diff --git a/src/backends/backend.js b/src/backends/backend.js
index 461c52f8..33a3fc28 100644
--- a/src/backends/backend.js
+++ b/src/backends/backend.js
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import TestRepoBackend from "./test-repo/implementation";
 import GitHubBackend from "./github/implementation";
 import GitGatewayBackend from "./git-gateway/implementation";
 import { registerBackend, getBackend } from 'Lib/registry';
-import { EditorialWorkflowError } from "ValueObjects/errors";
  * Register internal backends
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ registerBackend('git-gateway', GitGatewayBackend);
 registerBackend('github', GitHubBackend);
 registerBackend('test-repo', TestRepoBackend);
 class LocalStorageAuthStore {
   storageKey = "netlify-cms-user";
@@ -42,29 +42,24 @@ class LocalStorageAuthStore {
-const validIdentifierFields = ["title", "path"];
-const getIdentifierKey = entryData => {
-  const keys = validIdentifierFields.map(field => {
-    return entryData.findKey((_, key) => {
-      return key.toLowerCase().trim() === field;
-    });
-  });
-  return keys.find(key => key !== undefined);
-const getIdentifier = entryData => {
-  const key = getIdentifierKey(entryData);
-  const identifier = entryData.get(key);
-  if (identifier === undefined) {
-    throw new Error("Collection must have a field name that is a valid entry identifier");
-  }
-  return identifier;
 const slugFormatter = (template = "{{slug}}", entryData, slugConfig) => {
   const date = new Date();
+  const getIdentifier = (entryData) => {
+    const validIdentifierFields = ["title", "path"];
+    const identifiers = validIdentifierFields.map((field) =>
+      entryData.find((_, key) => key.toLowerCase().trim() === field)
+    );
+    const identifier = identifiers.find(ident => ident !== undefined);
+    if (identifier === undefined) {
+      throw new Error("Collection must have a field name that is a valid entry identifier");
+    }
+    return identifier;
+  };
   const slug = template.replace(/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/g, (_, field) => {
     switch (field) {
       case "year":
@@ -266,37 +261,7 @@ class Backend {
     .then(this.entryWithFormat(collection, slug));
-  async checkOverwrite(collection, slug, path, entryData) {
-    const identifierKey = getIdentifierKey(entryData);
-    const identifierField = collection.get('fields').find(field => {
-      return field.get('name') === identifierKey;
-    });
-    const identifierLabel = identifierField.get('label');
-    const errorMessage = `\
-Duplicate filename found. Please ensure the ${identifierLabel} field is unique from other entries \
-in the ${collection.get('name')} collection.\
-    const existingEntry = await this.unpublishedEntry(collection, slug).catch(error => {
-      if (error instanceof EditorialWorkflowError && error.notUnderEditorialWorkflow) {
-        return Promise.resolve(false);
-      }
-      return Promise.reject(error);
-    });
-    if (existingEntry) {
-      throw new Error(errorMessage);
-    }
-    const publishedEntry = await this.implementation.getEntry(collection, slug, path)
-      .then(({ data }) => data);
-    if (publishedEntry) {
-      throw new Error(errorMessage);
-    }
-  }
-  async persistEntry(config, collection, entryDraft, MediaFiles, integrations, options = {}) {
+  persistEntry(config, collection, entryDraft, MediaFiles, integrations, options = {}) {
     const newEntry = entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "newRecord"]) || false;
     const parsedData = {
@@ -310,16 +275,12 @@ in the ${collection.get('name')} collection.\
       if (!selectAllowNewEntries(collection)) {
         throw (new Error("Not allowed to create new entries in this collection"));
-      const entryData = entryDraft.getIn(['entry', 'data']);
-      const slug = slugFormatter(collection.get('slug'), entryData, config.get('slug'));
+      const slug = slugFormatter(collection.get("slug"), entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "data"]), config.get("slug"));
       const path = selectEntryPath(collection, slug);
-      await this.checkOverwrite(collection, slug, path, entryData);
       entryObj = {
-        raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryDraft.get('entry')),
+        raw: this.entryToRaw(collection, entryDraft.get("entry")),
     } else {
       const path = entryDraft.getIn(["entry", "path"]);