Feat: editorial workflow bitbucket gitlab (#3014)

* refactor: typescript the backends

* feat: support multiple files upload for GitLab and BitBucket

* fix: load entry media files from media folder or UI state

* chore: cleanup log message

* chore: code cleanup

* refactor: typescript the test backend

* refactor: cleanup getEntry unsued variables

* refactor: moved shared backend code to lib util

* chore: rename files to preserve history

* fix: bind readFile method to API classes

* test(e2e): switch to chrome in cypress tests

* refactor: extract common api methods

* refactor: remove most of immutable js usage from backends

* feat(backend-gitlab): initial editorial workflow support

* feat(backend-gitlab): implement missing workflow methods

* chore: fix lint error

* feat(backend-gitlab): support files deletion

* test(e2e): add gitlab cypress tests

* feat(backend-bitbucket): implement missing editorial workflow methods

* test(e2e): add BitBucket backend e2e tests

* build: update node version to 12 on netlify builds

* fix(backend-bitbucket): extract BitBucket avatar url

* test: fix git-gateway AuthenticationPage test

* test(e2e): fix some backend tests

* test(e2e): fix tests

* test(e2e): add git-gateway editorial workflow test

* chore: code cleanup

* test(e2e): revert back to electron

* test(e2e): add non editorial workflow tests

* fix(git-gateway-gitlab): don't call unpublishedEntry in simple workflow

gitlab git-gateway doesn't support editorial workflow APIs yet. This change makes sure not to call them in simple workflow

* refactor(backend-bitbucket): switch to diffstat API instead of raw diff

* chore: fix test

* test(e2e): add more git-gateway tests

* fix: post rebase typescript fixes

* test(e2e): fix tests

* fix: fix parsing of content key and add tests

* refactor: rename test file

* test(unit): add getStatues unit tests

* chore: update cypress

* docs: update beta docs
This commit is contained in:
Erez Rokah
2020-01-15 00:15:14 +02:00
committed by Shawn Erquhart
parent 4ff5bc2ee0
commit 6f221ab3c1
251 changed files with 70910 additions and 15974 deletions

