Feature/docs (#67)

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Lautzenheiser
2022-11-04 17:41:12 -04:00
committed by GitHub
parent 7a1ec55a5c
commit 81ca566b5e
152 changed files with 1862 additions and 3832 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
group: Configuration
group: Intro
title: Configuration Options
weight: 10
weight: 180
## Configuration File
All configuration options for Static CMS are specified in a `config.yml` file, in the folder where you access the editor UI (usually in the `/admin` folder).
@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ Alternatively, you can specify a custom config file using a link tag:
<link href="path/to/config.yml" type="text/yaml" rel="cms-config-url">
To see working configuration examples, you can [start from a template](/docs/start-with-a-template) or check out the [CMS demo site](https://cms-demo.netlify.com). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each option was configured.
To see working configuration examples, you can [start from a template](/docs/start-with-a-template) or check out the [CMS demo site](https://static-cms-demo.netlify.app). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/core/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each option was configured.
You can find details about all configuration options below. Note that [YAML syntax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Basic_components) allows lists and objects to be written in block or inline style, and the code samples below include a mix of both.
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ You can find details about all configuration options below. Note that [YAML synt
The `backend` option specifies how to access the content for your site, including authentication. Full details and code samples can be found in [Backends](/docs/backends-overview).
**Note**: no matter where you access Static CMS — whether running locally, in a staging environment, or in your published site — it will always fetch and commit files in your hosted repository (for example, on GitHub), on the branch you configured in your Static CMS config.yml file. This means that content fetched in the admin UI will match the content in the repository, which may be different from your locally running site. It also means that content saved using the admin UI will save directly to the hosted repository, even if you're running the UI locally or in staging. If you want to have your local CMS write to a local repository, try the `local_backend` setting, [currently in beta](/docs/beta-features/#working-with-a-local-git-repository).
**Note**: no matter where you access Static CMS — whether running locally, in a staging environment, or in your published site — it will always fetch and commit files in your hosted repository (for example, on GitHub), on the branch you configured in your Static CMS config.yml file. This means that content fetched in the admin UI will match the content in the repository, which may be different from your locally running site. It also means that content saved using the admin UI will save directly to the hosted repository, even if you're running the UI locally or in staging. If you want to have your local CMS write to a local repository, [try the local_backend setting](/docs/local-backend).
## Media and Public Folders
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ Media library integrations are configured via the `media_library` property, and
title: uploadcare
name: uploadcare
publicKey: demopublickey
@ -99,9 +98,7 @@ logo_url: https://your-site.com/images/logo.svg
## Locale
The CMS locale.
Defaults to `en`.
The CMS locale. Defaults to `en`.
Other languages than English must be registered manually.
@ -127,8 +124,7 @@ When a translation for the selected locale is missing the English one will be us
## Search
The search functionally requires loading all collection(s) entries, which can exhaust rate limits on large repositories.
It can be disabled by setting the top level `search` property to `false`.
The search functionally requires loading all collection(s) entries, which can exhaust rate limits on large repositories. It can be disabled by setting the top level `search` property to `false`.
Defaults to `true`
@ -167,217 +163,4 @@ slug:
The `collections` setting is the heart of your Static CMS configuration, as it determines how content types and editor fields in the UI generate files and content in your repository. Each collection you configure displays in the left sidebar of the Content page of the editor UI, in the order they are entered into your Static CMS `config.yml` file.
`collections` accepts a list of collection objects, each with the following options:
* `name` (required): unique identifier for the collection, used as the key when referenced in other contexts (like the [relation widget](/docs/widgets/#relation))
* `identifier_field`: see detailed description below
* `label`: label for the collection in the editor UI; defaults to the value of `name`
* `label_singular`: singular label for certain elements in the editor; defaults to the value of `label`
* `description`: optional text, displayed below the label when viewing a collection
* `files` or `folder` (requires one of these): specifies the collection type and location; details in [Collection Types](/docs/collection-types)
* `filter`: optional filter for `folder` collections; details in [Collection Types](/docs/collection-types)
* `create`: for `folder` collections only; `true` allows users to create new items in the collection; defaults to `false`
* `hide`: `true` hides a collection in the CMS UI; defaults to `false`. Useful when using the relation widget to hide referenced collections.
