diff --git a/dev-test/backends/azure/config.yml b/dev-test/backends/azure/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fed4943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-test/backends/azure/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ name: azure
+ branch: master
+ repo: organization/project/repo # replace with actual path
+ tenant_id: tenantId # replace with your tenantId
+ app_id: appId # replace with your appId
+publish_mode: editorial_workflow
+media_folder: static/media
+public_folder: /media
+ - name: posts
+ label: Posts
+ label_singular: 'Post'
+ folder: content/posts
+ create: true
+ slug: '{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{slug}}'
+ fields:
+ - label: Template
+ name: template
+ widget: hidden
+ default: post
+ - label: Title
+ name: title
+ widget: string
+ - label: 'Cover Image'
+ name: 'image'
+ widget: 'image'
+ required: false
+ - label: Publish Date
+ name: date
+ widget: datetime
+ - label: Description
+ name: description
+ widget: text
+ - label: Category
+ name: category
+ widget: string
+ - label: Body
+ name: body
+ widget: markdown
+ - label: Tags
+ name: tags
+ widget: list
+ - name: pages
+ label: Pages
+ label_singular: 'Page'
+ folder: content/pages
+ create: true
+ slug: '{{slug}}'
+ fields:
+ - label: Template
+ name: template
+ widget: hidden
+ default: page
+ - label: Title
+ name: title
+ widget: string
+ - label: Draft
+ name: draft
+ widget: boolean
+ default: true
+ - label: Body
+ name: body
+ widget: markdown
diff --git a/dev-test/backends/azure/index.html b/dev-test/backends/azure/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..103dbb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-test/backends/azure/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ Netlify CMS Development Test
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-app/package.json b/packages/netlify-cms-app/package.json
index 90f2cf85..76189a98 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-app/package.json
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-app/package.json
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
"immutable": "^3.7.6",
"lodash": "^4.17.11",
"moment": "^2.24.0",
+ "netlify-cms-backend-azure": "^1.0.0",
"netlify-cms-backend-bitbucket": "^2.12.5",
"netlify-cms-backend-git-gateway": "^2.11.6",
"netlify-cms-backend-github": "^2.11.6",
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-app/src/extensions.js b/packages/netlify-cms-app/src/extensions.js
index 94e271e9..e7b484c3 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-app/src/extensions.js
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-app/src/extensions.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import { NetlifyCmsCore as CMS } from 'netlify-cms-core';
// Backends
+import { AzureBackend } from 'netlify-cms-backend-azure';
import { GitHubBackend } from 'netlify-cms-backend-github';
import { GitLabBackend } from 'netlify-cms-backend-gitlab';
import { GitGatewayBackend } from 'netlify-cms-backend-git-gateway';
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ import * as locales from 'netlify-cms-locales';
// Register all the things
CMS.registerBackend('git-gateway', GitGatewayBackend);
+CMS.registerBackend('azure', AzureBackend);
CMS.registerBackend('github', GitHubBackend);
CMS.registerBackend('gitlab', GitLabBackend);
CMS.registerBackend('bitbucket', BitbucketBackend);
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/README.md b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d236327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Docs coming soon!
+Netlify CMS was recently converted from a single npm package to a "monorepo" of over 20 packages.
+That's over 20 Readme's! We haven't created one for this package yet, but we will soon.
+In the meantime, you can:
+1. Check out the [main readme](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/#readme) or the [documentation
+ site](https://www.netlifycms.org) for more info.
+2. Reach out to the [community chat](https://netlifycms.org/chat/) if you need help.
+3. Help out and [write the readme yourself](https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/edit/master/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/README.md)!
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/package.json b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d74b0c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "name": "netlify-cms-backend-azure",
+ "description": "Azure DevOps backend for Netlify CMS",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "repository": "https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/tree/master/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure",
+ "bugs": "https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/issues",
+ "module": "dist/esm/index.js",
+ "main": "dist/netlify-cms-backend-azure.js",
+ "keywords": [
+ "netlify",
+ "netlify-cms",
+ "backend",
+ "azure",
+ "devops"
+ ],
+ "sideEffects": false,
+ "scripts": {
+ "develop": "yarn build:esm --watch",
+ "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack",
+ "build:esm": "cross-env NODE_ENV=esm babel src --out-dir dist/esm --ignore **/__tests__ --root-mode upward --extensions \".js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx\""
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "js-base64": "^3.0.0",
+ "semaphore": "^1.1.0"
+ },
+ "peerDependencies": {
+ "@emotion/core": "^10.0.9",
+ "@emotion/styled": "^10.0.9",
+ "immutable": "^3.7.6",
+ "lodash": "^4.17.11",
+ "netlify-cms-lib-auth": "^2.2.0",
+ "netlify-cms-lib-util": "^2.3.0",
+ "netlify-cms-ui-default": "^2.6.0",
+ "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
