WIP: CMS rebuild

This commit is contained in:
2023-05-11 06:44:30 +02:00
parent 3a96b046ba
commit 5059d1602c
16 changed files with 813 additions and 563 deletions

View File

@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ collections:
name: "previous"
widget: "object"
- {label: "Aktiviert", name: "enable", widget: "hidden", default: true}
- {label: "Aktiviert", name: "enable", widget: "boolean", default: true}
- {label: "Titel", name: "title", widget: "string", required: true}
- {label: "Link", name: "link", widget: "string", required: true}
- label: "Kacheln"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import { MarkdownProps } from "../props.js";
import { DraftBoolean, Title } from "./widgets.js";
const AbiturientenCollection = {
name: "abiturienten",
label: "Abiturienten",
label_singular: "Abiturjahrgang",
description: "Hier kann die Übersicht der Abiturjahrgänge bearbeitet werden. Dieser Bereich wird von der Schulchronik verwaltet.",
icon: "graduation-cap",
folder: "content/german/abiturienten",
filter: {
field: "type",
value: "abiturienten"
create: true,
editor: {
preview: true,
frame: true
summary_fields: ["title", "draft"],
sortable_fields: {
fields: ["title"],
default: {
field: "title",
direction: "Descending"
fields: [
name: "image",
label: "Bild",
widget: "image",
default: "/media/image.webp",
required: false
name: "type",
label: "Typ",
widget: "hidden",
default: "abiturienten"
name: "body",
label: "Text",
widget: "markdown",
required: false,
export default AbiturientenCollection;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import { MarkdownProps } from "../props.js";
import { DescriptionText, DraftBoolean, Title } from "./widgets.js";
const CantorforaCollection = {
name: "cantorfora",
label: "Cantorfora",
label_singular: "Cantorforum",
description: "Hier kann die Übersicht der Cantorfora bearbeitet werden. Dieser Bereich wird von der Schulchronik verwaltet.",
icon: "presentation",
folder: "content/german/cantorfora",
filter: {
field: "type",
value: "cantorfora"
create: true,
editor: {
preview: true,
frame: true
view_groups: [
label: "Entwürfe",
field: "draft"
summary_fields: ["title", "draft", "description"],
sortable_fields: {
fields: ['index', 'title'],
default: {
field: "index",
direction: "Descending"
fields: [
name: "index",
label: "Laufindex",
hint: "Nummer des Cantorforums",
widget: "number",
value_type: "int",
min: 1,
step: 1,
required: true
name: "image",
label: "Titelbild",
widget: "image",
default: "/media/image.webp",
required: true
name: "type",
label: "Typ",
widget: "hidden",
default: "cantorfora"
name: "body",
label: "Text",
widget: "markdown",
required: true,
export default CantorforaCollection;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import { MarkdownProps } from "../props.js";
import { DescriptionText, DraftBoolean } from "./widgets.js";
const CantorpreisCollection = {
name: "cantorpreis",
label: "Cantorpreisträger",
description: "Hier sind alle Cantorpreisträger aufgelistet. Dieser Bereich wird von der Schulchronik verwaltet.",
icon: "award",
folder: "content/german/cantorpreis",
filter: {
field: "type",
value: "cantorpreis"
sortable_fields: {
fields: ['title', 'name'],
default: {
field: "title",
direction: "Descending"
summary: "{{title}} - {{name}}",
create: true,
editor: {
preview: true,
frame: true
summary_fields: ["title", "name", "draft", "body"],
fields: [
name: "title",
label: "Jahr",
widget: "string",
required: true
name: "name",
label: "Name",
widget: "string",
required: true
name: "image",
label: "Bild",
widget: "image",
default: "/media/image.webp",
required: false
name: "type",
label: "Typ",
widget: "hidden",
default: "cantorpreis"
name: "body",
label: "Text",
widget: "markdown",
required: false,
export default CantorpreisCollection;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import { MarkdownProps } from "../props.js";
import { DraftBoolean, EnableBoolean } from "./widgets.js";
const ChronikjahreCollection = {
name: "chronikjahre",
description: "Hier können die Chronikjahre bearbeitet werden. Dieser Bereich wird von der Schulchronik verwaltet.",
