feat: add translation support (#2870)

* feat: add translation support

* test(cypress): fix locale import

* docs: add locale documentation

* feat: add german translation (#2877)

* fix: locales package version, register all locales in netlify-cms
This commit is contained in:
Erez Rokah
2019-11-14 11:25:04 +02:00
committed by GitHub
parent 4833f33728
commit 096b067d45
22 changed files with 660 additions and 191 deletions

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"netlify-cms-editor-component-image": "^2.4.3",
"netlify-cms-lib-auth": "^2.2.4",
"netlify-cms-lib-util": "^2.4.0-beta.4",
"netlify-cms-locales": "^1.0.0",
"netlify-cms-ui-default": "^2.7.0-beta.1",
"netlify-cms-widget-boolean": "^2.2.3",
"netlify-cms-widget-date": "^2.3.5",

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { NetlifyCmsCore as CMS } from 'netlify-cms-core';
import './backends';
import './widgets';
import './editor-components';
import './locales';
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import { NetlifyCmsCore as CMS } from 'netlify-cms-core';
import { en } from 'netlify-cms-locales';
CMS.registerLocale('en', en);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'react-router-redux';
import history from 'Routing/history';
import store from 'ReduxStore';
import { mergeConfig } from 'Actions/config';
import { getPhrases } from 'Constants/defaultPhrases';
import { getPhrases } from 'Lib/phrases';
import { selectLocale } from 'Selectors/config';
import { I18n } from 'react-polyglot';
import { GlobalStyles } from 'netlify-cms-ui-default';
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'UI';
@ -17,6 +18,24 @@ import 'what-input';
const ROOT_ID = 'nc-root';
const TranslatedApp = ({ locale }) => {
return (
<I18n locale={locale} messages={getPhrases(locale)}>
<ErrorBoundary showBackup>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Route component={App} />
const mapDispatchToProps = state => {
return { locale: selectLocale(state.config) };
const ConnectedTranslatedApp = connect(mapDispatchToProps)(TranslatedApp);
function bootstrap(opts = {}) {
const { config } = opts;
@ -63,15 +82,9 @@ function bootstrap(opts = {}) {
const Root = () => (
<GlobalStyles />
<I18n locale={'en'} messages={getPhrases()}>
<ErrorBoundary showBackup>
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<Route component={App} />
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedTranslatedApp />

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ const getConfigSchema = () => ({
required: ['name'],
locale: { type: 'string', examples: ['en', 'fr', 'de'] },
site_url: { type: 'string', examples: ['https://example.com'] },
display_url: { type: 'string', examples: ['https://example.com'] },
logo_url: { type: 'string', examples: ['https://example.com/images/logo.svg'] },