+ "react": "^16.8.4"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/API.ts b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/API.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abc2e4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/API.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+import { Base64 } from 'js-base64';
+import { partial, result, trim, trimStart } from 'lodash';
+import {
+ localForage,
+ APIError,
+ ApiRequest,
+ unsentRequest,
+ requestWithBackoff,
+ responseParser,
+ AssetProxy,
+ PersistOptions,
+ readFile,
+ generateContentKey,
+ parseContentKey,
+ labelToStatus,
+ isCMSLabel,
+ EditorialWorkflowError,
+ statusToLabel,
+ PreviewState,
+ readFileMetadata,
+ DataFile,
+ branchFromContentKey,
+} from 'netlify-cms-lib-util';
+import { Map } from 'immutable';
+import { dirname, basename } from 'path';
+export const API_NAME = 'Azure DevOps';
+const API_VERSION = 'api-version';
+type AzureUser = {
+ coreAttributes?: {
+ Avatar?: { value?: { value?: string } };
+ DisplayName?: { value?: string };
+ EmailAddress?: { value?: string };
+ };
+type AzureGitItem = {
+ objectId: string;
+ gitObjectType: AzureObjectType;
+ path: string;
+// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/git/pull%20requests/get%20pull%20request?view=azure-devops-rest-6.1#gitpullrequest
+type AzureWebApiTagDefinition = {
+ active: boolean;
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ url: string;
+type AzurePullRequest = {
+ title: string;
+ artifactId: string;
+ closedDate: string;
+ creationDate: string;
+ isDraft: string;
+ status: AzurePullRequestStatus;
+ lastMergeSourceCommit: AzureGitChangeItem;
+ mergeStatus: AzureAsyncPullRequestStatus;
+ pullRequestId: number;
+ labels: AzureWebApiTagDefinition[];
+ sourceRefName: string;
+type AzurePullRequestCommit = { commitId: string };
+enum AzureCommitStatusState {
+ ERROR = 'error',
+ FAILED = 'failed',
+ NOT_APPLICABLE = 'notApplicable',
+ NOT_SET = 'notSet',
+ PENDING = 'pending',
+ SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded',
+type AzureCommitStatus = {
+ context: { genre?: string | null; name: string };
+ state: AzureCommitStatusState;
+ targetUrl: string;
+// This does not match Azure documentation, but it is what comes back from some calls
+// PullRequest as an example is documented as returning PullRequest[], but it actually
+// returns that inside of this value prop in the json
+interface AzureArray {
+ value: T[];
+enum AzureCommitChangeType {
+ ADD = 'add',
+ DELETE = 'delete',
+ RENAME = 'rename',
+ EDIT = 'edit',
+enum AzureItemContentType {
+ BASE64 = 'base64encoded',
+enum AzurePullRequestStatus {
+ ACTIVE = 'active',
+ COMPLETED = 'completed',
+ ABANDONED = 'abandoned',
+enum AzureAsyncPullRequestStatus {
+ CONFLICTS = 'conflicts',
+ FAILURE = 'failure',
+ QUEUED = 'queued',
+ REJECTED = 'rejectedByPolicy',
+ SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded',
+enum AzureObjectType {
+ BLOB = 'blob',
+ TREE = 'tree',
+// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/git/diffs/get?view=azure-devops-rest-6.1#gitcommitdiffs
+interface AzureGitCommitDiffs {
+ changes: AzureGitChange[];
+// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/git/diffs/get?view=azure-devops-rest-6.1#gitchange
+interface AzureGitChange {
+ changeId: number;
+ item: AzureGitChangeItem;
+ changeType: AzureCommitChangeType;
+ originalPath: string;
+ url: string;
+interface AzureGitChangeItem {
+ objectId: string;
+ originalObjectId: string;
+ gitObjectType: string;
+ commitId: string;
+ path: string;
+ isFolder: string;
+ url: string;
+type AzureRef = {
+ name: string;
+ objectId: string;
+type AzureCommit = {
+ author: {
+ date: string;
+ email: string;
+ name: string;
+ };
+function delay(ms: number) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
+const getChangeItem = (item: AzureCommitItem) => {
+ switch (item.action) {
+ case AzureCommitChangeType.ADD:
+ return {
+ changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.ADD,
+ item: { path: item.path },
+ newContent: {
+ content: item.base64Content,
+ contentType: AzureItemContentType.BASE64,
+ },
+ };
+ case AzureCommitChangeType.EDIT:
+ return {
+ changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.EDIT,
+ item: { path: item.path },
+ newContent: {
+ content: item.base64Content,
+ contentType: AzureItemContentType.BASE64,
+ },
+ };
+ case AzureCommitChangeType.DELETE:
+ return {
+ changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.DELETE,
+ item: { path: item.path },
+ };
+ case AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME:
+ return {
+ changeType: AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME,
+ item: { path: item.path },
+ sourceServerItem: item.oldPath,
+ };
+ default:
+ return {};
+ }
+type AzureCommitItem = {
+ action: AzureCommitChangeType;
+ base64Content?: string;
+ text?: string;
+ path: string;
+ oldPath?: string;
+interface AzureApiConfig {
+ apiRoot: string;
+ repo: { org: string; project: string; repoName: string };
+ branch: string;
+ squashMerges: boolean;
+ initialWorkflowStatus: string;
+ cmsLabelPrefix: string;
+ apiVersion: string;
+export default class API {
+ apiVersion: string;
+ token: string;
+ branch: string;
+ mergeStrategy: string;
+ endpointUrl: string;
+ initialWorkflowStatus: string;
+ cmsLabelPrefix: string;
+ constructor(config: AzureApiConfig, token: string) {
+ const { repo } = config;
+ const apiRoot = trim(config.apiRoot, '/');
+ this.endpointUrl = `${apiRoot}/${repo.org}/${repo.project}/_apis/git/repositories/${repo.repoName}`;
+ this.token = token;
+ this.branch = config.branch;
+ this.mergeStrategy = config.squashMerges ? 'squash' : 'noFastForward';
+ this.initialWorkflowStatus = config.initialWorkflowStatus;
+ this.apiVersion = config.apiVersion;