cypress/plugins/gitlab.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
const { Gitlab } = require('gitlab');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const { updateConfig } = require('../utils/config');
const { escapeRegExp } = require('../utils/regexp');
const {
transformRecordedData: transformData,
} = require('./common');
const { merge } = require('lodash');
const { retrieveRecordedExpectations, resetMockServerState } = require('../utils/mock-server');
id: 1,
name: 'owner',
username: 'owner',
avatar_url: 'https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/7892489?v=4',
email: 'owner@email.com',
login: 'owner',
function getGitLabClient(token) {
const client = new Gitlab({
return client;
function getEnvs() {
const {
} = process.env;
if (!owner || !repo || !token) {
throw new Error(
'Please set GITLAB_REPO_OWNER, GITLAB_REPO_NAME, GITLAB_REPO_TOKEN environment variables',
return { owner, repo, token };
async function prepareTestGitLabRepo() {
const { owner, repo, token } = getEnvs();
// postfix a random string to avoid collisions
const postfix = Math.random()
const testRepoName = `${repo}-${Date.now()}-${postfix}`;
const client = getGitLabClient(token);
console.log('Creating repository', testRepoName);
await client.Projects.create({
name: testRepoName,
const tempDir = path.join('.temp', testRepoName);
await fs.remove(tempDir);
let git = getGitClient();
const repoUrl = `git@gitlab.com:${owner}/${repo}.git`;
console.log('Cloning repository', repoUrl);
await git.clone(repoUrl, tempDir);
git = getGitClient(tempDir);
console.log('Pushing to new repository', testRepoName);
await git.removeRemote('origin');
await git.addRemote('origin', `https://oauth2:${token}@gitlab.com/${owner}/${testRepoName}`);
await git.push(['-u', 'origin', 'master']);
await client.ProtectedBranches.unprotect(`${owner}/${testRepoName}`, 'master');
return { owner, repo: testRepoName, tempDir };
async function getAuthenticatedUser(token) {
const client = getGitLabClient(token);
const user = await client.Users.current();
return { ...user, token, backendName: 'gitlab' };
async function getUser() {
const { token } = getEnvs();
return getAuthenticatedUser(token);
async function deleteRepositories({ owner, repo, tempDir }) {
const { token } = getEnvs();
const errorHandler = e => {
if (e.status !== 404) {
throw e;
console.log('Deleting repository', `${owner}/${repo}`);
await fs.remove(tempDir);
let client = getGitLabClient(token);
await client.Projects.remove(`${owner}/${repo}`).catch(errorHandler);
async function resetOriginRepo({ owner, repo, tempDir }) {
console.log('Resetting origin repo:', `${owner}/${repo}`);
const { token } = getEnvs();
const client = getGitLabClient(token);
const projectId = `${owner}/${repo}`;
const mergeRequests = await client.MergeRequests.all({
state: 'opened',
const ids = mergeRequests.map(mr => mr.iid);
console.log('Closing merge requests:', ids);
await Promise.all(
ids.map(id => client.MergeRequests.edit(projectId, id, { state_event: 'close' })),
const branches = await client.Branches.all(projectId);
const toDelete = branches.filter(b => b.name !== 'master').map(b => b.name);
console.log('Deleting branches', toDelete);
await Promise.all(toDelete.map(branch => client.Branches.remove(projectId, branch)));
console.log('Resetting master');
const git = getGitClient(tempDir);
await git.push(['--force', 'origin', 'master']);
console.log('Done resetting origin repo:', `${owner}/${repo}`);
async function resetRepositories({ owner, repo, tempDir }) {
await resetOriginRepo({ owner, repo, tempDir });
async function setupGitLab(options) {
if (process.env.RECORD_FIXTURES) {
console.log('Running tests in "record" mode - live data with be used!');
const [user, repoData] = await Promise.all([getUser(), prepareTestGitLabRepo()]);
await updateConfig(config => {
merge(config, options, {
backend: {
repo: `${repoData.owner}/${repoData.repo}`,
return { ...repoData, user, mockResponses: false };
} else {
console.log('Running tests in "playback" mode - local data with be used');
await updateConfig(config => {
merge(config, options, {
backend: {
return {
user: { ...FAKE_OWNER_USER, token: GITLAB_REPO_TOKEN_SANITIZED_VALUE, backendName: 'gitlab' },
mockResponses: true,
async function teardownGitLab(taskData) {
if (process.env.RECORD_FIXTURES) {
await deleteRepositories(taskData);
return null;
async function setupGitLabTest(taskData) {
if (process.env.RECORD_FIXTURES) {
await resetRepositories(taskData);
await resetMockServerState();
return null;
const sanitizeString = (str, { owner, repo, token, ownerName }) => {
let replaced = str
.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(owner), 'g'), GITLAB_REPO_OWNER_SANITIZED_VALUE)
.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(repo), 'g'), GITLAB_REPO_NAME_SANITIZED_VALUE)
.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(token), 'g'), GITLAB_REPO_TOKEN_SANITIZED_VALUE)
new RegExp('https://secure.gravatar.+?/u/.+?v=\\d', 'g'),
if (ownerName) {
replaced = replaced.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(ownerName), 'g'), FAKE_OWNER_USER.name);
return replaced;
const transformRecordedData = (expectation, toSanitize) => {
const requestBodySanitizer = httpRequest => {
let body;
if (httpRequest.body && httpRequest.body.type === 'JSON' && httpRequest.body.json) {
const bodyObject = JSON.parse(httpRequest.body.json);
if (bodyObject.encoding === 'base64') {
// sanitize encoded data
const decodedBody = Buffer.from(bodyObject.content, 'base64').toString('binary');
const sanitizedContent = sanitizeString(decodedBody, toSanitize);
const sanitizedEncodedContent = Buffer.from(sanitizedContent, 'binary').toString('base64');
bodyObject.content = sanitizedEncodedContent;
body = JSON.stringify(bodyObject);
} else {
body = httpRequest.body.json;
} else if (httpRequest.body && httpRequest.body.type === 'STRING' && httpRequest.body.string) {
body = sanitizeString(httpRequest.body.string, toSanitize);
return body;
const responseBodySanitizer = (httpRequest, httpResponse) => {
let responseBody = null;
if (httpResponse.body && httpResponse.body.string) {
responseBody = httpResponse.body.string;
} else if (
httpResponse.body &&
httpResponse.body.type === 'BINARY' &&
) {
responseBody = {
encoding: 'base64',
content: httpResponse.body.base64Bytes,
} else if (httpResponse.body) {
responseBody = httpResponse.body;
// replace recorded user with fake one
if (
responseBody &&
httpRequest.path === '/api/v4/user' &&
) {
responseBody = JSON.stringify(FAKE_OWNER_USER);
return responseBody;
const cypressRouteOptions = transformData(
return cypressRouteOptions;
const defaultOptions = {
async function teardownGitLabTest(taskData, { transformRecordedData } = defaultOptions) {
if (process.env.RECORD_FIXTURES) {
await resetRepositories(taskData);
try {
const filename = getExpectationsFilename(taskData);
console.log('Persisting recorded data for test:', path.basename(filename));
const { owner, token } = getEnvs();
const expectations = await retrieveRecordedExpectations();
const toSanitize = {
repo: taskData.repo,
ownerName: taskData.user.name,
// transform the mock proxy recorded requests into Cypress route format
const toPersist = expectations.map(expectation =>
transformRecordedData(expectation, toSanitize),
const toPersistString = sanitizeString(JSON.stringify(toPersist, null, 2), toSanitize);
await fs.writeFile(filename, toPersistString);
} catch (e) {
await resetMockServerState();
return null;
module.exports = {