feat: v4.0.0 (#1016)
Co-authored-by: Denys Konovalov <kontakt@denyskon.de> Co-authored-by: Mathieu COSYNS <64072917+Mathieu-COSYNS@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
committed by
@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import type { BaseField, Collection, Field } from '@staticcms/core/interface';
import type {
} from '@staticcms/core';
export const createMockCollection = <EF extends BaseField>(
export const createMockFolderCollection = <EF extends BaseField>(
extra: Partial<Collection<EF>> = {},
...fields: Field<EF>[]
): Collection<EF> => ({
): FolderCollection<EF> => ({
name: 'mock_collection',
label: 'Mock Collections',
label_singular: 'Mock Collection',
@ -29,3 +39,67 @@ export const createMockCollection = <EF extends BaseField>(
export const createMockFolderCollectionWithDefaults = <EF extends BaseField>(
extra: Partial<CollectionWithDefaults<EF>> = {},
...fields: Field<EF>[]
): FolderCollectionWithDefaults<EF> => ({
...createMockFolderCollection(extra, ...fields),
i18n: extra.i18n,
export const createMockCollectionFile = <EF extends BaseField>(
extra: Partial<CollectionFile<EF>> = {},
...fields: Field<EF>[]
): CollectionFile<EF> => ({
name: 'mock_collection',
label: 'Mock Collections',
label_singular: 'Mock Collection',
file: 'mock_collection.md',
'The description is a great place for tone setting, high level information, and editing guidelines that are specific to a collection.\n',
fields: [
label: 'Title',
name: 'title',
widget: 'string',
export const createMockCollectionFileWithDefaults = <EF extends BaseField>(
extra: Partial<CollectionFileWithDefaults<EF>> = {},
...fields: Field<EF>[]
): CollectionFileWithDefaults<EF> => ({
...createMockCollectionFile(extra, ...fields),
i18n: extra.i18n,
export const createMockFilesCollection = <EF extends BaseField>(
extra: Omit<Partial<FilesCollection<EF>>, 'files'> & Pick<FilesCollection<EF>, 'files'>,
): FilesCollection<EF> => ({
name: 'mock_collection',
label: 'Mock Collections',
label_singular: 'Mock Collection',
'The description is a great place for tone setting, high level information, and editing guidelines that are specific to a collection.\n',
summary: '{{title}}',
sortable_fields: {
fields: ['title'],
default: {
field: 'title',
export const createMockFilesCollectionWithDefaults = <EF extends BaseField>(
extra: Omit<Partial<FilesCollectionWithDefaults<EF>>, 'files'> &
Pick<FilesCollectionWithDefaults<EF>, 'files'>,
): FilesCollectionWithDefaults<EF> => ({
i18n: extra.i18n,
files: extra.files,
@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import { applyDefaults } from '@staticcms/core/actions/config';
import type { BaseField, Config } from '@staticcms/core';
import type { BaseField, Config, ConfigWithDefaults } from '@staticcms/core';
export const createNoDefaultsMockConfig = <EF extends BaseField>(
options: Omit<Partial<Config<EF>>, 'collections'> & Pick<Config<EF>, 'collections'>,
): Config<EF> => ({
backend: {
name: 'test-repo',
export const createMockConfig = <EF extends BaseField>(
options: Omit<Partial<Config<EF>>, 'collections'> & Pick<Config<EF>, 'collections'>,
): Config<EF> =>
): ConfigWithDefaults<EF> =>
backend: {
name: 'test-repo',
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import type { Entry } from '@staticcms/core';
import { WorkflowStatus } from '@staticcms/core/constants/publishModes';
import type { Entry, UnpublishedEntry } from '@staticcms/core';
export const createMockEntry = (
options: Omit<Partial<Entry>, 'data'> & Pick<Entry, 'data'>,
@ -14,5 +15,38 @@ export const createMockEntry = (
mediaFiles: [],
author: 'Some Person',
updatedOn: '20230-02-09T00:00:00.000Z',
openAuthoring: false,
export const createMockExpandedEntry = (
options: Omit<Partial<Entry>, 'data'> & Pick<Entry, 'data'> & { field: string },
): Entry & { field: string } => ({
collection: 'mock_collection',
slug: 'slug-value',
path: '/path/to/entry',
partial: false,
raw: JSON.stringify(options.data),
label: 'Entry',
isModification: false,
mediaFiles: [],
author: 'Some Person',
updatedOn: '20230-02-09T00:00:00.000Z',
openAuthoring: false,
export const createMockUnpublishedEntry = (
options: Partial<UnpublishedEntry>,
): UnpublishedEntry => ({
slug: 'unpublished-entry.md',
collection: 'posts',
status: WorkflowStatus.DRAFT,
diffs: [
{ id: 'index.md', path: 'src/posts/index.md', newFile: false },
{ id: 'netlify.png', path: 'netlify.png', newFile: true },
updatedAt: '20230-02-09T00:00:00.000Z',
openAuthoring: false,
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import type {
} from '@staticcms/core';
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ export const mockMarkdownField: MarkdownField = {
