static/media/2023_bernhard_-fuchs.webp gelöscht
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m34s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 58s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-08-22 16:08:28 +02:00 |
Cantorpreisträger 2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m20s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 50s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-08-22 15:53:59 +02:00 |
Cantorpreisträger 2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m11s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m10s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-08-22 15:49:00 +02:00 |
Artikel erster-schultag-2023-2024 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m49s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m7s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-08-20 19:42:41 +02:00 |
update static cms to v3.0.0
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 50s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m0s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-08-03 22:21:34 +02:00 |
fix build
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m9s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 47s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-08-01 21:44:43 +02:00 |
update cms previews to new layouts. close #234
2023-07-31 20:54:52 +02:00 |
Artikel gratulation-zum-vizeeuropameister-titel erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m39s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m5s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-23 16:55:32 +02:00 |
Einstellungen data-ausblick aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m29s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 51s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-09 23:02:47 +02:00 |
Artikel abiturzeugnisverleihung-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m20s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m2s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-09 22:47:50 +02:00 |
Artikel auszeichnungsveranstaltung-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 2m21s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m17s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-09 21:57:51 +02:00 |
Artikel klimaschutz-kann-schule-machen erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m18s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 56s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-08 21:42:57 +02:00 |
raised relation limit from 20 to 10000 :)
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m13s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 48s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-06 22:05:04 +02:00 |
Artikel 22-sparkassencup-der-schulen-drachenboot erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m41s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 45s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-06 11:58:41 +02:00 |
Artikel schulfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m12s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 57s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-04 22:06:17 +02:00 |
Artikel leben-in-der-ddr-ein-theaterstuck-fur-unsere-10er aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m11s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 56s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-07-02 20:56:18 +02:00 |
Update static/admin/config/collections/blog.js
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m2s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 44s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-30 10:03:57 +02:00 |
Update static/admin/config/collections/blog.js
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m7s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m4s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-25 22:52:40 +02:00 |
Artikel mord-mit-nachsicht-in-der-schokoladenfabrik aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 52s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m16s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-25 22:47:10 +02:00 |
static/media/blog/2023/TheaterSchoko/theaterschoko0.webp gelöscht
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 45s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 57s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-25 22:46:03 +02:00 |
Artikel mord-mit-nachsicht-in-der-schokoladenfabrik erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m32s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m44s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-25 22:42:03 +02:00 |
Artikel schuleraustausch-mit-dem-lycee-aristide-briand aktualisiert
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-21 19:04:07 +02:00 |
deinternationalisation + cleanups
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m13s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 49s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-21 17:58:49 +02:00 |
fix data cms
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 49s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 46s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-19 20:31:21 +02:00 |
Artikel mitteldeutsche-chemieolympiade-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m19s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 50s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-17 18:19:36 +02:00 |
Static CMS v3.0.0-beta.2
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m5s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 50s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-13 22:08:41 +02:00 |
Static CMS v3.0.0-beta.2
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m15s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 48s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-13 22:07:53 +02:00 |
complete style conversion, cleanups
2023-06-11 21:13:11 +02:00 |
WIP: convert sass to css
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m7s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 45s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-09 20:35:28 +02:00 |
switch to v3 css
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m7s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m3s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-08 19:48:46 +02:00 |
Update static/admin/index.html
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 50s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-08 13:56:55 +02:00 |
Update static/admin/config/index.js
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m20s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 51s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-08 13:56:17 +02:00 |
Verschiebung Bilder
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m14s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 53s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-07 21:45:24 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:30:46 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:30:21 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:30:09 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:29:52 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:29:34 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:29:14 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 50s
website-main / test-build (push) Has started running
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-07 21:28:56 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 49s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 49s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-07 21:28:47 +02:00 |
Artikel landeswettbewerb-latein-certamen-franckianum-2023 erstellt
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 1m42s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 1m29s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-07 21:28:44 +02:00 |
„static/admin/config/collections/author.js“ ändern
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 57s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 56s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-07 21:21:41 +02:00 |
„static/admin/config/collections/author.js“ ändern
website-main / prod-build (push) Successful in 51s
website-main / test-build (push) Successful in 41s
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been skipped
2023-06-07 21:16:51 +02:00 |
Artikel sportfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Has started running
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-05 10:39:44 +02:00 |
Artikel sportfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Has started running
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-05 10:39:18 +02:00 |
Artikel sportfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Has started running
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-05 10:38:43 +02:00 |
Artikel sportfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Has started running
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-05 10:37:56 +02:00 |
Artikel sportfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Has started running
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-05 10:37:32 +02:00 |
Artikel sportfest-2023 aktualisiert
website-main / prod-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / test-build (push) Has been cancelled
website-main / auto-rebuild (push) Has been cancelled
2023-06-05 10:37:13 +02:00 |