feat(widget-relation): string templates support (#3659)

This commit is contained in:
Erez Rokah
2020-04-30 16:03:08 +03:00
committed by GitHub
parent 02f3cdd102
commit 213ae86b54
17 changed files with 406 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import {
} from '../stringTemplate';
describe('stringTemplate', () => {
describe('keyToPathArray', () => {
it('should return array of length 1 with simple path', () => {
it('should return path array for complex path', () => {
describe('parseDateFromEntry', () => {
it('should return date based on dateFieldName', () => {
const date = new Date().toISOString();
const dateFieldName = 'dateFieldName';
const entry = fromJS({ data: { dateFieldName: date } });
expect(parseDateFromEntry(entry, dateFieldName).toISOString()).toBe(date);
it('should return undefined on empty dateFieldName', () => {
const entry = fromJS({ data: {} });
expect(parseDateFromEntry(entry, '')).toBeUndefined();
expect(parseDateFromEntry(entry, null)).toBeUndefined();
expect(parseDateFromEntry(entry, undefined)).toBeUndefined();
it('should return undefined on invalid date', () => {
const entry = fromJS({ data: { date: '' } });
const dateFieldName = 'date';
expect(parseDateFromEntry(entry, dateFieldName)).toBeUndefined();
describe('extractTemplateVars', () => {
it('should extract template variables', () => {
it('should return empty array on no matches', () => {
describe('compileStringTemplate', () => {
const date = new Date('2020-01-02T13:28:27.679Z');
it('should compile year variable', () => {
expect(compileStringTemplate('{{year}}', date)).toBe('2020');
it('should compile month variable', () => {
expect(compileStringTemplate('{{month}}', date)).toBe('01');
it('should compile day variable', () => {
expect(compileStringTemplate('{{day}}', date)).toBe('02');
it('should compile hour variable', () => {
expect(compileStringTemplate('{{hour}}', date)).toBe('13');
it('should compile minute variable', () => {
expect(compileStringTemplate('{{minute}}', date)).toBe('28');
it('should compile second variable', () => {
expect(compileStringTemplate('{{second}}', date)).toBe('27');
it('should error on missing date', () => {
expect(() => compileStringTemplate('{{year}}')).toThrowError();
it('return compiled template', () => {
fromJS({ slug: 'entrySlug', title: 'title', date }),
).toBe('backendSlug-2020-entrySlug-title-' + date.toString());
it('return apply processor to values', () => {
compileStringTemplate('{{slug}}', date, 'slug', fromJS({}), value => value.toUpperCase()),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import * as stringTemplate from './stringTemplate';
export const NetlifyCmsLibWidgets = {
export { stringTemplate };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
import moment from 'moment';
import { Map } from 'immutable';
import { basename, extname } from 'path';
const FIELD_PREFIX = 'fields.';
const templateContentPattern = '[^}{]+';
const templateVariablePattern = `{{(${templateContentPattern})}}`;
// prepends a Zero if the date has only 1 digit
function formatDate(date: number) {
return `0${date}`.slice(-2);
export const dateParsers: Record<string, (date: Date) => string> = {
year: (date: Date) => `${date.getUTCFullYear()}`,
month: (date: Date) => formatDate(date.getUTCMonth() + 1),
day: (date: Date) => formatDate(date.getUTCDate()),
hour: (date: Date) => formatDate(date.getUTCHours()),
minute: (date: Date) => formatDate(date.getUTCMinutes()),
second: (date: Date) => formatDate(date.getUTCSeconds()),
export function parseDateFromEntry(entry: Map<string, unknown>, dateFieldName?: string | null) {
if (!dateFieldName) {
const dateValue = entry.getIn(['data', dateFieldName]);
const dateMoment = dateValue && moment(dateValue);
if (dateMoment && dateMoment.isValid()) {
return dateMoment.toDate();
export const keyToPathArray = (key?: string) => {
if (!key) {
return [];
const parts = [];
const separator = '';
const chars = key.split(separator);
let currentChar;
let currentStr = [];
while ((currentChar = chars.shift())) {
if (['[', ']', '.'].includes(currentChar)) {
if (currentStr.length > 0) {
currentStr = [];
} else {
if (currentStr.length > 0) {
return parts;
// Allow `fields.` prefix in placeholder to override built in replacements
// like "slug" and "year" with values from fields of the same name.
function getExplicitFieldReplacement(key: string, data: Map<string, unknown>) {
if (!key.startsWith(FIELD_PREFIX)) {
const fieldName = key.substring(FIELD_PREFIX.length);
const value = data.getIn(keyToPathArray(fieldName));
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
return JSON.stringify(value);
return value;
export function compileStringTemplate(
template: string,
date: Date | undefined | null,
identifier = '',
data = Map<string, unknown>(),
processor?: (value: string) => string,
) {
let missingRequiredDate;
// Turn off date processing (support for replacements like `{{year}}`), by passing in
// `null` as the date arg.
const useDate = date !== null;
const compiledString = template.replace(
RegExp(templateVariablePattern, 'g'),
(_, key: string) => {
let replacement;
const explicitFieldReplacement = getExplicitFieldReplacement(key, data);
if (explicitFieldReplacement) {
replacement = explicitFieldReplacement;
} else if (dateParsers[key] && !date) {
missingRequiredDate = true;
return '';
} else if (dateParsers[key]) {
replacement = dateParsers[key](date as Date);
} else if (key === 'slug') {
replacement = identifier;
} else {
replacement = data.getIn(keyToPathArray(key), '') as string;
if (processor) {
return processor(replacement);
return replacement;
if (useDate && missingRequiredDate) {
const err = new Error();
throw err;
} else {
return compiledString;
export function extractTemplateVars(template: string) {
const regexp = RegExp(templateVariablePattern, 'g');
const contentRegexp = RegExp(templateContentPattern, 'g');
const matches = template.match(regexp) || [];
return matches.map(elem => {
const match = elem.match(contentRegexp);
return match ? match[0] : '';
export const addFileTemplateFields = (entryPath: string, fields: Map<string, string>) => {
if (!entryPath) {
return fields;
const extension = extname(entryPath);
const filename = basename(entryPath, extension);
fields = fields.withMutations(map => {
map.set('filename', filename);
map.set('extension', extension === '' ? extension : extension.substr(1));
return fields;