fix: fix bunlding issue with j-toml by using internal version

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Lautzenheiser
2022-12-22 11:49:33 -05:00
parent 0721501f86
commit 0325ece9aa
5 changed files with 724 additions and 104 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,6 @@
"@emotion/react": "11.10.5",
"@emotion/styled": "11.10.5",
"@lezer/common": "1.0.2",
"@ltd/j-toml": "1.36.0",
"@mdx-js/mdx": "2.2.1",
"@mdx-js/react": "2.2.1",
"@mui/icons-material": "5.11.0",

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import toml from '@ltd/j-toml';
import FileFormatter from './FileFormatter';
import toml from './util/j-toml.min';
class TomlFormatter extends FileFormatter {
fromFile(content: string) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
export as namespace TOML;
export = exports;
declare namespace exports {
export const version: '1.36.0';
export const parse: {
this: void,
source: Source,
specificationVersion: 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1,
multilineStringJoiner?: string,
useBigInt?: boolean | number,
xOptions?: XOptions,
): Table;
this: void,
source: Source,
multilineStringJoiner?: string,
useBigInt?: boolean | number,
xOptions?: XOptions,
): Table;
this: void,
source: Source,
options?: {
readonly joiner?: string;
readonly bigint?: boolean | number;
readonly x?: XOptions;
): Table;
} & {
readonly [SpecificationVersion in 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.1]: {
this: void,
source: Source,
multilineStringJoiner?: string,
useBigInt?: boolean | number,
xOptions?: XOptions,
): Table;
this: void,
source: Source,
options?: {
readonly joiner?: string;
readonly bigint?: boolean | number;
readonly x?: XOptions;
): Table;
export function stringify(
this: void,
rootTable: ReadonlyTable,
options?: {
readonly integer?: number;
readonly newline?: '\n' | '\r\n';
readonly newlineAround?: 'document' | 'section' | 'header' | 'pairs' | 'pair';
readonly indent?: string | number;
readonly T?: 'T' | 't' | ' ';
readonly Z?: 'Z' | 'z';
readonly xNull?: boolean;
readonly xBeforeNewlineInMultilineTable?: ',' | '';
readonly forceInlineArraySpacing?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
): string;
export function isSection(this: void, table: ReadonlyTable): boolean;
export function isInline(this: void, value: ReadonlyTable | ReadonlyArray): boolean;
export function Section<T extends ReadonlyTable>(this: void, table: T): T;
export function inline<T extends ReadonlyArray>(
this: void,
value: T,
inlineMode?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3,
): T;
export function inline<T extends ReadonlyTable>(this: void, value: T): T;
export const multiline: {
readonly array: {
<T extends ReadonlyArray>(this: void, array: T): T;
<T extends ReadonlyTable>(this: void, table: T): T;
(this: void, value: string): {
[_literal]: [`"""`, ...string[], `${string}"""`] | [`'''`, ...string[], `${string}'''`];
} & object &
(this: void, lines: readonly string[]): {
[_literal]: [`"""`, ...string[], `${string}"""`] | [`'''`, ...string[], `${string}'''`];
} & object;
(this: void, lines: readonly string[], value: string): {
[_literal]: [`"""`, ...string[], `${string}"""`] | [`'''`, ...string[], `${string}'''`];
} & object &
readonly basic: {
(this: void, value: string): { [_literal]: [`"""`, ...string[], `${string}"""`] } & object &
(this: void, lines: readonly string[]): {
[_literal]: [`"""`, ...string[], `${string}"""`];
} & object;
(this: void, lines: readonly string[], value: string): {
[_literal]: [`"""`, ...string[], `${string}"""`];
} & object &
export function basic(this: void, value: string): { [_literal]: `"${string}"` } & object & String;
export function literal(
this: void,
literal: string,
): { [_literal]: string | [string, ...string[]] } & object;
export function literal(
this: void,
literal: string,
value: string,
): { [_literal]: string | [string, ...string[]] } & object & String;
export function literal(
this: void,
literal: string,
value: number,
): { [_literal]: string | [string, ...string[]] } & object & Number;
export function literal(
this: void,
literal: string,
value: bigint,
): { [_literal]: string | [string, ...string[]] } & object & BigInt;
export function literal(
this: void,
literal: TemplateStringsArray,
...chars: string[]
