fix(locale): update zh_Hant translation (#4418)

This commit is contained in:
2020-10-06 17:29:11 +08:00
committed by GitHub
parent c7bac695aa
commit 277a1519be

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const zh_Hant = {
email: '請確認你已經輸入你的電子郵件。', email: '請確認你已經輸入你的電子郵件。',
password: '請輸入你的密碼。', password: '請輸入你的密碼。',
identitySettings: identitySettings:
'無法連接認證系統! ˇ當使用 git-gateway 作為後端資料庫時,請確認您已開啟認證服務及 Git Gateway。', '無法連接認證系統!當使用 git-gateway 作為後端資料庫時,請確認您已開啟認證服務及 Git Gateway。',
}, },
}, },
app: { app: {
@ -34,22 +34,39 @@ const zh_Hant = {
collection: { collection: {
sidebar: { sidebar: {
collections: '集合', collections: '集合',
allCollections: '所有集合',
searchAll: '尋找所有集合', searchAll: '尋找所有集合',
searchIn: '搜尋範圍',
}, },
collectionTop: { collectionTop: {
sortBy: '排序方式',
viewAs: '瀏覽方式', viewAs: '瀏覽方式',
newButton: '新增 %{collectionLabel}', newButton: '新增 %{collectionLabel}',
ascending: '由小到大',
descending: '由大到小',
searchResults: '搜尋 "%{searchTerm}" 的結果',
searchResultsInCollection: '在 %{collection} 中搜尋 %{searchTerm}" 的結果',
filterBy: '篩選方式',
}, },
entries: { entries: {
loadingEntries: '載入內容', loadingEntries: '載入內容',
cachingEntries: '快取內容', cachingEntries: '快取內容',
longerLoading: '這可能需要幾分鐘的時間', longerLoading: '這可能需要幾分鐘的時間',
noEntries: '沒有內容',
defaultFields: {
author: {
label: '作者',
updatedOn: {
label: '更新於',
}, },
}, },
editor: { editor: {
editorControl: { editorControl: {
field: { field: {
optional: '可选的', optional: '選填',
}, },
}, },
editorControlPane: { editorControlPane: {
@ -60,6 +77,15 @@ const zh_Hant = {
range: '%{fieldLabel} 必須介於 %{minValue} 和 %{maxValue} 之間', range: '%{fieldLabel} 必須介於 %{minValue} 和 %{maxValue} 之間',
min: '%{fieldLabel} 必須至少為 %{minValue}', min: '%{fieldLabel} 必須至少為 %{minValue}',
max: '%{fieldLabel} 必須小於或等於 %{maxValue}', max: '%{fieldLabel} 必須小於或等於 %{maxValue}',
rangeCount: '%{fieldLabel} 必須有 %{minCount} 到 %{maxCount} 個項目。',
rangeCountExact: '%{fieldLabel} 必須正好有 %{count} 個項目。',
minCount: '%{fieldLabel} 必須至少有 %{minCount} 個項目。',
maxCount: '%{fieldLabel} 最多只能有 %{maxCount} 個項目。',
invalidPath: `'%{path}' 不是有效的路徑`,
pathExists: `路徑 '%{path}' 已經存在`,
i18n: {
writingInLocale: '以 %{locale} 書寫',
}, },
}, },
editor: { editor: {
@ -69,15 +95,13 @@ const zh_Hant = {
onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: '您有未儲存的變更,在發布前請先進行儲存。', onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: '您有未儲存的變更,在發布前請先進行儲存。',
onPublishing: '你確定要發表此內容嗎?', onPublishing: '你確定要發表此內容嗎?',
onUnpublishing: '你確定要取消發表此內容嗎?', onUnpublishing: '你確定要取消發表此內容嗎?',
onDeleteWithUnsavedChanges: onDeleteWithUnsavedChanges: '你確定要刪除這篇已發布的內容以及你尚未儲存的變更?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?', onDeletePublishedEntry: '你確定要刪除這篇已發布的內容?',
onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?',
onDeleteUnpublishedChangesWithUnsavedChanges: onDeleteUnpublishedChangesWithUnsavedChanges:
'This will delete all unpublished changes to this entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session. Do you still want to delete?', '這將會刪除此內容所有未發布的變更,以及未儲存的變更。你確定還是要刪除?',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: '此內容所有未發布的變更都將會被刪除。你確定還是要刪除?',
