feat(widget-relation): string templates support (#3659)

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Erez Rokah
2020-04-30 16:03:08 +03:00
committed by GitHub
parent 02f3cdd102
commit 213ae86b54
17 changed files with 406 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -9,21 +9,37 @@ The relation widget allows you to reference items from another collection. It pr
- **UI:** text input with search result dropdown
- **Data type:** data type of the value pulled from the related collection item
- **Options:**
- `default`: accepts any widget data type; defaults to an empty string
- `collection`: (**required**) name of the collection being referenced (string)
- `displayFields`: list of one or more names of fields in the referenced collection that will render in the autocomplete menu of the control. Defaults to `valueField`. For nested fields, separate each subfield with a `.` (E.g. `name.first`).
- `searchFields`: (**required**) list of one or more names of fields in the referenced collection to search for the typed value. Syntax to reference nested fields is similar to that of *displayFields*.
- `valueField`: (**required**) name of the field from the referenced collection whose value will be stored for the relation. Syntax to reference nested fields is similar to that of *displayFields* and *searchFields*. As `valueField` only allows for a single field, this parameter only accepts a string.
- `valueField`: (**required**) name of the field from the referenced collection whose value will be stored for the relation. For nested fields, separate each subfield with a `.` (E.g. `name.first`).
- `searchFields`: (**required**) list of one or more names of fields in the referenced collection to search for the typed value. Syntax to reference nested fields is similar to that of *valueField*.
- `displayFields`: list of one or more names of fields in the referenced collection that will render in the autocomplete menu of the control. Defaults to `valueField`. Syntax to reference nested fields is similar to that of *valueField*.
- `default`: accepts any widget data type; defaults to an empty string
- `multiple` : accepts a boolean, defaults to `false`
- `optionsLength`: accepts integer to override number of options presented to user. Defaults to `20`.
- **Example** (assuming a separate "authors" collection with "name" and "twitterHandle" fields with subfields "first" and "last" for the "name" field):
- label: "Post Author"
name: "author"
widget: "relation"
collection: "authors"
searchFields: ["name.first", "twitterHandle"]
valueField: "name.first"
displayFields: ["twitterHandle", "followerCount"]
The generated UI input will search the authors collection by name and twitterHandle, and display each author's handle and follower count. On selection, the author name will be saved for the field.
- label: "Post Author"
name: "author"
widget: "relation"
collection: "authors"
searchFields: ["name.first", "twitterHandle"]
valueField: "name.first"
displayFields: ["twitterHandle", "followerCount"]
The generated UI input will search the authors collection by name and twitterHandle, and display each author's handle and follower count. On selection, the author name will be saved for the field.
- **Note:** `valueField` and `displayFields` support string templates. For example:
- label: "Post Author"
name: "author"
widget: "relation"
collection: "authors"
searchFields: ['name.first']
valueField: "{{slug}}"
displayFields: ["{{twitterHandle}} - {{followerCount}}"]
The generated UI input will search the authors collection by name, and display each author's handle and follower count. On selection, the author entry slug will be saved for the field.