icon: "schulchronik",
label: "Chronikjahre",
label_singular: "Chronikjahr",
folder: "content/german/schulchronik",
filter: {
field: "type",
value: "schulchronik"
create: true,
editor: {
preview: false
summary_fields: ["title", "draft", "cantorpreisträger", "topics"],
sortable_fields: {
fields: ['title'],
default: {
field: "title",
direction: "Descending"
fields: [
name: "title",
label: "Jahr",
widget: "string"
name: "type",
label: "Typ",
widget: "hidden",
default: "schulchronik"
name: "pretext",
label: "Einleitung",
hint: "Text für die Jahreszahl",
widget: "markdown",
required: false,
name: "topics",
label: "Kreative Haufen",
label_singular: "Haufen",
widget: "list",
required: false,
collapsed: true,
fields: [
name: "title",
label: "Titel",
widget: "string",
required: true,
name: "content",
label: "Inhalt",
widget: "markdown",
required: false,
name: "superhaufen",
label: "Superhaufen",
widget: "object",
required: false,
fields: [
name: "link",
label: "Superhaufen",
widget: "relation",
collection: "superhaufen",
search_fields: ["title"],
value_field: "title",
required: false,
collapsed: true
name: "cantorpreisträger",
label: "Cantorpreisträger",
widget: "relation",
collection: "cantorpreis",
search_fields: ["jahr", "name"],
value_field: "name",
required: false
name: "body",
label: "Text",
hint: "Erscheint zusätzlich zu den Kreativen Haufen",
widget: "markdown",
required: false,
export default ChronikjahreCollection;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import SettingsCollection from "./settings-collection.js";
import ChronikjahreCollection from "./chronikjahre.js";
import SuperhaufenCollection from "./superhaufen.js";
import CantorpreisCollection from "./cantorpreis.js";
import AbiturientenCollection from "./abiturienten.js";
import CantorforaCollection from "./cantorfora.js";
export { SettingsCollection, ChronikjahreCollection, SuperhaufenCollection, CantorpreisCollection, AbiturientenCollection, CantorforaCollection };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
import { DateFormat, MarkdownProps } from "../props.js";
import { EnableBoolean, Title } from "./widgets.js";
const SettingsCollection = {
name: "settings",
label: "Einstellungen",
icon: "settings",
description: "Hier können die Basiseinstellungen der Website geändert werden. Die meisten Bereiche müssen nur in Ausnahmefällen angepasst werden.",
editor: {
preview: false
files: [
name: "data-homepage",
label: "Startseiteneinstellungen",
file: "data/de/homepage.yml",
fields: [
name: "top_banner",
label: "Banner",
widget: "object",
collapsed: true,
summary: "{{fields.enable | ternary('aktiv', 'inaktiv')}}",
fields: [
name: "text",
label: "Text",
widget: "markdown",
required: false,
name: "color",
label: "Farbe",
widget: "color",
required: false
name: "font_color",
label: "Schriftfarbe",
widget: "color",
required: false
name: "icon",
label: "Symbol",
widget: "string",
required: false,
hint: "Liste unter https://assets.cantorgymnasium.de/fonts/mdi/v7/preview.html"
name: "temporarily",
label: "Zeitschaltung",
widget: "object",
fields: [
name: "start_date",
label: "Startdatum",
widget: "datetime",
required: false,
name: "end_date",
label: "Enddatum",
widget: "datetime",
required: false,
name: "slider",
label: "Karusell",
widget: "object",
collapsed: true,
summary: "{{fields.enable | ternary('aktiv', 'inaktiv')}}",
fields: [
name: "bg_image",
label: "Hintergrundbild",
widget: "image",
required: false,
name: "slider_item",
label: "Elemente",
label_singular: "Element",
widget: "list",
collapsed: true,
fields: [
name: "content",
label: "Text",
widget: "string",
required: false
name: "button",
label: "Button",
widget: "object",
required: false,
collapsed: true,
fields: [
name: "label",
label: "Aufschrift",
widget: "string",
required: false
name: "link",
label: "Link",
widget: "string",
required: false
export default SettingsCollection;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import { MarkdownProps } from "../props.js";
import { DraftBoolean, EnableBoolean, Title } from "./widgets.js";