'All unpublished changes to this entry will be deleted. Do you still want to delete?',
loadingEntry: '載入內容中...', loadingEntry: '載入內容中...',
confirmLoadBackup: 'A local backup was recovered for this entry, would you like to use it?', confirmLoadBackup: '此內容的本地備份已經還原,你想要使用嗎?',
}, },
editorToolbar: { editorToolbar: {
publishing: '發布中...', publishing: '發布中...',
@ -109,15 +133,19 @@ const zh_Hant = {
deployButtonLabel: '觀看已發布的內容', deployButtonLabel: '觀看已發布的內容',
}, },
editorWidgets: { editorWidgets: {
markdown: {
richText: 'Rich Text',
markdown: 'Markdown',
image: { image: {
choose: '选择一张图片', choose: '選擇一張圖片',
chooseDifferent: '选择其他片', chooseDifferent: '選擇其他片',
remove: '移除图片', remove: '刪除圖片',
}, },
file: { file: {
choose: '选择一个文件', choose: '選擇一個檔案',
chooseDifferent: '选择其他文件', chooseDifferent: '選擇其他檔案',
remove: '删除文件', remove: '刪除檔案',
}, },
unknownControl: { unknownControl: {
noControl: "無法控制元件: '%{widget}'.", noControl: "無法控制元件: '%{widget}'.",
@ -126,12 +154,15 @@ const zh_Hant = {
noPreview: "無法預覽元件: '%{widget}'.", noPreview: "無法預覽元件: '%{widget}'.",
}, },
headingOptions: { headingOptions: {
headingOne: 'Heading 1', headingOne: '標題 1',
headingTwo: 'Heading 2', headingTwo: '標題 2',
headingThree: 'Heading 3', headingThree: '標題 3',
headingFour: 'Heading 4', headingFour: '標題 4',
headingFive: 'Heading 5', headingFive: '標題 5',
headingSix: 'Heading 6', headingSix: '標題 6',
datetime: {
now: '現在',
}, },
}, },
}, },
@ -141,6 +172,7 @@ const zh_Hant = {
}, },
mediaLibrary: { mediaLibrary: {
onDelete: '你確定要刪除已選擇的媒體嗎?', onDelete: '你確定要刪除已選擇的媒體嗎?',
fileTooLarge: '檔案太大。\n已設定不允許大於 %{size} kB 的檔案。',
}, },
mediaLibraryModal: { mediaLibraryModal: {
loading: '載入中...', loading: '載入中...',
@ -153,17 +185,23 @@ const zh_Hant = {
search: '搜尋中...', search: '搜尋中...',
uploading: '上傳中...', uploading: '上傳中...',
upload: '上傳新內容', upload: '上傳新內容',
download: '下載',
deleting: '刪除中...', deleting: '刪除中...',
deleteSelected: '刪除已選擇的項目', deleteSelected: '刪除已選擇的項目',
chooseSelected: '選擇已選擇的項目', chooseSelected: '選擇已選擇的項目',
}, },
}, },
ui: { ui: {
default: {
goBackToSite: '回到網站',
errorBoundary: { errorBoundary: {
title: '錯誤', title: '錯誤',
details: '發生錯誤!請 ', details: '發生錯誤!請 ',
reportIt: '回報錯誤', reportIt: '回報錯誤',
detailsHeading: '細節', detailsHeading: '細節',
'建立 issue並加上錯誤訊息及除錯資訊。\n請確認資訊正確敏感資料也已經去除。',
recoveredEntry: { recoveredEntry: {
heading: '已恢復的內容', heading: '已恢復的內容',
warning: '在你離開本頁前,請將此處的內容複製貼上到其他地方來進行備份!', warning: '在你離開本頁前,請將此處的內容複製貼上到其他地方來進行備份!',
@ -188,6 +226,8 @@ const zh_Hant = {
entryUpdated: '內容狀態已更新', entryUpdated: '內容狀態已更新',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: '已刪除未發布的變更', onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: '已刪除未發布的變更',
onFailToAuth: '%{details}', onFailToAuth: '%{details}',
onLoggedOut: '你已經登出,請備份任何資料然後重新登入',
onBackendDown: '後端服務發生中斷。看 %{details} 取得更多資訊',
}, },
}, },
workflow: { workflow: {