label: 'Body',
name: 'body',
widget: 'markdown',
hint: 'Main content goes here.',
hint: '*Main* __content__ __*goes*__ [here](https://example.com/).',
export const mockNumberField: NumberField = {
@ -92,13 +93,13 @@ export const mockSelectField: SelectField = {
options: ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
export const mockStringField: StringOrTextField = {
export const mockStringField: StringField = {
label: 'String',
name: 'mock_string',
widget: 'string',
export const mockTextField: StringOrTextField = {
export const mockTextField: TextField = {
label: 'Text',
name: 'mock_text',
widget: 'text',
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import { createMockCollection } from './collections.mock';
import { applyDefaults } from '@staticcms/core/actions/config';
import { createMockFolderCollection } from './collections.mock';
import { createMockConfig } from './config.mock';
import { createMockEntry } from './entry.mock';
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ export const createMockWidgetControlProps = <T, F extends BaseField = UnknownFie
const value = rawValue ?? null;
const collection = rawCollection ?? createMockCollection({}, options.field);
const collection = rawCollection ?? createMockFolderCollection({}, options.field);
const config = rawConfig ?? createMockConfig({ collections: [collection] });
const entry = rawEntry ?? createMockEntry({ data: { [options.field.name]: value } });
@ -44,10 +45,12 @@ export const createMockWidgetControlProps = <T, F extends BaseField = UnknownFie
rawFieldsErrors ?? (rawErrors ? { [`${path}.${options.field.name}`]: errors } : {});
const hasErrors = Boolean(rawErrors && rawErrors.length > 0);
const configWithDefaults = applyDefaults(config);
return {
label: 'Mock Widget',
config: configWithDefaults,
collection: configWithDefaults.collections[0],
collectionFile: undefined,
@ -64,7 +67,6 @@ export const createMockWidgetControlProps = <T, F extends BaseField = UnknownFie
i18n: undefined,
duplicate: false,
controlled: false,
theme: 'light',
onChange: jest.fn(),
clearChildValidation: jest.fn(),
query: jest.fn(),
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { store } from '@staticcms/core/store';
import { createMockWidgetControlProps } from '@staticcms/test/data/widgets.mock';
import { renderWithProviders } from '@staticcms/test/test-utils';
import type { BaseField, UnknownField, WidgetControlProps } from '@staticcms/core/interface';
import type { BaseField, ObjectValue, UnknownField, WidgetControlProps } from '@staticcms/core';
import type { FC } from 'react';
export interface WidgetControlHarnessOptions {
@ -15,16 +15,39 @@ export interface WidgetControlHarnessOptions {
withMediaLibrary?: boolean;
export type WidgetControlHarnessParams<T, F extends BaseField = UnknownField> = Parameters<
typeof createMockWidgetControlProps<T, F>
export type WidgetControlHarnessProps<T, F extends BaseField = UnknownField> = Omit<
WidgetControlHarnessParams<T, F>,
> &
Pick<Partial<WidgetControlHarnessParams<T, F>>, 'field'>;
export interface WidgetControlHarnessReturn<T, F extends BaseField = UnknownField>
extends Omit<ReturnType<typeof renderWithProviders>, 'rerender'> {
rerender: (rerenderProps?: Omit<WidgetControlHarnessProps<T, F>, 'field'> | undefined) => {
props: Omit<WidgetControlHarnessProps<T, F>, 'field'> | undefined;
store: typeof store;
props: WidgetControlProps<T, F, ObjectValue>;
export type WidgetControlHarness<T, F extends BaseField = UnknownField> = (
renderProps?: WidgetControlHarnessProps<T, F>,
renderOptions?: WidgetControlHarnessOptions,
) => WidgetControlHarnessReturn<T, F>;
export const createWidgetControlHarness = <T, F extends BaseField = UnknownField>(
Component: FC<WidgetControlProps<T, F>>,
defaults: Omit<Partial<WidgetControlProps<T, F>>, 'field'> &
Pick<WidgetControlProps<T, F>, 'field'>,
options?: WidgetControlHarnessOptions,
) => {
type Params = Parameters<typeof createMockWidgetControlProps<T, F>>[0];
type Props = Omit<Params, 'field'> & Pick<Partial<Params>, 'field'>;
return (renderProps?: Props, renderOptions?: WidgetControlHarnessOptions) => {
): WidgetControlHarness<T, F> => {
return (
renderProps?: WidgetControlHarnessProps<T, F>,
renderOptions?: WidgetControlHarnessOptions,
) => {
const { useFakeTimers = false, withMediaLibrary = false } = renderOptions ?? options ?? {};
if (useFakeTimers) {
jest.useFakeTimers({ now: new Date(2023, 1, 12, 10, 15, 35, 0) });
@ -49,7 +72,7 @@ export const createWidgetControlHarness = <T, F extends BaseField = UnknownField
const rerender = (rerenderProps?: Omit<Props, 'field'>) => {
const rerender = (rerenderProps?: Omit<WidgetControlHarnessProps<T, F>, 'field'>) => {