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
export function getPhrases() {
return {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Contents',
workflow: 'Workflow',
media: 'Media',
quickAdd: 'Quick add',
app: {
errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration',
configErrors: 'Config Errors',
checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.',
loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...',
waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...',
notFoundPage: {
header: 'Not Found',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: 'Collections',
searchAll: 'Search all',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: 'View as',
newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries',
cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries',
longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes',
editor: {
editorControlPane: {
widget: {
required: '%{fieldLabel} is required.',
regexPattern: "%{fieldLabel} didn't match the pattern: %{pattern}.",
processing: '%{fieldLabel} is processing.',
range: '%{fieldLabel} must be between %{minValue} and %{maxValue}.',
min: '%{fieldLabel} must be at least %{minValue}.',
max: '%{fieldLabel} must be %{maxValue} or less.',
editor: {
onLeavePage: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?',
'You have unsaved changes, please save before updating status.',
onPublishingNotReady: 'Please update status to "Ready" before publishing.',
onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: 'You have unsaved changes, please save before publishing.',
onPublishing: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?',
onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?',
'This will delete all unpublished changes to this entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session. Do you still want to delete?',
'All unpublished changes to this entry will be deleted. Do you still want to delete?',
loadingEntry: 'Loading entry...',
confirmLoadBackup: 'A local backup was recovered for this entry, would you like to use it?',
editorToolbar: {
publishing: 'Publishing...',
publish: 'Publish',
published: 'Published',
publishAndCreateNew: 'Publish and create new',
deleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Delete unpublished changes',
deleteUnpublishedEntry: 'Delete unpublished entry',
deletePublishedEntry: 'Delete published entry',
deleteEntry: 'Delete entry',
saving: 'Saving...',
save: 'Save',
deleting: 'Deleting...',
updating: 'Updating...',
setStatus: 'Set status',
backCollection: ' Writing in %{collectionLabel} collection',
unsavedChanges: 'Unsaved Changes',
changesSaved: 'Changes saved',
draft: 'Draft',
inReview: 'In review',
ready: 'Ready',
publishNow: 'Publish now',
deployPreviewPendingButtonLabel: 'Check for Preview',
deployPreviewButtonLabel: 'View Preview',
deployButtonLabel: 'View Live',
editorWidgets: {
unknownControl: {
noControl: "No control for widget '%{widget}'.",
unknownPreview: {
noPreview: "No preview for widget '%{widget}'.",
mediaLibrary: {
mediaLibrary: {
onDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete selected media?',
mediaLibraryModal: {
loading: 'Loading...',
noResults: 'No results.',
noAssetsFound: 'No assets found.',
noImagesFound: 'No images found.',
private: 'Private ',
images: 'Images',
mediaAssets: 'Media assets',
search: 'Search...',
uploading: 'Uploading...',
uploadNew: 'Upload new',
deleting: 'Deleting...',
deleteSelected: 'Delete selected',
chooseSelected: 'Choose selected',
ui: {
errorBoundary: {
title: 'Error',
details: "There's been an error - please ",
reportIt: 'report it.',
detailsHeading: 'Details',
recoveredEntry: {
heading: 'Recovered document',
warning: 'Please copy/paste this somewhere before navigating away!',
copyButtonLabel: 'Copy to clipboard',
settingsDropdown: {
logOut: 'Log Out',
toast: {
onFailToLoadEntries: 'Failed to load entry: %{details}',
onFailToLoadDeployPreview: 'Failed to load preview: %{details}',
onFailToPersist: 'Failed to persist entry: %{details}',
onFailToDelete: 'Failed to delete entry: %{details}',
onFailToUpdateStatus: 'Failed to update status: %{details}',
"Oops, you've missed a required field. Please complete before saving.",
entrySaved: 'Entry saved',
entryPublished: 'Entry published',
onFailToPublishEntry: 'Failed to publish: %{details}',
entryUpdated: 'Entry status updated',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Unpublished changes deleted',
onFailToAuth: '%{details}',
workflow: {
workflow: {
loading: 'Loading Editorial Workflow Entries',
workflowHeading: 'Editorial Workflow',
newPost: 'New Post',
