Update github and bitbucket docs

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Lautzenheiser
2022-11-01 16:00:23 -04:00
parent 88631d067d
commit 763f33ef5e
17 changed files with 23 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ For GitHub and GitLab repositories, you can start your Static CMS `config.yml` f
title: git-gateway
branch: master # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
_(For Bitbucket repositories, use the [Bitbucket backend](/docs/bitbucket-backend) instructions instead.)_
The configuration above specifies your backend protocol and your publication branch. Git Gateway is an open source API that acts as a proxy between authenticated users of your site and your site repo. (We'll get to the details of that in the [Authentication section](#authentication) below.) If you leave out the `branch` declaration, it defaults to `master`.
The configuration above specifies your backend protocol and your publication branch. Git Gateway is an open source API that acts as a proxy between authenticated users of your site and your site repo. (We'll get to the details of that in the [Authentication section](#authentication) below.) If you leave out the `branch` declaration, it defaults to `main`.
### Media and Public Folders

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@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ For GitHub and GitLab repositories, you can start your Static CMS `config.yml` f
title: git-gateway
branch: master # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
_(For Bitbucket repositories, use the [Bitbucket backend](/docs/bitbucket-backend) instructions instead.)_
The configuration above specifies your backend protocol and your publication branch. Git Gateway is an open source API that acts as a proxy between authenticated users of your site and your site repo. (We'll get to the details of that in the [Authentication section](#authentication) below.) If you leave out the `branch` declaration, it defaults to `master`.
The configuration above specifies your backend protocol and your publication branch. Git Gateway is an open source API that acts as a proxy between authenticated users of your site and your site repo. (We'll get to the details of that in the [Authentication section](#authentication) below.) If you leave out the `branch` declaration, it defaults to `main`.
### Media and Public Folders

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Individual backends should provide their own configuration documentation, but th
| Field | Default | Description |
| --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `repo` | none | **Required** for `github`, `gitlab`, and `bitbucket` backends; ignored by `git-gateway`. Follows the pattern `[org-or-username]/[repo-name]`. |
| `branch` | `master` | The branch where published content is stored. All CMS commits and PRs are made to this branch. |
| `branch` | `main` | The branch where published content is stored. All CMS commits and PRs are made to this branch. |
| `api_root` | `https://api.github.com` (GitHub), `https://gitlab.com/api/v4` (GitLab), or `https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0` (Bitbucket) | The API endpoint. Only necessary in certain cases, like with GitHub Enterprise or self-hosted GitLab. |
| `site_domain` | `location.hostname` (or `cms.netlify.com` when on `localhost`) | Sets the `site_id` query param sent to the API endpoint. Non-Netlify auth setups will often need to set this for local development to work properly. |
| `base_url` | `https://api.netlify.com` (GitHub, Bitbucket) or `https://gitlab.com` (GitLab) | OAuth client hostname (just the base domain, no path). **Required** when using an external OAuth server or self-hosted GitLab. |

