Icon component using Entypo

This commit is contained in:
Cássio Zen
2016-07-07 15:04:10 -03:00
parent 923678d74f
commit 3b316f1034
9 changed files with 1641 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
import React from 'react';
import styles from './Icon.css';
const availableIcons = [
'note', 'note-beamed',
'heart', 'heart-empty',
'star', 'star-empty',
'user', 'users', 'user-add',
'cancel', 'cancel-circled', 'cancel-squared',
'plus', 'plus-circled', 'plus-squared',
'minus', 'minus-circled', 'minus-squared',
'help', 'help-circled',
'info', 'info-circled',
'lock', 'lock-open',
'bookmark', 'bookmarks',
'thumbs-up', 'thumbs-down',
'download', 'upload', 'upload-cloud',
'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'quote',
'doc', 'docs', 'doc-landscape', 'doc-text', 'doc-text-inv',
'book', 'book-open',
'login', 'logout',
'mic', 'mute', 'sound', 'volume',
'light-down', 'light-up',
'resize-full', 'resize-small',
'down', 'down-circled', 'down-open', 'down-open-mini', 'down-open-big', 'down-dir', 'down-bold', 'down-thin',
'left', 'left-circled', 'left-open', 'left-open-mini', 'left-open-big', 'left-dir', 'left-bold', 'left-thin',
'right', 'right-circled', 'right-open', 'right-open-mini', 'right-open-big', 'right-dir', 'right-bold', 'right-thin',
'up', 'up-circled', 'up-open', 'up-open-mini', 'up-open-big', 'up-dir', 'up-bold', 'up-thin',
'level-down', 'level-up',
'play', 'stop', 'pause', 'record', 'to-end', 'to-start', 'fast-forward', 'fast-backward',
'progress-0', 'progress-1', 'progress-2', 'progress-3',
'list', 'list-add',
'cloud', 'cloud-thunder',
'dot', 'dot-2', 'dot-3',
'chart-pie', 'chart-line', 'chart-bar', 'chart-area',
'flow-cascade', 'flow-branch', 'flow-tree', 'flow-line', 'flow-parallel',
'cc', 'cc-by', 'cc-nc', 'cc-nc-eu', 'cc-nc-jp', 'cc-sa', 'cc-nd', 'cc-pd', 'cc-zero', 'cc-share', 'cc-remix',
'github', 'github-circled',
'flickr', 'flickr-circled',
'vimeo', 'vimeo-circled',
'twitter', 'twitter-circled',
'facebook', 'facebook-circled', 'facebook-squared',
'gplus', 'gplus-circled',
'pinterest', 'pinterest-circled',
'tumblr', 'tumblr-circled',
'linkedin', 'linkedin-circled',
'dribbble', 'dribbble-circled',
'stumbleupon', 'stumbleupon-circled',
'lastfm', 'lastfm-circled',
'rdio', 'rdio-circled',
'spotify', 'spotify-circled',
'skype', 'skype-circled',
const iconPropType = (props, propName) => {
if (props[propName]) {
const value = props[propName];
if (typeof value !== 'string' || availableIcons.indexOf(value) === -1) {
return new Error(
`Invalid type "${value}" supplied to Icon Component.`
export default function Icon({ style, type }) {
return <span className={`${styles.root} ${styles[type]}`} style={style}/>;
Icon.propTypes = {
type: iconPropType,