'%{smart_count} entry waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. |||| %{smart_count} entries waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. ',
workflowCard: {
lastChange: '%{date} by %{author}',
lastChangeNoAuthor: '%{date}',
lastChangeNoDate: 'by %{author}',
deleteChanges: 'Delete changes',
deleteNewEntry: 'Delete new entry',
publishChanges: 'Publish changes',
publishNewEntry: 'Publish new entry',
workflowList: {
onDeleteEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?',
'Only items with a "Ready" status can be published. Please drag the card to the "Ready" column to enable publishing.',
onPublishEntry: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?',
draftHeader: 'Drafts',
inReviewHeader: 'In Review',
readyHeader: 'Ready',
currentEntries: '%{smart_count} entry |||| %{smart_count} entries',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import { getPhrases } from '../phrases';
describe('defaultPhrases', () => {
it('should merge en locale with given locale', () => {
const { getLocale } = require('../registry');
const locales = {
en: {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Contents',
workflow: 'Workflow',
media: 'Media',
quickAdd: 'Quick add',
app: {
errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration',
configErrors: 'Config Errors',
checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.',
loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...',
waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...',
notFoundPage: {
header: 'Not Found',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: 'Collections',
searchAll: 'Search all',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: 'View as',
newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries',
cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries',
longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes',
de: {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Inhalt',
getLocale.mockImplementation(locale => locales[locale]);
app: {
header: {
content: 'Inhalt',
workflow: 'Workflow',
media: 'Media',
quickAdd: 'Quick add',
app: {
errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration',
configErrors: 'Config Errors',
checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.',
loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...',
waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...',
notFoundPage: {
header: 'Not Found',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: 'Collections',
searchAll: 'Search all',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: 'View as',
newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries',
cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries',
longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes',
it('should not mutate default phrases', () => {
const { getLocale } = require('../registry');
const locales = {
en: {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Contents',
de: {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Inhalt',
getLocale.mockImplementation(locale => locales[locale]);
const result = getPhrases('de');
expect(result === locales['en']).toBe(false);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { registerLocale, getLocale } from '../registry';
jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {});
describe('registry', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
describe('registerLocale', () => {
it('should log error when name is empty', () => {
"Locale parameters invalid. example: CMS.registerLocale('locale', phrases)",
it('should log error when phrases are undefined', () => {
"Locale parameters invalid. example: CMS.registerLocale('locale', phrases)",
it('should register locale', () => {
const phrases = {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Inhalt',
registerLocale('de', phrases);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { merge } from 'lodash';
import { getLocale } from './registry';
export function getPhrases(locale) {
const phrases = merge({}, getLocale('en'), getLocale(locale));
return phrases;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ const registry = {
editorComponents: Map(),
widgetValueSerializers: {},
mediaLibraries: [],
locales: {},
export default {
@ -31,6 +32,8 @@ export default {
@ -156,3 +159,18 @@ export function registerMediaLibrary(mediaLibrary, options) {
export function getMediaLibrary(name) {
return registry.mediaLibraries.find(ml => ml.name === name);
* Locales
export function registerLocale(locale, phrases) {
if (!locale || !phrases) {
console.error("Locale parameters invalid. example: CMS.registerLocale('locale', phrases)");
} else {
registry.locales[locale] = phrases;
export function getLocale(locale) {
return registry.locales[locale];