* `delete`: `false` prevents users from deleting items in a collection; defaults to `true`
* `extension`: see detailed description below
* `format`: see detailed description below
* `frontmatter_delimiter`: see detailed description under `format`
* `slug`: see detailed description below
* `preview_path`: see detailed description below
* `preview_path_date_field`: see detailed description below
* `fields` (required): see detailed description below
* `editor`: see detailed description below
* `summary`: see detailed description below
* `sortable_fields`: see detailed description below
* `view_filters`: see detailed description below
* `view_groups`: see detailed description below
The last few options require more detailed information.
### `identifier_field`
Static CMS expects every entry to provide a field named `"title"` that serves as an identifier for the entry. The identifier field serves as an entry's title when viewing a list of entries, and is used in [slug](#slug) creation. If you would like to use a field other than `"title"` as the identifier, you can set `identifier_field` to the name of the other field.
- title: posts
identifier_field: name
### `extension` and `format`
These settings determine how collection files are parsed and saved. Both are optional—Static CMS will attempt to infer your settings based on existing items in the collection. If your collection is empty, or you'd like more control, you can set these fields explicitly.
`extension` determines the file extension searched for when finding existing entries in a folder collection and it determines the file extension used to save new collection items. It accepts the following values: `yml`, `yaml`, `toml`, `json`, `md`, `markdown`, `html`.
You may also specify a custom `extension` not included in the list above, as long as the collection files can be parsed and saved in one of the supported formats below.
`format` determines how collection files are parsed and saved. It will be inferred if the `extension` field or existing collection file extensions match one of the supported extensions above. It accepts the following values:
* `yml` or `yaml`: parses and saves files as YAML-formatted data files; saves with `yml` extension by default
* `toml`: parses and saves files as TOML-formatted data files; saves with `toml` extension by default
* `json`: parses and saves files as JSON-formatted data files; saves with `json` extension by default
* `frontmatter`: parses files and saves files with data frontmatter followed by an unparsed body text (edited using a `body` field); saves with `md` extension by default; default for collections that can't be inferred. Collections with `frontmatter` format (either inferred or explicitly set) can parse files with frontmatter in YAML, TOML, or JSON format. However, they will be saved with YAML frontmatter.
* `yaml-frontmatter`: same as the `frontmatter` format above, except frontmatter will be both parsed and saved only as YAML, followed by unparsed body text. The default delimiter for this option is `---`.
* `toml-frontmatter`: same as the `frontmatter` format above, except frontmatter will be both parsed and saved only as TOML, followed by unparsed body text. The default delimiter for this option is `+++`.
* `json-frontmatter`: same as the `frontmatter` format above, except frontmatter will be both parsed and saved as JSON, followed by unparsed body text. The default delimiter for this option is `{` `}`.
### `frontmatter_delimiter`
If you have an explicit frontmatter format declared, this option allows you to specify a custom delimiter like `~~~`. If you need different beginning and ending delimiters, you can use an array like `["(", ")"]`.
### `slug`
For folder collections where users can create new items, the `slug` option specifies a template for generating new filenames based on a file's creation date and `title` field. (This means that all collections with `create: true` must have a `title` field (a different field can be used via [`identifier_field`](#identifier_field)).
The slug template can also reference a field value by name, eg. `{{title}}`. If a field name conflicts with a built in template tag name - for example, if you have a field named `slug`, and would like to reference that field via `{{slug}}`, you can do so by adding the explicit `fields.` prefix, eg. `{{fields.slug}}`.