): { [_literal]: string | [string, ...string[]] } & object;
export function commentFor(this: void, key: string): symbol;
export const commentForThis: unique symbol;
export { OffsetDateTime, LocalDateTime, LocalDate, LocalTime, Keys };
export { exports as default };
declare class OffsetDateTime {
readonly toJSON: Date['toJSON'];
readonly toISOString: (
this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>,
) => `${number}-${number}-${number}T${number}:${number}:${number}${'' | `.${number}`}${
| 'Z'
| `${'+' | '-'}${number}:${number}`}`;
readonly valueOf: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => `${number}${'' | `.${number}`}`;
private [OffsetDateTime_ISOString]: string;
private [OffsetDateTime_value]: string;
literal: `${number}-${number}-${number}${'T' | 't' | ' '}${number}:${number}:${number}${
| ''
| `.${number}`}${'Z' | 'z' | `${'+' | '-'}${number}:${number}`}`,
readonly getUTCFullYear: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _1_10000;
readonly getUTCMonth: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _0_11;
readonly getUTCDate: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _1_31;
readonly getUTCHours: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _0_23;
readonly getUTCMinutes: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _0_59;
readonly getUTCSeconds: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _0_59;
readonly getUTCMilliseconds: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _0_999;
readonly getUTCDay: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _0_6;
readonly getTimezoneOffset: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => _1439_1439;
readonly getTime: (this: Readonly<OffsetDateTime>) => number;
declare class LocalDateTime {
readonly toJSON: Date['toJSON'];
readonly toISOString: (
this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>,
) => `${number}-${number}-${number}T${number}:${number}:${number}${'' | `.${number}`}`;
readonly valueOf: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => `${number}`;
private [LocalDateTime_ISOString]: string;
private [LocalDateTime_value]: string;
literal: `${number}-${number}-${number}${'T' | 't' | ' '}${number}:${number}:${number}${
| ''
| `.${number}`}`,
readonly getFullYear: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _0_9999;
readonly setFullYear: (this: LocalDateTime, year: _0_9999) => void;
readonly getMonth: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _0_11;
readonly setMonth: (this: LocalDateTime, month: _0_11) => void;
readonly getDate: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _1_31;
readonly setDate: (this: LocalDateTime, date: _1_31) => void;
readonly getHours: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _0_23;
readonly setHours: (this: LocalDateTime, hours: _0_23) => void;
readonly getMinutes: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _0_59;
readonly setMinutes: (this: LocalDateTime, min: _0_59) => void;
readonly getSeconds: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _0_59;
readonly setSeconds: (this: LocalDateTime, sec: _0_59) => void;
readonly getMilliseconds: (this: Readonly<LocalDateTime>) => _0_999;
readonly setMilliseconds: (this: LocalDateTime, ms: _0_999) => void;
declare class LocalDate {
readonly toJSON: Date['toJSON'];
readonly toISOString: (this: Readonly<LocalDate>) => `${number}-${number}-${number}`;
readonly valueOf: (this: Readonly<LocalDate>) => `${number}`;
private [LocalDate_ISOString]: string;
private [LocalDate_value]: string;
constructor(literal: `${number}-${number}-${number}`);
readonly getFullYear: (this: Readonly<LocalDate>) => _0_9999;
readonly setFullYear: (this: LocalDate, year: _0_9999) => void;
readonly getMonth: (this: Readonly<LocalDate>) => _0_11;
readonly setMonth: (this: LocalDate, month: _0_11) => void;
readonly getDate: (this: Readonly<LocalDate>) => _1_31;
readonly setDate: (this: LocalDate, date: _1_31) => void;
declare class LocalTime {
readonly toJSON: Date['toJSON'];
readonly toISOString: (
this: Readonly<LocalTime>,
) => `${number}:${number}:${number}${'' | `.${number}`}`;
readonly valueOf: (this: Readonly<LocalTime>) => `${number}`;
private [LocalTime_ISOString]: string;
private [LocalTime_value]: string;
constructor(literal: `${number}:${number}:${number}${'' | `.${number}`}`);