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export const selectLocale = state => state.get('locale', 'en');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Netlify CMS Locales
## Default translations for Netlify CMS
The English translation is loaded by default.
To register another locale you can use the following code:
import CMS from 'netlify-cms-app';
import { de } from 'netlify-cms-locales';
CMS.registerLocale('de', de);
> When importing `netlify-cms` all locales are registered by default.
Make sure the specific locale exists in the package - if not, we will happily accept a pull request for it.
The configured locale will be merge into the english one so don't worry about missing some phrases.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"name": "netlify-cms-locales",
"description": "Locales for Netlify CMS.",
"version": "1.0.0",
"repository": "https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/tree/master/packages/netlify-cms-locales",
"bugs": "https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/issues",
"license": "MIT",
"module": "dist/esm/index.js",
"main": "dist/netlify-cms-locales.js",
"keywords": [
"sideEffects": false,
"scripts": {
"develop": "yarn build:esm --watch",
"build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack",
"build:esm": "cross-env NODE_ENV=esm babel src --out-dir dist/esm --ignore \"**/__tests__\" --root-mode upward"
"dependencies": {},
"peerDependencies": {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
const de = {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Inhalt',
workflow: 'Arbeitsablauf',
media: 'Medien',
quickAdd: 'Schnell-Erstellung',
app: {
errorHeader: 'Fehler beim laden der CMS-Konfiguration.',
configErrors: 'Konfigurationsfehler',
checkConfigYml: 'Überprüfen Sie die config.yml Konfigurationsdatei.',
loadingConfig: 'Konfiguration laden...',
waitingBackend: 'Auf Server warten...',
notFoundPage: {
header: 'Nicht gefunden',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: 'Inhaltstypen',
searchAll: 'Alles durchsuchen',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: 'Anzeigen als',
newButton: 'Neuer %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: 'Beiträge laden',
cachingEntries: 'Beiträge zwischenspeichern',
longerLoading: 'Diese Aktion kann einige Minuten in Anspruch nehmen',
editor: {
editorControlPane: {
widget: {
required: '%{fieldLabel} ist erforderlich.',
regexPattern: '%{fieldLabel} entspricht nicht dem Muster: %{pattern}.',
processing: '%{fieldLabel} wird verarbeitet.',
range: '%{fieldLabel} muss zwischen %{minValue} und %{maxValue} liegen.',
min: '%{fieldLabel} muss größer als %{minValue} sein.',
max: '%{fieldLabel} darf nicht größer als %{maxValue} sein.',
editor: {
onLeavePage: 'Möchten Sie diese Seite wirklich verlassen?',
'Es sind noch ungespeicherte Änderungen vorhanden. Bitte speichern Sie diese, bevor Sie den Status aktualisieren.',
'Bitte setzten die den Status auf "Abgeschlossen" vor dem Veröffentlichen.',
'Es sind noch ungespeicherte Änderungen vorhanden. Bitte speicheren Sie vor dem Veröffentlichen.',
onPublishing: 'Soll dieser Beitrag wirklich veröffentlich werden?',
'Möchten Sie diesen veröffentlichten Beitrag, sowie Ihre nicht gespeicherten Änderungen löschen?',
onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Soll dieser veröffentlichte Beitrag wirklich gelöscht werden?',
'Möchten Sie diesen unveröffentlichten Beitrag, sowie Ihre nicht gespeicherten Änderungen löschen?',
'Alle unveröffentlichten Änderungen werden gelöscht. Möchten Sie wirklich löschen?',
loadingEntry: 'Beitrag laden...',
'Für diesen Beitrag ist ein lokales Backup vorhanden. Möchten Sie dieses benutzen?',
editorToolbar: {
publishing: 'Veröffentlichen...',
publish: 'Veröffentlichen',
published: 'Veröffentlicht',
publishAndCreateNew: 'Veröffentlichen und neuen Beitrag erstellen',
deleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Unveröffentlichte Änderungen verwerfen',
deleteUnpublishedEntry: 'Lösche unveröffentlichten Beitrag',
deletePublishedEntry: 'Lösche veröffentlichten Beitrag',
deleteEntry: 'Lösche Beitrag',
saving: 'Speichern...',
save: 'Speichern',
deleting: 'Entfernen...',
updating: 'Aktualisieren...',
setStatus: 'Status setzen',
backCollection: 'Zurück zu allen %{collectionLabel}',
unsavedChanges: 'Ungespeicherte Änderungen',
changesSaved: 'Änderungen gespeichert',
draft: 'Entwurf',
inReview: 'Zur Überprüfung',
ready: 'Abgeschlossen',
publishNow: 'Jetzt veröffentlichen',
deployPreviewPendingButtonLabel: 'Überprüfen ob eine Vorschau vorhanden ist',
