refactor: remove ImmutableJS from applyDefaults function (#4940)
This commit is contained in:
committed by
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
import yaml from 'yaml';
import { Map, fromJS } from 'immutable';
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import { produce } from 'immer';
import { trimStart, trim, get, isPlainObject, isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { SIMPLE as SIMPLE_PUBLISH_MODE } from '../constants/publishModes';
import { validateConfig } from '../constants/configSchema';
import { selectDefaultSortableFields, traverseFields } from '../reducers/collections';
import { selectDefaultSortableFields } from '../reducers/collections';
import { getIntegrations, selectIntegration } from '../reducers/integrations';
import { resolveBackend } from '../backend';
import { I18N, I18N_FIELD, I18N_STRUCTURE } from '../lib/i18n';
import { FILES, FOLDER } from '../constants/collectionTypes';
@ -40,11 +42,11 @@ function getConfigUrl() {
return 'config.yml';
function setDefaultPublicFolder(map) {
if (map.has('media_folder') && !map.has('public_folder')) {
map = map.set('public_folder', map.get('media_folder'));
function setDefaultPublicFolderForField(field) {
if ('media_folder' in field && !field.public_folder) {
return { ...field, public_folder: field.media_folder };
return map;
return field;
// Mapping between existing camelCase and its snake_case counterpart
@ -74,57 +76,42 @@ function setSnakeCaseConfig(field) {
function setI18nField(field) {
if (field.get(I18N) === true) {
field = field.set(I18N, I18N_FIELD.TRANSLATE);
} else if (field.get(I18N) === false || !field.has(I18N)) {
field = field.set(I18N, I18N_FIELD.NONE);
if (field[I18N] === true) {
return { ...field, [I18N]: I18N_FIELD.TRANSLATE };
} else if (field[I18N] === false || !field[I18N]) {
return { ...field, [I18N]: I18N_FIELD.NONE };
return field;
function setI18nDefaults(defaultI18n, collectionOrFile) {
if (defaultI18n && collectionOrFile.has(I18N)) {
const collectionOrFileI18n = collectionOrFile.get(I18N);
if (collectionOrFileI18n === true) {
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.set(I18N, defaultI18n);
} else if (collectionOrFileI18n === false) {
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.delete(I18N);
} else {
const locales = collectionOrFileI18n.get('locales', defaultI18n.get('locales'));
const defaultLocale = collectionOrFileI18n.get(
collectionOrFileI18n.has('locales') ? locales.first() : defaultI18n.get('default_locale'),
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.set(I18N, defaultI18n.merge(collectionOrFileI18n));
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.setIn([I18N, 'locales'], locales);
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.setIn([I18N, 'default_locale'], defaultLocale);
if (collectionOrFileI18n !== false) {
// set default values for i18n fields
if (collectionOrFile.has('fields')) {
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.set(
traverseFields(collectionOrFile.get('fields'), setI18nField),
function getI18nDefaults(collectionOrFileI18n, defaultI18n) {
if (typeof collectionOrFileI18n === 'boolean') {
return defaultI18n;
} else {
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.delete(I18N);
if (collectionOrFile.has('fields')) {
collectionOrFile = collectionOrFile.set(
traverseFields(collectionOrFile.get('fields'), field => field.delete(I18N)),
const locales = collectionOrFileI18n.locales || defaultI18n.locales;
const defaultLocale = collectionOrFileI18n.default_locale || locales[0];
const mergedI18n = deepmerge(defaultI18n, collectionOrFileI18n);
mergedI18n.locales = locales;
mergedI18n.default_locale = defaultLocale;
return mergedI18n;
function setI18nDefaultsForFields(collectionOrFileFields, hasI18n) {
if (hasI18n) {
return traverseFieldsJS(collectionOrFileFields, setI18nField);
} else {
return traverseFieldsJS(collectionOrFileFields, field => {
const newField = { ...field };
delete newField[I18N];
return newField;
return collectionOrFile;
function throwOnInvalidFileCollectionStructure(i18n) {
if (i18n && i18n.get('structure') !== I18N_STRUCTURE.SINGLE_FILE) {