+ this.cmsLabelPrefix = config.cmsLabelPrefix;
+ }
+ withHeaders = (req: ApiRequest) => {
+ const withHeaders = unsentRequest.withHeaders(
+ {
+ Authorization: `Bearer ${this.token}`,
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
+ },
+ req,
+ );
+ return withHeaders;
+ };
+ withAzureFeatures = (req: Map>) => {
+ if (req.hasIn(['params', API_VERSION])) {
+ return req;
+ }
+ const withParams = unsentRequest.withParams(
+ {
+ [API_VERSION]: `${this.apiVersion}`,
+ },
+ req,
+ );
+ return withParams;
+ };
+ buildRequest = (req: ApiRequest) => {
+ const withHeaders = this.withHeaders(req);
+ const withAzureFeatures = this.withAzureFeatures(withHeaders);
+ if (withAzureFeatures.has('cache')) {
+ return withAzureFeatures;
+ } else {
+ const withNoCache = unsentRequest.withNoCache(withAzureFeatures);
+ return withNoCache;
+ }
+ };
+ request = (req: ApiRequest): Promise => {
+ try {
+ return requestWithBackoff(this, req);
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw new APIError(err.message, null, API_NAME);
+ }
+ };
+ responseToJSON = responseParser({ format: 'json', apiName: API_NAME });
+ responseToBlob = responseParser({ format: 'blob', apiName: API_NAME });
+ responseToText = responseParser({ format: 'text', apiName: API_NAME });
+ requestJSON = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToJSON) as Promise;
+ requestText = (req: ApiRequest) => this.request(req).then(this.responseToText) as Promise;
+ toBase64 = (str: string) => Promise.resolve(Base64.encode(str));
+ fromBase64 = (str: string) => Base64.decode(str);
+ branchToRef = (branch: string): string => `refs/heads/${branch}`;
+ refToBranch = (ref: string): string => ref.substr('refs/heads/'.length);
+ user = async () => {
+ const result = await this.requestJSON({
+ url: 'https://app.vssps.visualstudio.com/_apis/profile/profiles/me',
+ params: { [API_VERSION]: '6.1-preview.2' },
+ });
+ const name = result.coreAttributes?.DisplayName?.value;
+ const email = result.coreAttributes?.EmailAddress?.value;
+ const url = result.coreAttributes?.Avatar?.value?.value;
+ const user = {
+ name: name || email || '',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
+ avatar_url: `data:image/png;base64,${url}`,
+ email,
+ };
+ return user;
+ };
+ async readFileMetadata(
+ path: string,
+ sha: string | null | undefined,
+ { branch = this.branch } = {},
+ ) {
+ const fetchFileMetadata = async () => {
+ try {
+ const { value } = await this.requestJSON>({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/commits/`,
+ params: {
+ 'searchCriteria.itemPath': path,
+ 'searchCriteria.itemVersion.version': branch,
+ 'searchCriteria.$top': 1,
+ },
+ });
+ const [commit] = value;
+ return {
+ author: commit.author.name || commit.author.email,
+ updatedOn: commit.author.date,
+ };
+ } catch (error) {
+ return { author: '', updatedOn: '' };
+ }
+ };
+ const fileMetadata = await readFileMetadata(sha, fetchFileMetadata, localForage);
+ return fileMetadata;
+ }
+ readFile = (
+ path: string,
+ sha?: string | null,
+ { parseText = true, branch = this.branch } = {},
+ ) => {
+ const fetchContent = () => {
+ return this.request({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/items/`,
+ params: { version: branch, path },
+ cache: 'no-store',
+ }).then(parseText ? this.responseToText : this.responseToBlob);
+ };
+ return readFile(sha, fetchContent, localForage, parseText);
+ };
+ listFiles = async (path: string, recursive: boolean, branch = this.branch) => {
+ try {
+ const { value: items } = await this.requestJSON>({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/items/`,
+ params: {
+ version: branch,
+ scopePath: path,
+ recursionLevel: recursive ? 'full' : 'oneLevel',
+ },
+ });
+ const files = items
+ .filter(item => item.gitObjectType === AzureObjectType.BLOB)
+ .map(file => ({
+ id: file.objectId,
+ path: trimStart(file.path, '/'),
+ name: basename(file.path),
+ }));
+ return files;
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (err && err.status === 404) {
+ console.log('This 404 was expected and handled appropriately.');
+ return [];
+ } else {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ async getRef(branch: string = this.branch) {
+ const { value: refs } = await this.requestJSON>({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/refs`,
+ params: {
+ $top: '1', // There's only one ref, so keep the payload small
+ filter: 'heads/' + branch,
+ },
+ });
+ return refs.find(b => b.name == this.branchToRef(branch))!;
+ }
+ async deleteRef(ref: AzureRef): Promise {
+ const deleteBranchPayload = [
+ {
+ name: ref.name,
+ oldObjectId: ref.objectId,
+ newObjectId: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ },
+ ];
+ await this.requestJSON({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/refs`,
+ body: JSON.stringify(deleteBranchPayload),
+ });
+ }
+ async uploadAndCommit(
+ items: AzureCommitItem[],
+ comment: string,
+ branch: string,
+ newBranch: boolean,
+ ) {
+ const ref = await this.getRef(newBranch ? this.branch : branch);
+ const refUpdate = [
+ {
+ name: this.branchToRef(branch),
+ oldObjectId: ref.objectId,
+ },
+ ];
+ const changes = items.map(item => getChangeItem(item));
+ const commits = [{ comment, changes }];
+ const push = {
+ refUpdates: refUpdate,
+ commits,
+ };
+ return this.requestJSON({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pushes`,
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: JSON.stringify(push),
+ });
+ }
+ async retrieveUnpublishedEntryData(contentKey: string) {
+ const { collection, slug } = parseContentKey(contentKey);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch);
+ const diffs = await this.getDifferences(pullRequest.sourceRefName);
+ const diffsWithIds = await Promise.all(