const SuperhaufenCollection = {
name: "superhaufen",
label: "Superhaufen",
description: "\"Superhaufen\" sind ein besonderer Bereich der Schulchronik, um besonders ausführliche Ereignisse darzustellen. Dieser Bereich wird von der Schulchronik verwaltet.",
icon: "superhaufen",
folder: "content/german/superhaufen",
filter: {
field: "type",
value: "superhaufen"
create: true,
editor: {
preview: true,
frame: true,
summary_fields: ["title", "draft", "tiles"],
fields: [
name: "type",
label: "Typ",
widget: "hidden",
default: "superhaufen"
name: "previous",
label: "Rückverlinkung",
widget: "object",
collapsed: true,
fields: [
name: "link",
label: "Link",
widget: "string",
required: true
name: "tiles",
label: "Kacheln",
hint: "Die Vorschau zeigt nur die generierten Symbolkarten, NICHT die Inhalte.",
widget: "list",
required: false,
collapsed: true,
fields: [
name: "bg_color",
label: "Hintergrundfarbe",
widget: "color",
required: true,
name: "icon",
label: "Symbol",
widget: "string",
required: true,
name: "font_color",
label: "Symbolfarbe",
widget: "color",
required: true,
name: "content",
label: "Inhalt",
widget: "markdown",
required: true,
name: "unterhaufen",
label: "Unterhaufen",
widget: "list",
required: false,
collapsed: true,
fields: [
name: "content",
label: "Inhalt",
widget: "markdown",
required: true,
export default SuperhaufenCollection;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
const EnableBoolean = {
name: "enable",
label: "Aktivieren",
widget: "boolean",
required: false
const DraftBoolean = {
name: "draft",
label: "Entwurf",
widget: "boolean",
default: false,
required: false
const Title = (optional = false) => ({
name: "title",
label: "Titel",
widget: "string",
required: !optional
const DescriptionText = {
name: "description",
label: "Beschreibung",
widget: "text",
required: false
export { EnableBoolean, DraftBoolean, Title, DescriptionText };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { SettingsCollection } from "./collections/index.js";
const config = {
backend: {
name: "gitea",
repo: "gcg/gcg-website",
branch: "master",
api_root: "https://git.cantorgymnasium.de/api/v1",
base_url: "https://oauth.cantorgymnasium.de",
commit_messages: {
create: "{{collection}} {{slug}} erstellt",
update: "{{collection}} {{slug}} aktualisiert",
delete: "{{collection}} {{slug}} gelöscht",
updateMedia: "{{path}} hochgeladen",
deleteMedia: "{{path}} gelöscht"
local_backend: true,
media_folder: "/static/media",
public_folder: "/media",
media_library: {
max_file_size: 10240000,
folder_support: true
site_url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de",
locale: "de",
slug: {
encoding: "ascii",
clean_accents: true,
sanitize_replacement: "-"
collections: [
export default config;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
const MarkdownProps = {
toolbar_buttons: {
main: [
empty: [],
selection: ['bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', 'code', 'font', 'file-link', 'blockquote'],
table_empty: [
table_selection: [
const DateFormat = {
date_format: "dd.MM.yyyy",
time_format: false,
format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"
export { MarkdownProps, DateFormat };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { AbiturientenCollection, CantorforaCollection, CantorpreisCollection, ChronikjahreCollection, SuperhaufenCollection } from "./collections/index.js";
const config = {
backend: {
name: "gitea",
repo: "gcg/gcg-website",
branch: "master",
api_root: "https://git.cantorgymnasium.de/api/v1",
base_url: "https://oauth.cantorgymnasium.de",
commit_messages: {
create: "{{collection}} {{slug}} erstellt",
update: "{{collection}} {{slug}} aktualisiert",
delete: "{{collection}} {{slug}} gelöscht",
updateMedia: "{{path}} hochgeladen",
deleteMedia: "{{path}} gelöscht"
local_backend: true,
media_folder: "/static/media",
public_folder: "/media",
media_library: {
max_file_size: 10240000,
folder_support: true
site_url: "https://cantorgymnasium.de/schulchronik/",
locale: "de",
slug: {
encoding: "ascii",
clean_accents: true,
sanitize_replacement: "-"
collections: [
export default config;