if (i18n && i18n.structure !== I18N_STRUCTURE.SINGLE_FILE) {
throw new Error(
`i18n configuration for files collections is limited to ${I18N_STRUCTURE.SINGLE_FILE} structure`,
@ -132,35 +119,19 @@ function throwOnInvalidFileCollectionStructure(i18n) {
function throwOnMissingDefaultLocale(i18n) {
if (i18n && !i18n.get('locales').includes(i18n.get('default_locale'))) {
if (i18n && i18n.default_locale && !i18n.locales.includes(i18n.default_locale)) {
throw new Error(
`i18n locales '${i18n.get('locales').join(', ')}' are missing the default locale ${i18n.get(
`i18n locales '${i18n.locales.join(', ')}' are missing the default locale ${
function setViewPatternsDefaults(key, collection) {
if (!collection.has(key)) {
collection = collection.set(key, fromJS([]));
} else {
collection = collection.set(
collection.get(key).map(v => v.set('id', `${v.get('field')}__${v.get('pattern')}`)),
return collection;
const defaults = {
publish_mode: SIMPLE_PUBLISH_MODE,
function hasIntegration(config, collection) {
const integrations = getIntegrations(config);
const integration = selectIntegration(integrations, collection.get('name'), 'listEntries');
// TODO remove fromJS when Immutable is removed from the integrations state slice
const integrations = getIntegrations(fromJS(config));
const integration = selectIntegration(integrations,, 'listEntries');
return !!integration;
@ -199,121 +170,164 @@ export function normalizeConfig(config) {
return { ...config, collections: normalizedCollections };
export function applyDefaults(config) {
return Map(defaults)
.withMutations(map => {
// Use `site_url` as default `display_url`.
if (!map.get('display_url') && map.get('site_url')) {
map.set('display_url', map.get('site_url'));
export function applyDefaults(originalConfig) {
return produce(originalConfig, config => {
config.publish_mode = config.publish_mode || SIMPLE_PUBLISH_MODE;
config.slug = config.slug || {};
config.collections = config.collections || [];
// Use `site_url` as default `display_url`.
if (!config.display_url && config.site_url) {
config.display_url = config.site_url;
// Use media_folder as default public_folder.
const defaultPublicFolder = `/${trimStart(config.media_folder, '/')}`;
if (!('public_folder' in config)) {
config.public_folder = defaultPublicFolder;
// default values for the slug config
if (!('encoding' in config.slug)) {
config.slug.encoding = 'unicode';
if (!('clean_accents' in config.slug)) {
config.slug.clean_accents = false;
if (!('sanitize_replacement' in config.slug)) {
config.slug.sanitize_replacement = '-';
const i18n = config[I18N];
const hasI18n = Boolean(i18n);
if (hasI18n) {
i18n.default_locale = i18n.default_locale || i18n.locales[0];
const backend = resolveBackend(config);
for (const collection of config.collections) {
if (!('publish' in collection)) {
collection.publish = true;
// Use media_folder as default public_folder.
const defaultPublicFolder = `/${trimStart(map.get('media_folder'), '/')}`;
if (!map.has('public_folder')) {
map.set('public_folder', defaultPublicFolder);
const collectionHasI18n = Boolean(collection[I18N]);
if (hasI18n && collectionHasI18n) {
collection[I18N] = getI18nDefaults(collection[I18N], i18n);
} else {
delete collection[I18N];
// default values for the slug config
if (!map.getIn(['slug', 'encoding'])) {
map.setIn(['slug', 'encoding'], 'unicode');
if (collection.fields) {
collection.fields = setI18nDefaultsForFields(collection.fields, collectionHasI18n);
if (!map.getIn(['slug', 'clean_accents'])) {
map.setIn(['slug', 'clean_accents'], false);
const { folder, files, view_filters, view_groups, meta } = collection;
if (folder) {
collection.type = FOLDER;
if (collection.path && !collection.media_folder) {
// default value for media folder when using the path config
collection.media_folder = '';
if ('media_folder' in collection && !collection.public_folder) {
collection.public_folder = collection.media_folder;
if (collection.fields) {
collection.fields = traverseFieldsJS(collection.fields, setDefaultPublicFolderForField);
collection.folder = trim(folder, '/');
if (meta && meta.path) {
const metaField = {
name: 'path',
meta: true,
required: true,