+ diffs.map(async d => {
+ const path = trimStart(d.item.path, '/');
+ const newFile = d.changeType === AzureCommitChangeType.ADD;
+ const id = d.item.objectId;
+ return { id, path, newFile };
+ }),
+ );
+ const label = pullRequest.labels.find(l => isCMSLabel(l.name, this.cmsLabelPrefix));
+ const labelName = label && label.name ? label.name : this.cmsLabelPrefix;
+ const status = labelToStatus(labelName, this.cmsLabelPrefix);
+ // Uses creationDate, as we do not have direct access to the updated date
+ const updatedAt = pullRequest.closedDate ? pullRequest.closedDate : pullRequest.creationDate;
+ return {
+ collection,
+ slug,
+ status,
+ diffs: diffsWithIds,
+ updatedAt,
+ };
+ }
+ async getPullRequestStatues(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest) {
+ const { value: commits } = await this.requestJSON>({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${pullRequest.pullRequestId}/commits`,
+ params: {
+ $top: 1,
+ },
+ });
+ const { value: statuses } = await this.requestJSON>({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/commits/${commits[0].commitId}/statuses`,
+ params: { latestOnly: true },
+ });
+ return statuses;
+ }
+ async getStatuses(collection: string, slug: string) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch);
+ const statuses = await this.getPullRequestStatues(pullRequest);
+ return statuses.map(({ context, state, targetUrl }) => ({
+ context: context.name,
+ state: state === AzureCommitStatusState.SUCCEEDED ? PreviewState.Success : PreviewState.Other,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/camelcase
+ target_url: targetUrl,
+ }));
+ }
+ async getCommitItems(files: { path: string; newPath?: string }[], branch: string) {
+ const items = await Promise.all(
+ files.map(async file => {
+ const [base64Content, fileExists] = await Promise.all([
+ result(file, 'toBase64', partial(this.toBase64, (file as DataFile).raw)),
+ this.isFileExists(file.path, branch),
+ ]);
+ const path = file.newPath || file.path;
+ const oldPath = file.path;
+ const renameOrEdit =
+ path !== oldPath ? AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME : AzureCommitChangeType.EDIT;
+ const action = fileExists ? renameOrEdit : AzureCommitChangeType.ADD;
+ return {
+ action,
+ base64Content,
+ path,
+ oldPath,
+ } as AzureCommitItem;
+ }),
+ );
+ // move children
+ for (const item of items.filter(i => i.oldPath && i.action === AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME)) {
+ const sourceDir = dirname(item.oldPath as string);
+ const destDir = dirname(item.path);
+ const children = await this.listFiles(sourceDir, true, branch);
+ children
+ .filter(file => file.path !== item.oldPath)
+ .forEach(file => {
+ items.push({
+ action: AzureCommitChangeType.RENAME,
+ path: file.path.replace(sourceDir, destDir),
+ oldPath: file.path,
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return items;
+ }
+ async persistFiles(dataFiles: DataFile[], mediaFiles: AssetProxy[], options: PersistOptions) {
+ const files = [...dataFiles, ...mediaFiles];
+ if (options.useWorkflow) {
+ const slug = dataFiles[0].slug;
+ return this.editorialWorkflowGit(files, slug, options);
+ } else {
+ const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, this.branch);
+ return this.uploadAndCommit(items, options.commitMessage, this.branch, true);
+ }
+ }
+ async deleteFiles(paths: string[], comment: string) {
+ const ref = await this.getRef(this.branch);
+ const refUpdate = {
+ name: ref.name,
+ oldObjectId: ref.objectId,
+ };
+ const changes = paths.map(path =>
+ getChangeItem({ action: AzureCommitChangeType.DELETE, path }),
+ );
+ const commits = [{ comment, changes }];
+ const push = {
+ refUpdates: [refUpdate],
+ commits,
+ };
+ return this.requestJSON({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pushes`,
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: JSON.stringify(push),
+ });
+ }
+ async getPullRequests(sourceBranch?: string) {
+ const { value: pullRequests } = await this.requestJSON>({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests`,
+ params: {
+ 'searchCriteria.status': 'active',
+ 'searchCriteria.targetRefName': this.branchToRef(this.branch),
+ 'searchCriteria.includeLinks': false,
+ ...(sourceBranch ? { 'searchCriteria.sourceRefName': this.branchToRef(sourceBranch) } : {}),
+ },
+ });
+ const filtered = pullRequests.filter(pr => {
+ return pr.labels.some(label => isCMSLabel(label.name, this.cmsLabelPrefix));
+ });
+ return filtered;
+ }
+ async listUnpublishedBranches(): Promise {
+ const pullRequests = await this.getPullRequests();
+ const branches = pullRequests.map(pr => this.refToBranch(pr.sourceRefName));
+ return branches;
+ }
+ async isFileExists(path: string, branch: string) {
+ try {
+ await this.requestText({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/items/`,
+ params: { version: branch, path },
+ cache: 'no-store',
+ });
+ return true;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error instanceof APIError && error.status === 404) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ async createPullRequest(branch: string, commitMessage: string, status: string) {
+ const pr = {
+ sourceRefName: this.branchToRef(branch),
+ targetRefName: this.branchToRef(this.branch),
+ title: commitMessage,
+ description: DEFAULT_PR_BODY,
+ labels: [
+ {
+ name: statusToLabel(status, this.cmsLabelPrefix),
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ await this.requestJSON({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests`,
+ params: {
+ supportsIterations: false,
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(pr),
+ });
+ }
+ async getBranchPullRequest(branch: string) {
+ const pullRequests = await this.getPullRequests(branch);
+ if (pullRequests.length <= 0) {