const finalRerenderProps = {
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import { isNotNullish } from '@staticcms/core/lib/util/null.util';
export const createMockRequest = <T>(
status: number,
data: {
@ -35,44 +37,87 @@ export const createMockRequest = <T>(
} as Response;
export type FetchMethod = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'HEAD';
export type QueryCheckFunc = (query: URLSearchParams) => boolean;
export interface RequestData {
query: string | true | QueryCheckFunc;
response: MockResponse<unknown> | MockResponseFunc<unknown>;
limit?: number;
used?: number;
export type ReplyFunc = <T>(response: MockResponse<T> | MockResponseFunc<T>) => void;
export type RepeatFunc = (limit: number) => { reply: ReplyFunc };
export interface MockFetch {
baseUrl: string;
mocks: Record<string, Response>;
when: (url: string) => {
reply: <T>(
status: number,
data: {
json?: T;
text?: string;
options?: {
contentType?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
) => void;
mocks: Record<string, Partial<Record<FetchMethod, RequestData[]>>>;
when: (
method: FetchMethod,
url: string,
) => {
query: (query: string | true | QueryCheckFunc) => { reply: ReplyFunc; repeat: RepeatFunc };
repeat: RepeatFunc;
reply: ReplyFunc;
reset: () => void;
export interface MockResponse<T> {
status: number;
json?: T;
text?: string;
contentType?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
export type MockResponseFunc<T> = (url: string) => MockResponse<T> | Promise<MockResponse<T>>;
const mockFetch = (baseUrl: string): MockFetch => {
const mockedFetch: MockFetch = {
mocks: {},
when(this: MockFetch, url: string) {
// eslint-disable-next-line object-shorthand
when: function (this: MockFetch, method: FetchMethod, url: string) {
const reply =
(query: string | true | QueryCheckFunc = '') =>
(limit?: number) =>
<T>(response: MockResponse<T> | MockResponseFunc<T>) => {
const fullUrl = `${baseUrl}${url}`;
if (!(fullUrl in this.mocks)) {
this.mocks[fullUrl] = {};
if (!(method in this.mocks[fullUrl])) {
this.mocks[fullUrl][method] = [];
const repeat =
(query: string | true | QueryCheckFunc = '') =>
(limit: number) => {
return {
reply: reply(query)(limit),
return {
reply: <T>(
status: number,
data: {
json?: T;
text?: string;
options?: {
contentType?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
) => {
this.mocks[`${baseUrl}${url}`] = createMockRequest(status, data, options);
query: (query: string | true | QueryCheckFunc) => {
return {
repeat: repeat(query),
reply: reply(query)(),
repeat: repeat(),
reply: reply()(),
reset(this: MockFetch) {
@ -80,9 +125,66 @@ const mockFetch = (baseUrl: string): MockFetch => {
global.fetch = jest.fn().mockImplementation((url: string) => {
return Promise.resolve(mockedFetch.mocks[url.split('?')[0]]);
global.fetch = jest
.mockImplementation(async (fullUrl: string, { method = 'GET' }: { method: FetchMethod }) => {
const [url, ...rest] = fullUrl.split('?');
const query = rest.length > 0 ? rest[0] : '';
const mockResponses = [...(mockedFetch.mocks[url]?.[method] ?? [])];
if (!mockResponses) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
for (let i = 0; i < mockResponses.length; i++) {
const mockResponse = mockResponses[i];
const limit = mockResponse.limit;
const used = mockResponse.used ?? 0;
if (isNotNullish(limit)) {
if (used >= limit) {
if (isNotNullish(mockResponse.query) && mockResponse.query !== true) {
if (typeof mockResponse.query === 'string') {
if (mockResponse.query !== query) {
} else if (!mockResponse.query(new URLSearchParams(query))) {
let responseData = mockResponse.response;
if (typeof responseData === 'function') {
responseData = await responseData(fullUrl);
const response = createMockRequest(
json: responseData.json,
text: responseData.text,
contentType: responseData.contentType,
headers: responseData.headers,
mockedFetch.mocks[url][method]![i] = {
used: used + 1,
return Promise.resolve(response);
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
return mockedFetch;
@ -10,7 +10,24 @@ if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
navigator: {
platform: 'Win',
matchMedia: () => ({
matches: false,
global.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn();
Object.defineProperty(window, 'matchMedia', {
writable: true,
value: jest.fn().mockImplementation(query => ({
matches: false,
media: query,
onchange: null,
addListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated
removeListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated
addEventListener: jest.fn(),
removeEventListener: jest.fn(),
dispatchEvent: jest.fn(),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user