This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
######################## default configuration ####################
baseURL = ""
title = "Educenter | hugo education template"
theme = "educenter-hugo"
# post pagination
paginate = "6"
# post excerpt
summaryLength = "10"
# disqus short name
disqusShortname = "educenter" # get your shortname form here :
# disable language
disableLanguages = [] # desable language from here
############################# Plugins ##############################
# CSS Plugins
link = "plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css"
link = "plugins/slick/slick.css"
link = "plugins/animate/animate.css"
link = "plugins/venobox/venobox.css"
link = "plugins/themify-icons/themify-icons.css"
# JS Plugins
link = "plugins/jQuery/jquery.min.js"
link = "plugins/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"
link = "plugins/slick/slick.min.js"
link = "plugins/venobox/venobox.min.js"
link = "plugins/filterizr/jquery.filterizr.min.js"
link = "plugins/google-map/gmap.js"
############################## navigation ###############################
# main menu
name = "About"
URL = "about"
weight = 1
name = "course"
URL = "course"
weight = 2
weight = 3
name = "Pages"
hasChildren = true
parent = "Pages"
name = "teacher"
URL = "teacher"
parent = "Pages"
name = "notice"
URL = "notice"
parent = "Pages"
name = "event"
URL = "event"
parent = "Pages"
name = "scholarship"
URL = "scholarship"
parent = "Pages"
name = "research"
URL = "research"
name = "blog"
URL = "blog"
weight = 4
name = "Contact"
URL = "contact"
weight = 5
# footer menu
name = "teacher"
URL = "teacher"
name = "notice"
URL = "notice"
name = "event"
URL = "event"
name = "scholarship"
URL = "scholarship"
name = "research"
URL = "research"
#################### default parameters ################################
logo = "images/logo.png"
# Meta data
description = "This is meta description"
author = "Themefisher"
# contact info
address = "9567 Turner Trace Apt. BC C3G8A4"
mobile = "+211234565523"
email = ""
# contact form action
contact_form_action = "#" # contact form works with
# Google Analitycs
google_analitycs_id = "" # your id
# top header
top_header = true
# Preloader
enable = true
preloader = "images/preloader.gif" # use jpg, png, svg or gif format.
# Subscription
enable = true
# mailchimp subsciption
mailchimp_form_action = "" # replace this url with yours
mailchimp_form_name = "b_463ee871f45d2d93748e77cad_a0a2c6d074" # replace this code with yours
# google map
enable = true
gmap_api = ""
map_latitude = "51.5223477"
map_longitude = "-0.1622023"
map_marker = "images/marker.png" # marker size 37*55 px
############################# social site ########################
title = "facebook"
icon = "ti-facebook" # themify icon :
link = "#"
title = "twitter"
icon = "ti-twitter-alt" # themify icon :
link = "#"
title = "instagram"
icon = "ti-instagram" # themify icon :
link = "#"
title = "github"
icon = "ti-github" # themify icon :
link = "#"
title = "linkedin"
icon = "ti-linkedin" # themify icon :
link = "#"
################################### English language #####################################
languageName = "En"
languageCode = "en-us"
contentDir = "content/english"
weight = 1
home = "Home"
# copyright
copyright = "Copyright © 2020 a hugo theme by [themefisher]("
################################### French language #####################################
languageName = "Fr"
languageCode = "fr-fr"
contentDir = "content/french"
weight = 2
home = "Accueil"
# copyright
copyright = "Copyright © 2020 a hugo theme by [themefisher]("
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