+ throw new EditorialWorkflowError('content is not under editorial workflow', true);
+ }
+ return pullRequests[0];
+ }
+ async getDifferences(to: string) {
+ const result = await this.requestJSON({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/diffs/commits`,
+ params: {
+ baseVersion: this.branch,
+ targetVersion: this.refToBranch(to),
+ },
+ });
+ return result.changes.filter(
+ d =>
+ d.item.gitObjectType === AzureObjectType.BLOB &&
+ Object.values(AzureCommitChangeType).includes(d.changeType),
+ );
+ }
+ async editorialWorkflowGit(
+ files: (DataFile | AssetProxy)[],
+ slug: string,
+ options: PersistOptions,
+ ) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(options.collectionName as string, slug);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ const unpublished = options.unpublished || false;
+ if (!unpublished) {
+ const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, this.branch);
+ await this.uploadAndCommit(items, options.commitMessage, branch, true);
+ await this.createPullRequest(
+ branch,
+ options.commitMessage,
+ options.status || this.initialWorkflowStatus,
+ );
+ } else {
+ const items = await this.getCommitItems(files, branch);
+ await this.uploadAndCommit(items, options.commitMessage, branch, false);
+ }
+ }
+ async updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch);
+ const nonCmsLabels = pullRequest.labels
+ .filter(label => !isCMSLabel(label.name, this.cmsLabelPrefix))
+ .map(label => label.name);
+ const labels = [...nonCmsLabels, statusToLabel(newStatus, this.cmsLabelPrefix)];
+ await this.updatePullRequestLabels(pullRequest, labels);
+ }
+ async deleteUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch);
+ await this.abandonPullRequest(pullRequest);
+ }
+ async publishUnpublishedEntry(collectionName: string, slug: string) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(collectionName, slug);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ const pullRequest = await this.getBranchPullRequest(branch);
+ await this.completePullRequest(pullRequest);
+ }
+ async updatePullRequestLabels(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest, labels: string[]) {
+ const cmsLabels = pullRequest.labels.filter(l => isCMSLabel(l.name, this.cmsLabelPrefix));
+ await Promise.all(
+ cmsLabels.map(l => {
+ return this.requestText({
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(
+ pullRequest.pullRequestId,
+ )}/labels/${encodeURIComponent(l.id)}`,
+ });
+ }),
+ );
+ await Promise.all(
+ labels.map(l => {
+ return this.requestText({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(
+ pullRequest.pullRequestId,
+ )}/labels`,
+ body: JSON.stringify({ name: l }),
+ });
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ async completePullRequest(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest) {
+ const pullRequestCompletion = {
+ status: AzurePullRequestStatus.COMPLETED,
+ lastMergeSourceCommit: pullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit,
+ completionOptions: {
+ deleteSourceBranch: true,
+ mergeCommitMessage: MERGE_COMMIT_MESSAGE,
+ mergeStrategy: this.mergeStrategy,
+ },
+ };
+ let response = await this.requestJSON({
+ method: 'PATCH',
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(pullRequest.pullRequestId)}`,
+ body: JSON.stringify(pullRequestCompletion),
+ });
+ // We need to wait for Azure to complete the pull request to actually complete
+ // Sometimes this is instant, but frequently it is 1-3 seconds
+ const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
+ let attempt = 1;
+ while (response.mergeStatus === AzureAsyncPullRequestStatus.QUEUED && attempt <= MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
+ await delay(DELAY_MILLISECONDS);
+ response = await this.requestJSON({
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(pullRequest.pullRequestId)}`,
+ });
+ attempt = attempt + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ async abandonPullRequest(pullRequest: AzurePullRequest) {
+ const pullRequestAbandon = {
+ status: AzurePullRequestStatus.ABANDONED,
+ };
+ await this.requestJSON({
+ method: 'PATCH',
+ url: `${this.endpointUrl}/pullrequests/${encodeURIComponent(pullRequest.pullRequestId)}`,
+ body: JSON.stringify(pullRequestAbandon),
+ });
+ await this.deleteRef({
+ name: pullRequest.sourceRefName,
+ objectId: pullRequest.lastMergeSourceCommit.commitId,
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/AuthenticationPage.js b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/AuthenticationPage.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ed93e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/AuthenticationPage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import { ImplicitAuthenticator } from 'netlify-cms-lib-auth';
+import { AuthenticationPage, Icon } from 'netlify-cms-ui-default';
+const LoginButtonIcon = styled(Icon)`
+ margin-right: 18px;
+export default class AzureAuthenticationPage extends React.Component {
+ static propTypes = {
+ onLogin: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ inProgress: PropTypes.bool,
+ base_url: PropTypes.string,
+ siteId: PropTypes.string,
+ authEndpoint: PropTypes.string,
+ config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
+ clearHash: PropTypes.func,
+ t: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+ };
+ state = {};
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this.auth = new ImplicitAuthenticator({
+ base_url: `https://login.microsoftonline.com/${this.props.config.backend.tenant_id}`,
+ auth_endpoint: 'oauth2/authorize',
+ app_id: this.props.config.backend.app_id,
+ clearHash: this.props.clearHash,
+ });
+ // Complete implicit authentication if we were redirected back to from the provider.