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const IconNames = {
group: "mdi mdi-crowd",
trophy: "mdi mdi-trophy-outline",
pi: "mdi mdi-pi-box",
pillar: "mdi mdi-pillar",
schulchronik: "mdi mdi-pillar",
"graduation-cap": "mdi mdi-school-outline",
help: "mdi mdi-lifebuoy",
dash: "mdi mdi-monitor-dashboard",

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@staticcms/app@^2.0.0/dist/static-cms-app.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import config from "./config/index.js";
// imports
import {
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("contact-index", KontaktPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("event-index", EventPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("anmeldung-index", AnmeldungPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("schulchronik", ChronikPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("chronikjahre", ChronikPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("anmeldeformular", AnmeldeformularPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("schulchronik-index", ChronikIndexPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("author", AuthorPreview);
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@
CMS.registerFieldPreview("author", "active", BooleanPreview);
CMS.registerFieldPreview("author", "simplified", BooleanPreview);
CMS.registerFieldPreview("blog", "date", DatePreview);
CMS.registerFieldPreview("schulchronik", "topics", CountPreview);
CMS.registerFieldPreview("chronikjahre", "topics", CountPreview);
["projektwoche", "superhaufen"].forEach((collection) =>
CMS.registerFieldPreview(collection, "tiles", CountPreview)
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@

View File

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ collections:
- {label: "Titel", name: "title", widget: "string", required: false}
- {label: "Inhalt", name: "content", widget: "markdown", required: true}
- name: "schulchronik"
icon: "pillar"
icon: "schulchronik"
label: "Schulchronik"
label_singular: "Chronikjahr"
folder: "content/german/schulchronik"

