class Environment: '''Class containing all the necessary variables for building and sending notification''' def __init__( self, chat_id, token, status, commit, include_commit_info, docker_tags, custom_message, github_workflow, github_repository, github_sha, github_actor, tag ): self.chat_id = chat_id self.token = token self.status = status self.commit = self.__fix_commit_message(commit) self.include_commit_info = include_commit_info self.docker_tags = docker_tags self.custom_message = custom_message self.github_workflow = github_workflow self.github_repository = github_repository self.github_sha = github_sha self.github_actor = github_actor self.tag = tag def get_link(self): '''Get link for sending message''' return f'{self.token}/sendMessage' def get_commit_link(self): '''Get link to commit''' return f'{self.github_repository}/commit/{self.github_sha}' def __fix_commit_message(self, message): '''Replacing unsupported characters''' replace_dict = {'<':'(', '>':')', '\n':'\n '} result = ''.join(i if i not in replace_dict else replace_dict[i] for i in message) return result def get_version(self): '''GITHUB_REF contain "refs/tags/v0.0.2" or "refs/heads/main". If second part is "tags", return tag with version number, else - None''' tags = self.tag.split("/") return tags[2] if tags[1] == "tags" else None