+ this.auth.completeAuth((err, data) => {
+ if (err) {
+ alert(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.props.onLogin(data);
+ });
+ }
+ handleLogin = e => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.auth.authenticate(
+ {
+ scope: 'vso.code_full,user.read',
+ resource: '499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798',
+ prompt: 'select_account',
+ },
+ (err, data) => {
+ if (err) {
+ this.setState({ loginError: err.toString() });
+ return;
+ }
+ this.props.onLogin(data);
+ },
+ );
+ };
+ render() {
+ const { inProgress, config, t } = this.props;
+ return (
+ (
+ {inProgress ? t('auth.loggingIn') : t('auth.loginWithAzure')}
+ )}
+ t={t}
+ />
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/implementation.ts b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/implementation.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7c2792c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/implementation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+import { trimStart, trim } from 'lodash';
+import semaphore, { Semaphore } from 'semaphore';
+import AuthenticationPage from './AuthenticationPage';
+import API, { API_NAME } from './API';
+import {
+ Credentials,
+ Implementation,
+ ImplementationFile,
+ ImplementationMediaFile,
+ DisplayURL,
+ basename,
+ Entry,
+ AssetProxy,
+ PersistOptions,
+ getMediaDisplayURL,
+ generateContentKey,
+ getMediaAsBlob,
+ Config,
+ getPreviewStatus,
+ asyncLock,
+ AsyncLock,
+ runWithLock,
+ User,
+ unpublishedEntries,
+ UnpublishedEntryMediaFile,
+ entriesByFiles,
+ filterByExtension,
+ branchFromContentKey,
+ entriesByFolder,
+ contentKeyFromBranch,
+ getBlobSHA,
+} from 'netlify-cms-lib-util';
+const parseAzureRepo = (config: Config) => {
+ const { repo } = config.backend;
+ if (typeof repo !== 'string') {
+ throw new Error('The Azure backend needs a "repo" in the backend configuration.');
+ }
+ const parts = repo.split('/');
+ if (parts.length !== 3) {
+ throw new Error('The Azure backend must be in a the format of {org}/{project}/{repo}');
+ }
+ const [org, project, repoName] = parts;
+ return {
+ org,
+ project,
+ repoName,
+ };
+export default class Azure implements Implementation {
+ lock: AsyncLock;
+ api?: API;
+ options: {
+ initialWorkflowStatus: string;
+ };
+ repo: {
+ org: string;
+ project: string;
+ repoName: string;
+ };
+ branch: string;
+ apiRoot: string;
+ apiVersion: string;
+ token: string | null;
+ squashMerges: boolean;
+ cmsLabelPrefix: string;
+ mediaFolder: string;
+ previewContext: string;
+ _mediaDisplayURLSem?: Semaphore;
+ constructor(config: Config, options = {}) {
+ this.options = {
+ initialWorkflowStatus: '',
+ ...options,
+ };
+ this.repo = parseAzureRepo(config);
+ this.branch = config.backend.branch || 'master';
+ this.apiRoot = config.backend.api_root || 'https://dev.azure.com';
+ this.apiVersion = config.backend.api_version || '6.1-preview';
+ this.token = '';
+ this.squashMerges = config.backend.squash_merges || false;
+ this.cmsLabelPrefix = config.backend.cms_label_prefix || '';
+ this.mediaFolder = trim(config.media_folder, '/');
+ this.previewContext = config.backend.preview_context || '';
+ this.lock = asyncLock();
+ }
+ isGitBackend() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ async status() {
+ const auth =
+ (await this.api!.user()
+ .then(user => !!user)
+ .catch(e => {
+ console.warn('Failed getting Azure user', e);
+ return false;
+ })) || false;
+ return { auth: { status: auth }, api: { status: true, statusPage: '' } };
+ }
+ authComponent() {
+ return AuthenticationPage;
+ }
+ restoreUser(user: User) {
+ return this.authenticate(user);
+ }
+ async authenticate(state: Credentials) {
+ this.token = state.token as string;
+ this.api = new API(
+ {
+ apiRoot: this.apiRoot,
+ apiVersion: this.apiVersion,
+ repo: this.repo,
+ branch: this.branch,
+ squashMerges: this.squashMerges,
+ cmsLabelPrefix: this.cmsLabelPrefix,
+ initialWorkflowStatus: this.options.initialWorkflowStatus,
+ },
+ this.token,
+ );
+ const user = await this.api.user();
+ return { token: state.token as string, ...user };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Log the user out by forgetting their access token.
+ * TODO: *Actual* logout by redirecting to:
+ * https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}/oauth2/logout?client_id={clientId}&post_logout_redirect_uri={baseUrl}
+ */
+ logout() {
+ this.token = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ getToken() {
+ return Promise.resolve(this.token);
+ }
+ async entriesByFolder(folder: string, extension: string, depth: number) {
+ const listFiles = async () => {
+ const files = await this.api!.listFiles(folder, depth > 1);
+ const filtered = files.filter(file => filterByExtension({ path: file.path }, extension));
+ return filtered.map(file => ({
+ id: file.id,
+ path: file.path,
+ }));
+ };
+ const entries = await entriesByFolder(
+ listFiles,
+ this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!),
+ this.api!.readFileMetadata.bind(this.api),
+ );
+ return entries;
+ }
+ entriesByFiles(files: ImplementationFile[]) {
+ return entriesByFiles(
+ files,
+ this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!),
+ this.api!.readFileMetadata.bind(this.api),
+ );
+ }
+ async getEntry(path: string) {
+ const data = (await this.api!.readFile(path)) as string;
+ return {
+ file: { path },
+ data,
+ };
+ }
+ async getMedia() {
+ const files = await this.api!.listFiles(this.mediaFolder, false);
+ const mediaFiles = await Promise.all(
+ files.map(async ({ id, path, name }) => {
+ const blobUrl = await this.getMediaDisplayURL({ id, path });
+ return { id, name, displayURL: blobUrl, path };
+ }),
+ );
+ return mediaFiles;
+ }
+ getMediaDisplayURL(displayURL: DisplayURL) {
+ this._mediaDisplayURLSem = this._mediaDisplayURLSem || semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS);
+ return getMediaDisplayURL(
+ displayURL,
+ this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!),
+ this._mediaDisplayURLSem,
+ );
+ }
+ async getMediaFile(path: string) {
+ const name = basename(path);
+ const blob = await getMediaAsBlob(path, null, this.api!.readFile.bind(this.api!));
+ const fileObj = new File([blob], name);
+ const url = URL.createObjectURL(fileObj);
+ const id = await getBlobSHA(blob);
+ return {
+ id,
+ displayURL: url,
+ path,
+ name,
+ size: fileObj.size,
+ file: fileObj,
+ url,
+ };
+ }
+ async persistEntry(entry: Entry, options: PersistOptions): Promise {
+ const mediaFiles: AssetProxy[] = entry.assets;