View File

@ -4,571 +4,109 @@
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
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font-size: 25px;
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<!--script src="https://cantorgymnasium.de/plugins/wordcloud/wordcloud2.min.js"></script-->
<script id="cms-init">
<script id="icons">
var icons = [['settings', 'mdi mdi-cog-outline'], ['user', 'mdi mdi-fountain-pen-tip'], ['page', 'mdi mdi-file-document-outline'], ['page-add', 'mdi mdi-file-document-plus-outline'], ['document', 'mdi mdi-file-document-multiple-outline'], ['news', 'mdi mdi-newspaper'], ['award', 'mdi mdi-seal-variant'], ['group', 'mdi mdi-crowd'], ['trophy', 'mdi mdi-trophy-outline'], ['pi', 'mdi mdi-pi-box'], ['pillar', 'mdi mdi-pillar'], ['graduation-cap', 'mdi mdi-school-outline'], ['help', 'mdi mdi-lifebuoy'], ['dash', 'mdi mdi-monitor-dashboard'], ['presentation', 'mdi mdi-presentation'], ['superhaufen', 'mdi mdi-view-dashboard'], ['stats', 'mdi mdi-chart-bar']];
icons.forEach(icon => {
CMS.registerIcon(icon[0], ({}) => { return(h('i', {className: icon[1] + " icon-md"})); });
<script id="links">
id: 'wiki',
title: 'GCG.Wiki',
data: 'https://wiki.cantorgymnasium.de',
options: {
icon: 'help',
CMS.registerShortcode('gallery', {
label: 'Bildergallerie',
openTag: '{{< ',
closeTag: ' >}}',
separator: ' ',
toProps: args => {
if (args.length > 0) {
var dir = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('dir='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
return { dir: dir };
return { dir: '' };
toArgs: ({ dir }) => {
return [`dir=\"${dir}\"`];
control: ({ dir, onChange }) => {
return h('div', {className: "row", style: { border: "1px solid #868686", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px" }},
h('b', {style: {width: "30%", fontFamily: "sans-serif", margin: "10px"}}, "Gallerie-Ordner: "),
h('input', {
key: 'control-input',
value: dir,
style: {
border: "1px solid #ced4da", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px", width: "80%"
onChange: event => {
onChange({ dir: event.target.value });
preview: ({ dir }) => {
return h('div', {className: "row", style: { border: "1px solid #868686", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px", marginBottom: "5px" }},
h('b', {style: { marginRight: "5px" }}, "Gallerie-Ordner:"),
h('code', {}, dir));
CMS.registerShortcode('figure', {
label: 'Bild',
openTag: '{{< ',
closeTag: ' >}}',
separator: ' ',
toProps: args => {
if (args.length > 0) {
var src = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('src='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
return { src };
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@staticcms/app@^2.0.0/dist/static-cms-app.js"></script>
<script type="module">
import config from "../../admin/config/schulchronik.js";
// imports
import {
} from "../../admin/previews/page-previews/index.js";
import {
} from "../../admin/previews/field-previews/index.js";
import {
} from "../../admin/shortcodes/index.js";
import { WikiLink } from "../../admin/links/index.js";
import Icons from "../../admin/icons.js";
return { dir: '' };
toArgs: ({ src }) => {
return [`src=\"${src}\"`];
control: ({ src, onChange }) => {
return h('div', {className: "row", style: { border: "1px solid #868686", borderRadius: "16px", padding: "10px" }},
h('b', {style: {width: "30%", fontFamily: "sans-serif", margin: "10px"}}, "Bild-Pfad:"),
h('input', {
key: 'control-input',
value: src,
style: {
border: "1px solid #ced4da", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px", width: "80%"
onChange: event => {
onChange({ src: event.target.value });
preview: ({ src }) => {
return h('div', {className: "row", style: { border: "1px solid #ccc", borderRadius: "16px", padding: "10px" }},
h('b', {style: { marginRight: "5px" }}, "Gallerie-Ordner:"),
h('code', {}, src));
CMS.registerShortcode('download', {
label: 'Download-Karte',
openTag: '{{< ',
closeTag: ' >}}',
separator: ' ',
toProps: args => {
if (args.length > 0) {
var title = "";
var link = "";
var linkIndex = args.findIndex(arg => arg.startsWith('link="'));
var titleIndex = args.findIndex(arg => arg.startsWith('title="'));
if (titleIndex + 1 < linkIndex) {
title += args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('title='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
for (let i = titleIndex + 1; i < linkIndex; i++) {
title += " " + args[i].replaceAll("\"","") ;
} else {
title = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('title='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? ''
if (linkIndex + 1 < args.length) {
link += args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('link='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
for (let i = linkIndex + 1; i < args.length; i++) {
link += " " + args[i].replaceAll("\"","");
} else {
link = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('link='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? ''
return { title: title, link: link };
// cms initialization
CMS.init({ config });
return { title: '', link: '' };
toArgs: ({ title, link }) => {
return [`title=\"${title}\"`, `link=\"${link}\"`];
control: ({ title, link, onChange }) => {
return h('div', {className: "row", style: { border: "1px solid #868686", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px" }},
h('b', {style: {width: "30%", fontFamily: "sans-serif", margin: "10px"}}, "Download-Karte:"),
h('input', {
key: 'control-input',
value: title,
style: {
border: "1px solid #ced4da", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px", width: "35%", marginLeft: "5px", marginRight: "5px"
onChange: event => {
onChange({ title: event.target.value, link: link });
h('input', {
key: 'control-input',
value: link,
style: {
border: "1px solid #ced4da", borderRadius: "8px", padding: "10px", width: "35%", marginLeft: "5px", marginRight: "5px"
onChange: event => {
onChange({ title: title, link: event.target.value });
preview: ({ title, link }) => {
return h('div', {className: "container mb-0"},
h('div', {className: "card border-primary rounded-0 hover-shadow mb-5"},
h('div', {className: "card-body mb-0"},
h('h4', {className: "card-title"},
h('a', {className: "text-decoration-none", href: link}, title),
h('a', {className: "mb-0 btn btn-primary btn-sm text-decoration-none", href: link}, "Download")
CMS.registerShortcode('card', {
label: 'Link-Karte',
openTag: '{{< ',
closeTag: ' >}}',
separator: ' ',
toProps: args => {
if (args.length > 0) {
var title = "";
var link = "";
var linkIndex = args.findIndex(arg => arg.startsWith('link="'));
var titleIndex = args.findIndex(arg => arg.startsWith('title="'));
if (titleIndex + 1 < linkIndex) {
title += args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('title='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
for (let i = titleIndex + 1; i < linkIndex; i++) {
title += " " + args[i].replaceAll("\"","") ;
} else {
title = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('title='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? ''
if (linkIndex + 1 < args.length) {
link += args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('link='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? '';
for (let i = linkIndex + 1; i < args.length; i++) {
link += " " + args[i].replaceAll("\"","");
} else {
link = args.find(arg => arg.startsWith('link='))?.split('=')[1].replaceAll("\"","") ?? ''
return { title: title, link: link };
// preview templates
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("chronikjahre", ChronikPreview);
CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("schulchronik-index", ChronikIndexPreview);
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