CMS-Reparaturen #242

Denys Konovalov merged 3 commits from fix/cms-ui into master 2023-10-01 15:25:54 +02:00

Schließt #236

  • Anpassung der Shortcodes an das neue Theme
  • Reparatur Leerzeichen in Shortcodes
  • Reparatur Zugangssystem
  • Post-update-check Config
  • Integration Wertepaar-Widget, Widget-Bedingungen
  • Sonstige Anpassungen
Schließt #236 - [x] Anpassung der Shortcodes an das neue Theme - [x] Reparatur Leerzeichen in Shortcodes - [x] Reparatur Zugangssystem - [x] Post-update-check Config - [ ] ~~Integration Wertepaar-Widget, Widget-Bedingungen~~ - Sonstige Anpassungen
Denys Konovalov added 1 commit 2023-09-30 21:20:34 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added spent time 2 hours 2023-09-30 21:20:42 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added the
labels 2023-09-30 21:21:06 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added this to the CMS-Update milestone 2023-09-30 21:21:08 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added this to the CMS project 2023-09-30 21:21:11 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added spent time 10 minutes 2023-10-01 14:17:42 +02:00
Denys Konovalov started working 2023-10-01 14:17:47 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added 1 commit 2023-10-01 15:24:09 +02:00
Denys Konovalov added 1 commit 2023-10-01 15:24:27 +02:00
Denys Konovalov merged commit f72babec9f into master 2023-10-01 15:25:54 +02:00
Denys Konovalov worked for 1 hour 8 minutes 2023-10-01 15:25:54 +02:00
Denys Konovalov deleted branch fix/cms-ui 2023-10-01 15:25:54 +02:00
Denys Konovalov moved this to Abgeschlossen in CMS on 2024-12-28 16:16:24 +01:00
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No Reviewers
1 Participants
Total Time Spent: 3 hours 18 minutes
Denys Konovalov
3 hours 18 minutes
Due Date
No due date set.

No dependencies set.

Reference: gcg/gcg-website#242
No description provided.