readonly getHours: (this: Readonly<LocalTime>) => _0_23;
readonly setHours: (this: LocalTime, hours: _0_23) => void;
readonly getMinutes: (this: Readonly<LocalTime>) => _0_59;
readonly setMinutes: (this: LocalTime, min: _0_59) => void;
readonly getSeconds: (this: Readonly<LocalTime>) => _0_59;
readonly setSeconds: (this: LocalTime, sec: _0_59) => void;
readonly getMilliseconds: (this: Readonly<LocalTime>) => _0_999;
readonly setMilliseconds: (this: LocalTime, ms: _0_999) => void;
declare class Keys extends RegExp {
readonly lastIndex: number;
constructor(keys: ArrayLike<string>);
readonly test: (this: Keys, key: string) => boolean;
declare const _literal: unique symbol;
type Source =
| string
| ArrayBufferLike
| {
readonly path: string;
readonly data?: undefined;
readonly require:
| {
readonly resolve?: { readonly paths?: undefined };
(this: void, id: 'fs'): {
readonly readFileSync: (this: void, path: string) => ArrayBufferLike;
| {
readonly resolve: { readonly paths: (this: void, request: string) => null | string[] };
(this: void, id: 'path'): {
readonly resolve: (this: void, dirname: string, filename: string) => string;
(this: void, id: 'fs'): {
readonly readFileSync: (this: void, path: string) => ArrayBufferLike;
| {
readonly path: string;
readonly data: string | ArrayBufferLike;
readonly require?:
| {
readonly resolve?: { readonly paths?: undefined };
| {
readonly resolve: { readonly paths: (this: void, request: string) => null | string[] };
(this: void, id: 'path'): {
readonly resolve: (this: void, dirname: string, filename: string) => string;
type XOptions = null | {
readonly keys?: null | Keys;
readonly order?: boolean;
readonly exact?: boolean;
readonly multi?: boolean;
readonly longer?: boolean;
readonly string?: boolean;
readonly comment?: boolean;
readonly literal?: boolean;
readonly null?: boolean;
readonly tag?:
| null
| (<
Table extends object & { [key: string | symbol]: any },
Key extends string | symbol,
Array extends any[],
Index extends number,
Tag extends string,
this: void,
| { table: Table; key: Key; tag: Tag }
| { array: Array; index: Index; tag: Tag }
| { table: Table; key: Key; array: Array; index: Index; tag: Tag },
) => void);
type ReadonlyTable = object & { readonly [key: string]: ReadonlyValue };
type ReadonlyArray = readonly ReadonlyValue[];
type ReadonlyValue =
| ({ readonly [_literal]: string | readonly [string, ...string[]] } & object)
| null
| boolean
| bigint
| number
| string
| ReadonlyDatetime
| ReadonlyArray
| ReadonlyTable;
interface ReadonlyDatetime {
readonly toISOString: (this: this) => string;
type Table = object & { [key: string]: Value };
type Array = Value[];
type Value =
| (object & BigInt & { [_literal]: string })
| (object & Number & { [_literal]: string })
| (object & String & { [_literal]: string | [string, ...string[]] })
| null
| boolean
| bigint
| number
| string
| Datetime
| Array
| Table;
type Datetime = OffsetDateTime | LocalDateTime | LocalDate | LocalTime;
declare const OffsetDateTime_ISOString: unique symbol;
declare const OffsetDateTime_value: unique symbol;
declare const LocalDateTime_ISOString: unique symbol;
declare const LocalDateTime_value: unique symbol;
declare const LocalDate_ISOString: unique symbol;
declare const LocalDate_value: unique symbol;
declare const LocalTime_ISOString: unique symbol;
declare const LocalTime_value: unique symbol;
type _1439_1439 = -1439 | ({} & number) | 1439;
type _1_10000 = -1 | ({} & number) | 10000;
type _0_9999 = 0 | ({} & number) | 9999;
type _0_999 = 0 | ({} & number) | 999;
type _0_6 = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
type _0_11 = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11;
type _0_23 =
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13
| 14
| 15
| 16
| 17
| 18
| 19
| 20
| 21
| 22
| 23;
type _1_31 =
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13
| 14
| 15
| 16
| 17
| 18
| 19
| 20
| 21
| 22
| 23
| 24
| 25
| 26
| 27
| 28
| 29
| 30
| 31;
type _0_59 =
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 13
| 14
| 15
| 16
| 17
| 18
| 19
| 20
| 21
| 22
| 23
| 24
| 25
| 26
| 27
| 28
| 29
| 30
| 31
| 32
| 33
| 34
| 35
| 36
| 37
| 38
| 39
| 40
| 41
| 42
| 43
| 44
| 45
| 46
| 47
| 48
| 49
| 50
| 51
| 52
| 53
| 54
| 55
| 56
| 57
| 58
| 59;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long