this.view = new EditorView(this.ref, {
state: EditorState.create({
doc: parser.parse(this.props.value || ''),
plugins: [
@ -235,3 +245,12 @@ export default class Editor extends Component {
Editor.propTypes = {
onAddMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onRemoveMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
getMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onMode: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
value: PropTypes.node,
@ -1,8 +1,230 @@
import { MarkdownParser } from 'prosemirror-markdown';
import markdownit from 'markdown-it';
/* eslint-disable */
Based closely on
export default function createMarkdownParser(schema) {
return new MarkdownParser(schema, markdownit("commonmark", {html: false}), {
Adds a bit of logic allowing editor plugins to hook into the parsing.
const markdownit = require("markdown-it")
const {Mark} = require("prosemirror-model")
function maybeMerge(a, b) {
if (a.isText && b.isText && Mark.sameSet(a.marks, b.marks))
return a.copy(a.text + b.text)
function pluginHandler(schema, plugins) {
return (type, attrs, content) => {
if ( === 'paragraph' && content.length === 1 && content[0] === 'text') {
const text = content[0].text;
const plugin = plugins.find(plugin => plugin.get('pattern').test(text));
if (plugin) {
const nodeType = schema.nodes[`plugin_${ plugin.get('id') }`];
const data = plugin.get('fromBlock').call(plugin, text.match(plugin.get('pattern')));
return nodeType.create(data);
return null;
// Object used to track the context of a running parse.
class MarkdownParseState {
constructor(schema, plugins, tokenHandlers) {
this.schema = schema
this.stack = [{type: schema.nodes.doc, content: []}]
this.marks = Mark.none
this.tokenHandlers = tokenHandlers
this.pluginHandler = pluginHandler(schema, plugins);
top() {
return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
push(elt) {
if (this.stack.length)
// : (string)
// Adds the given text to the current position in the document,
// using the current marks as styling.
addText(text) {
if (!text) return
let nodes =, last = nodes[nodes.length - 1]
let node = this.schema.text(text, this.marks), merged
if (last && (merged = maybeMerge(last, node))) nodes[nodes.length - 1] = merged
else nodes.push(node)
// : (Mark)
// Adds the given mark to the set of active marks.
openMark(mark) {
this.marks = mark.addToSet(this.marks)
// : (Mark)
// Removes the given mark from the set of active marks.
closeMark(mark) {
this.marks = mark.removeFromSet(this.marks)
parseTokens(toks) {
for (let i = 0; i < toks.length; i++) {
let tok = toks[i]
let handler = this.tokenHandlers[tok.type]
if (!handler)
throw new Error("Token type `" + tok.type + "` not supported by Markdown parser")
handler(this, tok)
// : (NodeType, ?Object, ?[Node]) → ?Node
// Add a node at the current position.
addNode(type, attrs, content) {
const node = this.pluginHandler(type, attrs, content) || type.createAndFill(attrs, content, this.marks);
if (!node) return null
return node
// : (NodeType, ?Object)
// Wrap subsequent content in a node of the given type.
openNode(type, attrs) {
this.stack.push({type: type, attrs: attrs, content: []})
// : () → ?Node
// Close and return the node that is currently on top of the stack.
closeNode() {
if (this.marks.length) this.marks = Mark.none
let info = this.stack.pop()
return this.addNode(info.type, info.attrs, info.content)
function attrs(given, token) {
return given instanceof Function ? given(token) : given
// Code content is represented as a single token with a `content`
// property in Markdown-it.
function noOpenClose(type) {
return type == "code_inline" || type == "code_block" || type == "fence"
function withoutTrailingNewline(str) {
return str[str.length - 1] == "\n" ? str.slice(0, str.length - 1) : str
function tokenHandlers(schema, tokens) {
let handlers = Object.create(null)
for (let type in tokens) {
let spec = tokens[type]
if (spec.block) {
let nodeType =schema.nodeType(spec.block);
if (noOpenClose(type)) {
handlers[type] = (state, tok) => {
state.openNode(nodeType, attrs(spec.attrs, tok))
} else {
handlers[type + "_open"] = (state, tok) => state.openNode(nodeType, attrs(spec.attrs, tok))
handlers[type + "_close"] = state => state.closeNode()
} else if (spec.node) {
let nodeType = schema.nodeType(spec.node)
handlers[type] = (state, tok) => state.addNode(nodeType, attrs(spec.attrs, tok))
} else if (spec.mark) {
let markType = schema.marks[spec.mark]
if (noOpenClose(type)) {
handlers[type] = (state, tok) => {
state.openMark(markType.create(attrs(spec.attrs, tok)))
} else {
handlers[type + "_open"] = (state, tok) => state.openMark(markType.create(attrs(spec.attrs, tok)))
handlers[type + "_close"] = state => state.closeMark(markType)
} else {
throw new RangeError("Unrecognized parsing spec " + JSON.stringify(spec))
handlers.text = (state, tok) => state.addText(tok.content)
handlers.inline = (state, tok) => state.parseTokens(tok.children)
handlers.softbreak = state => state.addText("\n")
return handlers
// ;; A configuration of a Markdown parser. Such a parser uses
// [markdown-it]( to
// tokenize a file, and then runs the custom rules it is given over
// the tokens to create a ProseMirror document tree.
class MarkdownParser {
// :: (Schema, MarkdownIt, Object)
// Create a parser with the given configuration. You can configure
// the markdown-it parser to parse the dialect you want, and provide
// a description of the ProseMirror entities those tokens map to in
// the `tokens` object, which maps token names to descriptions of
// what to do with them. Such a description is an object, and may
// have the following properties:
// **`node`**`: ?string`
// : This token maps to a single node, whose type can be looked up
// in the schema under the given name. Exactly one of `node`,
// `block`, or `mark` must be set.
// **`block`**`: ?string`
// : This token comes in `_open` and `_close` variants (which are
// appended to the base token name provides a the object
// property), and wraps a block of content. The block should be
// wrapped in a node of the type named to by the property's
// value.
// **`mark`**`: ?string`
// : This token also comes in `_open` and `_close` variants, but
// should add a mark (named by the value) to its content, rather
// than wrapping it in a node.
// **`attrs`**`: ?union<Object, (MarkdownToken) → Object>`
// : If the mark or node to be created needs attributes, they can
// be either given directly, or as a function that takes a
// [markdown-it
// token]( and
// returns an attribute object.
constructor(schema, plugins, tokenizer, tokens) {
// :: Object The value of the `tokens` object used to construct
// this parser. Can be useful to copy and modify to base other
// parsers on.
this.tokens = tokens
this.schema = schema
this.tokenizer = tokenizer
this.plugins = plugins
this.tokenHandlers = tokenHandlers(schema, tokens)
// :: (string) → Node
// Parse a string as [CommonMark]( markup,
// and create a ProseMirror document as prescribed by this parser's
// rules.
parse(text) {
let state = new MarkdownParseState(this.schema, this.plugins, this.tokenHandlers), doc
state.parseTokens(this.tokenizer.parse(text, {}))
do { doc = state.closeNode() } while (state.stack.length)
return doc
// :: MarkdownParser
// A parser parsing unextended [CommonMark](,
// without inline HTML, and producing a document in the basic schema.
export default function createMarkdownParser(schema, plugins) {
const tokens = {
blockquote: {block: "blockquote"},
paragraph: {block: "paragraph"},
list_item: {block: "list_item"},
@ -26,5 +248,7 @@ export default function createMarkdownParser(schema) {
title: tok.attrGet("title") || null
code_inline: {mark: "code"}
return new MarkdownParser(schema, plugins, markdownit("commonmark", {html: false}), tokens);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user