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@ -15,21 +15,3 @@ To enable it:
title: bitbucket
repo: owner-name/repo-name # Path to your Bitbucket repository
## Client-Side Implicit Grant
With Bitbucket's Implicit Grant, users can authenticate with Bitbucket directly from the client. To do this:
1. Follow the [Atlassian docs](https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/oauth-on-bitbucket-cloud-238027431.html) to create an OAuth consumer. Make sure you allow `Account/Read` and `Repository/Write` permissions. For the **Callback URL**, enter the address where you access Static CMS, for example, `https://www.mysite.com/admin/`.
2. Bitbucket gives you a **Key**. Copy this Key and enter it in your Static CMS `config.yml` file, along with the following settings:
title: bitbucket
repo: owner-name/repo-name
branch: default
auth_type: implicit
app_id: # The Key from your Bitbucket settings
**Warning:** With Bitbucket implicit grant, the authentication is valid for 1 hour only. After that, the user has to login again, **which can lead to data loss** if the expiration occurs while content is being edited.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Alternatively, you can specify a custom config file using a link tag:
<link href="path/to/config.yml" type="text/yaml" rel="cms-config-url">
To see working configuration examples, you can [start from a template](/docs/start-with-a-template) or check out the [CMS demo site](https://cms-demo.netlify.com). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each option was configured.
To see working configuration examples, you can [start from a template](/docs/start-with-a-template) or check out the [CMS demo site](https://cms-demo.netlify.com). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each option was configured.
You can find details about all configuration options below. Note that [YAML syntax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Basic_components) allows lists and objects to be written in block or inline style, and the code samples below include a mix of both.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ weight: 20
We're hoping that Static CMS will do for the [Jamstack](https://www.jamstack.org) what WordPress did for dynamic sites back in the day. We know we can't do that without building a thriving community of contributors and users, and we'd love to have you join us.
## Getting started with contributing
Being a developer is not a requirement for contributing to Static CMS, you only need the desire, a web browser, and a [GitHub account](https://github.com/join). The GitHub repo has a step-by-step [guide](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started with the code.
Being a developer is not a requirement for contributing to Static CMS, you only need the desire, a web browser, and a [GitHub account](https://github.com/join). The GitHub repo has a step-by-step [guide](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started with the code.
## The basics of the Static CMS docs
The documentation for Static CMS is written in [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) (a good cheatsheet on Markdown is [here](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet)), with the source residing on [GitHub](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms) in the `/website/content/docs` folder.
@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ A [style guide](/docs/writing-style-guide/) is available to help provide context
## Filing issues
If you have a GitHub account, you can file an [issue](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/issues) (aka bug report) against the Static CMS docs. Even if you're not able to, or don't know how to, fix the issue (see [Improve existing content](#improve-existing-content)), it helps to start the conversation.
When filing an issue, it is important to remember the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
When filing an issue, it is important to remember the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
## Improve existing content
If you are able to offer up a change to existing content, we welcome this. Once you've forked the repo, and changed the content, you would file a pull request (PR). The repo [Contributing file](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) lays out the correct format for PRs.
If you are able to offer up a change to existing content, we welcome this. Once you've forked the repo, and changed the content, you would file a pull request (PR). The repo [Contributing file](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) lays out the correct format for PRs.
## Other places to get involved
While we work on building this page (and you can help!), here are some links with more information about getting involved:
* [Setup instructions and Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
* [Setup instructions and Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md)
* [Join our Community Chat](/chat)
* [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
* [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
* [Project Milestones](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/milestones)
* [Good First Issues](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22+-label%3Aclaimed)