**Available template tags:**
* Any field can be referenced by wrapping the field name in double curly braces, eg. `{{author}}`
* `{{slug}}`: a url-safe version of the `title` field (or identifier field) for the file
* `{{year}}`: 4-digit year of the file creation date
* `{{month}}`: 2-digit month of the file creation date
* `{{day}}`: 2-digit day of the month of the file creation date
* `{{hour}}`: 2-digit hour of the file creation date
* `{{minute}}`: 2-digit minute of the file creation date
* `{{second}}`: 2-digit second of the file creation date
slug: "{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}_{{slug}}"
**Example using field names:**
slug: "{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}_{{title}}_{{some_other_field}}"
**Example using field name that conflicts with a template tag:**
slug: "{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}_{{fields.slug}}"
### `fields`
The `fields` option maps editor UI widgets to field-value pairs in the saved file. The order of the fields in your Static CMS `config.yml` file determines their order in the editor UI and in the saved file.
`fields` accepts a list of collection objects, each with the following options:
* `name` (required): unique identifier for the field, used as the key when referenced in other contexts (like the [relation widget](/docs/widgets/#relation))
* `label`: label for the field in the editor UI; defaults to the value of `name`
* `widget`: defines editor UI and inputs and file field data types; details in [Widgets](/docs/widgets)
* `default`: specify a default value for a field; available for most widget types (see [Widgets](/docs/widgets) for details on each widget type). Please note that field default value only works for folder collection type.
* `required`: specify as `false` to make a field optional; defaults to `true`
* `pattern`: add field validation by specifying a list with a regex pattern and an error message; more extensive validation can be achieved with [custom widgets](/docs/custom-widgets/#advanced-field-validation)
* `comment`: optional comment to add before the field (only supported for `yaml`)
In files with frontmatter, one field should be named `body`. This special field represents the section of the document (usually markdown) that comes after the frontmatter.
- label: "Title"
title: "title"
widget: "string"
pattern: ['.{20,}', "Must have at least 20 characters"]
- {label: "Layout", title: "layout", widget: "hidden", default: "blog"}
- {label: "Featured Image", title: "thumbnail", widget: "image", required: false}
- {label: "Body", title: "body", widget: "markdown"}
comment: 'This is a multiline\ncomment'
### `editor`
This setting changes options for the editor view of a collection or a file inside a files collection. It has one option so far:
* `preview`: set to `false` to disable the preview pane for this collection or file; defaults to `true`
preview: false
**Note**: Setting this as a top level configuration will set the default for all collections
### `summary`
This setting allows the customization of the collection list view. Similar to the `slug` field, a string with templates can be used to include values of different fields, e.g. `{{title}}`. This option over-rides the default of `title` field and `identifier_field`.
**Available template tags:**
Template tags are the same as those for [slug](#slug), with the following additions:
* `{{dirname}}` The path to the file's parent directory, relative to the collection's `folder`.
* `{{filename}}` The file name without the extension part.
* `{{extension}}` The file extension.
* `{{commit_date}}` The file commit date on supported backends (git based backends).
* `{{commit_author}}` The file author date on supported backends (git based backends).
summary: "Version: {{version}} - {{title}}"
### `sortable_fields`
An optional list of sort fields to show in the UI.
Defaults to inferring `title`, `date`, `author` and `description` fields and will also show `Update On` sort field in git based backends.
When `author` field can't be inferred commit author will be used.
# use dot notation for nested fields
sortable_fields: ['commit_date', 'title', 'commit_author', 'language.en']
### `view_filters`
An optional list of predefined view filters to show in the UI.
Defaults to an empty list.
- label: "Alice's and Bob's Posts"
field: author
pattern: 'Alice|Bob'
- label: 'Posts published in 2020'
field: date
pattern: '2020'
- label: Drafts
field: draft
pattern: true
### `view_groups`
An optional list of predefined view groups to show in the UI.
Defaults to an empty list.
- label: Year
field: date
# groups items based on the value matched by the pattern
pattern: \d{4}
- label: Drafts
field: draft
`collections` accepts a list of collection objects. See [Collections](/docs/collection-overview) for details.