feat: improve search to target single collections (#3760)

This commit is contained in:
Hannes Küttner
2020-05-18 09:52:06 +02:00
committed by GitHub
parent 72596bbbec
commit 588622adb2
15 changed files with 569 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import { login } from '../utils/steps';
const search = (term, collection) => {
cy.get('[class*=SearchInput]').clear({ force: true });
cy.get('[class*=SearchInput]').type(term, { force: true });
cy.get('[class*=SuggestionsContainer]').within(() => {
const assertSearchHeading = title => {
cy.get('[class*=SearchResultHeading]').should('have.text', title);
const assertSearchResult = (text, collection) => {
cy.get('[class*=ListCardLink]').within(() => {
if (collection) {
cy.contains('h2', collection);
cy.contains('h2', text);
const assertNotInSearch = text => {
cy.get('[class*=ListCardLink]').within(() => {
cy.contains('h2', text).should('not.exist');
describe('Search Suggestion', () => {
before(() => {
Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout', 4000);
cy.task('setupBackend', { backend: 'test' });
after(() => {
cy.task('teardownBackend', { backend: 'test' });
beforeEach(() => {
it('can search in all collections', () => {
search('this', 'All Collections');
assertSearchHeading('Search Results for "this"');
assertSearchResult('This is post # 20', 'Posts');
assertSearchResult('This is a TOML front matter post', 'Posts');
assertSearchResult('This is a JSON front matter post', 'Posts');
assertSearchResult('This is a YAML front matter post', 'Posts');
assertSearchResult('This FAQ item # 5', 'FAQ');
it('can search in posts collection', () => {
search('this', 'Posts');
assertSearchHeading('Search Results for "this" in Posts');
assertSearchResult('This is post # 20');
assertSearchResult('This is a TOML front matter post');
assertSearchResult('This is a JSON front matter post');
assertSearchResult('This is a YAML front matter post');
assertNotInSearch('This FAQ item # 5');
it('can search in faq collection', () => {
search('this', 'FAQ');
assertSearchHeading('Search Results for "this" in FAQ');
assertSearchResult('This FAQ item # 5');
assertNotInSearch('This is post # 20');