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@ -8,28 +8,3 @@ Do you have a great, open source example? Submit a pull request to this page!
Example | Tools | Type | Source | More info |
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
[Gatsby & Static CMS Meetup Group Template](https://github.com/robertcoopercode/gatsby-netlify-cms) | Gatsby | demo | [robertcoopercode/gatsby-netlify-cms](https://github.com/robertcoopercode/gatsby-netlify-cms) | [blog post](https://blog.logrocket.com/gatsby-netlify-cms-a-perfect-pairing-d50d59d16f67)
[This Developing Journey](https://briandouglas.me) | middleman | blog | [bdougie/blog](https://github.com/bdougie/blog) | [blog post](https://www.netlify.com/blog/2017/04/20/creating-a-blog-with-middleman-and-netlify-cms/)
[Jamstack Recipes](https://jamstack-cms.netlify.com) | Hugo, Azure | demo | [hlaueriksson/jamstack-cms](https://github.com/hlaueriksson/jamstack-cms) | [blog post](http://conductofcode.io/post/managing-content-for-a-jamstack-site-with-netlify-cms/)
[Bael](https://bael-theme.jake101.com/) | Vue, Nuxt | blog | [jake-101/bael-template](https://github.com/jake-101/bael-template) | [blog post](https://bael-theme.jake101.com/blog/2018-06-19-top-10-reasons-why)
[Forest Garden Wales](https://www.forestgarden.wales/) | Hugo | blog | [forestgardenwales/forestgarden.wales](https://github.com/forestgardenwales/forestgarden.wales) | [blog post](https://www.forestgarden.wales/blog/now-using-netlify-cms/)
[Jekyll Demo](https://jekyll-netlifycms.netlify.com/) | Jekyll, Gulp | demo | [NickStees/jekyll-cms](https://github.com/NickStees/jekyll-cms) | [read me](https://github.com/NickStees/jekyll-cms)
[Jekyll feat Alembic Theme Demo](https://alembic-kit-demo.netlify.com/) | Jekyll | demo | [DavidDarnes/alembic-netlifycms-kit](https://github.com/daviddarnes/alembic-netlifycms-kit) | [read me](https://github.com/daviddarnes/alembic-netlifycms-kit#starter-kit-for-alembic-with-netlify-cms)
[Eleventy Starter Project](https://eleventy-netlify-boilerplate.netlify.com/) | Eleventy | demo | [danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate](https://github.com/danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate) | [read me](https://github.com/danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate)
[YellowCake - Complete website with blog](https://yellowcake.netlify.com) | Gatsby, Netlify-CMS, Uploadcare | demo | [thriveweb/yellowcake](https://github.com/thriveweb/yellowcake/) | [blog post](https://thriveweb.com.au/the-lab/yellowcake-gatsby-react-js-starter-project/)
[Vue.js - Nuxt.js Starter Project](https://github.com/renestalder/nuxt-netlify-cms-starter-template) | Vue, Nuxt | demo | [renestalder/nuxt-netlify-cms-starter-template](https://github.com/renestalder/nuxt-netlify-cms-starter-template) | [read me](https://github.com/renestalder/nuxt-netlify-cms-starter-template)
[Hexo Demo](https://hexocms.imst.xyz/) | Hexo | demo | [DemoMacro/Hexo-NetlifyCMS](https://github.com/DemoMacro/Hexo-NetlifyCMS) | [read me](https://github.com/DemoMacro/Hexo-NetlifyCMS)
[Gitbook Demo](https://gitbook.imst.xyz/) | Gitbook | demo | [DemoMacro/Gitbook-NetlifyCMS](https://github.com/DemoMacro/Gitbook-NetlifyCMS) | [read me](https://github.com/DemoMacro/Gitbook-NetlifyCMS)
[VuePress Demo](https://vuepress.imst.xyz/) | VuePress | demo | [DemoMacro/VuePress-NetlifyCMS](https://github.com/DemoMacro/VuePress-NetlifyCMS) | [read me](https://github.com/DemoMacro/VuePress-NetlifyCMS)
[Jigsaw Blog Starter Template Demo](https://jigsaw-blog-netlify-netlifycms-template.netlify.com/) | Jigsaw | demo | [erickpatrick/jigsaw-blog-netlify-netlifycms-template](https://github.com/erickpatrick/jigsaw-blog-netlify-netlifycms-template) | [blog post](https://www.erickpatrick.net/blog/augmenting-tightenco-jigsaw-with-netlifycms/)
[Nuxt & NetlifyCMS Boilerplate](https://nuxt-netlifycms-boilerplate.netlify.com/) | Vue, Nuxt | demo | [tylermercer/nuxt-netlifycms-boilerplate](https://github.com/tylermercer/nuxt-netlifycms-boilerplate) | [read me](https://github.com/tylermercer/nuxt-netlifycms-boilerplate)
[Next.js demo](https://netlifycms-nextjs.netlify.com) | Next.js | blog | [masives/netlifycms-nextjs](https://github.com/masives/netlifycms-nextjs) | [read me](https://github.com/masives/netlifycms-nextjs)
[Delog - Jamstack Blog with Static CMS](https://delog-w3layouts.netlify.com/) | Gatsby, Netlify-CMS | demo | [W3Layouts/gatsby-starter-delog](https://github.com/W3Layouts/gatsby-starter-delog) | [blog post](https://w3layouts.com/articles/delog-gatsby-starter-netlify-cms/)
[Static CMS template for Gridsome](https://netlifycms-gridsome.suits.at/) | Gridsome, Vue | demo | [suits-at/netlifycms-gridsome](https://github.com/suits-at/netlifycms-gridsome) | [read me](https://github.com/suits-at/netlifycms-gridsome)
[Next.js blogging template for Netlify](https://nextjs-netlify-blog-template.netlify.app/) | Next.js, Netlify | blog | [wutali/nextjs-netlify-blog-template](https://github.com/wutali/nextjs-netlify-blog-template) | [read me](https://github.com/wutali/nextjs-netlify-blog-template)
[Static CMS and OAuth server on AWS](https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth) | Netlify, Pulumi, AWS | blog | [pulumi/examples/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth](https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth) | [blog post](https://www.pulumi.com/blog/deploying-the-infrastructure-of-oauth-server-for-cms-app/)
[Eleventy Starter Boilerplate](https://creativedesignsguru.com/demo/Eleventy-Starter-Boilerplate/eleventy-starter-boilerplate-presentation/) | Eleventy, Netlify | demo | [ixartz/Eleventy-Starter-Boilerplate](https://github.com/ixartz/Eleventy-Starter-Boilerplate) | [read me](https://github.com/ixartz/Eleventy-Starter-Boilerplate)
[Nuxt, Tailwind & NetlifyCMS Boilerplate](https://ntn-boilerplate.netlify.app/) | Vue, Nuxt | demo | [Knogobert/ntn-boilerplate](https://github.com/Knogobert/ntn-boilerplate) | [read me](https://github.com/Knogobert/ntn-boilerplate#readme)
[Gatsby & Static CMS Personal Portfolio](https://kind-mestorf-5a2bc0.netlify.com/) | Gatsby | portfolio | [EarlGeorge/React-Gatsby](https://github.com/EarlGeorge/React-Gatsby) | [read me](https://github.com/EarlGeorge/React-Gatsby/blob/master/README.md)
[Gatsby, Tailwind CSS & NetlifyCMS Starter](https://infallible-varahamihira-058515.netlify.app/) | Gatsby v3, Netlify-CMS, Tailwind CSS | demo | [jimmybutton/gatsby-netlifycms-tailwind-starter](https://github.com/jimmybutton/gatsby-netlifycms-tailwind-starter) | [read me](https://github.com/jimmybutton/gatsby-netlifycms-tailwind-starter#readme)
[Metalsmith NetlifyCMS Starter](https://metalsmith-netlify-starter.netlify.app/) | Metalsmith and Netlify-CMS | demo | [metalsmith-netlify-starter](https://github.com/wernerglinka/metalsmith-netlify-starter) | [read me](https://github.com/wernerglinka/metalsmith-netlify-starter#readme)