+ await this.api!.persistFiles(entry.dataFiles, mediaFiles, options);
+ }
+ async persistMedia(
+ mediaFile: AssetProxy,
+ options: PersistOptions,
+ ): Promise {
+ const fileObj = mediaFile.fileObj as File;
+ const [id] = await Promise.all([
+ getBlobSHA(fileObj),
+ this.api!.persistFiles([], [mediaFile], options),
+ ]);
+ const { path } = mediaFile;
+ const url = URL.createObjectURL(fileObj);
+ return {
+ displayURL: url,
+ path: trimStart(path, '/'),
+ name: fileObj!.name,
+ size: fileObj!.size,
+ file: fileObj,
+ url,
+ id: id as string,
+ };
+ }
+ async deleteFiles(paths: string[], commitMessage: string) {
+ await this.api!.deleteFiles(paths, commitMessage);
+ }
+ async loadMediaFile(branch: string, file: UnpublishedEntryMediaFile) {
+ const readFile = (
+ path: string,
+ id: string | null | undefined,
+ { parseText }: { parseText: boolean },
+ ) => this.api!.readFile(path, id, { branch, parseText });
+ const blob = await getMediaAsBlob(file.path, null, readFile);
+ const name = basename(file.path);
+ const fileObj = new File([blob], name);
+ return {
+ id: file.path,
+ displayURL: URL.createObjectURL(fileObj),
+ path: file.path,
+ name,
+ size: fileObj.size,
+ file: fileObj,
+ };
+ }
+ async loadEntryMediaFiles(branch: string, files: UnpublishedEntryMediaFile[]) {
+ const mediaFiles = await Promise.all(files.map(file => this.loadMediaFile(branch, file)));
+ return mediaFiles;
+ }
+ async unpublishedEntries() {
+ const listEntriesKeys = () =>
+ this.api!.listUnpublishedBranches().then(branches =>
+ branches.map(branch => contentKeyFromBranch(branch)),
+ );
+ const ids = await unpublishedEntries(listEntriesKeys);
+ return ids;
+ }
+ async unpublishedEntry({
+ id,
+ collection,
+ slug,
+ }: {
+ id?: string;
+ collection?: string;
+ slug?: string;
+ }) {
+ if (id) {
+ const data = await this.api!.retrieveUnpublishedEntryData(id);
+ return data;
+ } else if (collection && slug) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug);
+ const data = await this.api!.retrieveUnpublishedEntryData(contentKey);
+ return data;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Missing unpublished entry id or collection and slug');
+ }
+ }
+ getBranch(collection: string, slug: string) {
+ const contentKey = generateContentKey(collection, slug);
+ const branch = branchFromContentKey(contentKey);
+ return branch;
+ }
+ async unpublishedEntryMediaFile(collection: string, slug: string, path: string, id: string) {
+ const branch = this.getBranch(collection, slug);
+ const mediaFile = await this.loadMediaFile(branch, { path, id });
+ return mediaFile;
+ }
+ async unpublishedEntryDataFile(collection: string, slug: string, path: string, id: string) {
+ const branch = this.getBranch(collection, slug);
+ const data = (await this.api!.readFile(path, id, { branch })) as string;
+ return data;
+ }
+ updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection: string, slug: string, newStatus: string) {
+ // updateUnpublishedEntryStatus is a transactional operation
+ return runWithLock(
+ this.lock,
+ () => this.api!.updateUnpublishedEntryStatus(collection, slug, newStatus),
+ 'Failed to acquire update entry status lock',
+ );
+ }
+ deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection: string, slug: string) {
+ // deleteUnpublishedEntry is a transactional operation
+ return runWithLock(
+ this.lock,
+ () => this.api!.deleteUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug),
+ 'Failed to acquire delete entry lock',
+ );
+ }
+ publishUnpublishedEntry(collection: string, slug: string) {
+ // publishUnpublishedEntry is a transactional operation
+ return runWithLock(
+ this.lock,
+ () => this.api!.publishUnpublishedEntry(collection, slug),
+ 'Failed to acquire publish entry lock',
+ );
+ }
+ async getDeployPreview(collection: string, slug: string) {
+ try {
+ const statuses = await this.api!.getStatuses(collection, slug);
+ const deployStatus = getPreviewStatus(statuses, this.previewContext);
+ if (deployStatus) {
+ const { target_url: url, state } = deployStatus;
+ return { url, status: state };
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/index.ts b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bcae7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import AzureBackend from './implementation';
+import API from './API';
+import AuthenticationPage from './AuthenticationPage';
+export const NetlifyCmsBackendAzure = {
+ AzureBackend,
+ API,
+ AuthenticationPage,
+export { AzureBackend, API, AuthenticationPage };
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/webpack.config.js b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/webpack.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42edd361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-backend-azure/webpack.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+const { getConfig } = require('../../scripts/webpack.js');
+module.exports = getConfig();
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-core/index.d.ts b/packages/netlify-cms-core/index.d.ts
index 496c5e9a..395dd2c3 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-core/index.d.ts
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-core/index.d.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@ declare module 'netlify-cms-core' {
import React, { ComponentType } from 'react';
import { List, Map } from 'immutable';
- export type CmsBackendType = 'git-gateway' | 'github' | 'gitlab' | 'bitbucket' | 'test-repo';
+ export type CmsBackendType =
+ | 'azure'
+ | 'git-gateway'
+ | 'github'
+ | 'gitlab'
+ | 'bitbucket'
+ | 'test-repo';
export type CmsMapWidgetType = 'Point' | 'LineString' | 'Polygon';
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-lib-auth/src/implicit-oauth.js b/packages/netlify-cms-lib-auth/src/implicit-oauth.js
index 5bb1bf9a..1d394f38 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-lib-auth/src/implicit-oauth.js
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-lib-auth/src/implicit-oauth.js
@@ -42,7 +42,16 @@ export default class ImplicitAuthenticator {
authURL.searchParams.set('response_type', 'token');
authURL.searchParams.set('scope', options.scope);
+ if (options.prompt != null && options.prompt != undefined) {
+ authURL.searchParams.set('prompt', options.prompt);
+ }
+ if (options.resource != null && options.resource != undefined) {
+ authURL.searchParams.set('resource', options.resource);
+ }
const state = JSON.stringify({ auth_type: 'implicit', nonce: createNonce() });
authURL.searchParams.set('state', state);