deployPreviewButtonLabel: 'Vorschau anzeigen',
deployButtonLabel: 'Live ansehen',
editorWidgets: {
unknownControl: {
noControl: "Kein Bedienelement für Widget '%{widget}'.",
unknownPreview: {
noPreview: "Keine Vorschau für Widget '%{widget}'.",
mediaLibrary: {
mediaLibrary: {
onDelete: 'Soll das ausgewählte Medium wirklich gelöscht werden?',
mediaLibraryModal: {
loading: 'Laden...',
noResults: 'Keine Egebnisse.',
noAssetsFound: 'Keine Medien gefunden.',
noImagesFound: 'Keine Bilder gefunden.',
private: 'Privat ',
images: 'Bilder',
mediaAssets: 'Medien',
search: 'Suchen...',
uploading: 'Hochladen...',
uploadNew: 'Hochladen',
deleting: 'Löschen...',
deleteSelected: 'Ausgewähltes Medium löschen',
chooseSelected: 'Ausgewähltes Medium verwenden',
ui: {
errorBoundary: {
title: 'Fehler',
details: 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten - bitte ',
reportIt: 'berichte ihn.',
detailsHeading: 'Details',
recoveredEntry: {
heading: 'Widerhergestellter Beitrag',
warning: 'Bitte speichern Sie sich das bevor Sie die Seite verlassen!',
copyButtonLabel: 'In Zwischenablage speichern',
settingsDropdown: {
logOut: 'Abmelden',
toast: {
onFailToLoadEntries: 'Beitrag konnte nicht geladen werden: %{details}',
onFailToLoadDeployPreview: 'Vorschau konnte nicht geladen werden: %{details}',
onFailToPersist: 'Beitrag speichern fehlgeschlagen: %{details}',
onFailToDelete: 'Beitrag löschen fehlgeschlagen: %{details}',
onFailToUpdateStatus: 'Status aktualisieren fehlgeschlagen: %{details}',
missingRequiredField: 'Oops, einige zwingend erforderliche Felder sind nicht ausgefüllt.',
entrySaved: 'Beitrag gespeichert',
entryPublished: 'Beitrag veröffentlicht',
onFailToPublishEntry: 'Veröffentlichen fehlgeschlagen: %{details}',
entryUpdated: 'Beitragsstatus aktualisiert',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Unveröffentlichte Änderungen verworfen',
onFailToAuth: '%{details}',
workflow: {
workflow: {
loading: 'Arbeitsablauf Beiträge laden',
workflowHeading: 'Redaktioneller Arbeitsablauf',
newPost: 'Neuer Beitrag',
'%{smart_count} Beitrag zur Überprüfung bereit, %{readyCount} bereit zur Veröffentlichung. |||| %{smart_count} Beiträge zur Überprüfung bereit, %{readyCount} bereit zur Veröffentlichung. ',
workflowCard: {
lastChange: '%{date} von %{author}',
lastChangeNoAuthor: '%{date}',
lastChangeNoDate: 'von %{author}',
deleteChanges: 'Änderungen verwerfen',
deleteNewEntry: 'Lösche neuen Beitrag',
publishChanges: 'Veröffentliche Änderungen',
publishNewEntry: 'Veröffentliche neuen Beitrag',
workflowList: {
onDeleteEntry: 'Soll dieser Beitrag wirklich gelöscht werden?',
'Nur Beiträge im Status "Abgeschlossen" können veröffentlicht werden. Bitte ziehen Sie den Beitrag in die "Abgeschlossen" Spalte um die Veröffentlichung zu aktivieren.',
onPublishEntry: 'Soll dieser Beitrag wirklich veröffentlicht werden soll?',
draftHeader: 'Entwurf',
inReviewHeader: 'Zur Überprüfung',
readyHeader: 'Abgeschlossen',
currentEntries: '%{smart_count} Beitrag |||| %{smart_count} Beiträge',
export default de;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
const en = {
app: {
header: {
content: 'Contents',
workflow: 'Workflow',
media: 'Media',
quickAdd: 'Quick add',
app: {
errorHeader: 'Error loading the CMS configuration',
configErrors: 'Config Errors',
checkConfigYml: 'Check your config.yml file.',
loadingConfig: 'Loading configuration...',
waitingBackend: 'Waiting for backend...',
notFoundPage: {
header: 'Not Found',
collection: {
sidebar: {
collections: 'Collections',
searchAll: 'Search all',
collectionTop: {
viewAs: 'View as',
newButton: 'New %{collectionLabel}',
entries: {
loadingEntries: 'Loading Entries',
cachingEntries: 'Caching Entries',
longerLoading: 'This might take several minutes',
editor: {
editorControlPane: {
widget: {
required: '%{fieldLabel} is required.',
regexPattern: "%{fieldLabel} didn't match the pattern: %{pattern}.",
processing: '%{fieldLabel} is processing.',
range: '%{fieldLabel} must be between %{minValue} and %{maxValue}.',
min: '%{fieldLabel} must be at least %{minValue}.',
max: '%{fieldLabel} must be %{maxValue} or less.',
editor: {
onLeavePage: 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?',
onUpdatingWithUnsavedChanges: 'You have unsaved changes, please save before updating status.',
onPublishingNotReady: 'Please update status to "Ready" before publishing.',
onPublishingWithUnsavedChanges: 'You have unsaved changes, please save before publishing.',
onPublishing: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session?',
onDeletePublishedEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this published entry?',