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ In your `config.yml` file paste the following configuration:
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: static/img
public_folder: /img

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ weight: 30
For repositories stored on GitHub, the `github` backend allows CMS users to log in directly with their GitHub account. Note that all users must have push access to your content repository for this to work.
Because Github [requires a server](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/issues/663#issuecomment-335023723) for authentication, Netlify facilitates basic GitHub authentication.
Because Github requires a server for authentication, Netlify facilitates basic GitHub authentication.
To enable basic GitHub authentication:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ To enable basic GitHub authentication:
title: github
repo: owner-name/repo-name # Path to your GitHub repository
# optional, defaults to master
# optional, defaults to main
# branch: main

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@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Your `config.yml` for GitHub should look like this:
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: "static/uploads"
public_folder: "/uploads"

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@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ In the `config.yml` file, you can add this basic configuration — you can custo
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: static/img
public_folder: /img

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Create a file `admin/config.yml` in the root of your repo - it should look like
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: 'assets/uploads'
- title: 'blog'

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@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ For the purpose of this guide we will deploy to Netlify from a GitHub repository
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: source/images/uploads
public_folder: /images/uploads

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@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Paste the following configuration into your `public/admin/config.yml` file:
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: public/img
public_folder: img

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ For your `static/admin/config.yml` file, you can put in a basic starter config:
title: git-gateway
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to master)
branch: main # Branch to update (optional; defaults to main)
media_folder: static/img
public_folder: /img

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Widgets define the data type and interface for entry fields. Static CMS comes wi
Widgets are specified as collection fields in the Static CMS `config.yml` file. Note that [YAML syntax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Basic_components) allows lists and objects to be written in block or inline style, and the code samples below include a mix of both.
To see working examples of all of the built-in widgets, try making a 'Kitchen Sink' collection item on the [CMS demo site](https://cms-demo.netlify.com). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/master/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each field was configured.
To see working examples of all of the built-in widgets, try making a 'Kitchen Sink' collection item on the [CMS demo site](https://cms-demo.netlify.com). (No login required: click the login button and the CMS will open.) You can refer to the demo [configuration code](https://github.com/StaticJsCMS/static-cms/blob/main/dev-test/config.yml) to see how each field was configured.
## Common widget options