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/API.ts b/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/API.ts
index f8ad4a8c..0f773101 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/API.ts
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/API.ts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface API {
export type ApiRequestObject = {
url: string;
params?: Record;
- method?: 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD';
+ method?: 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'PATCH';
headers?: Record;
body?: string | FormData;
cache?: 'no-store';
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/implementation.ts b/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/implementation.ts
index 345e518c..350d53a4 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/implementation.ts
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-lib-util/src/implementation.ts
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ export type Config = {
auth_type?: string;
app_id?: string;
cms_label_prefix?: string;
+ api_version?: string;
media_folder: string;
base_url?: string;
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/en/index.js b/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/en/index.js
index e2ed293d..e13c78ac 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/en/index.js
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/en/index.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const en = {
login: 'Login',
loggingIn: 'Logging in...',
loginWithNetlifyIdentity: 'Login with Netlify Identity',
+ loginWithAzure: 'Login with Azure',
loginWithBitbucket: 'Login with Bitbucket',
loginWithGitHub: 'Login with GitHub',
loginWithGitLab: 'Login with GitLab',
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/nl/index.js b/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/nl/index.js
index 562157ad..95b07b25 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/nl/index.js
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/nl/index.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const nl = {
login: 'Inloggen',
loggingIn: 'Inloggen...',
loginWithNetlifyIdentity: 'Inloggen met Netlify Identity',
+ loginWithAzure: 'Inloggen met Azure',
loginWithBitbucket: 'Inloggen met Bitbucket',
loginWithGitHub: 'Inloggen met GitHub',
loginWithGitLab: 'Inloggen met GitLab',
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/tr/index.js b/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/tr/index.js
index e79c9e9f..2eceaaf9 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/tr/index.js
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-locales/src/tr/index.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ const tr = {
login: 'Giriş',
loggingIn: 'Giriş yapılıyor..',
loginWithNetlifyIdentity: 'Netlify Identity ile Giriş',
+ loginWithAzure: 'Azure ile Giriş',
loginWithBitbucket: 'Bitbucket ile Giriş',
loginWithGitHub: 'GitHub ile Giriş',
loginWithGitLab: 'GitLab ile Giriş',
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/_index.js b/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/_index.js
index 450d656f..f774b2d1 100644
--- a/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/_index.js
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/_index.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import iconAdd from './add.svg';
import iconAddWith from './add-with.svg';
import iconArrow from './arrow.svg';
+import iconAzure from './azure.svg';
import iconBitbucket from './bitbucket.svg';
import iconBold from './bold.svg';
import iconCheck from './check.svg';
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ const images = {
add: iconix,
'add-with': iconAddWith,
arrow: iconArrow,
+ azure: iconAzure,
bitbucket: iconBitbucket,
bold: iconBold,
check: iconCheck,
diff --git a/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/azure.svg b/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/azure.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e8f1242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/netlify-cms-ui-default/src/Icon/images/azure.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/website/content/docs/azure-backend.md b/website/content/docs/azure-backend.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1814803c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/content/docs/azure-backend.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+group: Accounts
+weight: 20
+title: Azure
+For repositories stored on Azure, the `azure` backend allows CMS users to log in directly with their Azure account. Note that all users must have write access to your content repository for this to work.
+In order to get Netlify-CMS working with Azure DevOps, you need a Tenant Id and an Application Id.
+1. If you do not have an Azure account, [create one here](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F) and make sure to have a credit card linked to the account.
+2. If you do not have an Azure Active Directory Tenant Id, [set one up here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-create-new-tenant).
+3. [Register an application with Azure AD](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app). Configure it as a Single tenant Web application and add a redirect URI (e.g. `http://localhost:8080/`)
+4. Add the `Azure DevOps->user_impersonation` [permission](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-configure-app-access-web-apis#add-permissions-to-access-your-web-api) for the created application.
+5. [Grant admin consent](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-configure-app-access-web-apis#admin-consent-button) for the application.
+6. Under `Authentication->Implicit grant` enable [Access tokens](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/access-tokens) for the application and click `Save`.
+7. Verify your Azure DevOps organization is connected to the same directory as your tenant under: `https://dev.azure.com//_settings/organizationAad`
+8. Add the following lines to your Netlify CMS `config.yml` file:
+ name: azure
+ repo: organization/project/repo # replace with actual path
+ tenant_id: tenantId # replace with your tenantId
+ app_id: appId # replace with your appId
+### Limitations
+1. Pagination is not supported so some endpoints might return missing data
+2. Nested collection are partially supported as Azure doesn't allow [renaming and editing](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/git/pushes/create?view=azure-devops-rest-6.1&source=docs#rename-a-file) in a single operation