Initial Release

This commit is contained in:
2023-03-26 15:44:45 +02:00
commit 2b7528e89a
66 changed files with 6603 additions and 0 deletions

i18n/de.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# Content
- id: postedOnDate
translation: "Gepostet am {{ . }}"
- id: lastModified
translation: "(Zuletzt geändert am {{ . }})"
- id: translationsLabel
translation: "Andere Sprachen: "
- id: translationsSeparator
translation: ", "
- id: readMore
translation: "Mehr"
- id: morePosts
translation: "Mehr Posts"
- id: olderPosts
translation: "Ältere Posts"
- id: newerPosts
translation: "Neuere Posts"
- id: previousPost
translation: "Letzter Post"
- id: nextPost
translation: "Nächster Post"
- id: readTime
translation: "Minuten"
- id: words
translation: "Wörter"
# Date
- id: January
translation: "Januar"
- id: February
translation: "Februar"
- id: March
translation: "März"
- id: April
translation: "April"
- id: May
translation: "Mai"
- id: June
translation: "Juni"
- id: July
translation: "Juli"
- id: August
translation: "August"
- id: September
translation: "September"
- id: October
translation: "Oktober"
- id: November
translation: "November"
- id: December
translation: "Dezember"
# 404 page
- id: pageNotFound
translation: "Ups, diese Seite existiert nicht. (404 Error)"
# Footer
- id: poweredBy # Accepts HTML
translation: '<a href="">Hugo v{{ .Site.Hugo.Version }}</a> angetrieben &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; Theme <a href="">Beautiful Hugo</a> angepasst von <a href="">Beautiful Jekyll</a>'
# Navigation
- id: toggleNavigation
translation: "Navigation"
- id: languageSwitcherLabel
translation: "Sprache"
- id: gcseLabelShort
translation: "Suche"
- id: gcseLabelLong
translation: "Suche {{ .Site.Title }}"
- id: gcseClose
translation: "Schließen"
# Staticman
- id: noComment
translation: "Kein Kommentar"
- id: oneComment
translation: "Kommentar"
- id: moreComment
translation: "Kommentare"
- id: useMarkdown
translation: "Sie können Markdown-Syntax verwenden"
- id: yourName
translation: "Ihr Name"
- id: yourEmail
translation: "Ihre Emailadresse"
- id: yourWebsite
translation: "Ihre Website"
# Delayed Disqus
- id: show
translation: "Zeige"
- id: comments
translation: "Kommentare"
# Related posts
- id: seeAlso
translation: "Siehe auch"