collection.fields = [metaField, ...(collection.fields || [])];
if (!map.getIn(['slug', 'sanitize_replacement'])) {
map.setIn(['slug', 'sanitize_replacement'], '-');
if (files) {
collection.type = FILES;
let i18n = config.get(I18N);
i18n = i18n?.set('default_locale', i18n.get('default_locale', i18n.get('locales').first()));
// after we invoked setI18nDefaults,
// i18n property can't be boolean anymore
const collectionI18n = collection[I18N];
// Strip leading slash from collection folders and files
map.get('collections').map(collection => {
if (!collection.has('publish')) {
collection = collection.set('publish', true);
delete collection.nested;
delete collection.meta;
for (const file of files) {
file.file = trimStart(file.file, '/');
if ('media_folder' in file && !file.public_folder) {
file.public_folder = file.media_folder;
collection = setI18nDefaults(i18n, collection);
if (file.fields) {
file.fields = traverseFieldsJS(file.fields, setDefaultPublicFolderForField);
const folder = collection.get('folder');
if (folder) {
if (collection.has('path') && !collection.has('media_folder')) {
// default value for media folder when using the path config
collection = collection.set('media_folder', '');
collection = setDefaultPublicFolder(collection);
collection = collection.set(
traverseFields(collection.get('fields'), setDefaultPublicFolder),
collection = collection.set('folder', trim(folder, '/'));
if (collection.has('meta')) {
const fields = collection.get('fields');
const metaFields = [];
collection.get('meta').forEach((value, key) => {
const field = value.withMutations(map => {
map.set('name', key);
map.set('meta', true);
map.set('required', true);
collection = collection.set('fields', fromJS([]).concat(metaFields, fields));
} else {
collection = collection.set('meta', Map());
const fileHasI18n = Boolean(file[I18N]);
if (fileHasI18n) {
if (collectionI18n) {
file[I18N] = getI18nDefaults(file[I18N], collectionI18n);
} else {
delete file[I18N];
const files = collection.get('files');
if (files) {
const collectionI18n = collection.get(I18N);
collection = collection.delete('nested');
collection = collection.delete('meta');
collection = collection.set(
|||| => {
file = file.set('file', trimStart(file.get('file'), '/'));
file = setDefaultPublicFolder(file);
file = file.set(
traverseFields(file.get('fields'), setDefaultPublicFolder),
file = setI18nDefaults(collectionI18n, file);
return file;
if (file.fields) {
file.fields = setI18nDefaultsForFields(file.fields, fileHasI18n);
if (!collection.has('sortable_fields')) {
const backend = resolveBackend(config);
const defaultSortable = selectDefaultSortableFields(
hasIntegration(map, collection),
collection = collection.set('sortable_fields', fromJS(defaultSortable));
// after we invoked setI18nDefaults,
// i18n property can't be boolean anymore
const fileI18n = file[I18N];
collection = setViewPatternsDefaults('view_filters', collection);
collection = setViewPatternsDefaults('view_groups', collection);
if (!collection.sortable_fields) {
collection.sortable_fields = selectDefaultSortableFields(
// TODO remove fromJS when Immutable is removed from the collections state slice
hasIntegration(config, collection),
if (map.hasIn(['editor', 'preview']) && !collection.has('editor')) {
collection = collection.setIn(['editor', 'preview'], map.getIn(['editor', 'preview']));
collection.view_filters = (view_filters || []).map(filter => {
return {
id: `${filter.field}__${filter.pattern}`,
return collection;
collection.view_groups = (view_groups || []).map(group => {
return {
id: `${group.field}__${group.pattern}`,
if (config.editor && !collection.editor) {
collection.editor = { preview: config.editor.preview };
export function parseConfig(data) {
@ -446,9 +460,9 @@ export function loadConfig(manualConfig = {}, onLoad) {
const withLocalBackend = await handleLocalBackend(mergedConfig);
const normalizedConfig = normalizeConfig(withLocalBackend);
const config = applyDefaults(fromJS(normalizedConfig));
const config = applyDefaults(normalizedConfig);
if (typeof onLoad === 'function') {
Reference in New Issue
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