'This will delete all unpublished changes to this entry, as well as your unsaved changes from the current session. Do you still want to delete?',
'All unpublished changes to this entry will be deleted. Do you still want to delete?',
loadingEntry: 'Loading entry...',
confirmLoadBackup: 'A local backup was recovered for this entry, would you like to use it?',
editorToolbar: {
publishing: 'Publishing...',
publish: 'Publish',
published: 'Published',
publishAndCreateNew: 'Publish and create new',
deleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Delete unpublished changes',
deleteUnpublishedEntry: 'Delete unpublished entry',
deletePublishedEntry: 'Delete published entry',
deleteEntry: 'Delete entry',
saving: 'Saving...',
save: 'Save',
deleting: 'Deleting...',
updating: 'Updating...',
setStatus: 'Set status',
backCollection: ' Writing in %{collectionLabel} collection',
unsavedChanges: 'Unsaved Changes',
changesSaved: 'Changes saved',
draft: 'Draft',
inReview: 'In review',
ready: 'Ready',
publishNow: 'Publish now',
deployPreviewPendingButtonLabel: 'Check for Preview',
deployPreviewButtonLabel: 'View Preview',
deployButtonLabel: 'View Live',
editorWidgets: {
unknownControl: {
noControl: "No control for widget '%{widget}'.",
unknownPreview: {
noPreview: "No preview for widget '%{widget}'.",
mediaLibrary: {
mediaLibrary: {
onDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete selected media?',
mediaLibraryModal: {
loading: 'Loading...',
noResults: 'No results.',
noAssetsFound: 'No assets found.',
noImagesFound: 'No images found.',
private: 'Private ',
images: 'Images',
mediaAssets: 'Media assets',
search: 'Search...',
uploading: 'Uploading...',
uploadNew: 'Upload new',
deleting: 'Deleting...',
deleteSelected: 'Delete selected',
chooseSelected: 'Choose selected',
ui: {
errorBoundary: {
title: 'Error',
details: "There's been an error - please ",
reportIt: 'report it.',
detailsHeading: 'Details',
recoveredEntry: {
heading: 'Recovered document',
warning: 'Please copy/paste this somewhere before navigating away!',
copyButtonLabel: 'Copy to clipboard',
settingsDropdown: {
logOut: 'Log Out',
toast: {
onFailToLoadEntries: 'Failed to load entry: %{details}',
onFailToLoadDeployPreview: 'Failed to load preview: %{details}',
onFailToPersist: 'Failed to persist entry: %{details}',
onFailToDelete: 'Failed to delete entry: %{details}',
onFailToUpdateStatus: 'Failed to update status: %{details}',
missingRequiredField: "Oops, you've missed a required field. Please complete before saving.",
entrySaved: 'Entry saved',
entryPublished: 'Entry published',
onFailToPublishEntry: 'Failed to publish: %{details}',
entryUpdated: 'Entry status updated',
onDeleteUnpublishedChanges: 'Unpublished changes deleted',
onFailToAuth: '%{details}',
workflow: {
workflow: {
loading: 'Loading Editorial Workflow Entries',
workflowHeading: 'Editorial Workflow',
newPost: 'New Post',
'%{smart_count} entry waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. |||| %{smart_count} entries waiting for review, %{readyCount} ready to go live. ',
workflowCard: {
lastChange: '%{date} by %{author}',
lastChangeNoAuthor: '%{date}',
lastChangeNoDate: 'by %{author}',
deleteChanges: 'Delete changes',
deleteNewEntry: 'Delete new entry',
publishChanges: 'Publish changes',
publishNewEntry: 'Publish new entry',
workflowList: {
onDeleteEntry: 'Are you sure you want to delete this entry?',
'Only items with a "Ready" status can be published. Please drag the card to the "Ready" column to enable publishing.',
onPublishEntry: 'Are you sure you want to publish this entry?',
draftHeader: 'Drafts',
inReviewHeader: 'In Review',
readyHeader: 'Ready',
currentEntries: '%{smart_count} entry |||| %{smart_count} entries',
export default en;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
export { default as en } from './en';
export { default as de } from './de';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
const { getConfig } = require('../../scripts/webpack.js');
module.exports = getConfig();

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';
import React from 'react';
import { NetlifyCmsApp as CMS } from 'netlify-cms-app/dist/esm';
import './media-libraries';
import './locales';
* Load Netlify CMS automatically if `window.CMS_MANUAL_INIT` is set.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import { NetlifyCmsApp as CMS } from 'netlify-cms-app/dist/esm';
import * as locales from 'netlify-cms-locales';
Object.keys(locales).forEach(locale => {
CMS.registerLocale(locale, locales[locale]);