| default | string | `Current Date and Time` | _Optional_. The default value for the field. Accepts a datetime string, or an empty string to accept blank input. |
| date_format | string<br />\| boolean | `true` | _Optional_. Sets date display format in UI.<ul><li>`string` - Accepts [date-fns tokens](https://date-fns.org/v2.29.3/docs/format)</li><li>`true` - Uses default locale format</li><li>`false` - If `time_format` is `true` or a string, then date picker is hidden</li></ul> |
| time_format | string<br />\| boolean | `true` | _Optional_. Sets time display format in UI.<ul><li>`string` - Accepts [date-fns tokens](https://date-fns.org/v2.29.3/docs/format)</li><li>`true` - Uses default locale format</li><li>`false` - Hides the time picker</li></ul> |
| picker_utc | boolean | `false` | _Optional_. <ul><li>`true` - The datetime picker will display times in UTC</li><li>`false` - The datetime picker will display times in the user's local timezone</li></ul> When using date-only formats, it can be helpful to set this to `true` so users in all timezones will see the same date in the datetime picker |